Vote Count bumatlarge (4): ObiWanShinobi, sicklucker, nnn_thekushmountains, Damdred Vivax (1): bumatlarge Not Voted (4) Kuragari42, Shapelog, ritoky, Vivax
Currently, bumatlarge is slated to be lynched. You have to place your vote here. Voting is mandatory. You may not abstain.
##Vote:Kush or whatever Smurf he is using
Vote Count bumatlarge (5): ObiWanShinobi, sicklucker, nnn_thekushmountains, Damdred, Vivax Vivax (2): bumatlarge, Kuragari42, Not Voted (2) Shapelog, ritoky
Currently, bumatlarge is slated to be lynched. You have to place your vote here. Voting is mandatory. You may not abstain.
##:Vote bumatlarge also you forgot to count my vote and uncount it
Final Vote Count bumatlarge (7): ObiWanShinobi, sicklucker, nnn_thekushmountains, Damdred, Vivax, Shapelog, ritoky Vivax (2): bumatlarge, Kuragari42,
bumatlarge is slated to be lynched.
Vote Count Not Voted (6): Kuragari42, Shapelog, ritoky, ObiWanShinobi, sicklucker, Damdred
Currently, everyone is slated to be modkilled. You have to place your vote here. Voting is mandatory. You may not abstain.
Vote Count Shapelog (1): sicklucker Not Voted (5): Kuragari42, Shapelog, ritoky, ObiWanShinobi, Damdred
Currently, Shapelog is slated to be lynched. Also, everyone not voting is slated to be modkilled. You have to place your vote here. Voting is mandatory. You may not abstain.
United States25550 Posts
Vote Count Shapelog (2): sicklucker, Kuragari42 Not Voted (4): Shapelog, ritoky, ObiWanShinobi, Damdred
Currently, Shapelog is slated to be lynched. Also, everyone not voting is slated to be modkilled. You have to place your vote here. Voting is mandatory. You may not abstain.
Vote Count Shapelog (2): sicklucker, Kuragari42 Damdred (1): Shapelog, Not Voted (3): ritoky, ObiWanShinobi, Damdred
Currently, Shapelog is slated to be lynched. Also, everyone not voting is slated to be modkilled. You have to place your vote here. Voting is mandatory. You may not abstain.
United States25550 Posts
Vote Count Damdred (2): Shapelog, sicklucker Shapelog (1): Kuragari42 Not Voted (3): ritoky, ObiWanShinobi, Damdred
Currently, Damdred is slated to be lynched. Also, everyone not voting is slated to be modkilled. You have to place your vote here. Voting is mandatory. You may not abstain.