mmmmk. So while I was a making a melee map, it became really glitched at some point. I didn't even notice until one of my friends pointed it out. Look at the cliffs:
Before + Show Spoiler + After + Show Spoiler +
I'm not 100% sure, but I think it happened when I used Textures to convert man-made cliffs to organic cliffs because I was having problems when man-made and organic cliffs met.
I do not have an earlier version of the map. fml. 
Any ideas on how to fix it?
Kind of hard to tell in the picture but I would guess it's Show Hidden Terrain Cells, or CTRL+T.
Would be easier if you took a close up of one of the cliffs.
If you want to allow man-made and natural cliffs to meet you need to turn on Cliff Merging, under Tools > Brush or SHIFT+I.
Show Hidden Terrain Cells worked like a charm. <3 <3 <3
How do I rotate the map? For instance if I'm trying to do something like add/remove a cliff but can't see what I'm doing because I need to turn the map 180 degrees to be able to see.
I've been googling it, and messing around in all the menus but honestly can't find anything that allows me to "turn/rotate" the map. I'm sure the button will be right in front of me but I'm just missing it.
@United- hold down shift+arrow key
Wasn't there a post there before?
Ctrl % right click, at least on a PC.
If you're mac idk
I was looking at sc2ranks and startale has lots of memebers ranked very high. Why have we not seen any startale members in the GSL?
Does anyone know how to hide these names of these terrain objects? They show up in the editor on game view and in my export map image window (with points hidden)
View > Show Helper Models, maybe?
I don't like using terrain objects for reasons like this, they seem pretty poorly implemented from my experience.
Is there a IRC room custom map / modders use as a resource to talk and help each other?
Not sure, if we dont, we shud get one 
Also, when texturing a map with lets say a set of big tiles, the tiles are set. You can 'paint' them in but you cant move the actual texture...
Or can you? 
So for example when Ive got this:
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/9MsCh.jpg)
I want to archieve this, by positioning the textures different and not the entire map:
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/fDl4j.jpg)
black - wall brown - tiling texture
How can I correctly fix the Referee/Spectator issue? I get referee jumping on random players and I can't take it off or make others referee. What's the correct way to have it so you can easily switch between Ref/Spectator mode in the lobby?
How do I add new units? Everytime I try to add new units basically the map the unit never has a model.
I hope this is correct place to ask, give me link to tutorial if you have cause it might be long to explain. Thanks!
Even if we dont have a IRC channel we should have a common chat room in game. Any ideas?
"galaxy editors" or something like that?
Dumb question I was just trying to place minerals but I couldnt put them in the corners of the map is there a way to fix this or is it supposed be like that
On February 02 2011 11:22 oddeye wrote: How do I add new units? Everytime I try to add new units basically the map the unit never has a model.
I hope this is correct place to ask, give me link to tutorial if you have cause it might be long to explain. Thanks! You have to add in the model, or link a current model to it. I don't have a link, but I'd suggest searching here or on sc2mapster.com
@ ihasaKAROT: I have a lot of experience with this. If you check out my maps, Gas Chamber & Thunder Temple, you can see how I aligned the entire map after the big tiles.
+ Show Spoiler + + Show Spoiler +
To answer your question, no you can´t. However, you can copy/paste the entire map, and thus shift it to align with the textures. I know it´s a drag (pun). Just try if you can reposition that choke to align with the tiles.
Drat, I was afraid it wasnt possible. Also, your maps were the root of my question ^^ big fan big fan
how do you turn on the skybox in the editor? like so when i move the camera looking up its not just black sky