Server: NA B.Net.ID: HalcyonOne.101 Race: Terran ProfileURL:http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/1859839/1/HalcyonOne Sc2RanksURL: http://sc2ranks.com/na/2560931/TRǂLmxY Interest: Improving League: Plat Other: Like all MU's. I grind games and have skype. Hit me up.
Server: EU B.Net.ID: BlueWolf 179 Race: Terran ProfileURL: http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/762428/1/BlueWolf/ Sc2RanksURL:http://sc2ranks.com/eu/762428/BlueWolf Interest: Improving macro/defending timings League: Diamond Other: Looking mostly for Protoss and Zerg Just send me a msg. I'll try an get back asap. Also have skype for those interested in talking
Server: AM B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: RorK.732 Race: Zerg ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/829233/1/RorK/ Sc2RanksURL: http://sc2ranks.com/us/829233/RorK Interest: Casual League: Platinum Other: Currently playing whenever I get a chance which isn't too much (a game or two a day if I can). Looking for all races for practice games and get my ass back in shape for the expansion (beta soon? I hope so). Up for a game or two let me know. I have vent and skype also.
Server: EU (have na account) B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: con.470 eu / con.213 na Race: Zerg ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/3252879/1/con/ (na) Sc2RanksURL: NA Interest: Competitive League: diamond Other: Was very active through season 5/6, didn't play any games in s7 due to real life commitments & other games being out at the time, want to practice a lot in preparation for hots, which seems to be coming soon. Not 100% sure where I place on the ladder currently I'd imagine somewhere in diamond, I was hitting low masters mmr before I took my break and now need new practice partners as my active ones are mostly mid-masters now.
ZvP/Z needs the most work and I'm keen to play a lot over the next few weeks before I start to ladder again. msg me on here, battle.net or add me steam/skype: connnn@gmail.com.
Server:NA B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: TheSwarm Race:Terran ProfileURL:http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/3198763/1/TheSwarm/ Sc2RanksURL: Interest: Getting better learning builds League:Bronze Other:Got skype vent mumble pm me :D
Server: NA B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Proper.683 Race: Zerg Interest:High Level Competitive League: N/A havent played ladder since S1 or S2 on firends account, however have been practicing my BO's repeatedly over the past week and i feel as if i have Masters macro, just need to get some actyual games in.
Other: I recently returned back to the game after about a year and a half away and am looking to become a highly competetive player. As mentioned i have been working on my build orders non stop for about 4-5 hours a day for a week. I am looking for practie partners of all races who would like to grind out masses of games to perfect build orders, macro and game sense. I am a highly motivated and driven to get to Grandmasters eventually and am looking for practice partners who share my ambiton and will to get better at this great game.
Please feel freee to contact me any time on here or through battlenet i am on every morning 9am-2pm central time and most nights after 10 pm
I am looking forward to practicing and helping each other excel soon !
Server: AM B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: HermiT.798 Race: Terran ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/3082247/1/HermiT/ Sc2RanksURL: http://sc2ranks.com/us/3082247/HermiT Interest: Competitive League: Masters Other: Mostly play on weekend afternoons, also sometimes on weekday nights. Looking mostly for low masters Protoss practice partners, my TvP is atrocious and I drop games to all sorts of P builds. But in general I'm open to Z/T practice too at low masters level, just send me a message anytime.