Why Luna is scum, and you are scum too, if you don't vote him D4
Disclaimer: Might be slightly biased
Part 0: Filter Dive
On August 08 2016 23:55 Lunaticman wrote:
Meh tbh I'm just really busy with life, it's actually a coincidence. However the first lynch is almost always a town. So I'm fine with switching just on that reason alone.
Meh tbh I'm just really busy with life, it's actually a coincidence. However the first lynch is almost always a town. So I'm fine with switching just on that reason alone.
"I don't care who I misslynch." IMO the bolded part is nothing a town would say. Also implies not caring at all.
Lots of soft pushes then starts the tunnel on me.
On August 09 2016 06:23 Lunaticman wrote:
I actually want to lynch dis now, because if he flips red I think we can catch the other 2 quite easy.
If I am wrong please enlighten me, but I don't feel like kush is mafia.
I actually want to lynch dis now, because if he flips red I think we can catch the other 2 quite easy.
If I am wrong please enlighten me, but I don't feel like kush is mafia.
Doesn't sound like he really believes I am scum and wants to lynch me mainly for information all of a sudden.
refuses to unvote me even at points where it looks like there won't be a lynch at all. anti-town.
On August 09 2016 07:05 Lunaticman wrote:
I fucking knew it.
I fucking knew it.
after the town!kush flip. trying to distance oneself from a ML is classic scum behaviour.
On August 09 2016 17:01 Lunaticman wrote:
Your making the mistake of thinking that any post more recent than my past page is actually relevant to my line of thinking.
Glowingbear is the one that stands out from the votes, since me and kush are town. Would the mafia put all three players on the train?
If you think yes, Glowingbear is town. If your answer is no, then he should be lynched.
Also Grac please step up, I know you can do better.
Your making the mistake of thinking that any post more recent than my past page is actually relevant to my line of thinking.
Glowingbear is the one that stands out from the votes, since me and kush are town. Would the mafia put all three players on the train?
If you think yes, Glowingbear is town. If your answer is no, then he should be lynched.
Also Grac please step up, I know you can do better.
I call him out on his not really explained scum read on me, he reacts with dismissal and refusing to take responsibility for things he said in the past. Outright dismissal of a valid question is a scum tell.
Few more soft pushes, then this gem D2:
On August 11 2016 04:50 Lunaticman wrote:
So can we start speculating on who the two mafia buddies are if GB flips scum?
It feels like that is better than the whole thread being afk for 30 hours.
So can we start speculating on who the two mafia buddies are if GB flips scum?
It feels like that is better than the whole thread being afk for 30 hours.
Ignoring the posts other ppl (eG me) had made previously to that. So complaining about nothing happening, while doing nothing. Returns after ~14-15 hours to post the case on me, after he gets called out for doing nothing. See Part 2 for more details on the case.
On August 12 2016 02:39 Lunaticman wrote:
hehe good point, I think I just felt it was a mafia power role based on your behavior at the start of the day. Besides all roles have been claimed right so it's moot now anyway.
hehe good point, I think I just felt it was a mafia power role based on your behavior at the start of the day. Besides all roles have been claimed right so it's moot now anyway.
On August 12 2016 02:48 Lunaticman wrote:
Nah it was more of a 50/50, in either case a blue role would have claimed so no misslynch would have happend. There was only upsides going for you.
Nah it was more of a 50/50, in either case a blue role would have claimed so no misslynch would have happend. There was only upsides going for you.
Actually we all should lynch him for these two posts alone. Dead serious here.
Rest of his filter is literally just a few soft pushes here and there and still thinking i am basically scum with whoever is the current lynch. Ah and not making sense.
Part 1: Overall contribution to the game
A bunch of soft pushes here and there. Never goes anywhere with them. 100% tunnel on me. Unwilling to reconsider in the face of new evidence.
Not solving the game, therefore scum. Not reevaluation as the game goes on, therefore scum.
Part 2: The most scummy case in the history of ever
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On August 11 2016 20:03 Lunaticman wrote:
![[image loading]](https://c1.staticflickr.com/5/4074/4912290396_dda562e976_z.jpg)
The case against Disinformation, who promptly lives up to his name as a mafia spreading lies and deceit:
Disclamer: Still learning how to format stuff on this site.
This very first post set of red flags for me, it actually implies that he has a power role. Since he never stated he was happy or unhappy with his own role, it is in all regards a Freudian slip after reading his own role pm. I wanted to save this for later but it feels like the right time to reveal it considering that all the blue roles have been claimed.
He then posts 4 posts in a row just WIFOIMNG which indicates that he is kinda chill about the whole game, of course he is because he knows who the mafia are.
