On September 30 2017 20:10 Koshi wrote: I liked some stuff people said about my reads. But i am not analysing it yet. Something for later. Maybe.
That's deep bro
It's like y'all have become a bunch of drooling old men
On October 01 2017 00:18 Breshke wrote: Vivax why should i not vote damerion and go to bed
Cause there's a bunch of afk ppl and others who just as much say something while saying little who deserve to be lynched more and you should feel really bad if the D1 lynch was a first timer and turned out to be town.
Don't see why anyone should put Dam at more than null atm. On one hand it feels like he posts a tad too much, on the other that's really what mafia needn't do in a low activity town.
Tbh Grack is probably mafia. Damerion is probably town just for starting out the game calling Gracks post trash and I don't see mafia being among the first to start throwing accusations, so I'm re-townreading him.
On September 29 2017 12:48 Grackaroni wrote:Show nested quote +On September 29 2017 12:21 Damerion wrote: I am unsure why you have me as mafia Oatsmaster, could you expound on why you think that?
Vivax why is directing blues in that way not pro-town? We would gain a good bit of information by controlling multiple lynches or kp, and have confirmed town for multiple days leading the town towards a strong circle.
Why Grackanori would my reaction only come from a new lerson point od view? Why could I not be scum doing it? I am most concerned with the amount of certainty you are making decisions this early. That's kind of hard for me to explain. You take my post very literally. "Why does Grackaroni want to team up with Fecalfeast? If he is town he wouldn't even know Fecalfeast's alignment. But if he is scum then perhaps he thinks an alliance would benefit him. But then Grackaroni might be less likely to be scum with Fecalfeast." From my experience it just seems like a thought process that I'm used to seeing from town players unfamiliar with the more trolly nature of this forum.
This post I really don't like cause I can't remember the last time Grack saw someone unfamiliar with the more trolly nature on this forum. Bolded sounds made up.
Post feels overexplained.
Probably also a stretch to TR him for it cause Damerion pointed out something others most likely saw as what it was: early game nonsense. What'd your reaction be to someone taking one of your early bs posts and calling you scum for it? You'd laugh at it and brand him sloppy or dumb or whatever. Or maybe you're more considerate and tell him simply you weren't serious. Feels kind of off to just stamp a townread on him and be done with it.
Would like to see more from Grack anyway cause this is literally the only post I can put some weight into.
Well, won't be around for deadline and from now on. Not going to bother switching since the two votes on Rels are the closest thing to a wagon, cya.
Chez n rayn are mafia for sure for that vote.
I don't see all mafia being on me at once so it's quite possible Grack just voted me for butthurtery.
Rayn should know me well enough to know that I wouldn't put 10 % of the effort I did in this town and Chez literally just piled up to lynch an active dude over a non-player with zero reasons given.
On October 02 2017 06:59 boxerfred wrote: I wish I was scum. I could continue lurking. I have not read a single post of this game yet. I'm not sure when I'll find the time to do that. But I'm somewhat here.
By extension, wouldn't you be thinking that the mafia are lurking since that is the premise of this post? Looking forward to your reads on 1gu and other people who could fit into that description then. I also think you should be lynched if you don't post at least 10 times today.
Today for me is mostly figuring out just who are misguided townies and who's scum.
I think I should get a free townread already for Breshke asking me why he shouldn't just go to bed if I don't convince him of voting someone else, but it requires a certain amoung of trust put into that not just being distancing beforehand.
Basically I was the only guy around at the time and he was sort of looking for my approval to just keep his vote there, then leave at that moment. So I think that speaks in my favour, I wouldn't hold it against you if you treated this as NAI but personally I think it's a useful bit of information as it betrays a mindset in which he knew I was town.
