United States7481 Posts
so lets hope blizzard will add some of these to the next mappool! (it would be too awesome, but I think they won't do it..)
So sad that I had to drop out, my phone died so I couldnt get the authenticator code Ah well, I'm in the next one for sure!
The title has "[Reps]" in it. Was that always there? Does that mean the replay pack will be released soon?
More VODS at youtube.com/cheeseheadlogic should be out by tonight if not early tomorrow morning.
There will be VODS of earlier rounds including players: SlayerSDragon, LiquidHero, AcerNerchio, Zenexsikari.
ro16-GoSuVibe vs MVPGuineaPig ro16-MVPnobelesse vs CheckPrime(EsaharaCheck) Quarter Finals- TSLAlive vs TSLHeart
I'm disappointed none of the reps are on Cloud Kingdom. I was looking forward to seeing some matches on it.
wanted to let you know Burning Altar's third will be changed in the next version with a low ground drop pod that can be defended with roaches/queens (distance=reach 3). be assured that this tournament helps us mapmaker a lot.
These maps were pretty awesome! I want them on ladder! :D
nevermind i foudn the replays in the other thread sorry :p
Ohana is particularly to my taste. Lagoon reminds me of tropical sci-fi sceneries in Mass Effect 1-2.