Then this gem appears:
With the information now available to us it is easy to see that the GB mafia is trying to shade the Disinformation mafia for late game cred. It also such an early post that is feels constructed in a way, taking a stance to look like town. But early enough you can just claim WIFOIMING later. Or at the very late game when Disinformation is lynched and GB is alive towncred. It is all followed by a "I was joking post". Obviously the mafia had a change of heart. It is actually a very clever way to create distance between the two players.
The rest of his filter is full of filler but no effort to solve the game or any real content. He states several times he is going to look at mine/Gracs meta from last game. But never truly arrives at any conclusion. His filter is also full of statements that he is going to do all this work but it never arrives. I have yet to see a single list from his work.
And now look at the conversation between the posts 287# - 303#. With the information now available Tumble our Jailer is positive either Grac or Dis are mafia. The entire exchange is intresting since GB is indeed mafia just look at the votelist from around that time it is obvious that the mafia are trying to save disinformation when they failed to start a train on me.
Vote Count - Day 1
disformation (4): GlowingBear, nnn_thekushmountains, Grackaroni, Lunaticman
Grackaroni (4): Tumblewood,disformation, sicklucker, mderg, disformation
Lunaticman (1): Holyflare,disformation
nnn_thekushmountains (0):Grackaroni
Not voted (4): Shapelog, Stutters695, Vivax, Damdred
Currently no one is slated to be lynched.
There are 13 players presently alive and 7 are needed for the lynch.
This day ends in 0m 0s at 00:00 CEST (+02:00).
The voting thread is here and only votes in the voting thread will be counted.
At this critical junction we have one mafia bussing but I would be surprised if two mafia were bussing this early this speaks volumes about Grac being a VT.
With the coloring and my townreads on Mderg and SL there are only a few names left in the trio not known. It comes down to Shapelog or Stutters. I don't think a mafia would be as inactive as Stutters as Viva was so atm the current mafia team looks like this:
It is also cute to look at the interactions between Shapelog/GB and Dis, they are really doing a good job separating their reads/communication etc. There is for example a long qoute on shapelog from Dis where he basically says nothing.
Note: I have tons of posts qouted but it was just to much work atm, also the coloring on dis is based on my read and GB from cop claim. Even if GB flips town it is highly likely that disinformation is still mafia.
![[image loading]](https://c1.staticflickr.com/5/4074/4912290396_dda562e976_z.jpg)
The case against Disinformation, who promptly lives up to his name as a mafia spreading lies and deceit:
Disclamer: Still learning how to format stuff on this site.
This very first post set of red flags for me, it actually implies that he has a power role. Since he never stated he was happy or unhappy with his own role, it is in all regards a Freudian slip after reading his own role pm. I wanted to save this for later but it feels like the right time to reveal it considering that all the blue roles have been claimed.
He then posts 4 posts in a row just WIFOIMNG which indicates that he is kinda chill about the whole game, of course he is because he knows who the mafia are.
Then this gem appears:
With the information now available to us it is easy to see that the GB mafia is trying to shade the Disinformation mafia for late game cred. It also such an early post that is feels constructed in a way, taking a stance to look like town. But early enough you can just claim WIFOIMING later. Or at the very late game when Disinformation is lynched and GB is alive towncred. It is all followed by a "I was joking post". Obviously the mafia had a change of heart. It is actually a very clever way to create distance between the two players.
The rest of his filter is full of filler but no effort to solve the game or any real content. He states several times he is going to look at mine/Gracs meta from last game. But never truly arrives at any conclusion. His filter is also full of statements that he is going to do all this work but it never arrives. I have yet to see a single list from his work.
And now look at the conversation between the posts 287# - 303#. With the information now available Tumble our Jailer is positive either Grac or Dis are mafia. The entire exchange is intresting since GB is indeed mafia just look at the votelist from around that time it is obvious that the mafia are trying to save disinformation when they failed to start a train on me.
Vote Count - Day 1
disformation (4): GlowingBear, nnn_thekushmountains, Grackaroni, Lunaticman
Grackaroni (4): Tumblewood,
Lunaticman (1): Holyflare,
nnn_thekushmountains (0):
Not voted (4): Shapelog, Stutters695, Vivax, Damdred
Currently no one is slated to be lynched.
There are 13 players presently alive and 7 are needed for the lynch.
This day ends in 0m 0s at 00:00 CEST (+02:00).
The voting thread is here and only votes in the voting thread will be counted.
At this critical junction we have one mafia bussing but I would be surprised if two mafia were bussing this early this speaks volumes about Grac being a VT.