With Grack I almost wanted to townread him like in my initial reaction to the votecount but after going through the filter, this really bothers me:
On October 01 2017 03:08 Grackaroni wrote:Show nested quote +On October 01 2017 02:55 Oatsmaster wrote:On October 01 2017 02:54 Grackaroni wrote:On October 01 2017 02:51 Oatsmaster wrote:On October 01 2017 02:46 Grackaroni wrote:On October 01 2017 02:34 Oatsmaster wrote:On October 01 2017 02:33 Grackaroni wrote:On October 01 2017 02:29 Oatsmaster wrote:On October 01 2017 02:26 Grackaroni wrote: The only thing that makes me not want to kill VIvax right now is the fact that he's actually playing in an afk game, which he might not do as scum. why OMGUS though Because he's trying to push a lynch on me for bad reasons? thats literally the definition of omgus though. Kind of. I won't scum read somebody for pushing me if I believe their thought process. If their reasons for pushing me seem manufactured then of course I'll think they're scummy. obviously if you are town their reasons are manufactured. No that has nothing to do with what alignment I am. Reasons to scum read somebody are only made up by scum. i mean, if your scum partner is bussing you then he has legit reasons. Anyway, you are totally not getting what Im saying. If you are town, everyone who calls you scum is wrong and has bad reasons. So why does that make Vivax mafia???? cant he be town and wrong? Of course he could be town and wrong. But mafia has to make up reasons to scum read somebody and his narrative about my post seems downright biased towards reading me as mafia rather than a fair interpretation of what I've written.Here's the really interesting thing about the game right now: There are lots of afks. The lynch is still completely up in the air. Scum almost certainly has at least one player who is in danger of being wagoned. Regardless of Rels' alignment they need to push suspicion on somebody non-Rels because Rels hasn't said anything. Then Vivax makes that post. Fuck yeah I'm suspicious.
Vivax being mafia makes a lot more sense. The way that he backed off of his read on me saying that I may just be a butthurt townie rather than mafia is not at all consistent with his town play. It seemed like appeasement rather than him actually being interested in my alignment. And his points against me were never good to begin with so that's not an argument he wants to have as scum after he almost got lynched yesterday.
On October 02 2017 09:33 Grackaroni wrote:Show nested quote +On October 02 2017 08:27 Koshi wrote: I'll agree that Grack is mafia or is bamboozled by mafia and is helping them push their agenda though. Either Rayn is a really good townie or a pretty shitty mafia. I reread Rayn's filter and to me his play makes sense. For one thing he pointed out that Breshke was likely scum before he wrote about it in his Vivax case. But also his read is not nearly as TMI as it seems. His observation about Breshke claiming to be excited and then not playing was actually good rather than him just magically singling out a mafia lurker as being scummy. Vivax being mafia makes a lot more sense. The way that he backed off of his read on me saying that I may just be a butthurt townie rather than mafia is not at all consistent with his town play. It seemed like appeasement rather than him actually being interested in my alignment. And his points against me were never good to begin with so that's not an argument he wants to have as scum after he almost got lynched yesterday. Actually I'm very interested in what you see in Vivax because I can usually see when Vivax is very townie and he just isn't this game.
Grack's problem with me in the first place is that I scumread him for reasons he found unfair, but when my initial reaction to seeing the votecount speaks against my former reasons, he uses that as an argument which is ALSO opposed to his initial reaction that he was being unfairly pushed.
I think his reaction to my initial arguments can come from town as it seemed natural that he felt misrepped and scumread me for it.
But. I have an issue with the followup here as he's putting me into a damned if I do, damned if I don't position by claiming that changing my opinion would always just be to appease him.
So he's giving me the "choice" of sticking to my earlier guns which to me doesn't make sense as I have more means of forming a read at this point than just that single post from him, which makes him scumread me.
Or he's giving me the "choice" of backing off from them which is what he should have wanted in the first place, but then he still would scumread me cause I'm doing it to appease him anyway.
Which summed up means for Grack: As mafia, he just gave himself an excuse for voting me off whatever I do since there is no scenario in which he is going to townread me, which is convenient when there is at least one townie who voted me yesterday.
