Not feeling very confident so I would like Artanis to coach me if I do though. p:
Student Mafia XVI
Forum Index > TL Mafia |
France13467 Posts
Not feeling very confident so I would like Artanis to coach me if I do though. p: | ||
France13467 Posts
cool (= That's only if there are only two coaches though, as I think it's the case atm (Artanis + Cephiro). If there are three I don't think I'm needed | ||
France13467 Posts
On October 16 2015 17:20 disformation wrote: hm. waffling about joining this. slept like 3 hours tonight, so I am having a bit of a hard time computing if I'll have enough time. Yo! I don't remember the details, but didn't you have a big stepstone (like univercity paper ?) and after that you were freeeee like the wind ? | ||
France13467 Posts
On October 16 2015 19:16 disformation wrote: Master thesis. Handed in the actual thesis earlier, but I have to present and defend that stuff on the 26th. So not free like the wind yet, but a lot more free time than while writing the thesis. Last few weeks were kinda horrible, would not recommend. xD GL HF then! | ||
France13467 Posts
/outcoach /in:Open | ||
France13467 Posts
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France13467 Posts
On October 18 2015 05:33 The Shining wrote: I think this is your first, or one of, your first games here, right? Unfortunately that's how TL works sometimes. People like to start the game off silly and carefree until a good majority of the players show up and get down and dirty On October 18 2015 05:34 The Shining wrote: K i might want to lynch you. I am the shiny town here, good sir, why do you want to be like me? Because you are scum! Shining finds silly start "unfortunate" and immediately starts being silly ? Weird | ||
France13467 Posts
On October 18 2015 05:58 GlowingBear wrote: There is no such thing as "deciding a meta". You play to win and that's all. Von-guy, what do you think of Moosy here? Oh yeah ? I thought that's exactly what you did last game ? Let me quote what you said post game: On October 16 2015 21:50 GlowingBear wrote: Well, I didn't catch up the thread at that time since I was studying and doing an exam yesterday. I was going to catch up today lol Koshi had a similar behaviour. That's why I said "Koshi tomorrow". He even ranted on people for having lynched her lol. The fact that she was playing differently doesn't mean she wouldn't be mafia here. I usually play differently every couple of games regardless of alignment. This time, for instance, I played a very straight forward game, and I don't usually do that as town. GB is putting suspicion on Moosy for a reason he doesn't believe. He might be mafia. | ||
France13467 Posts
On October 18 2015 20:12 sicklucker wrote: hi rels! Yo. Thoughts on GB ? | ||
France13467 Posts
REALLY BRO ? YOU REMARKED HE WAS JOKING AND YOU WERE JUST MAKING SURE ??? THAT S EXACTLY WHAT I THOUGHT READING YOUR POSTS. NOT. On October 18 2015 06:33 scott31337 wrote: And a shit early vote. Now he's spamming up the thread. I'm not caring for this play so far. On October 18 2015 06:57 scott31337 wrote: Explain your vote on GB like I'm five years old. | ||
France13467 Posts
On October 18 2015 08:50 The Shining wrote: Because I'm bored and no one is doing anything and half the game hasn't shown up. And I've been known to take things super seriously so I'm trying to break out of that and be lax this game. So are you scum? Because that sounds like TMI. How would you know that it's actual townies that are doing the shitposting and causing chaos? OK this post is super bad. 1 - feels concerned about Vonthin's question so much so he has to justify himself 2 - then attacks him for TMI So the first thing he feels the need to do is defend himself, then attack back. This is a scum mentality | ||
France13467 Posts
On October 18 2015 10:54 GlowingBear wrote: (1)Farah looks townie for her posts. She is objective and her opening is straight forward to the point, asking "what is a bus" when she saw something she couldn't understand in thread. A little bit of WIFOM argument: I don't think she would ask what is it directly to the thread, but in the scum QT. As a first-timer, I would expect that she would be a little cautious before posting things in thread and be agressively scumhunting if she was scum. The only thing that is making me wary of her is that she is not trying to see players coming through all perspectives even when I inquired her to do so. Being that aggressive and tunneled already in the beginning of the game isn't townie, and it's very rare on townie first-timers. (2)The Shining's opening is horrendous IMO. It felt forced and tried to hard to give us the idea that he is town. The "someone be obvscum" thing isn't convincing. I don't like it. Also, these posts doesn't add up: + Show Spoiler + On October 18 2015 05:33 The Shining wrote: I think this is your first, or one of, your first games here, right? Unfortunately that's how TL works sometimes. People like to start the game off silly and carefree until a good majority of the players show up and get down and dirty On October 18 2015 05:34 The Shining wrote: K i might want to lynch you. I am the shiny town here, good sir, why do you want to be like me? Because you are scum! If the TL meta UNFORTUNATELY have the joke phase, why participating in it? I mean, if you don't like it, why estimulate it? It doesn't make sense to me. This post is very okay, tho: + Show Spoiler + On October 18 2015 06:59 The Shining wrote: This entrance is weak. Scott doesn't comment on anyone else except a slight townlean on GB(who is asking people about Moosy, the only other player mentioned here). He distances himself from his first thought in saying Moosy he's pushing the fact that he's town a little hard but its "just a thought." Then he picks on an obvious joke vote and conversation between GB and Moosy to slight town GB and suspect Moosy? Why is GB slight townlean? Flesh that out for me. (3)MoosyDoosy is being stupid, which isn't alignment indicative for him. But this post isn't good: + Show Spoiler + On October 18 2015 05:36 MoosyDoosy wrote: I am bored. And i am trying to decide on a meta for this game. Should I go for the rayn townie that catches scum by looking back in the thread for inconsistencies and through hard questioning? Should I go for the rsoul townie that catches scum through relentless posts and tone reads? Or should I just go my idgaf mode and not care the whole game. mmm...choices choices choices (4)KelsierSC can't do this as town: Kelsier is a very logical player, saying something this bad as town isn't his fashion. (5)Vonthin, I wasn't liking this guy too much. Especially because he said this: (i) he opened the game by saying town should not care to survive and go scum hunting, but then (ii) he does nothing in order to scumhunt and (iii) participates in the jokes just to say this. Reading this post in a vacuum, however, conveys town vibes ![]() That's all I have for now. So, basically, Farah townlean, Kelsier scumlean, others null-ish. I'd like people to talk about things I've brought here. OK GB is probably town for being the first to tryhard. GB, I agree with most of this. The Moosy part is bad, you did it last game. I think Vonthin being so prompt to participate in the jokes is a towntell for a newbie. | ||
France13467 Posts
On October 18 2015 11:35 The Shining wrote: Not sure about Kels, either. You might be right but before I go into it, I'd like to know if he was actually serious about that post. Kelsier can you answer this for me? LOL "KSC I think you are scum. Confirm/deny ?" | ||
France13467 Posts
On October 18 2015 14:12 sicklucker wrote: I feel like thats just following the bad newbie thread sentiment ++ | ||
France13467 Posts
On October 18 2015 17:24 KelsierSC wrote: The joke phase between the three of you was so incredibly unfunny and I would have happily lynched all of you, upon reflection there was probably one mafia trying way too hard. Moosy was just spamming complete nonsense it made me want to give up reading. That was my interpretation of the events up to that point. GlowingBear's list post: Before looking in detail at what he posted it feels too early to be making a list post. Half the game hasn't posted, it doesn't feel correct. Furthermore I can't understand why he feels the need to make a list post for one townlean that has doubt to it, one scumlean and then just null players. the only post that anyone would have cared about at all was him calling me scummy. His scumread of me is, in typical GB fashion, wrong. I've explained my post above. The rest of his list doesn't make logical sense to me but again that is typical GB. I want to wait and see but if the lynch was now i'd lynch GB and Moosy. "GB's read of me is wrong, as usual. In fact, all his reads are illogical, as usual. Oh BTW, he's scum." Does. Not. Compute. He's talking about GB as if he's town and wrong, but he's scumreading him. On October 18 2015 17:24 KelsierSC wrote: The rest of his list doesn't make logical sense to me but again that is typical GB. KSC: Please expand. | ||
France13467 Posts
Would lynch: Shining, scott, KSC. The others are either null or useless. Disclaimer: I WILL get a useless guy lynched if there is any at deadline. | ||
France13467 Posts
On October 18 2015 21:17 GlowingBear wrote: Rels, having a plan in a game and having a meta are two completely different things... "Playing a straight forward game" =\= "I'm going to emulate other player's meta" The way you came to the thread is exactly the same as your last scum game. You might be mafia again What do you think of sicklucker ? | ||
France13467 Posts
On October 18 2015 21:43 LoneMeow wrote: Care to expand your reasoning on scott31337? On October 18 2015 20:28 Rels wrote: REALLY BRO ? YOU REMARKED HE WAS JOKING AND YOU WERE JUST MAKING SURE ??? THAT S EXACTLY WHAT I THOUGHT READING YOUR POSTS. NOT. | ||
France13467 Posts
Are you serious bro. 1 - The explanation is in my post: "GB's read of me is wrong, as usual. In fact, all his reads are illogical, as usual. Oh BTW, he's scum." 2 - You didn't answer the interesting part: | ||
France13467 Posts
On October 18 2015 23:01 KelsierSC wrote: ok, bro you confused interesting with stupid. If you actually read my latest posts I wouldn't have to rehash. Assuming you're talking about this: On October 18 2015 21:51 KelsierSC wrote: most of the list was null and based off of a "joke phase" you have people with "horrendous openings etc." and that makes them null but I "have to be scum" because I pointed out how terrible the opening of the game was. That is not true. He pointed out things for each of his reads that made sense. And he left out the people he had nothing to say about. | ||
France13467 Posts
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France13467 Posts
