Server: Us Server TL ID: Bjornkavist B.net ID: Petrel.Bjornkavist League: Silver T_T Rank: 10 Race: Protoss Other: Willing to practice with anyone, even if they are a higher league. I don't have the most flexible hours of play time. But weekends are usually the best time. But If im on, just message me and I'll be willing to practice usually.
Server: Us Server TL ID: Ampere B.net ID: StarN.saturn League: Platinum Rank: 55 Rating: 1030 Race: Terran Other: Looking for low-mid level platinum players (mostly Protoss or Zerg) to play against. I just got into platinum yesterday (worked my way through silver and gold leagues) and so far I'm 1-3 lol.. If you want to play, send me a PM.
Server: US Server TL ID: SnIpEuOuT B.Net ID: SnIpEuOuT.lolol Rating: 1600 League: Platinum Rank: 11 Race: Zerg Other: I'm usually on the most between 7-11pm est. I'm mostly looking to improve as much as I can, but I'll play with pretty much anyone so feel free to message me
Server: US Server TL ID: Renzay B.Net ID: Renzay.renz League: Bronze Rank: 72 Race: Protoss Other: Hi! I'm trying to find a practice partner so I can learn some new builds, strategies, and to decide which race I'm most comfortable with. By the way, I am able to skype/vent. Thanks!
Server: EU Server TL ID: Azarthis B.Net ID: Azarthis.zrana League: Silver Rank: 10 Race: Random Other:I'm looking to really work on my multitasking - good macro while maintaining strong micro. Happy to play any race and test anything. Have a mic for skype/vent/etc.
Server: US TL ID: Progenitor B.Net ID: progenitor.zzz Rating: 1210 League: silver Rank: 2 Race: Protoss Other: I like playing 2v2 and looking to partner up with someone decent (ie, good at macro). I can also play 1v1 but currently I'm focusing on 2v2.
Server: US Server TL ID: gummiwormz B.Net ID: gummi.gummi Rating: 1000 League: Gold Rank: 66 Race: terran Other: willing to practice with anyone. just add me on bnet or give me a pm.
Server: US TL ID: Whisper B.Net ID: Whisper.valor Rating:1201 League: Bronze Rank: 14 Race: Protoss Other: Looking for others to play, improve and have fun with - I want to learn all races though my best is toss. I'm very happy taking criticism and I try to keep a fun, low pressure atmosphere with the people I play with. Add me on B.net or send me a pm - I'd be happy to play anybody.
Server: US TL ID: liq3 B.Net ID: liq.three Rating: 1150 League: Platinum Rank: 20 Race: Random Other: Looking for people who want to play several games in a row and like discussing strategy/builds.
Server: US Server TL ID: Veetz B.Net ID: veetz.slicey Rating: 1250 League: Platinum Rank: 10 Race: Terran Other: I have vent/skype and a vent server we can use too. I am on daily and looking for other platinum partners to play against.
Russian Federation85 Posts
Server: EU Server TL ID: Dx Fx B.Net ID: Cypher.alu. Rating: 1000 League: Gold Rank: 42 Race: Protoss Other: Actually looking for people who want spent time with me practicing different strategies and improving the game play in general.
Posted a new post with updated info ^_^
Server: US Server ) B.Net ID: faulteh.bat Rating: 1100 League: Platinum Rank: 23 Race: Zerg Other: Looking for some Protoss vs Zerg practice. Actually, looking for anyone to practice with.
Server: EU Server TL ID: ZerG~LegenD B.Net ID: SieGe.siege Rating: 1600&Rising League: Platinum Rank: 1 Race: Zerg Other: Got my key 5 days ago. Played Brood War for the Swedish national team. Looking for someone to mass ZvZ against.
Server:EU SERVER B.Net ID: hRy.gold Rating: Unranked League: No league Rank: 0 Race: Zerg Other: I have recently converted over to sc2 from wc3. Im looking for a practice partner(s) who wants to become better as a player and become evolve to a more competitive level. I have about 150-200apm ingame. And I havent played any ranked matches yet because of i want to get my things strait first. Im probably in the silver/gold league. If im haveing a average day. Im from sweden. Looking for european players who have skype/ventrilo and like to play and play lots of games in a row. You can reach me easiest by msn messenger: sebbeh7@live.se or skype:sebbeh7
Server: EU TL ID: Curator B.Net ID: Curator.curator Rating: 1100 League: silver/gold Rank: 18 Race: Protoss (would like to play random)
I can use both Ventrilo and skype, but the important thing for me is that you would like to have fun together and progress together skillwise. My main race is protoss, but i would like to eventually get good with every single one. I'm online mostly in the evenings, and would prefer someone able to communicate over Vent/skype. Don't be afraid to send me a message.
Server: US TL ID: Turbulence B.Net ID: Decay.tich Rating: 1100~ League: Platinum Rank: 50~ Race: Terran Other: Been at it for a little over a week. My ranking and rating is going up constantly at this point. I play around 6pm~4am EST. My TvP is strong, but my TvZ and TvT needs some work, those particular match ups interest me specifically, but I still want to practice all my match ups, so add me even if you're protoss.
Server: US TL ID: GG.Win B.Net ID: Masq.Aftermath Rating: 2200 League: Platinum Rank: 1 Race: Terran Other: Looking to train vs cheeses and various PvT timings and all-ins.
Server: US TL ID: Rigatti B.Net ID: Rigatti.rigatti Rating: Not sure where you find this? League: Gold in 1v1, Platinum in 2v2 Rank: 40ish in both Race: Protoss Other: Had beta about a week now. I was about C- in BW a while ago. I really only play on weekends now, but would like someone to practice with and 2v2 with.
Server: US Server TL ID: Froadac B.Net ID: Froadac.froadac Rating: 1140 League: Bronze Rank: 11 Race: Random Other: I'm OK, am willing to learn. Lost some placement matches due to lag, so might be in silver otherwise.