Server: EU server TL ID: alx B.Net ID: alx.alx Rating: 1055 League: Silver Rank: 34 Race: Terran Other: I've always been qualified for the gold league, though not this time. I'm having a hard time deciding where my skill level really is so I'd like to play against anyone from silver or gold. I'd like to play preferably against protoss or terran but zerg is fine too.
Server: US Server TL ID: HCastorp B.Net ID: Montaigne.montaigne Rating: 1300 League: Gold Rank: 10 Race: Random Other: Will practice any matchup. Online most evenings 10pm-1am EST, and some mornings and afternoons too. Especially interested in matchups involving Protoss right now.
Server: US Server TL ID: littlehearts B.Net ID: littlehearts.littlehearts Rating: 1007 (Before Reset) League: Silver (Before Reset) Rank: 56 (Before Reset) Race: Protoss Other: I'm an OK player who is on at 8-11, est time(time varies). I would like to play any match ups. Also looking for a 2v2 partner as well if your interested.
Server: US Server TL ID: Rahl B.Net ID: Rahl.murtagh Rating: 1000 League: Platinum Rank: Race: Random Other: Casual starcraft player, if anyone wants to play a few games or get in a little practise message or add me to friends list any time.
Server: US Server TL ID: brEEzE.jjd B.Net ID: brEEzE.jjd League: Silver Rank: 40ish Race: Terran Other: I'm on daily throughout the afternoon (EST). I play solely terran simply because of personal preference. I believe my build orders/strategies/overall gameplay needs strict refining because I tend to get sloppy as the battle gets heated. I'm trying to play all MUs so if you're a random player, awesome. I love exploring different/unusual strategies because surprise is the best offense. Can contact me via b.net or on here.
Server: EU Server TL ID: mamelouk B.Net ID: Mamelouk.themis League: Platinum Rank: ~30 Race: Zerg Other: Available to whoever want to train vs zerg (don't ask me to play another race, I suck with them=). I would like to play vs high APM players (those are the one who pwn me the most). I play daily, outside working hours (CET)
Server: US Server TL ID: HoroBoro B.Net ID: HoroBoro.horoboro League: Platinum Rank: 25 Race: Toss Other: Just got bumped into Plat - looking for some practice before I get rolled back into gold. Looking to try out builds and have a gg in general. On at various times, just add me :D
Server: US Server TL ID: Stane B.Net ID: Stane.max League: Gold Rank: 100 Race: Zerg Other: I was placed in copper before the updates, and was most recently placed in Gold, so I'd be willing to practice with almost anyone with a good attitude, can maintain a build order (the AI is a better practice partner than me for learning this skill), and is willing to help me as much as I can help them. I don't hang around on BNET that often, so if you want to get in contact with me, send an AIM to D u c h u d d a (without the spaces), or a PM on teamliquid.
TL ID: Vannz Server: EU Server B.Net ID: Vannz.dmz League: Copper Rank: 30 ish Race: Terran / Zerg Other: Pretty new Starcraft2 player but not totally new to RTS's, looking for similar players who are looking to work on builds, micro/macro, strategies and become better at the game so can hold our own and improve.
Server: EE TL ID: Fargo B.Net ID: Fargo.pro League: Platinum Rank: 8 Race: Terran Other: Looking for a good partner to train any match up, just add me and lets train :>
Server: Eu Server TL ID: crimson_ B.Net ID: crimson.greyfox League: Silver Rank: 30 Race: Terran Other: I want to practice all matchups (also with my offraces) and maybe find a 2v2 partner. Also, i can manage my time quite well, so just tell me when you want to play
Server: EU TL ID: Sadkingbilly B.Net ID: SadKingBilly.stackustack Rating: didnt finished 1on1 after patch yet League: Gold Rank: was in the middle of plat before reset but i guess gold should be my real league Race: Protoss Other: Will play witheveryone, intrested in any matchup... just contact me ingame CHEERS!
Server: EU TL ID: FatAngel B.Net ID: FatAngel.fatangel Rating: 1000 League: Gold Rank: 12 Race: Terran Other: Started playing at the end of april. I play during evenings and nights. Gold right now, but this is just my first week. Feel free to hit me up, I dont have any practice partners yet (2010-04-26).
Server: US Server TL ID: Bromios B.Net ID: Dionysus.bromios League: 1v1 : Bronze; 2v2 : Silver Rank: B : ~40, S : 6 Race: Terran Other: I'm on Mountain Time, and play mostly at night. I would like to advance a league or two, so if anyone wants to take on an apprentice: I'm your man.
Server: US Server TL ID: DirtyWizard B.Net ID:DirtyWizard.dirtywizard Rating: N/A League:Silver Rank: 28 Race: Zerg Other: Trying to master Zerg before moving on to Terran or Protoss. I need help with strategies and counters. Will also provide info on some of my own tactics and things I've learned. Just started playing in Beta, hence my lower ranking :p Hit me up! Also, I'm on usually around 9-12+ pm PST if I'm on earlier its either my brother or its thursday (my day off) lol. I have vent access and can share.
Server: US TL ID: SuperDoremon B.Net ID: Zodiac.razor League: Bronze Rank: 8 Race: Protoss Other: I have been playing starcraft since Brood War but not that good at it since most of the time I just play with the computer. And I also just got SCII 2 days ago, so I need some practice to get the hang of it.
Server: US Server TL ID: chuninexam B.Net ID: cloud.finalfantasy League: Gold Rank: 50 Race: Protoss Other: I need alot of practice and tips. I am reaaally bad at this game.
Server: US Server TL ID: Uthgar B.Net ID: Uthgar.hwl Rating: ~1300 League: Platinum Rank: 1 Race: Terran Other: I can play other races (regularly practice them in 2's and custom games) if I know what I am asked to execute a certain strategy, but I am the most solid with Terran. I have a good understanding of the game at high level as I watch a lot of replays, listen to Day9, and read strategies. I am an analytical/strategical player as my micro is my weak link. I am looking for criticism to help me improve and am not afraid of harsh remarks.
Server: US Server TL ID: crms B.Net ID: cre.hemoth Rating: N/A League: Platinum Rank: 32 Race: Zerg Other: Platinum level Zerg (last ladder, haven't played yet this ladder) looking for partner to play random against. While I am a platinum Zerg I'm not Platinum T/P, probably around a gold (T), high silver/low gold level (P). I'm looking at building my skill with all races so that I can have a better understanding and more informed choice when I pick my race for release. thanks.