Make sure you read the OP before asking a question. Asking a question already addressed in the OP will result in moderation action. Also, please put some effort into your questions.
Apparently I'm a "dumb fuck noob" for not harassing. As per my post above, I don't know how to harass as Zerg - I'm not even sure it's possible. I'm so fucking close to quitting this game. I cannot for the life of me beat Protoss. It's physically making me angry. I have lost HUGE rank in ladder because I just. can't. beat. Protoss.
I fucking hate it. It's making me extremely angry.
How do I harass with muta when they FE to 2-port phoenix? If I roach-ling all-in and they hold, I lose. If I roach-ling all-in and a VR pops in time, I lose. So if my "harass" is useless, it just sets me back in econ while they mass up behind their walls. If I macro they (in this scenario) go either:
1. Phoenix/VR to Colo take another base, deathball, I'm fucked. 2. Phoenix/VR to mass zealot/archon/temp and do a timing with that.
I am lost. So fucking lost. I hate ZvP with a passion. I don't even know what to make anymore. Hell, earlier today I lost to a 1-base Immortal/stalker/sentry with mass forcefields. I had two bases and a decent army. Nope, no good. Fucking FF just ate my face.
If I can't figure this out in a few days, I quit this fucking game. It isn't even fun anymore.
I really need help with dealing with Protoss. I just don't know what the best unit comp is for handling the deathball. I'm told to harass the Toss player to prevent him from getting deathball, but when he just turtles and builds up I don't know what to do. Muta harass? Then a lot of my resources are invested in harass, and when the deathball comes I'm lucky if I have enough at home to deal with it. I can bring my Mutas back, but they just get massacred. Roaches are absolutely useless. Same with lings. I've been trying to incorporate Infestors more as of late. Should I go for Fungal+blings? Should I tech up to Broods as quickly as possible and try for Infestor+Broodlord? The problem is I'm a huge macro player and I focus essentially purely on econ from the get-go, so sometimes I'm ill-prepared for earlier aggression. I ask that you please don't respond unless you really know what you're talking about, as I'm trying to excel as much as possible at this game, and trying to improve as much as possible in minimal time. I'm honestly finding it almost impossible to win my ZvP mu's. Many thanks in advance.
Edit: Currently high Plat, used to be Master last February, but quit for a while due to Uni. I only started playing again a week ago, so I'm capable of climbing the ranks, just need to iron some kinks out.
I am new Zergy--- need helpw tih a few things. Tips plz?
1.) Baneling Usage - What ratio of baneling/speedling is ideal for MM? What about if tanks/mech is involved, do I want more or less banelings/zerglings to counter mech? Lastly, what is the best way to send in banelings? Do I want them closely following the zerglings? mixed together? A move and pray?
How about if I have the zerglings follow the lead baneling, that way they all move together?
2.) Assumng Terran/Protoss are building as usual, and not necessarily going to attack me, when do I, in general, want to cut down on droning and start on my army? Do I want to transition into an army, for instance, go from 100% drones to 50% drones 50% zerglings, to 75% army 25% drone, etc?
3.) Queens--- at the moment, I queen as follows: 1 at each hatch, 2 outside of natural spreading creep at every directino, and an extra one at distant 3rds and 4ths to connect creep to my base. Is this feasible, or do I not want ot overdo it in queen land?
4.) ZvZ - What is the safest FE build here? I often get 10/12 pooled and feel like fast expanding gets me killed. Any safe builds? Someone told me the key is to get gas b efore pool so I can get speedlings fast.
Thansk! Any other ip;tips for anew player would be appreciated
Apparently I'm a "dumb fuck noob" for not harassing. As per my post above, I don't know how to harass as Zerg - I'm not even sure it's possible. I'm so fucking close to quitting this game. I cannot for the life of me beat Protoss. It's physically making me angry. I have lost HUGE rank in ladder because I just. can't. beat. Protoss.
I fucking hate it. It's making me extremely angry.
