Server: US Server TL ID: Lindows B.Net ID: Lindows.eagle Rating: 1011 League: Silver Rank: 58 Race: Zerg Other: I am still new to the beta but have been getting better and better. I am still trying to get builds worked out and learn from the better players. I have Skype and can use Vent, i can also use Mumble. Looking to get better and find people to practice with. Usually on week-nights 8-10pm Est. and week-ends 8 and later EST.
Server: US Server B.Net ID: cumlord.superhiv League: Plat Rank: 41 Race: Random Other: I'm just looking for fun people to regularly play with. Not really that into winning since I'm a student and busy. I just play Starcraft II as a creative and energy outlet. I tend to play sometime around 6AM-12PM EST.
Server: US Server TL ID: TaSSa_ B.Net ID: TaSSa.cesarmgc League: Gold Rating: 1112 Rank: 30 Race: Zerg Other: Hi, just looking for a practice partner (any race) GL all My time on game it's about 8pm and 1 am GMT -4:30
Server: US Server TL ID: pyr0ma5ta B.Net ID: mihai.mihai Rating: 1300 League: Platinum Rank: 15 Race: Terran Other: Hey guys, first post on the site. I'm pretty ok at TvZ, shaky at TvP (I blame Void Rays), and really, really awful at TvT. Like, 15% win rate awful. Need halp in TvT. I also have a Platinum Zerg at pyro.zerg
Server: US Server TL ID: pyr0ma5ta B.Net ID: pyro.zerg Rating: 1300 League: Platinum Rank: Race: Zerg Other: New account in new Platinum Division. Pretty sure I don't belong in Plat, I'm terribad at Zerg.
Server: US Server TL ID: OhNoes B.Net ID: OhNoes.ohnoes Rating: 1200 League: Gold Rank: 11 but in like, division 80 Race: Terran Other: Looking for a practice partner for all MU's, usually on weekdays after about 5PM 'til whenever.
Server: US Server TL ID: Mpark015 B.Net Id: Ktec.Ktec League: Platinum Rank: 5 Race: Terran Other: Looking for any Matchup mainly TVZ
Server: US Server TL ID: Fake)plants B.Net ID: RickMoranis Rating: League: Platinum Rank: 50 Race: Terran Other: I'm looking for anyone who's willing to mass mass mass games with me until the end of the Beta. Hit me up if you're looking for practice.
Server: US Server TL ID: PrinceXizor B.Net ID: Xizor.halfwingseen Rating: 1080 League: Platinum Rank: 65 Race: Random Other: Looking for all matchups, and someone to test alot of new builds with.
Server: US Server TL ID: Lord)Lw( B.Net ID: Kylar.Stern League: Gold Rank: 34 Race: Protoss Other:Looking for any practice partners, want to improve against all races. I play daily but play most on sunday/monday. Anyone feel free to add me.
Server: US Server TL ID: Krayze B.Net ID: Krayze.speshal Rating: 1150 League: Platinum Rank: 6 Race: Zerg Other: Want to practice against all races including mirror. I'm new but doing well in the platinum league, my record is currently 12-5. I'm interested in learning and perfecting quality meta-game builds. I have lots of free time after 3pm PST.
Server: US West TL ID: Flyinfart B.Net ID: jbara.siah league: gold rank: top 20-30 race: zerg
I have mic
Server: US Server TL ID: Saikeraku B.Net ID: Saikeraku.saikeraku Rating: 1300+ League: Platinum Rank: 20~ Race: Zerg Other: Interested in practicing against all races and coming up with different builds.
Server: US Server TL ID: roark B.Net ID: GiR Rating: ? League: Silver (patch 14) Rank: ? Race: Zerg Other: New to RTS. Played SC1 and a few others singleplayer, never ventured online before. Mostly leaving FPS games behind in favor of SC2. Would love practice partners of all races. I actually don't mind TvT. PM me on TL or add me in game and let me know. See you in game! EST, late hours also.
Server: US Server TL ID: oneThing B.Net ID: oneThing.oneThing Rating: 1272 League: Gold Rank: 5 Race: Protoss Other: Looking to find a solid 2v2 partner and just friends to play, practice, and grow with.
Server: US Server TL ID: Jix B.Net ID: Jix.lee Rating: 1300 League: Platinum Rank: 5 Race: Terran Other: Looking for players from asia, best to be in GMT+8 area to pratice with(I am living in singapore). Terran is my main race but I am good at other races as well. All race are welcomed, hope to find some player that will watch replay together after playing, disscuss strategy, point out mistakes, do some heavy trainings. So if you wish to train your skills up together with me, please add me to your friend list.
Server: US Server TL ID: Shenron B.Net ID: Macro.Micro Rating: 1270 League: Gold Rank: 5 Race: Zerg Other: I'm a platinum level player who got a disconnect on a placement match, looking for a practice partner. ZvP is my strongest matchup followed by ZvZ, followed by ZvT. Mainly looking for Ts and Zs, but Ps also welcome as well, to add me. Please be a gold or preferibly platinum player looking to make some serious progress.
Server: US Server TL ID: TossNub B.Net ID: Tsonga.tsgona League: Platinum Rank: anywhere between 5~20 depends on how long of a break i take Race: Protoss Other: looking for some 1v1 practice partners, but i'm def up for 2v2s if someone wants to.
Server: US Server TL ID: Yepachuchu B.Net ID: Yepachuchu.Yepachuchu League: Silver 1v1 Gold 2v2 Rank: Between 10 and 30 usually. Race: Protoss for now, a fair bit of random/zerg experience too Other: looking for some 1v1 practice partners
Server: EU TL ID: Kyuki B.Net ID: Lgn.elgen Rating: 1300 atm League: Platinum Rank: 20ish Race: Terran Other: I need practice partners of every race pretty much. Wouldnt mind some fellow Swedes/Scandiavians, but that's hardly something I require.. I'm up for games simply