Calgary25963 Posts
TL.net Attack Episode 2 is now finished!
VOD Links: Torrent (recommended) HTTP
Replays: Here
Thanks to all who came out and to our Hero player of the day, IdrA!
Discuss the event here.
Our hero player Idra played 10 matches including a 3v1 against "Team IRC". The event went for just over 3 hours so big thanks to everyone who showed up to watch and try get games. Good luck to Idra as he will be heading off to Korea next weekend to join Estro as a practice partner!
Our community winner for episode 2 was "HovZ" whos TL id is "._.". He walks away with a MASTER mousepad courtesy of the fine folks over at esportnova.com.
Tune in next week when we are joined by top American Protoss player NonY!
is awesome32269 Posts
Will I need to install anything special to get the stream to work?
is awesome32269 Posts
On March 03 2008 04:34 Heggie wrote: Will I need to install anything special to get the stream to work?
VLC alone should handle it easy. Any decent media player should do the job, i dont know what codecs the stream is using but VLC will play for sure
The stream is Windows Media, so it should play best in Windows Media Player (make sure you have latest version installed for the codecs), but it also plays fine in VLC and should work in GOM too.
USA29055 Posts
God bless everyone who faces IdrA. May jesus' love warm your hearts~
uuu can't wait... hope it'll be an infinite noob bashing session.
gl everyone.
Will the link be posted in this thread or a new news post?
VLC has always worked perfectly with this. Can't wait to watch this awesomeness!
... Although I still think the rule should be that none of the players can listen or watch the stream during the match.
I love this shit!!!!!!
all you guys who make this happen are kings among men and i would buy you pints :D and chinese buffet under £6 p/person and perhaps £10 p/person if it involved sex
can't WAIT :D
gona get me some cheerios and some robinsons squash and have a good watch!
lets hope for some gg's =D go idra!
On March 03 2008 04:24 IntoTheWow wrote: 2 bad im le rusty Hey ITW. Were you actually in IntoThe?
What's with the music, lol?
What is this song anyways...
Oh yeah, it's fucking awesome too.
Nice! Jammin out to these tunes.
im in, idra should take on that gosu superior wolf maby hel be good enough so that superior cant win with his feet alone
nice music
makes me want to dance
go back to that funky song please
haha, the music feels very progame-ish