On October 19 2015 02:44 KelsierSC wrote: well just to speed things up for you or jog your memory. you asked him this. along with a lot of other stuff you typed. In his response he gave a big list of everyone as promised. Most of this disagrees with your reads. So asking for someones opinion on the entire game, having them disagree with you, call you scum. I think "null someone said something" is a lame response. Unless you just asked the question without caring for the response THIS IS THE SEXIEST MOTHERFUCKING TRAP I VE EVER SEEN | ||
France13467 Posts
On October 19 2015 02:57 KelsierSC wrote: oh right i just didn't see his name. My issue is you asked him a pretty big question, literally "what is your opinion on everyone so far" clearly because you want to develop a read on the guy. Then he makes his big list post, which totally disagrees with a lot of your reads, calls you scum in it. And rather than actually follow up or make any specific noise , i have to ask you about him and you respond just like "yeh he's null i guess but some guy said something else i should check" for someone who is so keen on "getting a town circle" and how important that is to you it doesn't fit at all and to me it looks like you were just spamming to spam and not actually caring. ++ it doesn't make sense Moosy ask a guy for a list, guy provides a list, Moosy doesn't care | ||
France13467 Posts
On October 19 2015 03:21 scott31337 wrote: I am unsure which part you mean so I'll break it all down. I wanted Moosy to explain his vote on GB, and he did so. I know all about the shit double bus very well. Loving how scott completely missed the accusation against him, which is him saying "just making sure - thank you" when he didn't show he thought the vote was a joke in the first place. Probably scum. ##Vote scott31337 | ||
France13467 Posts
On October 19 2015 04:53 The Shining wrote: Honestly, outside of Rels admittedly good points RE: Scott, I don't really like his catch up posts. He starts off picking on my entrance(just like GB did) and then goes on to say GB might be Mafia. If so, why did he have the same train of thought as him? Then he asks SL for his thoughts on GB, meaning he wants to try and flesh out his scumread of GB. Then he picks on another of my posts which is whatever because I know I always play weird D1s but considering I was looking for Vonthins reaction to that post, I don't like him painting a narrative of me being in a scum mentality. Especially since we rolled scum together recently and he should know that isn't my style. Then he follows up with GB is probably town for his tryhard post. After saying he might be Mafia, and trying to flesh it out with SL, he says he is town off of one post and leaves it alone. Even goes so far as to make a lynch list including myself on it and throws GB on the town list, then asks GB what he thinks of SL? Why is he trying to throw these two against each other instead of asking anyone else? And he completely abandoned his scumread on GB to accept him as town with no interaction, just a post he saw. This is so bad. Complete misrepresentation of what happened, which was GB might be scum => "hey SL what do you think of GB ?" => OK actually GB might be town => "hey GB what do you think of SL ?" I've painted Shining's answer in a scum mentality because its the simplest explanation for what happened. Whatever, I would lynch other people before you right now. That might change, so step it up if you're town. | ||
France13467 Posts
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France13467 Posts
On October 19 2015 05:53 KelsierSC wrote: he asked SL about GB because he had just scumread GB and SL showed up to the thread. then time passes I guess, he town reads GB for that post. Then he asks him about SL...i don't know why, maybe he wants to ask his townread for an opinion. OK I think KSC is town. Reason: sexy trap + this post indicates he's reading the thread super carefully and base his opinion on it. Here he corrects Shining's vision of what happened. So KSC is either good scum or town, and in either case it will be a joy to play with someone reading carefully (= | ||
France13467 Posts
On October 19 2015 06:14 Eversince wrote: Implied question Forced rage for getting a response. Rehashed to get mad because Moosy thought an implied question wasn’t a question? What is gained from it? Asked question. Moosy answered. Obviously it wasn’t good enough for him but whatever, lets skip that for now. Big post saying everything he’s already said again. We get it, you don’t like Moosy’s response, does that make Moosy mafia or not? Why or why not? Should be the next post. I’m pretty sure you should have accomplished the idea that your proddin’ at him isn’t getting you more. So the logical step is to think about if he has malicious motives for not disclosing it to you. Simple. Crap, he says the same thing again instead! Pointless post. Someone in the game. Obviously. Why make this post? You were prodding on scott before this if I remember correctly. Why not follow that here instead of asking about me?(if I am confusing Kelsier for another person here ignore the bit about talkin’ to scott.) So this next post really has to be a conclusion on if Moosy is scum for not spillin’ the marbles right??! What?! It’s not?! Instead we just get a rehashing of the same stuff again. Yeh friend, we got it, you don’t like his response! Surely this next post will be it! Rehashed like four times and you still don’t “have his story down”? Are you being for real right now? Random prod that he already knows he’s not going to get more information from. What?! All this and you don’t even give us the juicy part where you develop a read on him? Oh wait! There’s more, almost like he wants to drag this out for as long as possible for no reason or somethin’! What new is said in this post over the last 1600 of them? Same words, but at least he’ll be polite and wait. Even though he’s actually just being passive aggressive. Reiterates Farah point. Pointless game advice. We do happen to have coaches this game for giving that. This is just too much. [b]##vote: KelsierSC This is extremely bad. There is not a single thing that makes KSC scum in that. Seems to me that Eversince is mafia and jumping in the KSC's wagon as the third vote with shit reasons. | ||
France13467 Posts
On October 19 2015 17:57 Fecalfeast wrote: ##vote vonthin His filter is the worst out of all the filters. Runners up: scotty Lonemeow Eversince I'd like you to elaborate on what makes this post so bad that KDC is scum for it please Man you worry me. I was planning on saying nothing and call for your head at deadline if you didn't do shit until then. But since you're playing a liiiiiitle, you passed the "Is he really 100% scum ?" bar. Congratz! Your price, a friendly advice: continue to do stuff so I can evaluate you. | ||
France13467 Posts
Would lynch, but less: Shining / Eversince / FF. I'm pretty sure Moosy slipped in the KSC trap. Quotes coming soon. | ||
France13467 Posts
On October 19 2015 03:02 KelsierSC wrote: you splurge pretty much everything else. So just to have your story down, you asked a guy to give his entire list of reads, when he did and they didn't line up with anything you had, rather than say anything you just moved on, said "eh he's null i guess I will check out what that other guy said" On October 19 2015 03:03 KelsierSC wrote: so why ask him to give an entire list of reads if you aren't going to bother looking through it? The second in particular. Moosy's first reaction to KSC's trap was that "Yes I reacted to Vonthin's list post, he put it down to null: On October 19 2015 02:45 MoosyDoosy wrote: which is why exactly he's a null. i gave him a town lean earlier and now he's a null. ?? Then KSC brings up the fact that Moosy should have reacted to the Vonthing's list, since (1) he asked for it (2) their reads don't coincide and (3) Vonthing lists Moosy as scum. Moosy's story change to "Yes I reacted I put him back to null" to "I didn't really read his post yet": On October 19 2015 03:07 MoosyDoosy wrote: -sigh- I'm playing games right now kSC thank you very much. I already said I'm going to look at Vonthin LATER but not right now thank you very much. Unless you want me to dive into TL and drop what I'm doing at your command? Three bullshit things: First He asked Vonthin for a list, and didn't react to it. Second His first explanation for not reacted was "Actually I reacted, I put Vonthin in the null category from town". Then it changed to "Actually I didn't react because I didn't read his post properly yet". Third He still didn't comment on it, despite posting 6 hours after this whole situation. | ||
France13467 Posts
But here he's saying "I just didn't have the time to do it", so he's implying it's something he needs to do; but he still didn't do it. | ||
France13467 Posts
On October 19 2015 19:59 boxerfred wrote: Moosy/scott interaction is also interesting because of this: I don't think this is a scum interaction. Moosy pushes me, scott nullifies that plus points out negative things in moosy's playstyle. So I don't think at all they are mafia together. Scott keeps it up: Pressure, questions, and then he drops it: And now he disappears. I mean I can see the things on scott but I can't imagine scum scott and scum moosy interacting in that way that early in the game, it just doesn't make sense. So I'd say we have scum in between moosy/scott but I wouldn't say both are scum. I townread kels and I clearly townread rels from what I see so i'm glad to help on that wagon. ##unvote ##vote scott12345 See the bolded above. Where did scott defend you ? Or was that a type and you meant to type "GB" ? I don't see how this makes that they can't be scum together. Maybe if scott defended you; but not with scott attacking a joke vote. | ||
France13467 Posts
On October 19 2015 20:13 boxerfred wrote: I think that's a soft defense or at least that's what I took it for. Also I'm not sure if that was a joke vote. Can be scum casting his vote at first opportunity before he gets nailed on a late wagon or something. I think that interaction is completely nuts if both are scum. Why would scum ever play this way? And I don't think md/scott are players that orchestrate such stuff in their qt. He's talking about the "I always roll town" comment from Moosy, not the push on you. If you're not sure it was a joke vote, you should reread. Because it was. I see scums doing this very well. Doesn't mean it's orchastrated; scott sees a joke vote, attacks Moosy for it, asks for an explanation, and retract his scumread when Moosy explains it. Doesn't mean anything, but certainly doesn't prove Moosy and scott are not scums together. | ||
France13467 Posts
