Server: US TL ID: Waverblade B.Net ID: Waverblade.waverblade Rating: 1457 League: Silver Rank: 1 Race: Random Other: I have moved from terran to protoss and now zerg and going to start doing random soon. East coast available 1-12 pm all week. I just want some people who i can discuss and play BO's n MU's to help practice macro micro and metagame. Mic would be nice to.
I also want to work on 2v2 I haven't been playing it.
Server : EU TL id hp100 Bnet ID ion.bomba Rating 1150 League Platinium Rank 6 Race Protoss Other : looking for a lot of practice vs any race
Server: US Server TL ID: Skeetboat B.Net ID: skeetboat.tehjagerbomb Rating: 1048 League: Copper Rank: 65 Race: Terran Other: I'm mainly looking for other Copper players so that I can practice my macro, but I'd really be interested in playing people who are better than me so that I can pick up on their strats and maybe have them give me a few pointers. I find myself doing so much micro that I forget to use my MULEs on all my expansions or I'll just be so focused on making a push with my current army that I rack up a couple thousand minerals and vespene gas, and my base gets overrun because I just simply forgot to build more factories or starports or barracks or to even train units in all of them. I also *constantly* resource block myself (I think that's what it's called). So I'll be wasting time building another depot or wasting my command center's energy on calling in supplies on my other depots. Another thing is when I make an expansion, I'll forget to load up my new command center with SCVs while I'm flying it to the new location, be it my natural expansion or another.
TL;DR - I'll take really any help and/or practice that I can get. Also, it'd be fun to meet more people who play. So please add me and message me on Bnet.
Thanks in advance.
Server: Us server TL ID: Footymd B.Net ID: justinbnleau@hotmail.com League: gold Rank: ~10 Race: Protoss Other: Im looking for players wanting to practice builds and all aspects of SC2, i play all the time just let me know!!
Server: US Server TL ID: StarcraftGuy4U B.Net ID: LuckyS.mih Rating: 1150 League: Platinum Rank: 44 Race: Protoss Other: I am looking to improve my game in all matchups, with a particular focus on PvT. I am presently a pretty average player and would really like to improve, the ladder only seems to teach me how to cheese/defend against cheese rather than how to play a solid mid/late-game.
Server: EU Server TL ID: Cynox (as u can see at the top) B.net: Cynox.cynox Rating: 1188 League: Silver Rank: 1 Race: Zerg Other: New to TL and new to SC2. played some wc3 and sc matches before. im currently looking to practice against any race. though my weakest MU is against zerg and protoss, so those players are a little more appreciated and be top silver or above, pls . i usually start playing at 7 or 8 gmt and even earlier at weekends.
Server: US Server TL ID: Phrogs! B.Net ID: Ash.Spr Rating: 1383 League: Platinum Rank: 15 Race: Terran Other: Looking to practice vs plat players of any race. I rarely get to play TvT and have no confidence in my skills in that matchup so any Terran practice partners would be particularly awesome.
US server Gold rank: 60 race: Protoss B.net ID: Fog.fogg TL ID: Fog_of_War -I'm a college student that plays a lot of sc when not studying plus summer is coming up so i have a lot of free time to game.
Server: EU server TL ID: Senx B.Net ID: Senx.senx Rating: 1194 League: Silver Rank: 13 Race: Terran Other: Looking for any P's or Z's to try out strats on, not intrested in playing all-in cheese builds but prefer improving my mechanical ability in longer games with solid openings.
Usually on during the afternoons/evenings CET
Server: US server TL ID: Vinneas B.Net ID: Vinneas.vinneas League: Gold Race: Random Other: Looking for gold/plat players of all races to train and play with. Be obsessed please.
Can play evenings EST weekdays and pretty much all weekend
Server: EU Server TL ID: a_flayer B.Net ID: deprecated.flayer Rating: 1400ish League: Gold Rank: 10ish Race: Random Other: I got the beta right after patch 10 hit the servers. Playing all races, looking for practice against all match-ups and improve all aspects of my play.
Unfortunately not many players that are listed play regularly.... at least not of those entered for eu-silver
Server: US TL ID: BattleSheen B.Net ID: BattleSheen.overkill Rating: 1300 League: Platinum Rank: 42 Race: Zerg Other: I'm on the west coast. I'm looking for people who like to do post game analysis. Also please look within yourself to find the reason if you lose. focus on getting better. I've met some people that cry about imbalance, even when i point out several factors contributing to their loss. so yea hit me up and lets get gosu.
Server: US Server TL ID: bdf92 B.Net ID: lucid.bdf Rating: 1800 before reset League: Platinum Rank: 2nd before reset Race: Terran Other: Looking for a 2v2 partner for the most part, holding off on 1v1's for a bit.
Server: EU Server TL ID: Rodiel B.Net ID: rodiel.rodiel Rating: 1200 League: Platinum Rank: 20 Race: Random Other: looking for 2v2 partner
Server: US Server TL ID: Chronopolis B.Net ID: Chronopolis.starfire League: Platinum Rating:1500 Race: Protoss Other: Looking for any people on plat who want to play, test out bo's and get better.
Server: US Server TL ID: syri.fef B.Net ID: syri.fef Rating: 1375 League: Platinum Rank: 15 Race: Random Other: I am an old War3 ROC semi-pro player that still needs some work on macro and not giving battles and harassment too much attention. Skype is a necessity for analysis, replay viewing, build/strategy discussion, etc.
Server: US Server TL ID: Teazerg B.Net ID: Aletheia League: Diamond Race: Zerg Other: Looking mainly for a Zerg to practice zvz with but am up for any match up.
Server: EU TL ID: OPSavioR B.Net ID: ColdplayR.Alex Rating: 1100 League: Platinum Rank: X Race: Zerg Other: ZvZ is boring imo so im looking for more tosses and terrans to practice with , i like maps like LT and Blisterings Sands not a fan of Desert Oasis.
Server: US Server TL ID: RodKarew B.Net ID: RodKarew.bamf League: Silver Rank: 14 Race: Terran Other: Looking for West Coast people to practice with later in the afternoon I am middle to upper silver right now just trying to test builds against Zerg, Protoss, and Terran and have good games to test these things out before the beta ends