How do I harass with muta when they FE to 2-port phoenix? If I roach-ling all-in and they hold, I lose. If I roach-ling all-in and a VR pops in time, I lose. So if my "harass" is useless, it just sets me back in econ while they mass up behind their walls. If I macro they (in this scenario) go either:
1. Phoenix/VR to Colo take another base, deathball, I'm fucked. 2. Phoenix/VR to mass zealot/archon/temp and do a timing with that.
I am lost. So fucking lost. I hate ZvP with a passion. I don't even know what to make anymore. Hell, earlier today I lost to a 1-base Immortal/stalker/sentry with mass forcefields. I had two bases and a decent army. Nope, no good. Fucking FF just ate my face.
If I can't figure this out in a few days, I quit this fucking game. It isn't even fun anymore.
...why would you go mutas? Personally, I don't like mutas in zvp. They blow chunks.
Just mass roaches and stay on top of your upgrades. Get burrow and tunneling claws. Split roaches and do multipronged harass. Kill a forge here then run away, kill a pylon there, then run away. Keep him moving. If you see colossi, get corrupters. 4 corrupters/colossi is the suggested ratio.
Honestly, I've no idea how the pros do the roach/ling into roach/ling/muta. It blows my mind, but w/e. Roach/corrupter mid game works for me...
On December 22 2011 15:12 MooSlapper wrote: Hello Droogs,
I am new Zergy--- need helpw tih a few things. Tips plz?
1.) Baneling Usage - What ratio of baneling/speedling is ideal for MM? What about if tanks/mech is involved, do I want more or less banelings/zerglings to counter mech? Lastly, what is the best way to send in banelings? Do I want them closely following the zerglings? mixed together? A move and pray?
How about if I have the zerglings follow the lead baneling, that way they all move together?
2.) Assumng Terran/Protoss are building as usual, and not necessarily going to attack me, when do I, in general, want to cut down on droning and start on my army? Do I want to transition into an army, for instance, go from 100% drones to 50% drones 50% zerglings, to 75% army 25% drone, etc?
3.) Queens--- at the moment, I queen as follows: 1 at each hatch, 2 outside of natural spreading creep at every directino, and an extra one at distant 3rds and 4ths to connect creep to my base. Is this feasible, or do I not want ot overdo it in queen land?
4.) ZvZ - What is the safest FE build here? I often get 10/12 pooled and feel like fast expanding gets me killed. Any safe builds? Someone told me the key is to get gas b efore pool so I can get speedlings fast.
Thansk! Any other ip;tips for anew player would be appreciated
Droog. Haven't heard that for a while. I can help with this, I actually don't suck at ZvT and ZvZ (best match ups, actually - ZvP is another story).
1. Banes vs. MM - personally, I don't go overboard with banes, just a few, like 1 per 5-10 lings is how I do it. Make sure you control them well. Don't send them all willy-nilly, skip marauders and move to those marines. Use your lings to surround and lock them down. Bane speed is priority if you're going for this mid/late game. Early on, expect some baiting back and forth. Keep those fatties alive! Flank, lock 'em down with lings, but make sure those slow banes either hit or pull back.
1b. Banes vs. marine tank. When you send your army, you want to send muta/ling/bane all at once. Mutas hammer tanks, lings run in and do what they can. Banes, keep control of these and move them past the tanks and right at the marines. Do not attack move, they'll detonate on tanks. Just keep moving them toward the marines and if they die, the do damage all the same. The key here is that the banes force the marines to gtfo or die, which lets your mutas wreck the tanks. I send ling first, then bane, then muta - but it's almost impossible to tell. I just want the first few tank shots to land on lings instead of banes. Try to do this when the tanks are unsieged for best effect. Also, accept the fact that a lot of shit is going to die - most of it yours; but if you cripple their push, you're in a good spot. Just remember to move the banes to the marines... as far as they run, you keep chasing (unless it's suicide for the banes, i.e. he runs to his main and tanks are everywhere). Push those marines back, let the mutas do the rest.
