[GSTL] Rolling the Dice - Page 8
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Germany239 Posts
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Croatia476 Posts
On April 09 2012 09:23 Elthreann wrote: To be fair on the decision, even 3 minutes earlier marineking did have a huge lead and everyone thought he had one, but parting somehow defended and , as many others have pointed out, parting didn't have everything at the front and did not have anything on the production facilities, so if parting had just moved in, i think he might have loost everything, so i think parting was way ahead but it wasn't completely over... Are you sure about that one? http://i.imgur.com/G49G9.jpg Besides, SC2 isn't a boxing match. You can't have a decision made on points throughout the game, but based on snapshot of point of disconnection. Parting had 10 times the army size of MKP and several zealots were thrashing MKP's barracks' outside his natural. It was an obvious tipping point (2 marauders vs several zealots, stalkers and even an archon I believe). I have nothing against MKP but some people idolize him slightly over the top, giving him too much credit. Still, the fact remains that he had lost that game there and then. Also, Prime had absolutely nobody left that can take out Parting, Curious AND Bomber. Maru and MKP are by far the best players on the team; okay maybe Byun could've pulled a miracle but I highly doubt it. Creator you say? That guy's multitasking is pretty subpar for GSTL finals' standards (watch last games vs NaDa in GSL, he ripped him a new one with a single medivac on both Dual Sight and Entombed Valley), also there was not a single game where he hadn't had multiple observers rallied to the same spot, just idling there. Don't get me wrong, he's an amazing strategist, after all he was one of the protoss players who spearheaded double forge in PvT in the matchup's darkest times and all, but you can't expect someone with weak multitasking and average control (again, for the level he's competing at) to knock out the likes of Bomber and Parting. STQ got robbed plain and simple. And no, I'm not a fanboy of anyone involved nor do I wanna make anyone look bad (apart from the ref's who are clearly lacking common sense). Also, I can't help but to think of the possibility of corruption on IPL's staff as someone previously mentioned, unplugging MKP's pc from the router in backstage, especially since their explanation was pretty foggy to anyone who has any clue about networking. The IPL guy said that they had connection on MKP's pc reset every hour instead of default 24 hours, which if you have any clue on the subject, would realise that no router setting such as that one exists. ISP refreshes your IP address every 24 hours by default, not router. And how come only MKP's pc disconnected if what he said was really the case? I have a hard time believing each pc has its own dedicated connection. TL:DR Ref's decision is made by following martial arts' match rules which makes no sense - there are no points per round in RTS, only the final state of game counts at the point of disconnection. IPL's explanation is nothing short of fabrication of a nigh-impossible issue, which makes people like me prone to consider worst case scenario possiblities, raise their eyebrows. They should've stuck to blaming BNet. And last but not least, I had no intention of trashtalking any players involved in the GSTL finals, I was merely expressing my thoughts on the chances in case of 'what if'. | ||
United States5356 Posts
/sarcasm | ||
Korea (South)2393 Posts
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United States158 Posts
On April 09 2012 01:51 d6Mesh wrote: And so the conspiracy theories begin... Anyway I stopped watching after the disconnect because it was 4am, the fact there is no lan or custom match save/load functionality is a shame really. yeah i agree... if they can save a replay they should be able to allow you to restart at the point where the disconnect occurs. would solve this issue completely + Show Spoiler + i am a huge marine king fan and was actually rooting for prime to win but i was really disappointed with the disconnect. it is hard to say whether the refs made the right decision or not but parting played such an amazing game. he had the win in his grasp and then it was just taken away from him at such a pivotal moment. if parting had won and put mkp out of the picture after that game, the rest of the series could have looked completely different. i really hope gom is able to fix all of its computer issues so this doesn't happen again. it's annoying enough when this happens at times when it isn't so important but to have it happen in the finals in arguably the most important game of the series is unacceptable imo edit; also wish blizzard had implemented a lan system so disconnects wouldn't be such an issue | ||
United States685 Posts
In other words, I read it and felt like I still didn't understand the decision at all, despite the fact that the article defends Choya. I guess the background info puts it into context to some extent, but that's it. I thought it was a horrible decision when I watched the VODs last week, and if it isn't for some reason, I'd be curious to know why. Also, speaking of fucking stupid, don't use the word fuck in the article if you're just going to bleep it out. What kind of sense does that make? | ||
United States158 Posts
On April 10 2012 06:11 Vul wrote: I thought the opinion piece about Choya was very weak. The article doesn't provide any relevant insight into why it makes sense to send out Choya vs Oz in that situation. Instead it cites numerous examples of when this has happened in the past, in BW, etc., and then it just kind of speculates that there must have been some reason, but what it is remains unclear. In other words, I read it and felt like I still didn't understand the decision at all, despite the fact that the article defends Choya. I guess the background info puts it into context to some extent, but that's it. I thought it was a horrible decision when I watched the VODs last week, and if it isn't for some reason, I'd be curious to know why. Also, speaking of fucking stupid, don't use the word fuck in the article if you're just going to bleep it out. What kind of sense does that make? yeah i mean there may have been strategy behind the decision but just based off of the VOD it seemed like a split-second decision by Choya wanting to prove himself or something. i was utterly shocked when it happened...even if choya is better in that match-up i think oz would have been the better decision 100% of the time : / ... would have liked to see FXO in the final too : ( | ||
United Kingdom927 Posts
On April 09 2012 11:45 Soda-88 wrote: Are you sure about that one? http://i.imgur.com/G49G9.jpg Also, Prime had absolutely nobody left that can take out Parting, Curious AND Bomber. Maru and MKP are by far the best players on the team; okay maybe Byun could've pulled a miracle but I highly doubt it. Creator you say?. This is strange considering Byun and Creator both absolutely raped StarTale last time Prime and ST met. Honestly, the screenshot of army values is so misguiding. Parting had just warped in and as you may know if you actually watch this game, Terrans don't have a similar ability. If that screenshot would've been taken 4 seconds later it would look a lot different. | ||
Germany3947 Posts
On April 09 2012 01:24 InoyouS2 wrote: To all the idiots whining at Prime or MKP, stfu and get over yourselves, it is not the players or the teams fault; all they are allowed to do is play, they have no say in the decision making. It is nobody's fault, and MKP was clearly the better player, even though PartinG played very well. No matter what you say, the game was NOT over, and it was not in a position to call a CLEAR winner, you can speculate all you want, but in that situation a re-game is the absolute best decision. It isn't about who is the better player, it's about who played better that one match. Marineking's chance to come back was very, very small. It is very likely he had lost that game, and this would have put Startale in a big lead. A regame shuffles the deck and resets the chances for both players. That decision was unfair to Parting and Startale. A decision to give the win to Parting would be somewhat unfair, too, since Marineking had a (very small chance) that Parting totally messes up. I consider the regame decision more unfair than a decision that the game counts as Parting's win. That is the catch in winner's league: You have a BO1, so you can use prepared strategies which only work once. | ||
Australia43 Posts
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