On October 19 2015 22:08 MoosyDoosy wrote: Like I've already explained why I responded the way I did. I didn't read the thread properly so didn't want to give a proper answer before I evaluated things but Kels was a bum and kept pressing me to go into what I was doing in real life to explain why I wasn't re-evaluating things. That's basically it lol. That's not what you first said though. You said and quoted and proved that you put Vonthin from townlean to null for his list post. Only after you said you didn't take the time to read his list post. So either you're changing your story, or you're saying you put Vonthin from townlean to null for a post you didn't read. | ||
France13467 Posts
On October 19 2015 22:22 sicklucker wrote: ok on a reread maybe my eversince town read was a little early (that huge post I didnt read got me) but here was my thought. Everypost shes just picking a fight and getting into it. Most people dont do this as mafia they try to stand back and make friends. Some people dont do this like me but those people are more rare. That is a fucking good point. Not sure if it applies to Eversince though, I will have to check. Because the only "fight" she really took was against KSC, who was only voted by several people, and who was being scumread by the thread sentiment. So at the time I feel it was an easy fight. | ||
France13467 Posts
On October 19 2015 22:07 MoosyDoosy wrote: sigh ofc Rels comes in and thinks he caught scum. I admit that made me laugh. (= | ||
France13467 Posts
On October 19 2015 22:34 sicklucker wrote: how anyone can scum read scott off his 3 posts is mind blogging On October 18 2015 20:28 Rels wrote: REALLY BRO ? YOU REMARKED HE WAS JOKING AND YOU WERE JUST MAKING SURE ??? THAT S EXACTLY WHAT I THOUGHT READING YOUR POSTS. NOT. On October 19 2015 17:39 Rels wrote: Loving how scott completely missed the accusation against him, which is him saying "just making sure - thank you" when he didn't show he thought the vote was a joke in the first place. Probably scum. ##Vote scott31337 | ||
France13467 Posts
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France13467 Posts
On October 19 2015 22:42 sicklucker wrote: well he didnt post that much but he had no fluff posts and he certainly didnt open like that. his opening was heavilty coached either by scum or town i have no idea. No one free flow posts like that Just letting you know you obtained day 1 100% townread status for this post. Congratz. I know it means a lot for you. | ||
France13467 Posts
On October 19 2015 22:44 sicklucker wrote: like he starts with scott "easy town read" then he follows up on the next guy "not much to read on" like you could have used that on scott lol. Then he just lists the two easy people as scum mm OK. I know as scum I had a hard time listing multiple people as potential scum, as I didn't want them to suspect me. So I'm thinking a newbie scum wouldn't list 3 people as scum in his first serious post. Maybe I'm underestimating him though. | ||
France13467 Posts
On October 19 2015 23:20 LoneMeow wrote: Before we go any further into this, I want to know: a) Have you read the entire thread or just skimmed some parts? b) What's your read on Rels and why? Can you answer the same question pretty please ? | ||
France13467 Posts
On October 19 2015 23:45 LoneMeow wrote: I skimmed some MoosyDoosy's posts, for some reason they give me a headache. So when you answered BF's posts above, you had already read the whole thread ? On October 19 2015 23:45 LoneMeow wrote: And I read you as fairly strong town lean. I like the posts where you refuted Eversince's case on KelsierSC and the points on the MoosyDoosy/Vonthin affair. I'm not sure I agree on MoosyDoosy being scum though, there are some posts that seem fairly emotional in a way that I think would be hard to emulate as scum. For example this: What do you make of boxerfred's switch from me to scott31337? Nothing alignment indicative about the switch. I noticed that his arguments for scumreading you were super bad though. Don't you think ? | ||
France13467 Posts
On October 20 2015 01:03 MoosyDoosy wrote: smh I said I skimmed it and it struck an odd chord so I dropped him and resolved to look into it later. good job at reading comprehension for the tenth game Rels. LOL you're so scum. Keep defending yourself instead of scumhunting bro. Or even reading the post you said you would read like 20 hours ago. Eversince is probably scum too, the case above is solid. scott is 99% scum. Man is this game really that easy ? YOU WILL ALL DROP WHAT YOU RE DOING RIGHT NOW TO LISTEN TO THIS FUCKING THING | ||
France13467 Posts
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France13467 Posts
On October 20 2015 01:07 LoneMeow wrote: I started writing it before I had finished but posted it after. Oh yeah ? In this post you both asked BF if he had read the thread properly and asked for his read on me: On October 19 2015 23:20 LoneMeow wrote: Before we go any further into this, I want to know: a) Have you read the entire thread or just skimmed some parts? b) What's your read on Rels and why? You just said you had read the thread completely before posting this. Seems that you missed something ?? On October 19 2015 19:59 boxerfred wrote: Moosy/scott interaction is also interesting because of this: I don't think this is a scum interaction. Moosy pushes me, scott nullifies that plus points out negative things in moosy's playstyle. So I don't think at all they are mafia together. Scott keeps it up: Pressure, questions, and then he drops it: And now he disappears. I mean I can see the things on scott but I can't imagine scum scott and scum moosy interacting in that way that early in the game, it just doesn't make sense. So I'd say we have scum in between moosy/scott but I wouldn't say both are scum. I townread kels and I clearly townread rels from what I see so i'm glad to help on that wagon. ##unvote ##vote scott12345 So you read the thread, you read BF's posts I assume because he's someone you suspect; but you have missed that he townread me ? On October 20 2015 01:07 LoneMeow wrote: To me the switch seemed kind of opportunistic, like he was trying to push me and then just jumped to someone else when that didn't stick. Note how all the reasons he uses to call scott31337 scum are already out when he makes his case on me - so it frankly doesn't make sense to me that he'd case me first, then just jump off like that. Re evaluating is a town indicative thing. It super weird to me that you put suspicion on BF on re evaluating reads, which is town indicative; and not on his god awful case on you. | ||
France13467 Posts
On October 20 2015 01:09 MoosyDoosy wrote: If you had read the thread, I did read the post and gave thoughts. But reading comprehension for the 10th game Rels. gj On October 19 2015 03:21 MoosyDoosy wrote: Yes it does. I have had strong scum reads in the past just like now and you saying otherwise doesn't change that fact. I checked back on Vonthin and he's still a null. I mainly want his thoughts on what Rels said about scott. I also remembered the thing that people brought up about him but he also answered that somewhat. mmm...not much to go on so far. This right ? Great read. Such insight gained from your question. <= Irony Now can you comment what SL and I said about him ? | ||
France13467 Posts
On October 20 2015 01:23 LoneMeow wrote: Do note that I asked him why which was what I was mostly interested in. So you knew BF was townreading me at the time you posted ? On October 20 2015 01:23 LoneMeow wrote: Re-evaluating would be fine, but I just don't see anything in the posts that hints at that; I'd expect a re-evaluating townie to at least note something like "X is still scum but Y looks even worse" when switching from the guy he cased to someone else. I suppose the trap is no longer going to work anyway, so yes, the horribleness of the case was why I originally started suspecting him. I was trying to trap him on you having essentially done the same thing he based his case on me yet calling you town and me scum. I don't know what to think of that. p: | ||
France13467 Posts
On October 20 2015 01:23 MoosyDoosy wrote: I was going through your filter but got angry over how you're making a big deal over expectations of me so I stopped reading. So no, I didn't really get to the part on sicklucker. So he's null as usual. LOL I was asking to comment on what SL and I said about Vonthin. Don't move lazy mofo I'll be back for you soon. | ||
France13467 Posts
On October 20 2015 01:28 FarahBlackwing wrote: And what I post gets glossed over at least respond to it I like it. If scott wasn't 99% scum I would be voting for Eversince. | ||
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On October 19 2015 22:34 sicklucker wrote: how anyone can scum read scott off his 3 posts is mind blogging, Does he have a history of a history of not playing as scum? because I know he often never posts as town. I could very well lynch him because I have alot of other town reads but its a pretty random one. Vonthin on the other hand might be scum alot more of the time. He has more posts that are mostly filler except his weak list post. unlike scott He might have a history of making alot of posts as town (he only has 6) somoone should look into that. 6 posts and 4 of them are filler On October 19 2015 22:42 sicklucker wrote: well he didnt post that much but he had no fluff posts and he certainly didnt open like that. his opening was heavilty coached either by scum or town i have no idea. No one free flow posts like that On October 19 2015 22:39 Rels wrote: SL, why is Vonthin's list weak ? On October 19 2015 22:43 sicklucker wrote: well his top read is scott On October 19 2015 22:44 sicklucker wrote: like he starts with scott "easy town read" then he follows up on the next guy "not much to read on" like you could have used that on scott lol. Then he just lists the two easy people as scum On October 19 2015 22:47 Rels wrote: mm OK. I know as scum I had a hard time listing multiple people as potential scum, as I didn't want them to suspect me. So I'm thinking a newbie scum wouldn't list 3 people as scum in his first serious post. Maybe I'm underestimating him though. | ||
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On October 20 2015 01:47 FarahBlackwing wrote: You would rather lynch a useless person and waste a lynch when I've given you a really solid case? Even I know shining won't be back till Tuesday at earliest Yes. People hiding when other people are fighting = mafia. Unlike you for example. Shining had a few scummy posts, wasn't emotional when being scumread (unlike last game for example), and is useless (not doing anything while other people are fighting). Vonthin said he was catching up 2 hours ago, came back with an excuse and is useless. I would definitely lynch them both if deadline was right now. Maybe not over scott who was caught in a contradiction and is useless. But definitely over Eversince who is super scummy, but is not useless. | ||