2. Hard to answer. It all depends on how you scout. Early game you can get away with less if you simcity well and know what's coming (i.e. evo chamber and spines vs. hellion) which gives you an edge in droning. However, you really need to scout. If you don't know what's coming it's hard to say when to build an army. Generally, when I get 2 bases saturated, I start to make an army before I work on droning up the third - just in case.
3. That sounds like a lot of Queens. Early game, I feel like more than 3 is pushing it unless you need more for AA. 1 at main, 1 at natural, and 1 spreading creep should be good. As the game goes on mid/late, I add 1 queen per hatch. That should be ample. Note the 3rd creep spreading queen can go to your 3rd base asap. By then she should have tumors everywhere anyhow.
4. You can get away with 14 hatch 14 pool if you're on your game. There's a good article written by blade55555 about defending early rushes in ZvZ with a FE and roaches (think this is it. It's pretty cool and I've had success with it. If you 14 hatch and go lings, make sure you scout so you know what's coming. You should be able to hold most early pressure if you scout it (unless it's super early pool, in which case you cancel the hatch and prepare).
Apparently I'm a "dumb fuck noob" for not harassing. As per my post above, I don't know how to harass as Zerg - I'm not even sure it's possible. I'm so fucking close to quitting this game. I cannot for the life of me beat Protoss. It's physically making me angry. I have lost HUGE rank in ladder because I just. can't. beat. Protoss.
I fucking hate it. It's making me extremely angry.
How do I harass with muta when they FE to 2-port phoenix? If I roach-ling all-in and they hold, I lose. If I roach-ling all-in and a VR pops in time, I lose. So if my "harass" is useless, it just sets me back in econ while they mass up behind their walls. If I macro they (in this scenario) go either:
1. Phoenix/VR to Colo take another base, deathball, I'm fucked. 2. Phoenix/VR to mass zealot/archon/temp and do a timing with that.
I am lost. So fucking lost. I hate ZvP with a passion. I don't even know what to make anymore. Hell, earlier today I lost to a 1-base Immortal/stalker/sentry with mass forcefields. I had two bases and a decent army. Nope, no good. Fucking FF just ate my face.
If I can't figure this out in a few days, I quit this fucking game. It isn't even fun anymore.
...why would you go mutas? Personally, I don't like mutas in zvp. They blow chunks.
Just mass roaches and stay on top of your upgrades. Get burrow and tunneling claws. Split roaches and do multipronged harass. Kill a forge here then run away, kill a pylon there, then run away. Keep him moving. If you see colossi, get corrupters. 4 corrupters/colossi is the suggested ratio.
Honestly, I've no idea how the pros do the roach/ling into roach/ling/muta. It blows my mind, but w/e. Roach/corrupter mid game works for me...
The muta harass was suggested by another poster. I can't really make it work either with all the 2-port openings. I find it really hard to harass with anything given the maps have one main entry point. How do you make them move around when there's only one entry point? By the time drop is up there's so much Protoss shit on the field it's gross.
Apparently I'm a "dumb fuck noob" for not harassing. As per my post above, I don't know how to harass as Zerg - I'm not even sure it's possible. I'm so fucking close to quitting this game. I cannot for the life of me beat Protoss. It's physically making me angry. I have lost HUGE rank in ladder because I just. can't. beat. Protoss.
I fucking hate it. It's making me extremely angry.
How do I harass with muta when they FE to 2-port phoenix? If I roach-ling all-in and they hold, I lose. If I roach-ling all-in and a VR pops in time, I lose. So if my "harass" is useless, it just sets me back in econ while they mass up behind their walls. If I macro they (in this scenario) go either:
1. Phoenix/VR to Colo take another base, deathball, I'm fucked. 2. Phoenix/VR to mass zealot/archon/temp and do a timing with that.
I am lost. So fucking lost. I hate ZvP with a passion. I don't even know what to make anymore. Hell, earlier today I lost to a 1-base Immortal/stalker/sentry with mass forcefields. I had two bases and a decent army. Nope, no good. Fucking FF just ate my face.
