Just a quick announcement: Teamliquid's official time is now set to Korean Standard Time. Our server's clock has been adjusted, and all times and dates on the website from here on out will reflect the new setting. This is a 16 hour jump forward from PDT, the previous time zone.
The reason for this change should hopefully be fairly obvious - much of the focus of this community centers around events in Korea, and having our site's time match Korea's should make those times and dates that much easier to follow.
Many years ago this website was hosted in Europe and set to a local time zone. When the site moved to a server in the United States, the clock's time changed with it. For the last two and a half years though, TL has been hosted on the east coast of the US, but we've kept the time set to Pacific for consistency. And now we're changing it to KST.
Old posts in the forums should still keep their old time-stamps, and new posts will be stamped with the new time. Some of the other time-related areas of the site (such as the Private Messages feature), because of their implementation, will have their time-stamps shifted 16 hours ahead to the new time.
Hopefully this won't cause too much confusion. I've added an "Old" time at the top right, to help with the transition (particularly for those whose local time matches PDT, myself included). The extra clock will probably be removed in a week or two.
To happy times ahead,
it was reasonable i think GJ
United States37500 Posts
Thanks Saro.
is awesome32269 Posts
I loved when the site was CET =( But well, I ca memorize a few different and important timezones anyway
i don't see how this makes events easier to follow
the easiest would be to have it so that each user sees everything in local time. so when we all look at tl calendar (the only thing you ever need to follow the events) you will just see when it is your time.
as i'm from PDT timezone that's how it was for me, and i can say that made it very easy to follow the calendar, so all should have this experience. korean time is only helpful to koreans 
p.s. if this change was requested by the people who update tl calendar then that is obviously a damn good reason to change it
This is an awesome idea that will make things so much easier for me. <3
u messed up something e-Sports Festival is on 10th but in calendar it's today o_O (or maybe it's today in your time... but it's defenetly tomorrow in korea)
There are probably still a few inconstistencies regarding the calendar (which had to "cheat" to be KST before).
I'll look into this asap.
Everything should be alright from now on.
I agree with a-game. If possible you should start working on giving the users the abilitiy to set our local time instead, much easier or at least add GMT or CET time aswell in the top-right.
I know it's hard to change old code but it's worth it in the long run.
I think it is perfect now. If you want to know your local time, check the clock down the right on your screen. If you want to see how long it is till that korean tourney starts that you want to follow, come check it out on tl. It is much easier for treadmakers and to update the calender if they dont need to calculate different times all along. Its only a little extra work for the people who live in PDT, but you were spoiled anyway, in Europe we needed to calculate it all the time already
On August 09 2007 16:58 Mango wrote:Its only a little extra work for the people who live in PDT, but you were spoiled anyway, in Europe we needed to calculate it all the time already  haha yes we were spoiled
And don't forget the top right "Time" link for easy conversions. :o
On August 09 2007 16:58 Mango wrote:I think it is perfect now. If you want to know your local time, check the clock down the right on your screen. If you want to see how long it is till that korean tourney starts that you want to follow, come check it out on tl. It is much easier for treadmakers and to update the calender if they dont need to calculate different times all along. Its only a little extra work for the people who live in PDT, but you were spoiled anyway, in Europe we needed to calculate it all the time already 
Well that's the point really, it's not the local time I wanna know but the my local time when the events starts in Korea and when other users posted in the forums. This should be a setting for each user.
The problem for time conversions for admins when adding tournaments and games to the TLPD. Well that should be easy just another drop-down list(I suppose you use a drop-down list for day, month and year, and time aswell) for timezone.
The problem with timezones and time in general when dealing with websites like TL is a major one. It's something you often need to plan for in advance otherwise it usually ends up with lots of "hacks".
39489 Posts
Australia is only one hour ahead of korea. So this is close to local for me
Germany1302 Posts
The Internet should have his own time, similar to the idea Swatch had some years ago. A day has 1000 (dunno what they called it) "clicks" and times are like 150, 350 .. and since they are different from the "normal" time ppl would not be confused or mix them up. And if someone said OSL starts 570 tomorrow *everyone* knew when that is. Too bad Swatch only pushed this halfassed and did include timezones and not just "one" time. The idea was good.
That should be reintroduced as TLT (Team Liquid Time).
United States20661 Posts
*thinks for a bit*
*scratches head*
*still has no clue what this means in terms of extra work for him*
hongjinho fighting..?