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On October 20 2015 01:56 KelsierSC wrote: I think shining's ok tbh. if emotion when being scumread is his town tell then he seems pretty emotional replying to ES. Plus with his questions and posting overall, he doesn't seem malicious. Where ? He seemed super robotic replying to my stuff. And I've played with scum!Shining on my mafia team. He is not malicious, he's just ... there. Asking question, giving neutral thoughts, then shutting the fuck up. That's what I'm seeing here. But that's true he doesn't play much Monday and Tuesday. Since we have so many scummy mofos to lynch today, I'm OK waiting for tomorrow to see what he does. | ||
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On October 19 2015 04:53 The Shining wrote: Honestly, outside of Rels admittedly good points RE: Scott, I don't really like his catch up posts. He starts off picking on my entrance(just like GB did) and then goes on to say GB might be Mafia. If so, why did he have the same train of thought as him? Then he asks SL for his thoughts on GB, meaning he wants to try and flesh out his scumread of GB. Then he picks on another of my posts which is whatever because I know I always play weird D1s but considering I was looking for Vonthins reaction to that post, I don't like him painting a narrative of me being in a scum mentality. Especially since we rolled scum together recently and he should know that isn't my style. Then he follows up with GB is probably town for his tryhard post. After saying he might be Mafia, and trying to flesh it out with SL, he says he is town off of one post and leaves it alone. Even goes so far as to make a lynch list including myself on it and throws GB on the town list, then asks GB what he thinks of SL? Why is he trying to throw these two against each other instead of asking anyone else? And he completely abandoned his scumread on GB to accept him as town with no interaction, just a post he saw. Talking about this. | ||
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On October 20 2015 01:59 MoosyDoosy wrote: I mean, I'll sheep whatever you guys want tbh. For D1 at least. You've got a post to answer last page. Don't think you can miss it, there is like 7 quotes back to back. | ||
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On October 20 2015 01:48 Vonthin wrote: Almost done reading the thread and everyones filter while writing up my reads on everyone Man. This guy is catching up, but he's also watching the thread to see what is being talked about ?? Watching so much that he answered my concern 3 minutes after I've voiced it up. | ||
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On October 20 2015 02:03 Vonthin wrote: My thoughts on everyone now that I've read their filters. Moosy- Slight scum read, I didn't like his opening spam shitpost crap, and some of the reason Rels brought up after I made my post the other night. He has some posts though where I can see town motivation but the useless posts outweigh them for me. LoneMeow- I think he is town, I see clear motivation behind the things he is doing trying to get reads on people. Sicklurker-Leaning slight scum on him, lots of fluff in his filter, I don't understand his Lonemeow vote, I don't see anything to go on besides him not posting a lot to make him scum. Never said lol ez town read or that he was my top read just because I typed his read first in the list., He was just under my list for people who I thought were town for the time. I liked the posts he made and he had no fluff. My strongest town read at the time I made that list was GB. He seemed to made his opinions of me without reading my posts then read them and changed them after someone called him out on his and read them. GB- Still town, I don't see any scum motivation behind his posts. Boxer-- Null still, I understand his reasoning behind his cases but I don't agree with most of them. Has some fluff here and there and his posts/opinions vary so I don't really understand him. Scott-Besides not posting a lot, his posts still read town to me. I understand lynching for inactivity though. Rels- I think he is town, I like most of his posts up un till his recent ones with his case against Lonemeow which I think is a pretty weak case for day1. Farah--Town, Clear town motivation behind her posts, no fluff. Her case against Ever is clear and thought out and makes sense. Ever-- The big thing that leaps out to me in his filter is the big post with all the quote about his case against KSC, was a big jumbled mess and a somewhat weak case. His thoughts are all over the place in the start but It could just be him being new and reacting to the posts he sees. Shining- I think he is town, I like his posts and arguments, has some things I don't like but the things I like outweigh the ones I don't. KSC - He started off looking scum to me but he started to look town since the last day. I like his reads and questions since he stopped posting fluff and being so negative at the start Fecal- Seems scummy, posts seem half assed which shit reads that doesn't give any explanations. Not enough to go on for a Day 1 lynch. Would Lynch: Lurker, Ever, Moosy Needs more posts/convincing: Fecal If anyone has specific questions for me hit me up fast since I have to go to my afternoon classes soon. Don't know if this is the scummiest thing I've ever seen or the cutest thing I've ever seen. It looks like a child made this list. p: No offense. SL you read his past games right ? Did he post like that ? | ||
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LOL angry man (= Can you reply to my question pretty please ? | ||
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On October 20 2015 02:12 MoosyDoosy wrote: Also, I already said what I think of Vonthin and that thought matches what you just asked. I already said his reads are surface level but that's NAI at best for a newbie game. tbh I'd like to lynch someone else than Vonthin for D1 but if you guys start a wagon on him then I'm happy to consolidate if necessary. What do you think of "newbie scum maybe wouldn't have 3 scumread in his first serious post" ? Is this a bad reasonning ? | ||
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On October 20 2015 02:14 MoosyDoosy wrote: Lynching Eversince for making no sense and being all over the place is dumb because she did that last game. She also had a million page filter. | ||
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On October 20 2015 02:13 Rels wrote: What do you think of "newbie scum maybe wouldn't have 3 scumread in his first serious post" ? Is this a bad reasonning ? ?? | ||
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On October 20 2015 02:21 MoosyDoosy wrote: I mean, the game is to find 3 scum so why wouldn't he if he's either town or mafia emulating town? Cause I remarked as scum he's super difficult to scumread town 'cause you're afraid they will scumread you back. So I was thinking maybe he's not scum because he did that. But now I'm thinking maybe that ain't a strong reasonning. | ||
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On October 20 2015 03:31 GlowingBear wrote: That said, I want to vote sicklucker for his lackluster push on LoneMeow. Not willing to lynch SL or FF over scott or eversince. But I had this exact thought about SL's push. | ||
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1 - He had a strong start, got townread, and did jack all until now. 2 - He's saying he doesn't have time to read the game right now; but he's trying to direct the lynch anyway. 3 - He found four reasons to not vote scott over a very short period of time: SL might be scum, FF might be scum, Moosy is voting scott with his scumread BF, FF is voting scott. | ||
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On October 20 2015 04:32 Eversince wrote: By the way, I don't even really remember the reason we are lynching scott other than the Rels reasoning but I don't want to die today because I actually did want to play in this game. No worries. That's a good reasonning. | ||
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On October 20 2015 04:34 Eversince wrote: Rels assuming I don't die today. I completely missed who you are calling BF boxerfred | ||
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On October 18 2015 20:28 Rels wrote: REALLY BRO ? YOU REMARKED HE WAS JOKING AND YOU WERE JUST MAKING SURE ??? THAT S EXACTLY WHAT I THOUGHT READING YOUR POSTS. NOT. On October 19 2015 17:39 Rels wrote: Loving how scott completely missed the accusation against him, which is him saying "just making sure - thank you" when he didn't show he thought the vote was a joke in the first place. Probably scum. ##Vote scott31337 EVERYBODY SHOULD SCUMREAD SCOTT FOR THESE POSTS ABOVE. THE NEXT QUESTION IS: CAN HE MAKE HIS COME BACK POSTS AS SCUM ? PLEASE READ THEM AND DISCOVER THAT THE ANSWER IS "YES" On October 20 2015 02:13 scott31337 wrote: I got called into work yesterday for this stupid phone issue I thought we had fixed last week, but noooo - I got the phones calmed down but now the internet is slow as dirt - and probably a switch issue. I think KelsierSC is town, I'm not down for his lynch I'll try to check in and give more time in a little bit. On October 20 2015 02:15 scott31337 wrote: I mean I know I'm town - if Farah and Shining are scum, why don't they go for my wagon? Second level plays? ##Vote: Eversince On October 20 2015 03:38 scott31337 wrote: You can call it weak, RL issues kicked my ass again with these stupid switch configuration issues. I haven't even ate yet and I'm starving to death. | ||
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On October 20 2015 04:40 LoneMeow wrote: Can't figure this out. Sheeping Rels. ##vote: scott31337 Fuck why are you making me doubt. Is it your way of defending your buddy ? p: | ||
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On October 20 2015 04:42 sicklucker wrote: rels can you simple that down i cant read that shit Seriously it's pretty simple. Take 30 seconds to read the post above. | ||
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On October 20 2015 04:47 sicklucker wrote: ff might be scum too hes not even trying any shennanie that gets his rocks off from that shit I thought his scum game was "shit up the thread" and "post shitty one liners" ? Confirm / deny ? | ||
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On October 20 2015 04:53 KelsierSC wrote: yeh that meow vote is the one that gives me pause. ++ Doesn't change scott's alignement though, could be a bus. But the vote is super bad. | ||