If I can't figure this out in a few days, I quit this fucking game. It isn't even fun anymore.
...why would you go mutas? Personally, I don't like mutas in zvp. They blow chunks.
Just mass roaches and stay on top of your upgrades. Get burrow and tunneling claws. Split roaches and do multipronged harass. Kill a forge here then run away, kill a pylon there, then run away. Keep him moving. If you see colossi, get corrupters. 4 corrupters/colossi is the suggested ratio.
Honestly, I've no idea how the pros do the roach/ling into roach/ling/muta. It blows my mind, but w/e. Roach/corrupter mid game works for me...
The muta harass was suggested by another poster. I can't really make it work either with all the 2-port openings. I find it really hard to harass with anything given the maps have one main entry point. How do you make them move around when there's only one entry point? By the time drop is up there's so much Protoss shit on the field it's gross.
Well, let's see.
On say, shattered, you break the rocks to his third and then you can harass his gateways that blocks his third as well as open up a window for sniping his forge. I do that a lot on that map.
On metal, it's easier to harass the crap out of his third, deny it a LONG time and, again, snipe a forge and/or a pylon.
Pretty hinges on me harassing his third, and sniping some building he has exposed at the front of his base :/ Most people will just make more units in order to feel safer, which means they're not teching. Which is precisely what we want as zergs
On December 21 2011 03:59 nicke10 wrote: Who would be a really solid Zerg to really copy all his timings? I want his timings to be very clear, recurrent and easy to copy while being really strong and solid play. I prefer some aggression and not the passive style so I love counter attacks and offensive strategies like drops etc to take control of the game.
I'm low-mid masters but my play is really funky and I just win by macro but usually doesnt have an idea what im doing so i need a player to steal from Players like Stephano is pretty hard to copy because his timings are pretty different every game because he just do what he does. Is idra the guy im looking for?
Yes, idra is the guy you're looking for. But he's usually not very aggressive, at least not early on.
So I made a promise to myself to focus on clean builds and transitions into midgames. I've searched, probably with poor parameters, to find supply/time timings for safe clean builds for each matchup but fallen short.
Does such a resource exist, modelled on a safe Z player - obviously Idra is the obvious example - but I can't find analysis of his builds into mid/late games.
On December 21 2011 03:59 nicke10 wrote: Who would be a really solid Zerg to really copy all his timings? I want his timings to be very clear, recurrent and easy to copy while being really strong and solid play. I prefer some aggression and not the passive style so I love counter attacks and offensive strategies like drops etc to take control of the game.
I'm low-mid masters but my play is really funky and I just win by macro but usually doesnt have an idea what im doing so i need a player to steal from Players like Stephano is pretty hard to copy because his timings are pretty different every game because he just do what he does. Is idra the guy im looking for?
Yes, idra is the guy you're looking for. But he's usually not very aggressive, at least not early on.
So I made a promise to myself to focus on clean builds and transitions into midgames. I've searched, probably with poor parameters, to find supply/time timings for safe clean builds for each matchup but fallen short.
Does such a resource exist, modelled on a safe Z player - obviously Idra is the obvious example - but I can't find analysis of his builds into mid/late games.
Because Z is so reactionary, it's hard to get something like that past the early-mid game. Watch some streams/replays and set some goals focusing on mid game. Then how you get there and what you do after. It's hard though to model it on the pros. You can't really get a supply or time stamp on a transition that won't help yoy in your particular game.
Why do zergs don't micro INDIVIDUAL units? I've seen pros that don't do this, only player i remember who does it is Nestea. For example in a muta vs muta battle you can EASILY pull back the weakened ones especially since they fly through each other. You can do this with ground units too like zerglings, roaches(a little bit harder though) and hydras etc.
Isn't it cost efficient enough? Are players just lazy?
So, 14 hatch 14 pool sounds a little risky for me... WHat's a safer build I can use? How about 13 pool 15 hatch? No one told me to do this, but I find myself doing this often if I don't hatch first. Sometimes I grab gas before my pool to, is this a good idea? For every matchup? its so cheap, I figure why not get that sucker building before savings 200 for a pool.
