Server: Europe TL ID: Jandos B.Net ID: Jandos.jandos League: Gold Rank: top 5 - trying to get into platinum ;] Race: Protoss Other: Looking for nice partner for practicing and enjoying the game. Online mainly in the evening European time ;] Not interested in 2v2 atm.
Server: US Server TL ID: k20a B.Net ID: seno.jwerdna League: Platinum Rank: top 5 fluctuating Race: Protoss Other: Ex b- sc1 protoss player, looking for players at roughly the same skill to game with. Need most practice in PvT, but all races applicible
Server: US Server TL ID: Jpmoney B.Net ID: jpmoney.bob Rating: 1144 League: gold Rank: 4 Race: random Other: 5pm-2am est aka -6 gmt. looking to do tvp as well as tvz and pvp matches mostly those being what i would consider my weakest matchups
Server: US Server TL ID: Lusiphur B.Net ID: Lusiphur.ruin League: Silver/Plat before reset Rank: 6 Race: Zerg/Protoss Other: I got plat before reset, musta had horrible placement matches I got silver after -_- Realistically I'm probably gold level. Looking for someone to practice vs. I'm on west coast usually on at night after work (PST). I want to get better, improve APM etc, so anyone who wants to put effort into getting better msg me.
Server: US Server TL ID: Felipe the Ant B.Net ID: Felipe.felipetheant League: Bronze Rank: 49 Race: Terran Other: I'm looking for someone to practice with/improve with, 2v2 partner, try new builds. I play the other races too, but I mostly play T. I played SC1 a lot in the past but I never really got too in depth. I'm on more than I should be lol, mostly afternoons/nights EST. I have a mic and vent, skype, etc. Let me know
Server: EU Server TL ID: SHr3DD3r B.Net ID: Shredder.fuzzy Rating: 1319 League: Gold Rank: 16 Race: Protoss Other: Am willing to practice any matchup. Want to improve and may as well help others too.
Server: US TL ID: ShoeFactory B.Net ID: shoey.dash League: Platinum Rank: top 5 Race: Zerg Other: I'm looking for 1v1 practice partners of all races. Zerg is my main but i can also play P and T if that is desired.
Server: EU TL ID: PerQ B.Net ID: PerQ.pro Rating: 1000~ League: Gold Rank: 42 Race: Terran Other: I'm very good TvP imo but my TvZ and TvT is REALLY bad so I would like do something about that. ^^ PM me if you wanna practise!
Server: US Server TL ID: Truenappa B.Net ID: Niten.benshuria League: Silver Rank: 100'ish Race: Random Other: I'm probably placed a little too high. I'm totally willing to practice whenever I'm on. Lemme know
Server: US Server (this includes Canada) TL ID: wanderer B.Net ID: Galois.evariste Rating: 1050 League: Bronze Rank: 6 Race: Terran Other: Even though I am a racist for having chosen to play Terran only, I won't discriminate for whoever wants to play! I have a microphone as well so we can use any of the VOIP programs. Cheers.
Server: US Server B.Net ID: RSM.trin League: Bronze Rank: 30ish Race: Random Other: I am normally on evenings and all weekend. I am an adult (25) and am just looking for a competent partner (maturity > age). Ignore my league classification as I was dropped literally 11 of the 19 games I played Saturday 4/24 when myself and plenty of others were having the patch 9/10 drop issues (you'd play a game fine and literally 5-30 minutes into the next one you'd drop/crash). I am a good player and I am a team player and am looking for a good partner. Catch me anytime online. Thanks
Server: US Server (this includes Canada) TL ID: erickeK B.Net ID: keK.erickek Rank: Bronze 12 Div2 Race: Protoss Other: Hey, I'm a competitive gamer from the MGO CrackClan; I currently play QuakeLIVE for the organization and looking to get into Starcraft 2 competitively. I've never played SC1 but I'm catching on really quick to SC2 and doing pretty well.
I'm looking for a few practice partners at the moment, possibly people to pickup for cc// SC2 Division.
I'm pretty good PvZ, decent at PvP, but need some work on PvT.
I'd like someone higher than me to possibly contact me to be a practice partner so I can learn from my mistakes and try to develop good habits before bad ones settle in.
Thank you for reading, I promise you I won't waste your time if you don't waste mine.
Contact Info:
XFIRE: villagepsycho AIM: eric1kek MSN: villagepsycho@hotmail.com
Server: EU server TL ID: Scope B.Net ID: Optimouse.Prime League: Gold Rank: 7 Race: Zerg Other: Looking for a Protoss practice partner, so I can finally learn to deal with Immortal and Collossi pushes. Brain preferably suitable for a neural parasite. I am Swe and have Skype with headset. Not particularly interested in 2v2.
Server: EU server TL ID: quarky B.Net ID: quarky.keel League: Platinum Rank: 60-100 Race: Terran/Zerg Other: Looking for practice partnes from gold/platin, or just someone to watch some replays together ^^. Got skype/vent/ts, feel free to msg me.
Server: US Server TL ID: RidingOnEmpty B.Net ID: RidingEmpty.ridingempty League: Gold Rank: 10 Race: Protoss/Zerg Other: I play every day and looking for other decent people to play with, hit me up in game or on here.
Server: us Server Tl id: idk atm B.net id: l)eadlyZergling League: bronze Rank: low atm ;/ Race: Zerg
Other: Im a great player on sc1 but seem snot so well on sc2 lookin for a player to help with my zvt or zvp i seem to start well but end up failin late game.i usually go 9, overlord, pool, then a vew lings to scout harass for early exp. what would help my build early on so i can ensure a good game and hopefully win.
Server:US Server TL ID: vivid.angel B.Net ID - YaoPeng.vividangel League: Platinum Rank: Have been 1-15 Race: Zerg Other: Looking for practice partners from Platinum rank 30-50 cuz I'm in a platinum division where the highest person is only 1200 lol. Message me for skype, vent, or msn info. Or just send me a message with your b.net id + identifier
Server: US Server TL ID: De4ngus B.Net ID: Deangus.ucm Rating: 1652 League: Platinum Rank: 20 Race: Random Other: I used to be Protoss so I mainly need practice as Zerg and Terran.
Server: US Server TL ID: On_Slaught B.Net ID: OnSlaught.uofa Rating: 1154 League: Silver Rank: 8 Race: Terran Other: Looking or anyone who wants to pratice specific builds and test shit out. I have a very flexiblie schedule and will often be on in the afternoons. Would really like a zerg to work with. Have the most difficulty with them atm.
Server: US Server TL ID: imamwhat5 B.Net ID: unjust.kfc Rating: 1122 League: silver Rank: 19 Race: Terran Other: looking for any protoss or zerg around my skill level that we could practice together. pm me or msg me in game