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Hey guys, I'm having problems in TvP too. (silver)
These are my notes/questions:
I felt like my macro went kind of OK. (Still bad, but the first 10 minutes have improved), made 39 (I think) SCVs before the 10 minute mark and 66 at like 16 minutes.
I should've gotten 10 more scvs when I took my third (had 66 before he killed my bases) We had about equal supply but I had 14 more SCVs. Did I spend too much on production facilities? How is this possible?
I should have had vikings when he engaged, the three colosssus had almost 50 kills before they died (I feel like this was the reason I lost so much army), but how do I find out how many/when he has colossus? I already scanned a lot to find what tech path he was going, I'd have to use alot more to find his army. I guess I should've made vikings as soon as I saw the robotics facility.
TvP is so depressing. Today for me was a day wree i wanted to try out a bit of Polt 2rax pressure build.
Killed the nexus every game with it. Got killed by the all in following it up by protoss.
Damned. Being greedy with bunker defense is sure a bad thing to do..
how do you deal with planetary fortresses+scvs mass repairing it in TvT (with turrets around it)? o.O I know it's like tanks or something, but I had like 5 tanks and he kept on repairing it (I even had my marines shoot at it but it still didn't die ._.)
United States25550 Posts
On January 26 2012 15:33 zhurai wrote: how do you deal with planetary fortresses+scvs mass repairing it in TvT (with turrets around it)? o.O I know it's like tanks or something, but I had like 5 tanks and he kept on repairing it (I even had my marines shoot at it but it still didn't die ._.)
Aim your tanks at the scvs if he's using them to repair, eventually he'll run out of scvs and you can kill the planetary with ease.
Hi there, gold level terran here, just switched from zerg.
I find that my TvP sucks big time. I always try gaseless expand in this MU, but i get my ass handed to me everytime by 1 basers. Then again, if i reach late game, i get my ass handed to me by 200/200 toss army with insta reinforcements.
This is a replay in which i died to a 1 base while doing the 1 rax FE. My opponent wasn't top notch as you can see, so i guess i suck even more that i lost here. What could i have done better ? I survive the first attack, yet after that on the 2nd all in he does i roll over and die. It even seems that supply wise i was behind him most of the time, shouldn't a 2 base boom ahead after some time ?
On January 26 2012 16:52 fatguyallen wrote:Hi there, gold level terran here, just switched from zerg. I find that my TvP sucks big time. I always try gaseless expand in this MU, but i get my ass handed to me everytime by 1 basers. Then again, if i reach late game, i get my ass handed to me by 200/200 toss army with insta reinforcements. This is a replay in which i died to a 1 base while doing the 1 rax FE. My opponent wasn't top notch as you can see, so i guess i suck even more that i lost here. What could i have done better ? I survive the first attack, yet after that on the 2nd all in he does i roll over and die. It even seems that supply wise i was behind him most of the time, shouldn't a 2 base boom ahead after some time ? http://drop.sc/98393
I have a theory that 1v1 maps favour cheese and all-ins, so I veto them. 
Writing as I watch:
1. Wanna know a little neat trick for 1 rax FE? Wallof. Take your 13th probe and start a supply depot until it has orange health and then stop the construction and return to mining. Probe harass is so annoying and it helps against proxy gate cheese.
2. Second thing: You build the bunker with the first produced SCV after the CC. Arid is broken as fuck, so there is no real good bunker placement, another reason to veto. No need in your case, but pure 4-5 gate would have killed you.
3. Keep your scouting SCV near the base and do a second scout at 5:00-5:30, you will see the 4gate and throw down 2 additional bunkers.
4. Shells first is useless, except against blink stalker all-in.
5. Arid sucks
You could have pulled everything I guess, but you need to work on refining the build i.e. addons, constant worker production, spending money but that is normal for a gold player. Basically, it is the old song: "If you have a constant worker production, you have a more constant army production". Too many idle rax, no addons. You are on a good way. If there would've been only one access way you would have stomped him, only one sentry. Keep in mind that you need 3-4 SCVs in front and behind the bunkers at an immortal bust. Take this, it's dangerous to go alone.