With the coloring and my townreads on Mderg and SL there are only a few names left in the trio not known. It comes down to Shapelog or Stutters. I don't think a mafia would be as inactive as Stutters as Viva was so atm the current mafia team looks like this:
It is also cute to look at the interactions between Shapelog/GB and Dis, they are really doing a good job separating their reads/communication etc. There is for example a long qoute on shapelog from Dis where he basically says nothing.
Note: I have tons of posts qouted but it was just to much work atm, also the coloring on dis is based on my read and GB from cop claim. Even if GB flips town it is highly likely that disinformation is still mafia.
- The blue stuff happens. See Part 1.
- Huge part about me being scum with GB.
- On August 11 2016 20:03 Lunaticman wrote:
The rest of his filter is full of filler but no effort to solve the game or any real content. He states several times he is going to look at mine/Gracs meta from last game. But never truly arrives at any conclusion. His filter is also full of statements that he is going to do all this work but it never arrives. I have yet to see a single list from his work.
Blatantly misrepresenting/discrediting me. Huge scum tell. - Bit of VCA based on GB being scum.
- Then at the end this gem:On August 11 2016 20:03 Lunaticman wrote:Note: I have tons of posts qouted but it was just to much work atm, also the coloring on dis is based on my read and GB from cop claim. Even if GB flips town it is highly likely that disinformation is still mafia.
"Well even though 90% of my case hinges on disf being scum with GB, disf is scum regardless, cause..."
Funnily also enables him to be pushing me even after GB flipped green... wonder if he saw that coming. - On August 11 2016 21:22 disformation wrote:
also tw could have been killed gor a number of reasons. he was widely townread, active etc... maybe he was blue sniped. i sure as hell dont know.
ofc luna picks the reason that fits his narrative the most.
You might ask me: "But disformation, he is a newer player, maybe these were honest mistakes instead of scum tells?"
And I will say: "Why not
A few things I can see coming from a newer town player e.g. the TW thing or the overmuch reliance on the association.
Points 1,3 and 5 are very very scummy.
Bonus: Bit of WIFOM
Disclaimer: this is me going full WIFOM tinfoil mode.
I want to talk a bit about the few good posts he had, that everyone liked.
On August 09 2016 05:54 Lunaticman wrote:
Well one positive thing about this is that mafia probably spread their votes at this point. So when we get one flipped we should be able to figure out the rest of them purely based on the voting patterns.
Well one positive thing about this is that mafia probably spread their votes at this point. So when we get one flipped we should be able to figure out the rest of them purely based on the voting patterns.
On August 09 2016 05:59 Lunaticman wrote:
Tbh if I was mafia I would put one on town lead since we have to have majority, one on standby and one on a train.
So far I don't think it is either of Shape/Grac.
It has to be one of the early posters too.
It wouldn't be a reach to think something like Damdred/Stutter/Dis following that logic right?
I also feel it is strange that dis and Grac has changed their votes two times each.
Tbh if I was mafia I would put one on town lead since we have to have majority, one on standby and one on a train.
So far I don't think it is either of Shape/Grac.
It has to be one of the early posters too.
It wouldn't be a reach to think something like Damdred/Stutter/Dis following that logic right?
I also feel it is strange that dis and Grac has changed their votes two times each.
On August 09 2016 06:17 Lunaticman wrote:
Since the game is based on majority voting, the best play for mafia is the spread the votes as much as possible.
I just used my thought process based on that assumption. To catch a killer you have to think like a killer.
Damdred for example has the perfect excuse, he can just claim he wanted the town to lynch. So even if it is a misslynch he will get towncred.
That's why I went in and voted even though I didn't have time to read the thread earlier.
People also tend to use me a lot as bait I've noticed. I'm easy towncred and even if I flip green there are so many people scum reading me the town wont know what to do either way.
Since the game is based on majority voting, the best play for mafia is the spread the votes as much as possible.
I just used my thought process based on that assumption. To catch a killer you have to think like a killer.
Damdred for example has the perfect excuse, he can just claim he wanted the town to lynch. So even if it is a misslynch he will get towncred.
That's why I went in and voted even though I didn't have time to read the thread earlier.
People also tend to use me a lot as bait I've noticed. I'm easy towncred and even if I flip green there are so many people scum reading me the town wont know what to do either way.
Note: HF dropped his scum read on him for this.
What if that was a plan they made in Scum QT to WIFOM all of us. It is a mechanically strong play, so not too suspicious if someone comes up with it. I.E. scum could have been voting 2 on 1 wagon and 1 on 1 wagon and post this to WIFOM town.
Part 6: Conclusion
Between his reluctance to do much of anything besides pushing me, some pretty bad scum tells (e.g. the blue thing) and a lot of little questionable things, these points outweigh the few points in favour of him. Lynch with fire. KTHXBYE.