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Maps order by update (top). Work in progress at end of post.
(2) Shrike 1.0 online on NA + EU
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12expansions (4 regular, 1 high yhield, 1 triple vespene per player)
2 watchtowers
rushdistance: 156.2 (137.3nat)
size: 128 x 112
Special features:
Brake DRs to gain access to third geyser
DRs blocked back door beetween Fourth and Triple Vespene
LoSBs between fourth and DRs
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12expansions (4 regular, 1 high yhield, 1 triple vespene per player)
2 watchtowers
rushdistance: 156.2 (137.3nat)
size: 128 x 112
Special features:
Brake DRs to gain access to third geyser
DRs blocked back door beetween Fourth and Triple Vespene
LoSBs between fourth and DRs
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Triple Vespene:
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map corners:
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Triple Vespene:
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map corners:
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(4 )Decline *** Top 5 of the MotM #1 *** 1.0 online on NA + EU
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A 4-spawn melee map with a general layout similar to LT on 144x144 without islands based on my map (4)Fate. I reworked my basic concept from scratch to make the map more compact. Expansion setup is Main+Nat at each four spawnpoints and two High Yield and Triple Vespene as alternative thirds. The High Yield should be central when expanding towards the map's centre. One more 1-gas expansion is in rather far walking distance, but save in between mid distance mains (at 1 and 7).
I wanted to make a map that had solid and balanced gameplay with some small things that produce interesting situations like the HY area, the centre, the drop-cliffs with ramps and so on, so I based it on an old layout idea already used in (4)Fate and refine it. Also I wanted to make something more colorfull than I did in my last maps.
Main problem was that I had so little time and I basically made this map in four evenings that tended to develop into nights the last two days before the end of the MotM competition.
Rush distances:
Close rush distances are longer than Metalopolis, while far rush distances are closer. This helps to create a well balanced setup that still has some differences between the three setups. Rush distances are rather evenly distributed with 117/137/155 (Main to Main) and 93/120/137 (Nat to Nat)
Wide open ramps can be found at both central HY areas and towards Nat-choke and triple vespene. Besides the more compact design, this is the main change or new feature considering (4)Fate as its prequel.
The position of the High Yield is interesting, because it is quite central situated like in Xel'Naga Caverns and has two open ramps and a deep back with a 1-gas expansion that could be used for drops. The cliffs at High Yield can be used devensivly against XN-watchtower or for drops. Also the Main can be cliff-walk attacked from High Yield area, so these two areas are together with the centre really important.
A word on the central path between the two XN: while the area is open, there are two holes separating the field into smaller areas: I think this rather hurts Terran than Zerg who can still come up with surrounds, while Terrans will be less powerfull controlling the open field with big clusters of slow tanks.
LoSB at entrances into triple-vespene expansions and at SE and NW end of the central area produce interesting options for movement.
DRs on third vespene at also blocks ramps that help counter drops. In general there are different drop-options at all shared expansions with no-fly zones around towers in map's corners at both triple vespene and 1-gas expansions.
Visual Design:
Since a had really little time for the visuals they may look a bit rushed in a few spaces, but still I think it looks rather well. Everywehere you can find something, alien flowers, fresh plants and so on. While I wanted to keep it basic and use really few different doodads, I wanted to create a look that is different at each main, so certain textures (two stone tiles) alternate between two mains, their nats and the High Yield area while the 1-gas and the triple vespene exoansions have a more netaural grassy look. There also is a gradient from top to bottom starting with green, fresh and helthy tress and changing to brown and red and finally some shakuras plants at bottom. This is where the maps title originates: forest decline. This is interesting and something that I would like to do again with some more time.
The textureset is a mixture of Aiur, Agria and Haven and Agria lighting setup.
A 4-spawn melee map with a general layout similar to LT on 144x144 without islands based on my map (4)Fate. I reworked my basic concept from scratch to make the map more compact. Expansion setup is Main+Nat at each four spawnpoints and two High Yield and Triple Vespene as alternative thirds. The High Yield should be central when expanding towards the map's centre. One more 1-gas expansion is in rather far walking distance, but save in between mid distance mains (at 1 and 7).
I wanted to make a map that had solid and balanced gameplay with some small things that produce interesting situations like the HY area, the centre, the drop-cliffs with ramps and so on, so I based it on an old layout idea already used in (4)Fate and refine it. Also I wanted to make something more colorfull than I did in my last maps.
Main problem was that I had so little time and I basically made this map in four evenings that tended to develop into nights the last two days before the end of the MotM competition.
Rush distances:
Close rush distances are longer than Metalopolis, while far rush distances are closer. This helps to create a well balanced setup that still has some differences between the three setups. Rush distances are rather evenly distributed with 117/137/155 (Main to Main) and 93/120/137 (Nat to Nat)
Wide open ramps can be found at both central HY areas and towards Nat-choke and triple vespene. Besides the more compact design, this is the main change or new feature considering (4)Fate as its prequel.