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On October 20 2015 19:11 Rels wrote: Dead game is dead. Who will I sheep if nobody plays ? Maybe I'll random my target. It's a bh game after all ![]() Looks like my lynch target will be GB. p: | ||
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On October 20 2015 21:10 GlowingBear wrote: Hello My (slightly) hangover senses points out to rels being mafia. That makes a combo of rels and sicklucker And if you consider Moosy doosy voted with his main scum read, I would put him in the team. But sicklucker makes more sense if he is with Eversince. I don't know. I have a tendency to believe that wagons so close to each other always means one is mafia. Which isn't always true, but yeah, I have this tendency. But really, rels insistence in sheeping/RNG looks so forced, I can't possibly believe he is town. Are you OMGUSing my RNG vote ? Fight me bro | ||
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Currently, I think the scumteam is SL / LoneMeow / Shining. Maybe Moosy or FF is in place of these two. I have townlean on Vonthin, Eversince and KSC. Might be wrong on one. I think GB, boxerfred and Fara are town. A sentence on everyone: Probably scum SL: what GB said (having LM as scum but doesn't push him). Actually his play is very reminiscent of when I play with him as mafia. He's there but is not doing strong stuff, unlike the previous newbie game where he fucking pushed for stoicism switch as blue. LM: focusing on only one people at a time: it is a scum mindset, so you don't make enemies while pushing your scumread. I realized I did that in my scum games, I was almost caught by rayn for exactly that reason. His vote last night was scum indicative. He is a great shot at being scum. Shining: useless. Not emotional. Had one emotional post when I called him not emotional, doesn't even OMGUS me. Vote Eversince but doesn't care who gets lynched. Doesn't do anything EOD or at night. I've given him a pass for being useless Monday and Tuesday, but rest time is over. Maybe scum Moosy: I have a hard time reading the guy. He's my wildcard in my scum team. He could be scum. He didn't seem super interested in the lynch last night. He responded to boxerfred when he thought BF wanted to kill him, but didn't comment on anything else. He seemed super interested at pocketing me. Must die before LYLO. FF: useless. Not a 100% scumread since that's his town meta. In 3 scum games out of 4 in the database, he shit up the thread very much, having enormous filter each time. In the 4th he had like 4 posts in two days though. The only reason I didn't push for his lynch last night was this meta analysis. He needs to die sometimes before LYLO if he continues being useless. Maybe town Vonthin: consistent. I read his other games, he had a list ressembling the one he did near EOD very much. His activity also match his other games. That is only half-convincing since I don't have scum games to compare though. In addition to that, he attacked me this night over a reasonning that he kept over the entire game (that scott was a activity lynch, and would give no info if flipped; so me pushing for a no-info lynch makes me maybe scum). Eversince: her story of being in the library sounds too real to be false. She missed EOD last game 'cause she had no internet too. Keeping that in mind, I'm not seeing scum in his filter; like SL said, she's picking fights with several people, something a scum has a hard time doing. Her not doing anything since the switch except defend herself is a bit worrying though. KSC: reading carefully the game. Super logical. His reads are super consistent. Is either super good scum or town. Is probably scum if I die tonight instead of more obvious townies though. I know he fooled me super hard in the Slam's game that was aborted N1. Town GB: first, GB is confirmed town if Eversince is town. He came back to the thread and looked to switch off scott / ES. Doesn't make sense as scum. Since I think ES is town atm, GB is town. If ES is scum, GB is still town I think. Thinking outside the box, like this night; he immediately attacked me when I imitated random-vote rayn from last game. He also was the first to tryhard. Out of my three townread, he's the guy that could pull it off as scum though, so no confirmed townread for him. BF: wants to solve the game. Actually I think he's the most efficient word to scumhunt player this game. BF being scum would break my fucking heart. I would be super impressed though. This guy is confirmed town unless something drastic happens. Fara: I don't see this guy being scum. He's newbie, and since his first post he's looking for scum. Like BF, this guy is confirmed town unless something drastic happens. IN CASE THESE ARE MY LAST WORDS: 1 - I am mad at scott flipping town. Reading his filter again today, I would lynch him again though. This is one fucking scummy filter. I saw that BH asked for his replacement; in honesty, I would have probably tunneled his replacement very hard, so it's a good thing he's dead. 2 - If I die, KSC is probably scum. Any day KSC doesn't get scum lynched, lynch him the day after. Don't let him bus a teammate to the confirmed town status; any day a scum doesn't die, lynch him the day after. | ||
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Vig should claim now. | ||
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OK that makes sense. Are you hard claiming ? If yes that means I'm wrong on two of my scumreads )= | ||
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On October 21 2015 05:04 sicklucker wrote: Rels is probably scum since this game is hard. Hes the best scum player in this game Good reasonning. Now that you are confirmed town I hope you start being less shitty. | ||
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On October 21 2015 05:08 sicklucker wrote: idk i saw alot of towns then he comes out with a random scum read as me. just as the guy who had me as a top town read me died. LIKE I NEVER KILL KSC AS TOWN HERE. 1. his town game does not impress me 2. Im like pretty sure I was his top town if not i was his top 3 Why are you so defensive ??? Are you hard claiming vig ? | ||
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On October 21 2015 05:10 sicklucker wrote: Of course im the veg lol I am the vig ##Vote sicklucker | ||
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On October 21 2015 04:59 Rels wrote: LM: focusing on only one people at a time: it is a scum mindset, so you don't make enemies while pushing your scumread. I realized I did that in my scum games, I was almost caught by rayn for exactly that reason. His vote last night was scum indicative. He is a great shot at being scum. | ||
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On October 21 2015 05:12 sicklucker wrote: rels your so... boring and dumb and its so obvious im town trying to take the nk away from real power roles gj Vig used his shot. He is not a power role anymore. He is just a named VT. There is no need to protect a names VT. Die. | ||
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On October 21 2015 05:13 sicklucker wrote: if im mafia I dont EVER RECIND HERE because I would own the shit out of you. im vt Stop talking to me scum. Die. | ||
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On October 21 2015 05:15 GlowingBear wrote: ##Unvote ##Vote: Rels Why did you shoot LM? Are you fucking voting an un CC vig in a setup where we know there is only one vig / cop. I'm sure you'll find what you need in some post I made not long ago. And that I quoted even less long ago. | ||
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On October 21 2015 05:15 sicklucker wrote: Is rels rly the veg...? LOL =D | ||
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Ignore the guy and start talking about his teammates please. | ||
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On October 21 2015 05:18 GlowingBear wrote: Oooooops I was going to vote SL AND question you. Instead I've put you in the vote LOLOLOLOL ##Unvote ##Vote: sicklucker That's not true. Your post is: On October 21 2015 05:15 GlowingBear wrote: ##Unvote ##Vote: Rels Why did you shoot LM? If you wanted to vote SL, your post would be: On October 21 2015 05:15 GlowingBear wrote: ##Unvote ##Vote: sicklucker Why did you shoot LM? So the question is not addressed on me anymore. You are scum. | ||
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Especially anyone scumreading BF or townreading Shining, please quote stuff to make me understand your opinion. | ||
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On October 21 2015 18:38 GlowingBear wrote: And to be fair the fact that you took the effort probably means you're town. How sure are you of that fact ? I checked FF's meta, and 3 mafia games out of 4 he had a gigantic filter with a lot of trash in it. So it's pretty different from this game obviously. | ||
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On October 21 2015 23:55 FarahBlackwing wrote: Anyway those are my read and i'm sticking to them, really sure that shining is town. Would love to see a town case on him please. | ||
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On October 22 2015 00:16 FarahBlackwing wrote: Already have given my reasoning on town reading shining. You had reasonning: On October 21 2015 06:16 FarahBlackwing wrote: I pretty much hard town read shining, while some say he's not emotional there seems to be some emotion in his posts even if hes not angry. He seem happy at points and jokes, anger should be put out of discussion since I know he's trying to stop raging. Also his catch up posts I liked and he cared about ever not answering him. I only see town in him really. Can I have a case ? What catch up posts did you like ? | ||
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On October 22 2015 00:30 FarahBlackwing wrote: No I really don't want to spend my time making case on someone that I think is town when I could be looking for scum instead? I think hes town and I've given my reasoning, you disagree because you don't see anger and think hes scummy. Not only that though. What catch up post did you like ? He was the first to put suspicions on scott, scott didn't do anything, he ended up voting not scott. He didn't care about the lynch target, he posted only once near EOD. No reaction to the flip. He answered defensively to Vonthin's question at the start of the game. | ||
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On October 21 2015 13:09 FarahBlackwing wrote: So von and sicklucker are super dumb telling I think is the phase. Which is sorta good because I want to eliminate von from the pool now. Why does dumbtell mean ? How is it town indicative ? | ||