I have been doing a gas first -> early blue flame build in all my T v Ts. (Picked up from Korean streams) I have had some success with this build but I do not fully understand it. Can someone kindly go through some of the strengths and weaknesses of getting early blue flame so that I can maximise its power? Thanks!
4. Shells first is useless, except against blink stalker all-in.
...no it's not. It's quick, and helps you, with micro, take out units in the mid field with marauders in toe.
My worst matchup by far is TvZ. Can anyone recommend a few solid builds that can transition to lategame for TvZ? I like fast expands and winning midgame the most.
On January 26 2012 19:54 iAmJeffReY wrote:...no it's not. It's quick, and helps you, with micro, take out units in the mid field with marauders in toe.
Yes, I agree. It is not useless if it suits you. But I prefer stim first after a 1 rax FE and I have never seen a Korean progamer taking shells first. 
On January 26 2012 20:06 ayrsen wrote: My worst matchup by far is TvZ. Can anyone recommend a few solid builds that can transition to lategame for TvZ? I like fast expands and winning midgame the most.
Have you tried Bomber's TvZ [1] [2], which is super macro heavy or the more standardesque Thorzain 15 Gas, late Hellion Expand [1][2]?
Guys, any tips on how to deal with these two specific protoss allins. The 3 gate robot immortal bust, and blink stalker allins. Specifically on maps that have a huge natural, (taldarim altar and antiga shipyard. I find that I'm not able to cover enough surface area with bunkers, and end up falling really behind or dying outright. Also, these allins do no hit me blindly. I scout that the toss is not expanding, and sometimes I'm even able to scout the robo/twilight council, I still am not able to hold. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
I posted this a few pages ago, but it was at the bottom so I think it was missed.
On January 26 2012 20:57 Ziken wrote: Guys, any tips on how to deal with these two specific protoss allins. The 3 gate robot immortal bust, and blink stalker allins. Specifically on maps that have a huge natural, (taldarim altar and antiga shipyard. I find that I'm not able to cover enough surface area with bunkers, and end up falling really behind or dying outright. Also, these allins do no hit me blindly. I scout that the toss is not expanding, and sometimes I'm even able to scout the robo/twilight council, I still am not able to hold. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
I posted this a few pages ago, but it was at the bottom so I think it was missed.
I think the key is pulling scv in time for repairing bunkers. Don't hesitate to keybind like 8/10 scv , and let 5 or 6 near the bunker at all time if you know toss is having a worse economy than you. You're still be ahead in economy.
I'm still dying a lot to these all in too, so any if any people have a more specific advice.
When facing a protoss army with immortals in it, should I focus fire them down with my whole army, or just with my marines?
Hello Team Liquid!
I haven't played Starcraft in several months, with my last game before yesterday on October 24, 2011, and the last time I played multiple games in a day was on September 8, 2011. I was a Diamond-level player back then, and I suspect that once I'm done with my placement matches, I will be placed in a much lower league.
I played Terran near release, switching to Random after about a month of playing. I then switched back to Terran in 2011, and I'm still playing Terran right now. I'm thinking of going back to Random for the nerd cred, but since this is a Terran thread, I'll focus mostly on Terran stuff.
Which openings would you suggest for a returning player who knows the basics but whose micro and macro have atrophied from playing only turn-based games since September? As Terran, my weakest matchup seems to be TvT, as a quick expansion just doesn't work except on the largest maps. For TvP, I usually go 1/1/1 or reaper expand to put some pressure on the enemy, while I usually go for 2rax bunker rush into expand for Zerg.
Note that these are the builds I used back in September, the last time I played regularly. Are these builds still viable, or should I be looking at other ways to crush the opposition?
Thanks in advance for your replies! ♥
On January 26 2012 20:24 VoO wrote:Show nested quote +On January 26 2012 19:54 iAmJeffReY wrote:4. Shells first is useless, except against blink stalker all-in.