The position of the High Yield is interesting, because it is quite central situated like in Xel'Naga Caverns and has two open ramps and a deep back with a 1-gas expansion that could be used for drops. The cliffs at High Yield can be used devensivly against XN-watchtower or for drops. Also the Main can be cliff-walk attacked from High Yield area, so these two areas are together with the centre really important.
A word on the central path between the two XN: while the area is open, there are two holes separating the field into smaller areas: I think this rather hurts Terran than Zerg who can still come up with surrounds, while Terrans will be less powerfull controlling the open field with big clusters of slow tanks.
LoSB at entrances into triple-vespene expansions and at SE and NW end of the central area produce interesting options for movement.
DRs on third vespene at also blocks ramps that help counter drops. In general there are different drop-options at all shared expansions with no-fly zones around towers in map's corners at both triple vespene and 1-gas expansions.
Visual Design:
Since a had really little time for the visuals they may look a bit rushed in a few spaces, but still I think it looks rather well. Everywehere you can find something, alien flowers, fresh plants and so on. While I wanted to keep it basic and use really few different doodads, I wanted to create a look that is different at each main, so certain textures (two stone tiles) alternate between two mains, their nats and the High Yield area while the 1-gas and the triple vespene exoansions have a more netaural grassy look. There also is a gradient from top to bottom starting with green, fresh and helthy tress and changing to brown and red and finally some shakuras plants at bottom. This is where the maps title originates: forest decline. This is interesting and something that I would like to do again with some more time.
The textureset is a mixture of Aiur, Agria and Haven and Agria lighting setup.
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Mapthread (4)Decline
(4) Fate 1.1 online on EU
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Fate, my third map, is my first try on a 4 playerstart map with a symmetrical layout that reminds of Lost Temple but is rather open: with two high yield expansions in the central area and two third and two fourth expansions on the mirroring axis players have to decide to expand towards or away from their opponent(s). One Xel'Naga watchtower at each end of the big cenral bridge (similar to LT, too) is not enough to take over control: players have to move around and scout because of alterantive pathes bigger but also longer than in LT. All three diferent setups for 1on1 play feature different distances. Works for 2on2 and FFA as well.
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(2) Tendency 1.1 online on EU
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Tendency is my first symmetrical 2playerstart map. In my opinion there are two points of interest when designing such a map: 1. you need an interesting centre that gives access to all other areas 2. air distance should not be too short. This maps features an open third expansion on low ground with two ramps, one leads towards centre, one into the Natural. This additional entrance should not be considered a backdoor, because you can still position your army at he choke to control both entrances. It is really hard to wall your Natural off, though. With a triple vespene expansion on high ground that helps to control movement towards all other areas of the map, I think I have achieved an intersting centre. To counter any bold tries to take complete control their are two fourth expansions situated on a high ground separated by two chokes and connected to one of the two main attacking pathes with a wide ramp. There is an additional DR blocked ramp per side. Between the wide central ramp and the triple vespene expansion cliff you can find the single watchtower in this map. the watchtower helps to attack th highround in both directions. A high yield expansion between both Mains is far to reach by ground but close by air and is therefore blocked with DRs. The map's setup is unique and really works well.
The map's design is really basic and concentrated on forming pretty much everything only with cliffes and textures, adding very few doodads where needed to indicate blocked terrain or positioning of vespene and gold expansion.
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(2) Prophecies 1.4 online on EU
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Prophecies features a unique layout. As my second 1on1 map with rotational symmetry it also has a High Yield on low ground that is connected to the opponents Natural via a DR blocked backdoor. With a narrower centre and multiple attractive options for early expansions on Nat, Fourth or High Yield, positioning and scouting is crucial. LoSBs close to the open Third and at the Ntural/High Yield backdoor and the watchtower placement that forces players to move into centre in order to peek into 'their own' high yield area produce intersting situations.
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analyzer images
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(2) Guardian's Grove 1.2 online on EU
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My first map Guardian's Grove is a small and fast paced rotational symmetry map that has a rather simple layout with all expansions siuated in a circle around a central place. Positioning and controll of the map is important with an exceptional watchtower placement close to both high yield expansions that helps to scout movement along the alternative pathes. The map leaves it to the player to take controll of one of both high yield expansions before third and has an additional path between Natural and High Yield blocked with DRs. There is a dropzone close to the natural expansion that is connected to the centre via a wide. While the two-level cliff of both mains might help terran the map is balanced due to multiple options for attacking that makes manouvering important and balances out height advantages.
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analyzer images
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Work in progress
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Apparatus mapthread