Learning a language especially Korean is very difficult. I spent 4 months in Hungary, even taking language classes, and by the end of it still couldn't have a conversation. Hungarian is very difficult to learn, but Korean is regarded as one of the 5 hardest languages to learn as a 2nd language (or 3rd, 4th, etc.) for English-speaking folk.
I guess my point is.. You can learn enough of the language to get by and experience the culture full-on without becoming fluent in the language. Enjoy your time there, play lots of starcraft, MAKE FRIENDS (man all those Korean girls are gonna dig you so much...), explore the city, and have fun.
Holy shit! Such a big step - in the right direction! Everything is moving so fast... as far as I'm concerned this is great. Anything to open up Starcraft and eSports to the global audience is something I'm all for. GL HF!
On August 14 2010 00:12 Badjas wrote: Question, will TLO get his first official team reprimand for breaking this news early?
TLO did not break the news. It was shared with a tournament organiser with the understanding that it was confidential, but was thereafter leaked. Our players are professionals, they would never start or feed rumours.
On August 14 2010 00:07 elagrion wrote: What is oGs? And guys, don't you think that in each article must be at least one explanation of each non all-over-places used acronym? Coz reading oGs'es and FA's don't understanding what it means is so much fun, yeah.
As stated oGs is a korean team. And FA = FrozenArbiter = Liquid Jinro.