...no it's not. It's quick, and helps you, with micro, take out units in the mid field with marauders in toe. Yes, I agree. It is not useless if it suits you. But I prefer stim first after a 1 rax FE and I have never seen a Korean progamer taking shells first.  Show nested quote +On January 26 2012 20:06 ayrsen wrote: My worst matchup by far is TvZ. Can anyone recommend a few solid builds that can transition to lategame for TvZ? I like fast expands and winning midgame the most. Have you tried Bomber's TvZ [1] [2], which is super macro heavy or the more standardesque Thorzain 15 Gas, late Hellion Expand [1][2]? probably because they go from 1rax fe into 3 rax pure marines (no gas for quite awhile) ? = no marauders = no need for shells for them (also their marine micro is good too)
On January 27 2012 02:10 Eternal Dalek wrote: Hello Team Liquid!
I haven't played Starcraft in several months, with my last game before yesterday on October 24, 2011, and the last time I played multiple games in a day was on September 8, 2011. I was a Diamond-level player back then, and I suspect that once I'm done with my placement matches, I will be placed in a much lower league.
I played Terran near release, switching to Random after about a month of playing. I then switched back to Terran in 2011, and I'm still playing Terran right now. I'm thinking of going back to Random for the nerd cred, but since this is a Terran thread, I'll focus mostly on Terran stuff.
Which openings would you suggest for a returning player who knows the basics but whose micro and macro have atrophied from playing only turn-based games since September? As Terran, my weakest matchup seems to be TvT, as a quick expansion just doesn't work except on the largest maps. For TvP, I usually go 1/1/1 or reaper expand to put some pressure on the enemy, while I usually go for 2rax bunker rush into expand for Zerg.
Note that these are the builds I used back in September, the last time I played regularly. Are these builds still viable, or should I be looking at other ways to crush the opposition?
Thanks in advance for your replies! ♥
I'm a diamond guy playing around with terran, and this is what I do:
TvZ - Reactor Hellion Expand (Barracks -> Factory -> CC). I make 4 hellions and then use them to deny creep spread and be annoying. 2 rax has fallen out of favor somewhat due to the barracks build time nerf, and a lot of zergs drop a spine crawler as soon as your pressure begins. Move out with a 4/5 tank push around 10 minutes.
TvP - 1 Rax Gasless FE is the way to go. Followups that I am doing right now are Barracks -> CC -> 3 more rax -> double gas, and rax -> cc -> cc -> 3 more rax -> double gas. The key to not dying is always double bunker and always scout your base and cliffs around your base for pylons.
TvT - I do a build that Drewbie explains in his strategy guide - it's a 1 rax gasless FE that goes 1/1/1 to get a fast viking and fast tanks. From then on I play marine tank.
This guide is really awesome by drewbie too, check it out! http://www.complexitygaming.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4456
hey guys, terran diamond on EU server here,
recently i have trouble with my tvz, i just dont know what to do in the middle game and how can i put pressure on zerg. drops are useless vs mutas and i cant lose 1 medivac 8 rines for 2 or 3 drones. and at this point they have so many speedlings..
basically i go factory reactor into 10 min tank/marines push (like drewbie's guide) while i take b3 but it doesnt work anymore vs good zergs. I lose my entire army in this push (i cant back off otherwise he catches me unsiege)
here a replay : http://drop.sc/98541
(and wtf, i saw his infestation pit so i immediatly threw down an ghost academy and produced some ghosts but he made mutas rofl).
I feel completly lost
Banshees vs reapers in TvT which one is better?
Hello, master Terran from eu here.
I was wondering about nexus first. If I scout it I put up 3 raxes instead of a cc and do a scv/marine all in. But if I wasn't able to scout it fast enough, that means I have to go for macro play. Should I go for a different build if I see nexus first? I usually follow Drewbies build but it gets very hard to beat protoss.
So I wonder if you can continue with the build or if I need to make some changes to it so I get a better chance on macro but still are somewhat safe to 6/7 gate all ins from the protoss.