On May 27 2011 09:22 CrayonKing wrote: Any have a link the replay? Just a quick question from T perspective, how did MKP engage the army? stim first and then 2 emps? who are you targetting? stalkers/sentrys?
On May 27 2011 06:45 Kinky wrote: I've been doing a build similar to this for the past few months, and its weakness really is any sort of fast colossus. The ghosts are tailored towards the korean metagame of early gateway/HT and transitioning into colossus later on, but foreigners haven't caught on to that.
Personally I don't like MKP's variation because if the opponent did go fast colossus, you don't have enough gas to transition into double reactor'd starports to mass pump out vikings. I'll have to try the build out myself and check the gas timings.
problem is, in early game, terran can scout protoss with scan or floating rax, but toss can't scout terran.
so toss wont know if terran is getting ghosts or what, but terran can tailor his build to whatever.
that is the problem i always run into time and time again in PvT. Terran can customize his build order during the game, but toss is always on the back foot unless he gets robo observer. but i honestly prefer fast HT over fast collosus.
and why is that exactly? 1 gate robo adapt gets observer to his base incredibly fast. or perhpas you haven't heard of this unit before?
I do this all the time against protoss and have done for the last few months, Normally I find the protoss doing 3 gate robo expand. And I move out just when stim finishes and after I have started my expo building. 2 ghosts is all that is required and you should have 2 or 3 EMP's ready. Even if there is a colossus out, there wont be many, and usually thermal lance wont be done by that time. I guess I have a 90% win ratio against that particular composition. I think I only lose when I make some big EMP mistakes. But protoss should definatly get it in their head that 3gate robo expand is NOT the safest opening agaisnt the 2 ghost push.
How this build work vs 4 gates (or any other build) are fairly irrelevant here. One good thing about this build is that it's a reactionary build, you branch on it after an expansion and 3 rax. You have plenty of time to scout before your start your ghost academy, so for the 4 gates part, it's not "how this build fare against a 4 gates" but "how 4 gates fare against a 1 rax expand". So the answer is : it depends :p One rax expand can defend a 4 gates if you don't tech at all (or if you tech but do not lift your CC and fight at your ramp with tanks), if you have enough bunkers, if you don't cut rax units...
I think it's a good thing to train this build like 10+ times, until your are at least comfortable executing it, then you have it in your arsenal and use it if you scout a nexus first (and perhaps a one gate expo, and even perhaps a 3 gates expo, I don't know).
On May 27 2011 09:38 Severus_ wrote:Things i think will work vs this is stargate openings.fast colossus.blink stalker allin and even some kinda of DT cuz he will have to waste emps on DTs and make his army more inefficient without does emps.
I doubt any kind of DT would work. You notice that the army is a little gas dry. Hmm you think, I better save a scan on EACH of my OCs just in case. Oh a shimmer. Scan, DT dead. Weaker than usual gateway army emp'd and dead.
Blink stalker I cannot comment on because I do not know the specific timing, whether it would come before or after MKPs attack did
Fast colossus discussed already
stargate would be strong but would require intense micro.
Personally, I love any strategy that incorporates ghosts into a role heavier than countering high templar.
to the point improvments to the build i gotta add: a clearly improvement if you know already that probes pulling is somewhat bad to the push itself and there is no splash , just pull scvs out of terran view u gotta see it always how good pushes are if you add a splash non existent factor aswell meaning ur scvs will be your steamroll heros (or you can call it using bitbybit.prime mindset)
On May 28 2011 01:27 Serashin wrote: to the point improvments to the build i gotta add: a clearly improvement if you know already that probes pulling is somewhat bad to the push itself and there is no splash , just pull scvs out of terran view u gotta see it always how good pushes are if you add a splash non existent factor aswell meaning ur scvs will be your steamroll heros (or you can call it using bitbybit.prime mindset)
Interesting point, but have you really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
why do you guys theorycraft so much? just practice and learn 2 play lol, you waste your time discussing strategies when the majority of you are diamond scrubs
On May 28 2011 01:27 Serashin wrote: to the point improvments to the build i gotta add: a clearly improvement if you know already that probes pulling is somewhat bad to the push itself and there is no splash , just pull scvs out of terran view u gotta see it always how good pushes are if you add a splash non existent factor aswell meaning ur scvs will be your steamroll heros (or you can call it using bitbybit.prime mindset)
On May 28 2011 02:00 naventus wrote: Can someone explain how/why he skips ebay until much much later timing? All he knows is that P is 1base, yet he doesn't prepare against stuff like DT.
Only reason I can think of is that he's doing that build to blind counter Squirtle's play style.
If you scout an FE you can delay your ebay. The 6:30ish ebay timing is for fastest possible DTs.
I've been looking for a build like this, since sentries nullify any stimpush or conc shell push early on, even when they 1gate expand. My question would be bunker timings and scouting. You have to scout pressure builds to put up the bunkers, how do you do that? And you would need at least one bunker early for when the chrono stalker comes out(marines can't micro against stalkers).
Hi, im a high diamond player on EU server and i love this build. Anyway, i always wonder how to transition from the initial push if its not gg. I go straight for factory starport and then add 4 raxx. Any idea ?
The build is safe if you include a poke with your first marauder + marines. If you don't scout the protoss and check to see if you can pressure with these units while the units are sitting outside his base ready to hit asap some protoss will try and be super greedy and rush for colo.
Those protoss will get wrecked by this push. Vs a protoss playing safely you can't hit at this time. So you need to at least check what he is doing, because colo will wreck you later if you let him rush for them.
I'd include the poke in the build order, if you don't include it you're just praying that he's not rushing for colos and i've had so many players do this vs me that I would say missing this opporunity to kill them is a gigantic hole.