Server: US TL id: l)eadlyZergling B.net id: Deadlysin.deadlyzerg Race: Zerg Other: Hey new to sc2 beta looking for some zerg players to help me get on the roll seems the old build fails with new units and stuff i would appreciate advice and an ally for practice agaist each race and 2v2. thanks
Server: US Server TL ID: allgreens B.Net ID: allgreens.allgreens Rating: 1400 League: Platinum Rank: top 10 Race: Protoss Other: Been bouncing around in the top 10 of a scrub plat division for a while now.. Macro is terribad. PM me@@
Edit: Mistake post sorry.
Server: EU Server TL ID: Trap B.Net ID: Damnit.Damnit Rating: 1650 League: Platinum Rank: 3 Race: Protoss Other: Always looking for high point players. Was 2000+ first reset and 1900+ second reset. Message me for a few games.
Server: EU Server TL ID: Kerotan89 B.Net ID: Kerotan.Acefrog Rating: 1205 League: Gold Rank: top 15 Race: Protoss Other: Looking for sparring partner to help with builds for tourneys etc. Any race League welcome.
Server: US Server TL ID: systema B.Net ID: sys.machine Rating: 1500 League: Platinum Rank: 6 Race: Zerg Other: (EDT: -05:00) Played quite a bit of BW, also mained as Zerg (for the swarm~). I'm a big macroer so I choose to play safe and out-expand and gain the economic advantage. My early game needs work (esp. ZvT bunk/reap rushes). Looking to get my ass-kicked and get some theory-crafting discussion going on. I occasionally stream @ www.livestream.com/systemamachine
Server: US Timezone: PST TL ID: sand B.Net ID: sand.demon Rating: 1200 atm League: Platinum Rank: 2 Race: Terran Other: Looking for solid partners to practice with, please have ventrilo and be platinum/competitive ranked. I also have a livestream with about 200+ viewers while live, so don't be afraid to be streamed. I'm mostly a terran player, but probably better as zerg ironically. Willing to talk strategy, multiple games of trying build orders, and generally diving deeper than randomness to get better. Also an avid Day9/TL tourney watcher.
Server: US Server TL ID: Jquik B.Net ID: Jquik.jquik League: Platinum Rank: 11 Race: Zerg
Looking to play a skilled, balanced, core-build Terran player pref rank ~1-20. Someone who doesn't always have to rely on surprise attacks to get their wins. I normally check TL every day, but if not I'll get back to you soon.
Server: US TL ID: LordFenix B.Net ID: reRoll.kris Rating: 1045 League: Copper Rank: 35 Race: Random Other: Just getting into competitive RTS playing. I have played all the Blizzard titles, but that was mostly for solo enjoyment. Willing to try any matchup/build. All around just want to get better. Willing to play a specific race if someones wants to face a certain build. 1v1 & 2v2, also I have vent.
Server: US Timezone: PST TL ID: AutoeEXEAxela B. Net ID: SilverFang.eagle Rating:1000 League: Silver 1v1 Race: Terran Other: Looking to Practice against all races and pick up some tips from players that are overall better in every aspect of the game.
Server: US Server TL ID: liquid.snakes B.Net ID: prolific.prolific Rating: 986 League: Bronze Rank: 82 Race: Zerg Other: I'm available usually in the afternoon, 4pm-10pm EST.
Server: NA Server TL ID: Mastermind B.Net ID: Greg.identifier Rating: 1600 League: Platinum Rank: top 10 Race: Protoss Other: Looking for high level platinum players. I have lots of time to MASS game. I also have vent. I am willing to 1v1 or 2v2.
Server: US Server TL ID: renshank B.Net ID: Renshank.renshank Rating: Unknown League: Platinum Rank: 59 Race: Zerg Other: I'm on quite a bit. I'll practice against anyone, as I need to improve on all matchups. Probably most useful for ZvZ, though I've improved at the other matchups. I've been broken of my "use zerglings only" habit. Using 1/0 Zerglings to totally own relatively huge groups of roaches is my favorite pastime. Account bug still means I'm not actually shown on any ladder, though I have a placement. Also rank 9 in 2v2 RT, as well as high ranks in various 2v2s. Like 2v2s in addition to 1v1s.