So Vs T I often 15 hatch, vs P I will 15 hatch on a large map or 13 pool 15 hatch.
Another important question I forgot.. do u double evo or single? Any idea which upgrades are pivotal for each matchup? For instance, when I play P I go armor first vs T, weapons vs Z & P. I figure if u use lings, armor is good vs P to negate the 2 hit zealot; ya? Any other suggestions? I often upgrade ranged attack first if I plan roaches/hydras. Someone told me roahces get +2 per upgrade or something like that. I dont get it?
thanks for the help =) I am new to Zerg; so many questions! ugh
On December 22 2011 21:25 MooSlapper wrote: Thanks MJO for the good tips,
So, 14 hatch 14 pool sounds a little risky for me... WHat's a safer build I can use? How about 13 pool 15 hatch? No one told me to do this, but I find myself doing this often if I don't hatch first. Sometimes I grab gas before my pool to, is this a good idea? For every matchup? its so cheap, I figure why not get that sucker building before savings 200 for a pool.
So Vs T I often 15 hatch, vs P I will 15 hatch on a large map or 13 pool 15 hatch.
Another important question I forgot.. do u double evo or single? Any idea which upgrades are pivotal for each matchup? For instance, when I play P I go armor first vs T, weapons vs Z & P. I figure if u use lings, armor is good vs P to negate the 2 hit zealot; ya? Any other suggestions? I often upgrade ranged attack first if I plan roaches/hydras. Someone told me roahces get +2 per upgrade or something like that. I dont get it?
thanks for the help =) I am new to Zerg; so many questions! ugh
Against T i use 16 hatch 15 pool 14 extractor very safe build. For P i go 16 pool 17 extractor 16 overlord ~21 hatchery it depends because the probe delays the hatchery, very safe build, fast speed/lair. Or 15 pool no gas if im almost sure he is gonna ffe.
Double evo depends how good your economy is :D
Sorry i can't help you much, someone else probably helps you better.
On December 22 2011 21:13 Guamshin wrote: Why do zergs don't micro INDIVIDUAL units? I've seen pros that don't do this, only player i remember who does it is Nestea. For example in a muta vs muta battle you can EASILY pull back the weakened ones especially since they fly through each other. You can do this with ground units too like zerglings, roaches(a little bit harder though) and hydras etc.
Isn't it cost efficient enough? Are players just lazy?
Most pro's do this, CatZ for example. Micro individual lings vs zealots is more or less a must if you want to be aggressive early vP, flying away with weakened mutas (though it's generally hard to do since mutas accelerate very slowly and are usually under attack by units with long range), spreading mutas when close to thor/infestor.... same with roaches, you burrow the weakened ones like blink micro.
Apparently I'm a "dumb fuck noob" for not harassing. As per my post above, I don't know how to harass as Zerg - I'm not even sure it's possible. I'm so fucking close to quitting this game. I cannot for the life of me beat Protoss. It's physically making me angry. I have lost HUGE rank in ladder because I just. can't. beat. Protoss.
I fucking hate it. It's making me extremely angry.
How do I harass with muta when they FE to 2-port phoenix? If I roach-ling all-in and they hold, I lose. If I roach-ling all-in and a VR pops in time, I lose. So if my "harass" is useless, it just sets me back in econ while they mass up behind their walls. If I macro they (in this scenario) go either:
1. Phoenix/VR to Colo take another base, deathball, I'm fucked. 2. Phoenix/VR to mass zealot/archon/temp and do a timing with that.
I am lost. So fucking lost. I hate ZvP with a passion. I don't even know what to make anymore. Hell, earlier today I lost to a 1-base Immortal/stalker/sentry with mass forcefields. I had two bases and a decent army. Nope, no good. Fucking FF just ate my face.
If I can't figure this out in a few days, I quit this fucking game. It isn't even fun anymore.