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On October 22 2015 00:50 FarahBlackwing wrote: Dumb tell is when people don't have information that mafia should have. Example would be SL and Vonth acting like there is a cop in the game when we know if you read the OP or if you were in the mafia qt that there is not a cop. You might be dumbtelling here p: From your reddit link: Dumb Tell A statement that makes it seem like you don't have information Mafia would have | ||
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On October 22 2015 00:53 MoosyDoosy wrote: Rels/sicklucker is a situation I don’t want to touch right now because it’s dumb and it’s NAI for both players. It’ll be a lot better to just find the other Mafia and figure out alignments from there. So taking them out of the surviving list, it’s this: This is the dumbest thing you've ever written, and that's saying a lot. Why would you put SL and I out of your lynch pool for something you said is NAI ? You should judge us on other criterias then. | ||
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Please expand. | ||
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On October 22 2015 01:00 MoosyDoosy wrote: Although Rels being unnecessarily antagonistic is always a scum tell for him. Actually that is the opposite. So you have a scumlean on SL. | ||
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On October 22 2015 01:01 MoosyDoosy wrote: Meh, my pride in reading Rels D1 is too much. If necessary, I'll read through sicklucker's filter and then lynch him but I sincerely think there are better pastures. I think he's mafia. Will be waiting for your filter analysis with great anticipation. (= | ||
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But SL is probably scum. He had scummy things before the claim shit, and the claim shit doesn't make any sense as town. Here is why: - if the vig counter claim immediately, nothing has been achieved. No agenda has been pushed, except maybe a little more chaos in the thread - if the vig doesn't claim and let SL take the "bullet", we have a problem the moment one of these things happen: -- SL doesn't die; he's the ultimate mislynch bait next day -- the real vig is being lynched, and counter claims to save himself; at deadline, if something like that happens, I can garantee 100% one of the claims is getting lynched. So if SL is town, the lynch is between two townies So no, it doesn't make sense to claim vig to "take a bullet" for a townie. | ||
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On October 22 2015 00:49 FarahBlackwing wrote: Him not being here or posting after flip really isn't that note worthy from what I know of him. How do you know him ? | ||
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On October 22 2015 01:34 FarahBlackwing wrote: He's a really good family friend outside of game. Mostly to my husband but I know him and when he has net Lol | ||
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Right ??? Cant believe it | ||
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On October 22 2015 05:53 Eversince wrote: Fecal is still a high lynch candidate for me too. Has been unproductive the whole game. Wouldn't explain his reads. And since the one time he has done so it's because I bothered him enough for them. Notice how he has yet to repeat this feat since, aside from one huge wall post. Problem with that wall post in and of itself; it reiterates a bunch. It doesn't make sense to hold this information back at the time. It lacks natural read progression, and makes it easier to muddy the waters behind real intent behind the reads that he has. The rest of his post are random one liners, throws out a few names here and there, and nothing else but lurk the rest of this entire game. The irony that he is finally getting any attention for the exact reason I called him out and got so much heat for in the first place is palpable. How is FF different from last game, where he was town ? | ||
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Day 1 scott31337 (7): KelsierSC, Rels, boxerfred, MoosyDoosy, Eversince (5): FarahBlackwing, The Shining, scott31337, Vonthin, GlowingBear LoneMeow (1): sicklucker, KelsierSC (0): Vonthin (0): sicklucker (0): boxerfred (0): GlowingBear (0): | ||
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Didn't SL vote scott at one point ? Will check that. | ||
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We should still lynch SL if ES is scum though for his general apathy of scott being lynched even though he thought he was scum. And this is weird: On October 20 2015 04:35 sicklucker wrote: its the two people who always get lynched | ||
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On October 22 2015 06:06 Eversince wrote: This is my second game on this site. I tend to just toss meta out the window. Yo did anyone from last game can confirm this ? | ||
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On October 22 2015 06:32 Eversince wrote: I'm really confused about Sick right now. He claimed vig, confirmed town. you countered, he admitted he was not vig. confirmed mafia read. Everyone said claim was NAI so I just backed off and now I'm trying to think about it. I see no reason for town to claim vig in the first place though. No no no outside the claim shit | ||
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On October 22 2015 06:19 Fecalfeast wrote: Can you provide a sample of what you mean? I feel the exact same as last game. | ||
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On October 20 2015 04:38 sicklucker wrote: ya and everyone wanted to lynch you in that hard Is this true ? | ||
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On October 22 2015 06:44 Eversince wrote: No idea. I wouldn't be surprised though. I role-played that game. I took the first half of the game seriously then people started to give me a hard time over the way I was typin'. So I got mad and went full steam, and took it to the next level =). Then my internet died, and I missed the last half. I tried to replace that game because of it. Game was over by the time I got the problem resolved. I never bothered readin' the last of it. What's it really matter though? If it's wrong then he might have TMI on you two being town I didn't like his apathetic stance at EOD. Saying both of you are town, then saying you might be scum, voting LM, doesn't push him ... I think he "thought" you were more likely to be scum than scott but still didn't do shit | ||
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On October 21 2015 05:02 Eversince wrote: Oh wow what... Kelsier I expected but Lone Moew was town after that play? Now I'm just really confused. FF do you think this post is town indicative ? (that was just after start of D2) | ||
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The only way to escape this is: 1 - You post shit that I find useful before the countdown ends 2 - I see the replacement thread poping up | ||
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For FF: On October 22 2015 06:49 Rels wrote: FF do you think this post is town indicative ? (that was just after start of D2) On October 22 2015 06:45 Rels wrote: yo FF you have a read on the lucker ? For everyone: On October 22 2015 06:23 Rels wrote: Yo did anyone from last game can confirm this ? | ||
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On October 21 2015 05:04 sicklucker wrote: Rels is probably scum since this game is hard. Hes the best scum player in this game This post is overly defensive. On October 21 2015 05:08 sicklucker wrote: idk i saw alot of towns then he comes out with a random scum read as me. just as the guy who had me as a top town read me died. LIKE I NEVER KILL KSC AS TOWN HERE. 1. his town game does not impress me 2. Im like pretty sure I was his top town if not i was his top 3 | ||
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On October 22 2015 07:18 Fecalfeast wrote: Weird that you slap tthe word town on it rather than ask what I think of the post but I don't think this post is too alignment indicative. Unless you think she's incapable of faking a reaction over the vig shot Don't know, that was my immediate reaction to this post. Something like "oh looks like my townlean on her was right". | ||
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On October 22 2015 07:19 Fecalfeast wrote: Far as I remember, eversince did not look up anyone's past games last game Was she ever in danger of being lynched ? Looks like no to me, as she missed the later half of the game and didn't get voted. | ||
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On October 22 2015 09:12 sicklucker wrote: BECAUSE IM NOT THE VEG AND YOU MORONS THOUGHT I WAS SCUM I can see you make this post as town. | ||
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On October 22 2015 09:14 sicklucker wrote: the vote was like 5-5/6-5 for a very long time yes she was Lol. You wanna guess how many people voted for her in the entirety of D1 ? Anyone has a guess ? | ||
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On October 22 2015 11:40 The Shining wrote: Ohhhhh goodie I'm getting out of work a little early tonight. I'll be back in about an hr and a half, commute home from work and all. Bbs Coming back soon ? Liked your recent posts. | ||
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On October 22 2015 11:39 The Shining wrote: Especially if he thinks he's carrying his team. One of the things he wont do is suicide himself, though, which is basically what he risked doing by fakeclaiming and then ADMITTING to fake claiming. It's just way too risky of a play. 9/10 times scum is going to hardclaim and get the real blue lynched instead of admitting to role swapping or whatever. That is so wrong though. Hard claiming would be suicide. Claiming and rescinding after the real claim is just WIFOM NAI. | ||
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On October 22 2015 18:13 Fecalfeast wrote: That's not a bad team tbh Right ? Is Shining town ? | ||
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Does SL directly lying about something makes him mafia ? | ||
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On October 22 2015 18:43 Fecalfeast wrote: Well, if you want to get literal, no. I could lie about stuff and I'm still town. How many people voted for eversince day 1, rels? In the other game, 0 | ||
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On October 22 2015 16:37 Rels wrote: Lol. You wanna guess how many people voted for her in the entirety of D1 ? Anyone has a guess ? Actually he's talking about this game. | ||
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Actually will have a post comparing the two games at EOD. | ||
