Day 2 Votecount
Jean Valjean (3): Tictock, Artanis[Xp], Damdred Damdred (2): Tictock, Skynx, Tumblewood, Jealous Artanis[Xp] (2): Jean Valjean (x2) Jealous (1): Artanis[Xp], Superbia, Damdred, Tumblewood Chezinu (0): Jean Valjean (x2) Tictock (0): Superbia, Artanis[Xp], Skynx, Jean Valjean (x2), Tumblewood, Jealous, Damdred
Not Voting (3): GlowingBear, Chezinu, Superbia
Day 2 ends Wednesday, Jun 29 9:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00) in . TL countdown synchronizes with your device local time and not with the TL server time. It might be inaccurate.
Day 2 Votecount
Jean Valjean (3): Tictock, Artanis[Xp], Damdred Damdred (2): Tictock, Skynx, Tumblewood, Jealous Chezinu (2): Jean Valjean (x2), Jean Valjean (x2) Jealous (1): Artanis[Xp], Superbia, Damdred, Tumblewood Artanis[Xp] (0): Jean Valjean (x2) Tictock (0): Superbia, Artanis[Xp], Skynx, Jean Valjean (x2), Tumblewood, Jealous, Damdred
Not Voting (3): GlowingBear, Chezinu, Superbia
As of now, Jean Valjean will get lynched!
Day 2 ends Wednesday, Jun 29 9:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00) in . TL countdown synchronizes with your device local time and not with the TL server time. It might be inaccurate.
Day 2 Final Votecount
Chezinu (7): Jean Valjean (x2), Jean Valjean (x2), Artanis[Xp], Superbia, GlowingBear, Damdred, Skynx, Tumblewood, Jean Valjean (x2), Artanis[Xp] Jean Valjean (2): Tictock, Artanis[Xp], Damdred, Damdred Damdred (1): Tictock, Skynx, Tumblewood, Jealous, GlowingBear, Jean Valjean (x2) Jealous (0): Artanis[Xp], Superbia, Damdred, Tumblewood Artanis[Xp] (0): Jean Valjean (x2) Tictock (0): Superbia, Artanis[Xp], Skynx, Jean Valjean (x2), Tumblewood, Jealous, Damdred
Not Voting (1): Chezinu
Chezinu is the lynch!
Day 2 ends Wednesday, Jun 29 9:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00).
Night 2
Chezinu a Vanilla Townie has been lynched!
Night ends Thursday, Jun 30 9:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00) in .
Day 3
A shadowy figure stood in the now abandoned center of the vault, blending with the dark lighting of the room. It looked around, almost as if it expected something to jump out of the darkness, or the guards over looking the vault from the outside to rush in. In their hands was a makeshift shiv, fashioned out of a 9'in nail, attached to a short dowel. The Plan originally didn't call for such violence, but after the murders of his two associates, nothing was off the table. Only they, were the last line of defense. How much were they able to figure out about "K.I.L.L.Z." from his dead comrades? It obvious wasn't enough (or seemed to be enough) for them to already find them. And what about the other voter's?
Speaking of which, the figured turned to the living quarters. Sneaking down the hallway, making sure not to get seen by any minicams. Or to awaken any of the other voters, he opened the door for a lad name Artanis.
Artanis was skipping around in his own heaven. To his left was the chocolate pools of Sugerland, where many of his dear friends were, he guessed bathing? I mean, he really didn't know what the fuck he was looking at. Shrugging, and turning to his right, Artanis could see the lot of undelivered mail, that he knew, once he got back, he had to deliver. And finally, in front of him, a Giant closet, filled with all his fond memories of his girlfriend named....Rose? No, Rosultition? No..Um..How do you even pronounce this? Ro-Soul-tin...Rosoul_tin???
The fourth wall decided to call the girlfriend jack. Yes, his girlfriend named Jack.He had a lot of good times with that girl, jack. Like that one time they shared ice cream, or the one time they went to six flags, and meet LSD in person. And...
All around him, Artanis saw blood, pouring out of the landscape. suddenly, a sharp pain came out of no where in his chest. He looked down, a knife was sticking out of his chest, and blood dripped from the tip of the blade. Artanis tried reaching for the dagger, but it was like he couldn't reach it, his own dream, fighting against him. The landscape took on a more hellish theme, as he dropped to his knees. His vision blurred, he could see part of the new hell, and part of a man's face. Until, he could see no more.
Artanis[Xp] a Vanille Townie has been killed!
It is now Day 3! Day ends Saturday, Jul 02 9:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00) in .
Day 3 Votecount
Tumblewood (4): Tictock, Jean Valjean (x2), Skynx Tictock (0): Jean Valjean (x2)
Not Voting (5): Tumblewood, GlowingBear, Jealous, Damdred, Superbia
As of now, Tumblewood will get lynched!
Day 3 ends Saturday, Jul 02 9:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00) in . TL countdown synchronizes with your device local time and not with the TL server time. It might be inaccurate.
GG all. Yeah game was near impossible for Tumble after that check. Gotta say though that Skynx was a Miller, if he was checked instead of Tumble this game would be very different. ^^ The setup played exactly like expected. The Mayor and Pardoner roles protected against almost everything in the game: vig, parity cop, rolecop, mafia NK. Town getting them both meant they had a big advantage going into N1.