On May 12 2010 22:35 Chriamon wrote: Very nice.
Some input, on moving the probe around from the beginning; shouldn't we be focused on our build order completely from the beginning, and start the probe running on 10 supply or something, or perhaps we must send a scout to a region which will start the probe running. .
I like the idea, the greatest would be imo : 1)you have to send a scouting worker into a certain zone in the map (i.e. the enemy base) before a fixed time limit. 2)when the scout stops running or get killed you start to have sex with the probe and the zergling for the rest of the game.
edit : of course big thanks to the OP for his work this is serious shit
Good job for the map, it is really more interesting with the expo spot. My only problem with this map is that I can't watch replay to see my Apm  I tryed many times it says unable to open map even when i drag the map on the shortcut its not working,
Don't stop its becoming really good.
The point isn't for the probe to be a realistic scout, I mean you can focus on your build order vs ai, or in the build order tester, the focus is for you to get better at multi tasking constantly, macro + building stuff + keeping your build order ok all while managing your probe... i mean for a truly realistic setting play real games =). The easiest part of the map for me is the first few minutes cause there isn't that much to do back at base that I cant do really quickly, it's when I have to start warping in units, etc that I need to be careful with my probe.
Thanks again for this good tool.
Thank you so much I can't wait to mass game this :D
The bw version practically doubled my APM when I was new!
anytime you pick a race, you get have the possibility to get the overlay/sounds of a different race.
by this i mean, when i pick protoss, i got the terran overlay, along with the error sounds (not enough minerals, more supply depo). this happened a 2nd time, but instead of terran, i got zerg as protoss.
still enjoying the game though. ty for all the updates
On May 27 2010 06:11 hellsan631 wrote: anytime you pick a race, you get have the possibility to get the overlay/sounds of a different race.
by this i mean, when i pick protoss, i got the terran overlay, along with the error sounds (not enough minerals, more supply depo). this happened a 2nd time, but instead of terran, i got zerg as protoss.
still enjoying the game though. ty for all the updates
On May 27 2010 05:38 trancey_ wrote: If i play protoss the terran advisor voice and probe icons and so on will display. Also wtf i don't even win on easy mode, seriously wtf!
it would be awesome to display the apm at the end of a round also
The overlay problem is something I don't know how to fix (if it's even possible) but if you read the OP under the "Knows Issues" section you will see that there is a very easy way to fix this. Be warned that if you don't have an EU client you may have to fix localization after you edit the map. Instructions on doing so can be found here.
Regarding APM, I would love to be able to have it displayed but I don't think Blizzard has implemented a way to do this
I don't want apm to be implement live but to beable to watch the game replay
This is a cool idea and I'm excited to use it, APM definitely needs improvement as I have never seen myself average over 100, usually closer to 30-50.
The map has a lot of issues though before I can really see it helping me at all. To begin with, the options that are presented are pretty nonsensical... What is Param/Value/A bunch of random numbers supposed to mean? There's 9 different options and I have no idea what they do.
Also, I could be wrong on this and just doing something incorrectly.. but um, isn't that zergling faster than the probe? He catches up every time. Also in a real game, I know for a fact they are faster, you aren't going to be able to outrun a zergling so what is the point? Why don't you just make it an SCV, that would make more sense anyway.
Nice idea, will give it a try in a few days.
I'm running on a mac and I can't get the map to open on mapcraft 1.4
I'm just selecting the map and attempting to launch, but it's not doing anything.
On the other hand, this map is a great idea and I'd love to try it out (: I average 40-60apm and I'd love the opportunity to get better.
anyone got any vods or screenshots of this?
Alrite thx, very nice stuff. Thx a lot ^^
thx for the second Hatch! I felt this map is so easy with Protoss and Terran but now i finally am able to play it decently with zerg :O
Uhm how am i supposed to keep the probe alive? If i use waypoints it slows down and gets hit, but i cant just focus on it all the time, and more especially you are not supposed to do that ingame anyway, since awypoints work vs other workers and zealots, so the difficulty is a bit exagarated here imho.
On May 28 2010 21:56 Warri wrote: Uhm how am i supposed to keep the probe alive? If i use waypoints it slows down and gets hit, but i cant just focus on it all the time, and more especially you are not supposed to do that ingame anyway, since awypoints work vs other workers and zealots, so the difficulty is a bit exagarated here imho. THe point isn't to get used to microing a scout vs workers and zealots. The point is to get used to focusing on something other than ur base, and still getting your macro done. You pretty much stay on the probe, use hotkeys to macro, and pop back into your base to build new buildings and such.
This tool is awesome! My APM has already upgraded even though I've been training in the very easy mode (I'm a noob)!
I dont know where to post it but... can someone try to create impossible micro, micro-tournaments and impossible units. Their are all bw ums maps ports.
And good work #1 it's working so fine right now
Holy Crap... did you disable nuc's for Terran?
I beat it with the other races, but not yet with Terran even though that's my main race. I just don't have the time to Line up my Siege tanks just right...
I was going to Nuke their line for easy mode, but I guess you're not allowing that? 
Great Great Great map. This is so good. Plz add nukes!!
edit: Just decided to make Thor's to do my A-move worked well. Man, Terran gets high on minerals off of 1 base. + Show Spoiler +This game has Multiplayer 1v1 seeming so Stress free to me. I'm like 100/Diamond which has me at rank 35. I'm fairly low apm at like 80, but playing this helps me keep my head clear durring a game. This is comming from a guy who literally started out as Copper and spent a LOT of time in Silver. THANK YOU so much <3
Could someone publish this on the EU servers? I would like to play this online, and at the same time see which of my friends are online. I'd publish it myself but the retarded map editor wont let me log onto my B.net account from it -.-.
cursor how did you beat it as Z on normal? When I usually attack the number of tanks/marauders rip everything i send apart. Lings/blings/roaches/hydras all die to tank fire and maras with medivacs.
On May 29 2010 22:14 Latham wrote: Could someone publish this on the EU servers? I would like to play this online, and at the same time see which of my friends are online. I'd publish it myself but the retarded map editor wont let me log onto my B.net account from it -.-.
cursor how did you beat it as Z on normal? When I usually attack the number of tanks/marauders rip everything i send apart. Lings/blings/roaches/hydras all die to tank fire and maras with medivacs. Version 0.93 is already up on EU but I don't think it works right now T_T. I'm slowly trying to fix it but I don't have enough time right now... If anyone has any tips please go ahead!