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OK I will do a big post listing the similarities. Please anyone, read it and tell me what you think. | ||
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1. Is not convinced by the main wagons On October 20 2015 04:35 sicklucker wrote: its the two people who always get lynched 2. Scumread a townie outside the main wagons 3. Softly call for a switch on his scumread On October 20 2015 02:29 sicklucker wrote: lone meow dies today On October 20 2015 04:39 sicklucker wrote: so no one wants to vote lone moew? if not ill just vote the person hes not 4. Vote outside the main wagons 5. Says to a townie he wants to lynch him On October 19 2015 23:57 sicklucker wrote: Hey lonemeow I want to hand you from a tree how do you feel about that 6. Says he's voting outside the main wagons to keep his stats alive On October 20 2015 04:53 sicklucker wrote: well if nothings changing im voting him for the stats sicklucker EOD1 his last mafia game (Drams mafia) 1. Is not convinced by the main wagons He was pretty apathitic towards the lynch. On October 01 2015 06:58 sicklucker wrote: i dont know who to vote 2. Scumread a townie outside the main wagons He was scumreading Trfel, who was town. 3. Softly call for a switch on his scumread On October 01 2015 06:26 sicklucker wrote: Hey guys since can we go back to lynching trefel? i think ls is pretty obv town here. the classic vt claim and that confidence On October 01 2015 06:28 sicklucker wrote: If trefel is town I will eat a bear 4. Vote outside the main wagons He voted Trfel until 1 minute before deadline. He switched 1 minute before deadline from Trfel to ensure we (the mafia) lynched the claimed 1 shot tracker. 5. Says to a townie he wants to lynch him On October 01 2015 05:36 sicklucker wrote: Hi scott people want to kill you and I might be one of them. what say you 6. Says he's voting outside the main wagons to keep his stats alive sicklucker EOD1 his last town game (Newbie XV) 1. Finds the main wagons town, but defend them On October 13 2015 08:05 sicklucker wrote: yep. moosy help me push one of vivax/OO w/e one is possible I wanna save you On October 13 2015 08:58 sicklucker wrote: thats just not true... ksc defended you. ff is defending you. everyone voting moosy is literally defending you On October 13 2015 08:59 sicklucker wrote: hell I AM DEFENDING YOU by thinking of other options to save moosy 2. Actively finds scummy people and call for their heads instead of the main town wagons On October 13 2015 09:41 sicklucker wrote: oh i forgot about him gogo? we need 3 or 4 votes On October 13 2015 09:42 sicklucker wrote: I think od is at best flipping mafia 3/13 times. which is not a great lynch. id rather go off the board here and get a lurker On October 13 2015 09:45 sicklucker wrote: I AGREE WITH YOU MARV IS SUPER SCUMMY. but if hes town he will be nked like 90% of the time. We want to keep him around at least 1 day. Like its math and very good for town in mana reasons. if hes mafia it will be aparently obvious as time passes and we will still lynch him. Stocism posted 6 paragraphs we will probably never get a great read on him and this is a plus on deciding who we lynch day 1. We really need your vote to move this 3. Doesn't do the shit above Doesn't softly call for a switch. Does not vote outside the main wagons for "stats", but rather tries to get people to vote scum. | ||
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Can anyone that played in Newbie XV confirm that he did not have quotes like that last game ? Or am I mistaken ? | ||
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On October 22 2015 23:35 GlowingBear wrote: You could be right on SL. The thing is that he presented some townie posts in his filter that is giving me pause. There are better people to look after today IMO. If you want to see if you're TUNNELED, forget the claim and try to read SL coming from a townie perspective. See if it makes sense. It does. Except at EOD1. And I know SL is super strong at making seems like he's coming from a town perspective, I've played with him. At EOD1, he was playing his scum game, as demonstrated above. | ||
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On October 22 2015 23:40 GlowingBear wrote: I think your case is a little flawed because yes, he did the same thing last game as mafia, but a "meta" case must prove not only that he does that stuff as mafia, but that he CAN'T or NEVER do that stuff as town. The thing is, it's not a meta case to begin with. How he played EOD1 was scummy. Thinking the two main wagons were not likely to be mafia, having a scumread; but not pushing it. The townie way to play that wuold be to defend your townreads and push your scumread. It only starts to be meta after that, because he was in kinda the same situation the last two games he played: - as mafia he did the same thing - as town he did not do the same thing; in fact, he reacted the town way described above | ||
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On October 22 2015 23:42 GlowingBear wrote: I agree with you, Rels. And I find hard that drunk bear is wrong. But look at Moosy doosy and FF. Especially what I just said. Don't you think they have scummier traits? I mean, your strong scum read on him started with the counter claim. Before that, I presume you had a weaker read No. I had him as scum just before EON1 deadline: On October 21 2015 04:59 Rels wrote: Currently, I think the scumteam is SL / LoneMeow / Shining. Maybe Moosy or FF is in place of these two. [...] Probably scum [...] SL: what GB said (having LM as scum but doesn't push him). Actually his play is very reminiscent of when I play with him as mafia. He's there but is not doing strong stuff, unlike the previous newbie game where he fucking pushed for stoicism switch as blue. [...] I've removed any claim stuff from my read on him. | ||
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On October 22 2015 23:42 GlowingBear wrote: But look at Moosy doosy and FF. Especially what I just said. Don't you think they have scummier traits? I would vote Moosy too. FF is playing his town meta so I wouldn't vote him today. | ||
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On October 22 2015 23:48 GlowingBear wrote: Did he never do that as town? I'm not sure. I've done that as town once. Ok I will read your case thoroughlly and comment point by point. What do you think of what I said about FF? What you said about FF makes sense. I don't think FF is scum though. When I was playing scum in Season of the witch 2, I tried to put suspicions on him for kinda the same reasons, and got bashed by HTS. 1 sec I'll find the posts. | ||
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On September 21 2015 01:25 Half the Sky wrote: Note to self - comment on Fecalfeast Rels - there's 3 known metas I know of FF. Tryhard town (Not Themed) Tryhard/spammy mafia (Carnaval/Ippo) Lazy town (Carol/Titanic 7) I'll elaborate on them more when I get home. May need to do a database dig up on him too. I'll try and identify where he is here, the ONLY meta I have not seen is lazy mafia meta, and I don't want to make the same mistake I did with WaveofShadow in Gaiden. On September 21 2015 01:58 Half the Sky wrote: Also the meta for FF I'm seeing so far is the "lazy town" meta. I'm reading through Carnaval for possible parallels, but he's spammy as shit there. And I mean really spammy "shit up the thread". On September 21 2015 02:26 Half the Sky wrote: The Fecalfeast I'm seeing here is closer to JOAT/Carol/Titanic 7. He was way the hell more spammy in Carnaval across 4 cycles, and was caught out on VCA. Some of the spam was pointless filler, a bit of talk on setup spec there but I'm ignoring that for here since we are in a themed game. (Carnaval was a normal mini). FF also had a history of pushing AFKers in that game. Ippo was also 11 pages in 2 cycles, and a lot of spammy shit there too. A lot of one-liners in that game with ZERO direction. I know Vivax said something about FF's late vote being a problem but it was not nearly as blatant as him trying to save his confirmed mafia teammate in Carnaval. So I think the thing here is to look for a combination of lack of direction plus a crazy amount of filler. I know in Carol he was just completely lazy, and I know in titantic 7 he contradicted himself a lot as town (I cased him twice, that's how I know and he was just playing really suboptimally). I don't think he's mafia here. Based on what I know, and what I've read I don't think he's the lynch. I am curious to read Rels' reasoning. D1 I know he's quite lazy (and three times to my questions he admitted he lacked answers largely because he just wasn't reading) and I'm seeing that here. D2 there were 1-2 posts that jumped as being somewhat town. He's a very good DT check if people want to resolve him sooner rather than later (or those who don't understand his meta) but you see more of an obvious agenda trying to pick off the easy lynches/afk people/less actives as mafia. That was very apparent in Carnaval and less so in Ippo, but still apparent. | ||
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"I appear town but doesn't care if townies gets lynched" SL "I don't care about this game, I swear to god it's my town meta don't lynch me plzplzplz" MoosyDoosy "I'll be back in 12 hours max! What do you mean it's been 36 hours already ?" Vonthin | ||
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On October 23 2015 00:20 GlowingBear wrote: I think it's weak. I usually don't like meta. Most of the meta cases I've seen in these forums were wrong. If FF is self aware of that meta, he can fake it anytime. I will never accept a meta over a clearly scummy post. I simply don't see a townie saying "SL is town, Occam's razor" then when you post a team with him he says "ok good team" and instead voting a suspicious guy that is the main wagon AND part of the team he said it was good (Moosy), he votes his town read (SL). He kinda had a progression though. On October 21 2015 05:34 Fecalfeast wrote: occam's razor, sl is probably not mafia. He is the type to do crazy shit as scum but getting himself killed over a vig claim is realllll crazy On October 22 2015 07:18 Fecalfeast wrote: RE: sicklucker I'm flipflopping all over the place on him. His early TR of me felt like TMI, though he is VERY familiar with the lazytown!fecalfeast play. The claim is stupid and sicklucker would do a stupid play as either alignment IMO. Currently he is towny to me but I can't really articulate why. I will filter him at some point Weird that you slap tthe word town on it rather than ask what I think of the post but I don't think this post is too alignment indicative. Unless you think she's incapable of faking a reaction over the vig shot On October 22 2015 07:35 Fecalfeast wrote: I mean, I don't remember trying to kill her last game but that game was a short mafia concession anyway. SL saying she was going to be lynched last game is a little off On October 22 2015 07:36 Fecalfeast wrote: I'm looking at that game right now and yeah there was some suspicion but not enough to warrant calling her 'one who always gets lynched' On October 22 2015 09:53 Fecalfeast wrote: SL give me a team of 3 off the top of your brain go On October 22 2015 10:09 Fecalfeast wrote: yeah es' thought process here is towny too. I just checked my pm to make sure I'm not scum in case I forgot, I have too many town reads On October 22 2015 12:24 Fecalfeast wrote: Are you going for the 'too scummy to be scum' angle here? Can you atleast tell me why my meta read is wrong or is it just based off his lack of enthusiasm? On October 22 2015 18:43 Fecalfeast wrote: Well, if you want to get literal, no. I could lie about stuff and I'm still town. How many people voted for eversince day 1, rels? | ||