Server: US Server TL ID: Z3kk B.Net ID: Zekk.ibis Rating: 1452 League: Copper Rank: 4 Race: Protoss Other: Hi! I have a basic understanding of how everything works in SC 2 (counters, builds, etc.). I'm looking to improve my skill up to perhaps silver or gold by the time SC 2 is released. I mostly want to work on my macro (i.e. keeping minerals low, making units constantly and starting from early on, etc.). I'm looking for a partner who's around my skill level, but who (if he/she's nice and I'm lucky rofl) better than I am. I am usually on TL daily at Pacific time. SC 2 time is often relegated to weekends and Fridays, and some weekdays, if I'm able to find the time. Thanks! PM me if you want to be practice partners! EDIT: For the time being, I might not be able to get on, so please wait a bit if you're somehow interested in practicing with me. I'd prefer you've posted on tl at least a little bitm since that gives a bit of credibility, and I've been getting a bunch of PMs with TL warning me about low/zero post count lol. I'm not sure exactly how much of an effect this is supposed to have on your guys' actual skill, but I'm* just tossing that out there. Same EDIT but different topic: I've now realized that my failure to scout results in a HUGE disadvantage for me... I've been playing all my games with little to no scouting, so it's probably quite amazing I'm where I am haha (maybe it means I'm just a lot better at other stuff :O ) *ends random tangent*
Server: US Server TL ID: kuznagi B.Net ID: kuznagi.kuznagi Rating: 1200+ League: Gold Rank: 1 Race: Zerg Other: Was #1 gold before reset as well with 1400 points probably low plat material. Looking for all matches to try strats and a consistent 2s partner I have plat 2s experience and love playing 2s as well.
Server: US Server TL ID: L4igo B.Net ID: ToxiN.noxin Rating: 1098 League: Platinum Rank: 30 Race: Protoss (sometime random) Other: Going to be playing a lot now that the semester is over. Trying to get better before the game comes out.
Server: US/NA TL ID: v3chr0 B.Net ID: vechro.heckno Rating: 2v2: 1000-1300. 1v1: Unranked since reset League: Platinum Rank: 20 (2's) Race: Protoss Other: Fairly well with all races, definitely prefer Protoss and am best with toss. Also prefer 2v2 partners as I'm trying to improve under (to me) easier conditions. I'm a nice guy, laid back, have vent/skype/aim and am well rounded with micro/macro. Ton of meta-game experience, SC, BW, WC3, tons of MMO's, tons of other not-so-worthy RTS's. Feel free to add me, just throw in that you got my I.D from this thread. Thanks and I look forward to playing with some of you!
Edit: Got my own acct, so changed I.D's and don't have my old stats, same guy though.
Server : Eu Server TL ID : Rasowy B.net ID : Rasowy.Rasunia Rating : 1500+ (Right now) League: Platinium Rank : 1st Race : Terran Other : I'm looking for some good players to practice specialy Toss and Zerg and will be nice if he try to give me Advice sometimes ^^
Server : Eu Server TL ID : gezus B.net ID : peeonyograve.andface Rating : 1200ish League: Platinium Rank : 10-20 Race : zerg Other : anyone wanna play 1v1 or 2v2s mostly zerg my other races are terrible.
I live in north america but play on eu server so im on at weird times....
Server: US Server TL ID: TheGreenMachine B.Net ID: Green.armory League: Platinum Rank: 6 Rating:~1150 Race: Protoss Other: New to platinum since patch 9. I have 30+ games played so far and doing well in platinum. Looking for people to practice with and get feedback about what builds work and don't work. Looking for all races. I do play almost ever day.