Or as town, he chose a deliberately poor play since he chose an argumentation in which I'm always mafia which can only lead to one conclusion and so is worthless for discerning one's alignment.
Since I'm not sure which of the two he's after before seeing how he reacts to this, I'll await his response.
Rayn can be pants on head town too. Not so pants on head if I'm not mistaken and he's the vig for his mark my words post about Breshke, in which case I commend his shot. Vig could also be one of the dudes sheeping him. Dunno.
But pants on head for scumreading me. I know him for having a bias towards scumreading active townies and having a blind spot for low profile players when he's town. It's like within his town meta to pester at least one top town per game, a thing which was always practical for me when I was scum as it led to glorious mislynches when he was pestering the Palmars, the HFs, the Koshis. Usually starting D2 or D3.
I am quite open to the idea of him being town with a wrong read on me.
That would leave Chez to sort out among the dudes who were voting for me. And besides his vote on me and his initial lack of enthusiasm (which he says is cause of town atmosphere I think?) I really have no way to surefire tell his alignment. I didn't like his vote on me, that's for sure, but it's also all I can hold against him atm.
With that, I think I want to lynch into ppl who were playing similarly to breshke/afkers.
If boxerfred doesn't post more soon, I'm voting him. If Onegu doesn't post more, him too.
Cause there's only so many vig bullets and I don't see any harm in lynching afks when I've got nothing better.
There's also some stuff about Damerion I would like to get off my chest: His posts somehow all look the same at this point and while it superficially looks good that he keeps giving input on many players, it also looks more like a routine he's working with than genuine thoughts, I also think his read on Grack doesn't look very dynamic and more like a mantra he keeps reciting. So I'm untownreading him. Dude could be mafia.
On October 02 2017 18:54 Holyflare wrote: Good chat
On October 02 2017 22:18 Koshi wrote: @Vivax Dont think Damerion is mafia. His bravure and interactions with Breshke make him town. Also the double bus is weird.
I like the rayn pants on head town read. I am also in limbo. That's why I wait on D3.
You are right it's probably stupid to think that since Damerion was Breshkes only scumread. That would be suicidal level distancing.
I guess he just needs to find a posting style for himself since he just started playing the game as his current one reads premeditated a lot.
I say we get a wagon on BF and see if he starts posting.
On October 02 2017 06:59 boxerfred wrote: I wish I was scum. I could continue lurking. I have not read a single post of this game yet. I'm not sure when I'll find the time to do that. But I'm somewhat here.
If he was scum he could continue lurking. He is scum, ergo he is lurking. Slam dunk case here boys.
He is lurking ergo he is scum is more accurate.
On October 03 2017 19:47 Holyflare wrote: Not lynching bf.
Your only alternative is rayn if I'm not mistaken?
How do you expect that to happen given that most are TRing him. You should be looking for a better alternative or at least explain what makes BF town cause the little he's posted so far doesn't suggest he is.
On October 03 2017 20:34 Holyflare wrote: Perhaps you should read literally the last 10 posts good sir?
BF didn't brazienly call himself mafia. He threw out some half assed reasoning for him being town and doesn't even follow through with it.
He came back after a huge hiatus, so there has to be some degree of motivation for him to play (town) . And it doesn't look at all like that.
He looks like me when I'm mafia or something. Just even more shit.
On October 03 2017 21:36 Holyflare wrote: What happened to focusing on Chezinu, vivax?
I don't have a solid read on Chezinu atm. His vote on me over afk Rels was bad, but I can't call him mafia just for that.
I could probably TR him if he does something about which I won't go into specifics since I don't need to hand him that thing/way of playing by myself if he's mafia.
My focus right now is to transform this game into a playing field where I am guaranteed that mafia is playing and not just doing nothing while the big egos keep getting into a clinch cause all they're concentrating on is the ones actually posting the most.
So we should kill BF for starters.
I thought you and 1gu were BFFs