Alright so here are the two phases that you really need to understand in ZvP.
-Protoss is on one base and you are on 2. -Protoss is on 2 bases and you are on 3.
These two spots in the ZvP that are truly critical for your reacting. Punishing the third is really the crux of ZvP and I tend to not rely on harass until way later when I am on 3 bases and eventually going to a fourth.
Someone that is going for a 2 stargate opening off of an FFE can't take a quick third easily because you should have a ton of Zerglings out to contest that. If you do not lose your third to the Protoss with his voidray harass ( you SHOULD have a third or you lost already ) you are still at a good spot in the game, you just need to respond with Corruptors against the air units to prevent a Collosus transition, or go for burrow Infestors to emphasize on his lack of observers early on so you can spam mass Infested Terrans to overwhelm his natural.
I would love to see some replays of you ( like 5 ) because I went through a similar maddening insanity phase of ZvP where I was ready to raceswitch ( from which I lost 22 games and got stuck into high diamond even though I was masters for 3 seasons beforehand T_T ).
On December 22 2011 14:42 TheSydeffect wrote: How should my gas count look like after a toss goes FFE and when should the warren and upgrades come in?
Everyone has their own build, but this is what I'm currently using, assuming standard FFE:
Get gas after you placed your third ~5:00.
First 100 gas - Ling speed Second 100/150 gas - Evolution chamber upgrade of choice. Third 100 gas - Lair + get 2 more gas when lair is started. If he's on gateway units with lots of sentries, get burrow immediately after lair is done (for roaches).
Evo at ~6:30 minutes to be able to build turrets in time of air/dt. Warren @7:00 if you can't rule out 6-7 gate. Otherwise it can be delayed.
On December 22 2011 14:47 CadaverSculptor wrote: I really need help with dealing with Protoss. I just don't know what the best unit comp is for handling the deathball. I'm told to harass the Toss player to prevent him from getting deathball, but when he just turtles and builds up I don't know what to do. Muta harass? Then a lot of my resources are invested in harass, and when the deathball comes I'm lucky if I have enough at home to deal with it. I can bring my Mutas back, but they just get massacred. Roaches are absolutely useless. Same with lings. I've been trying to incorporate Infestors more as of late. Should I go for Fungal+blings? Should I tech up to Broods as quickly as possible and try for Infestor+Broodlord? The problem is I'm a huge macro player and I focus essentially purely on econ from the get-go, so sometimes I'm ill-prepared for earlier aggression. I ask that you please don't respond unless you really know what you're talking about, as I'm trying to excel as much as possible at this game, and trying to improve as much as possible in minimal time. I'm honestly finding it almost impossible to win my ZvP mu's. Many thanks in advance.
Edit: Currently high Plat, used to be Master last February, but quit for a while due to Uni. I only started playing again a week ago, so I'm capable of climbing the ranks, just need to iron some kinks out.
It depends on the death ball.
If he has gate+colossus, mutas are great. If he has gate+colossus/voidray, fungals are great as his units will be densely packed. If he has no colossus/ht hydras are... not terrible. If he's heavy on archons/immortals, neural parasite is great.
Your main force should be roach/ling at the moment his first push comes though, and the battles will be won/lost by army control and positioning. If he can set up his army in between your nat and your third and place his forcefields, you're basically screwed already. You'll need to force the engagement in the open and flank him before it gets to your base. Delay him as much as possible and don't let him get into a strategical position if possible.
The key to a protoss push is those 5-8 sentries with built up energy. Try to hit and run to bait forcefields and snipe the sentries. Use burrowed movement to get under/flee with your roaches and use speedlings to flank-attack his army from behind and kill forward pylons. Your first units should focus on killing the sentries/colossus and stall while waiting for your reinforcements.
On December 22 2011 15:12 MooSlapper wrote: Hello Droogs,
I am new Zergy--- need helpw tih a few things. Tips plz?
