Germany / USA16648 Posts
On January 09 2011 10:54 elvenlizard wrote: Where do we sign up for the Jan 15 NA Qualifier? Sign ups for TL Opens are always on Wednesday. It will state sign up at the top of the page, you won't be able to miss it.
Aotearoa39261 Posts
On January 05 2011 11:26 madnessman wrote: I just noticed that poker doesn't link to liquid poker anymore... It's been like that for a long time, since before TSL2 iirc.
Australia8532 Posts
Sorry if i have missed something - but have the casters been confirmed yet?
I bet Dimaga wishes he hadn't cheated in whatever he cheated in now.
Glider, you're amazing man.
I can't get over how sick the art in the teaser is... and music... I just watch it over and over and look into Nony's eyes... (and think about my drawing classes)
It's going to be epic!!!
Gonna try to put $15K in my pocket! It will be messy... it might be cheesy... but somehow I'm confident! XD
...jk -.-
wait lemme get this straight: I enter and hopefully win one of the opens displayed on the original post I then am in the tournament I play at march profit? and also idk how to sign up for them and i don't feel like reading the whole thread to find out
Has registration already begun for the Feb. 12 & 26 qualifiers? Or does registration occur a couple days or the day of the tournament?
On January 07 2011 03:00 SwisheR wrote: I don't understand the complaining about the liquid players in Korea getting an invite. I mean don't we all WANT to see Huk, Ret, and Jinro battle it out in this tournament? I mean it wouldn't be right without them would it.
I couldn't agree more, I haven't actually seen the invites from Korea but I sure as hell hope Idra is also getting invited.
what is the process for choosing the korean invites? and, what do people think... is a korean going to take this? if i had to bet i would go with a korean.
"Can I play in more TSL3 Qualifiers after I win one? No. Once you win a TSL3 Qualifier you cannot play in any more. If we discover that a player was secretly playing in TSL3 Qualifier tournaments after winning one, that player will forfeit his TSL3 spot and be disqualified."
I dont understand how Select and Nerchio can play this TeamSpeak TL SC2 Open #12 if they already won earlier?
Edit, sorry, I looked at wrong place. They did not won earlier.
Firstly, I want to thank the individuals organizing TSL3 Please view my post as constructive criticism with suggestions on how to improve an otherwise amazing event. Here goes:
On January 01 2011 14:00 TL.net Bot wrote: Why don't you allow everyone including Chinese/Koreans to join the TL Opens on US/EU?
We would have preferred doing something for everyone, but we have to be realistic. We are not ready and capable to deal with a hundred progamers playing our US-EU Open tournaments on borrowed accounts without us having a clue who is who. Such a tournament would be a logistical nightmare, with many players not able to communicate with their opponents or admins. Instead, we have chosen for a system that we know we can deliver on, and we will work to improve on it as we gain more experience. Everyone wants Chinese and Koreans to participate, including us. But right now, we're not ready.
From our standpoint it is a choice between an invite system for Korea / Asia or no players from there at all, so we chose invites. When reading this I got quite confound. I do agree the above statement are valid reasons for excluding these regions mentioned. But seeing the invites I feel like the implementation of the rules hides other motives.
My points being: 1. Players from other non-EU/US regions with language barriers was able to participate. 2. Of 8 players invited only 4 had a language barrier, the others had EU/US accounts. 3a. Invites were meant to replace preliminaries from different regions. 3b. Yet no player outside of Korea is likely to be invited.
Regional preliminaries are an objective and result-based system. An invite system chosen to replace this should likewise be based on results in said region. Only two foreigners in Korea currently comes close to make the cut based on their own achievements in Korea(Point 2).
Players banned from competition should at least be given a reasonable evaluation in the replacing inviting process (Point 3). Some players, take Loner for example, has participated in western cups before and would certainly be capable to participate again, would they be allowed to. These players does not need an invite system! On the other hand, some players living in China/Taiwan would have a hard time participating in preliminaries. Yet they seem even more discriminated in the current system. I mean, wasn't it these players the invite system was supposed to reach?
To me the current Asian invite system fullfills the following purposes: 1. Securing participation for TL-popular players. 2. Netting players who otherwise would likely not opt to go through TSL preliminaries.
The current invite system is very Liquid-centric (GSL+certain western events). Additionally the foreign invites seems to be based more on popularity rather than their aichevements. Genius was invited because he won Blizzcon (Western tournament) while Kyrix who won GSTAR (Korean tournament) was not. I honestly belive the invited Koreans would have been capable of going through an TL organized prelim. The question is: Would they?
Obviously I do not have nearly enough information of invitation criterias. Therefore I'm forced to make certain speculative assumptions when analyzing them. Feel free to reboulk me =)
My suggestion for future TSLs: 1. Try making at least a few asian qualifiers happen. 2a. Allow all players to compete in all preliminaries. 2b. If an Asian wins a western qualifier, invite one less Asian and add a ranking qualifier. 2c. Earmark two invites for non-Korean asians (good for growing e-sports). 2d. Invites should be specific for players having difficulties participating in prelims(language barrier). 2e. Invites should be based on results achieved in the same region (lessens western bias).
The TSL qualification system embraces the importance of trying and making an effort in order to compete. CrunCher with his breakout performance and Nerchio (who's participated in every single qualifier) are shining examples of this. If Nerchio makes it into TSL it will be well deserved, certainly not because of former glory. This is also why I'm fine with GSLs one-time decision of inviting foreigners who already made the investments of going to Korea, but dislike TLs decision to invite the same people when they've not even lifted a finger to get into TSL.
Invite tourneys has their place, but TL is more of a grass-root organization. The qualification process should reward players willing to make an effort to participate, such players will also inspire and grow the community.
When are the next matches starting? Where can i get a schedule?
On March 07 2011 00:34 koOma wrote: When are the next matches starting? Where can i get a schedule?
According to this thread, the first matches start "March Saturday 19th at 2:00 Eastern Time." I'm not sure what TemplarCo.'s sources are though.
Also, why does Tournaments > Tracker have TSL3 down for "Sat 05 Mar"? That really confused me and I ended up getting hyped for nothing ![](/mirror/smilies/frown.gif)
Thank god only 5 days til this event starts! I really hope they do it in GSL fashion with matches 6 days a week!
guy help my i am in aus its 19 of march here an its 1.48 pm what time does TSL3 start for AUS?
Alright...please don't kill me if this is a stupid question. But the first day of TSL is over right? I missed it. Can I see the VOD's somewhere?
dont want to complain about it, but why are wheat and husky saying that we are having a commercial break, and then i dont see a commercial just the normal pre game picture and sc2 music.