1.) Baneling Usage - What ratio of baneling/speedling is ideal for MM? What about if tanks/mech is involved, do I want more or less banelings/zerglings to counter mech? Lastly, what is the best way to send in banelings? Do I want them closely following the zerglings? mixed together? A move and pray?
How about if I have the zerglings follow the lead baneling, that way they all move together?
2.) Assumng Terran/Protoss are building as usual, and not necessarily going to attack me, when do I, in general, want to cut down on droning and start on my army? Do I want to transition into an army, for instance, go from 100% drones to 50% drones 50% zerglings, to 75% army 25% drone, etc?
3.) Queens--- at the moment, I queen as follows: 1 at each hatch, 2 outside of natural spreading creep at every directino, and an extra one at distant 3rds and 4ths to connect creep to my base. Is this feasible, or do I not want ot overdo it in queen land?
4.) ZvZ - What is the safest FE build here? I often get 10/12 pooled and feel like fast expanding gets me killed. Any safe builds? Someone told me the key is to get gas b efore pool so I can get speedlings fast.
Thansk! Any other ip;tips for anew player would be appreciated
1.) Baneling Usage - What ratio of baneling/speedling is ideal for MM? What about if tanks/mech is involved, do I want more or less banelings/zerglings to counter mech? Lastly, what is the best way to send in banelings? Do I want them closely following the zerglings? mixed together? A move and pray? More banelings if only MMM, more ling/muta if tanks are involved. Upgrades are important.
Best way to send in banelings is to attack move with your main force then focus on move-commanding your banelings into clusters of bio units. You should let your main force absorb the first tank hits and follow closely behind with your banes.
2.) Assumng Terran/Protoss are building as usual, and not necessarily going to attack me, when do I, in general, want to cut down on droning and start on my army? Do I want to transition into an army, for instance, go from 100% drones to 50% drones 50% zerglings, to 75% army 25% drone, etc? You want to use zergs strength to either have 100% eco 0% army or vice versa. Identifying timings when you can drone is one of the most important skills when you're playing zerg. My suggestion is that you load up some pro reps and try to identify exactly what prompts those players to build drones or units and at what time in the game.
3.) Queens--- at the moment, I queen as follows: 1 at each hatch, 2 outside of natural spreading creep at every directino, and an extra one at distant 3rds and 4ths to connect creep to my base. Is this feasible, or do I not want ot overdo it in queen land? 1 creep spreading queen is usually enough, since the tumors can spawn their own tumors. That queen can later go and populate a 3rd/4th. I wouldn't get more than 5 queens for larvae spawning purposes even if I had the whole map. 5 queens is 20 larvae (+3 from each hatchery) and that's generally enough to spend all your money. In the end game when you're at 200/200 and tons of money, those queens will probably have the extra energy to populate additional macro hatches.
On a side note, queens are really good at fighting air/hellions and it doesn't hurt to get some extra queens in the beginning for defensive/extra creep spreading purposes.
4.) ZvZ - What is the safest FE build here? I often get 10/12 pooled and feel like fast expanding gets me killed. Any safe builds? Someone told me the key is to get gas b efore pool so I can get speedlings fast.
There is no 100% safe build in zvz, but 14gas/14pool/20hatchery with fast speedlings is one of the safest. Here is a good guide on hatch first, but that will die to a well executed 10 pool:
Apparently I'm a "dumb fuck noob" for not harassing. As per my post above, I don't know how to harass as Zerg - I'm not even sure it's possible. I'm so fucking close to quitting this game. I cannot for the life of me beat Protoss. It's physically making me angry. I have lost HUGE rank in ladder because I just. can't. beat. Protoss.
I fucking hate it. It's making me extremely angry.
How do I harass with muta when they FE to 2-port phoenix? If I roach-ling all-in and they hold, I lose. If I roach-ling all-in and a VR pops in time, I lose. So if my "harass" is useless, it just sets me back in econ while they mass up behind their walls. If I macro they (in this scenario) go either:
1. Phoenix/VR to Colo take another base, deathball, I'm fucked. 2. Phoenix/VR to mass zealot/archon/temp and do a timing with that.
I am lost. So fucking lost. I hate ZvP with a passion. I don't even know what to make anymore. Hell, earlier today I lost to a 1-base Immortal/stalker/sentry with mass forcefields. I had two bases and a decent army. Nope, no good. Fucking FF just ate my face.
If I can't figure this out in a few days, I quit this fucking game. It isn't even fun anymore.
...why would you go mutas? Personally, I don't like mutas in zvp. They blow chunks.
Just mass roaches and stay on top of your upgrades. Get burrow and tunneling claws. Split roaches and do multipronged harass. Kill a forge here then run away, kill a pylon there, then run away. Keep him moving. If you see colossi, get corrupters. 4 corrupters/colossi is the suggested ratio.
Honestly, I've no idea how the pros do the roach/ling into roach/ling/muta. It blows my mind, but w/e. Roach/corrupter mid game works for me...
I'll give my take on why mutas can be good:
You generally want to switch to mutas after you've manage to hold/rule out a gateway based push from protoss. In that position mutas keep his force in his main until he has cannons and blink. You'll have map control and a timing window for you to take your 4th and P will have a hard time to secure his 3rd. Protoss is also forced to go stalker heavy before he can get the dreaded colossus (they get sniped in seconds), and that makes your roaches/lings so much more powerful.
Mutas shouldn't be used blindly against potential stargate openings though, they are a tech swich once you have 6 gas and are safe against the first gateway push. They are best against gateway/robo openings.
Sen does/used to tech switch to mutas against 1 stargate openings.
Apparently I'm a "dumb fuck noob" for not harassing. As per my post above, I don't know how to harass as Zerg - I'm not even sure it's possible. I'm so fucking close to quitting this game. I cannot for the life of me beat Protoss. It's physically making me angry. I have lost HUGE rank in ladder because I just. can't. beat. Protoss.
I fucking hate it. It's making me extremely angry.
How do I harass with muta when they FE to 2-port phoenix? If I roach-ling all-in and they hold, I lose. If I roach-ling all-in and a VR pops in time, I lose. So if my "harass" is useless, it just sets me back in econ while they mass up behind their walls. If I macro they (in this scenario) go either:
1. Phoenix/VR to Colo take another base, deathball, I'm fucked. 2. Phoenix/VR to mass zealot/archon/temp and do a timing with that.
I am lost. So fucking lost. I hate ZvP with a passion. I don't even know what to make anymore. Hell, earlier today I lost to a 1-base Immortal/stalker/sentry with mass forcefields. I had two bases and a decent army. Nope, no good. Fucking FF just ate my face.
If I can't figure this out in a few days, I quit this fucking game. It isn't even fun anymore.
...why would you go mutas? Personally, I don't like mutas in zvp. They blow chunks.
Just mass roaches and stay on top of your upgrades. Get burrow and tunneling claws. Split roaches and do multipronged harass. Kill a forge here then run away, kill a pylon there, then run away. Keep him moving. If you see colossi, get corrupters. 4 corrupters/colossi is the suggested ratio.
Honestly, I've no idea how the pros do the roach/ling into roach/ling/muta. It blows my mind, but w/e. Roach/corrupter mid game works for me...
I'll give my take on why mutas can be good:
You generally want to switch to mutas after you've manage to hold/rule out a gateway based push from protoss. In that position mutas keep his force in his main until he has cannons and blink. You'll have map control and a timing window for you to take your 4th and P will have a hard time to secure his 3rd. Protoss is also forced to go stalker heavy before he can get the dreaded colossus (they get sniped in seconds), and that makes your roaches/lings so much more powerful.
Mutas shouldn't be used blindly against potential stargate openings though, they are a tech swich once you have 6 gas and are safe against the first gateway push. They are best against gateway/robo openings.
Sen does/used to tech switch to mutas against 1 stargate openings.
Check goes mutas all the time in ZvP, if he sees stargate he tech switches to hydras but he still gets mutas later on :D