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On October 23 2015 00:22 GlowingBear wrote: Like, Rels, if HTS explicitly says being spammy is FF's mafia meta, he just needs to not spam. Then he is townread because he is lazy. Which is the easiest thing to do as mafia. + HtS said FF usually lacks direction and it is clearly what he is doing here I agree with the "we should not consider meta as the bible" stuff. But HTS also said FF did not make sense as town, and she had wrongly cased him for that. | ||
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BF does nothing. FF does not talk about BF. | ||
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On October 21 2015 12:55 Vonthin wrote: Anyways I'm off to bed and should have some time to post tomorrow morning before my classes start and will 100% be here late afternoon and evening. 38 hours ago. On October 19 2015 20:18 boxerfred wrote: wait, you lost me halfway. I thought he was talking about "fuck me im again vt" comment. gonna reread. 30 hours ago. On October 22 2015 04:14 FarahBlackwing wrote: I'm actually considering trying to flip ever here, I really wish vig would of shot him... ##vote ever since 22 hours ago. | ||
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On October 23 2015 02:02 Blazinghand wrote: LF 1 replacement for student mafia XVI This time I checked the fucking replacement thread at least. | ||
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On October 23 2015 02:21 GlowingBear wrote: It was when Moosy first disappeared. I thought he was going to be replaced. No it was 17 minutes ago. | ||
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##Unvote ##Vote MoosyDoosy Will switch to Vonthin if he isn't the one being replaced. | ||
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1. In his almost only big post, he put BF as one of his two scumreads, the other one being GB. + Show Spoiler + On October 21 2015 11:48 Fecalfeast wrote: The game where you got lynched day 1 your posts were nothing like in this game. You didn't mkae a single list post in which honestly if I compare to this game you have been doing a lot better. but in this game you do. OK by meta reasons I change my read on vonthin ##unvote question Vonthin: How is GB doing a good job 'leading town' as you say in your most recent list post? If GB is leading town, there are 3 town dead day 2, he is doing a good job? You even note something scummy he did in your read of him but call him town. Boxer's first game was a scumgame and he survived til endgame with a fairly short filter (11 pages including pre and post game for a 5 day game) and his filter d1 was a mere 2 pages. Not to mention, his filter this game is all over the place. He wants to kill lonemeow, no he wants to kill moose, no he wants to kill scott At first I had BF as town just for playing the game but his first game as scum he was making big posts with reads and questions so the fact that he is doing such this game is nai. Scumlean on boxer. boxer: Look at vonthin's other games linked in this post and tell me what you think afterward. Now that I give glowingbear's filter a good read, I think he could be scum. His buddying up to kelsier after realizing that kelsier was going hard on scott is really scummy to me. + Show Spoiler + On October 18 2015 21:32 GlowingBear wrote: Dude, Kelsier, I've been trying to play a good game with you but you insist with this. I have a history of doing "stupid stunts" for some people, but I am playing a very straight forward game since the last one. So IF you're town, actually read my list instead of just saying it's classic GB with illogical reads, because they are far from illogical. If you have actually read it you would realise I was commenting ONLY on people that had posted, so point (A) doesn't make sense. Point (B): it's a post where I share my vision of what has been posted so far and I ask players to bounce their reads on it. You see, I've seen a lot of alignment indicstive behaviours - which you fail to realise/discuss just to base a read on a joke phase. And the joke phase wasn't even that long. I started playing the exact moment the game started, and you should see it if you actually read my filter. If you're town, please, play the game. If not, die. ##Vote: KelsierSC On October 18 2015 22:53 GlowingBear wrote: Oh okay! Now I'm convinced On October 18 2015 23:03 GlowingBear wrote: Who is mafia with scott, Kelsier? Which, I'll admit seemed to me like it was sarcastic, especially when followed with Which would be odd since he just got convinced that someone is scum. Rather than expound on what he means by this, he posts some fluff and a while later this So he's convinced by kelsier that scott is scum but would rather vote elsewhere (myself[town] and sciklucker[I think town]) and explicitly says he doesn't want to vote eversince. SO HE MOVES HIS VOTE OFF THE WAGONS AFTER SAYING HE WANTS TO VOTE SL AND I FOR VOTING OFF WAGON? AND THEN CHANGES VOTES FROM SL (off-wagon) TO EVERSINCE His entire reason for voting eversince over scott seems to be that I am scum trying to save eversince but wait So he gets drunk and comes to thread to revert his read on me. So, coupled with the fact that kelsier died who was calling GB out a lot, which isn't much on its own because kelsier was super towny anyway, I think GB is a good shot at scum today. ##vote glowingbear Town: farah rels sicklucker vonthin scum gb boxerfred will be looking into moose, shining and eversince next. I am leaning scum on eversince just because it seemed really weird that GB would pop his vote on her after saying he would never do so, but only after scott was clearly in the lead to die On October 21 2015 11:48 Fecalfeast wrote: Town: farah rels sicklucker vonthin scum gb boxerfred He also asks BF to do one thing: On October 21 2015 11:48 Fecalfeast wrote: boxer: Look at vonthin's other games linked in this post and tell me what you think afterward. 2. Boxer has made 3 posts after that. In his posts he promised to answer FF's question and didn't, and put suspicions on FF. + Show Spoiler + On October 21 2015 19:52 boxerfred wrote: I like Vonthin's response to my questions, I dislike that he scumreads me. He's not the lynch for today though imho. Let me bring his scum read on me up: I think you refer to one big, seemingly confusing post only and this is a post that is built up quite logically: I caught up, and while I was catching up, I quoted posts that I deemed interesting. I even said that on top of that post. Go have a re-read of that post. Regarding my Moosy read: I contradicted myself in that read. I was wrong, that's about it. That's why I later said that it was bullshit. I also refrained from my Moosy scumread although it really bothers me that he's not around. So no, I have not continued pushing Moosy, you're misrepresenting the facts. However I still do not have a townread Moosy, although I liked his posts N1 a bit. Third, regarding the "I just skimmed" case - it was simply honest, sorry if that makes me look bad. Read into that whatever you want, I don't care. ____________ I'm wondering why Farah pushes a MD lynch since her case on ES was/is good. Why the preference now that MD apparently isn't here? Also why that townread on Shining? I don't get the "emotional" argument at all, one can fake his/her meta. Elaborate please. Then again, I wonder why Farah removes GB from her "remaining scum" list. I think your reads of shining and GB are really weak. I also dislike that Fecalfeast comes into the thread once he's under pressure. Why not do this before? Not interested to solve the game? If so, why not? I strongly think there's scum in between GB and FF, maybe MD but I don't have a solid case on that. I guess MD will break my neck the longer I survive in that game because I cannot tell if he's town or scum but I still have that scum feeling. I had the same fucking feeling in the game we played when he was scum and talked everyone into oblivion, however I was mislynched before being able to get him lynched. I actually have a good grasp on that game, SL and MD are the only ones I don't have at least a reasoned opinion on. That, among with my standing as a townread person, will probably get me shot soon. Well, some casualties cannot be prevented. Fecal as of now I don't have the time to really look at the games you mentioned towards me. Hold me at it, I'll try to do so this evening. The lynch should happen in between FF/GB/ES/Shining. I think those guys have the highest chance to flip scum. Second tier lynches are MD/SL(though GB scumreads him which actually makes me rethink that)/VonThin. Don't lynch: Farah. Never lynch: Rels, boxerfred. On October 22 2015 01:44 boxerfred wrote: only mobile here so just a question: you initially misunderstood dumb tells. however you still say sl is dumbtelling. out of all sl? he plays lots of games here. On October 22 2015 02:28 boxerfred wrote: yeah okay no ##unvote ##vote MoosyDoosy fine with any other of my top lynches though Suspicions on FF: On October 21 2015 19:52 boxerfred wrote: I also dislike that Fecalfeast comes into the thread once he's under pressure. Why not do this before? Not interested to solve the game? If so, why not? I strongly think there's scum in between GB and FF, maybe MD but I don't have a solid case on that. I guess MD will break my neck the longer I survive in that game because I cannot tell if he's town or scum but I still have that scum feeling. I had the same fucking feeling in the game we played when he was scum and talked everyone into oblivion, however I was mislynched before being able to get him lynched. I actually have a good grasp on that game, SL and MD are the only ones I don't have at least a reasoned opinion on. That, among with my standing as a townread person, will probably get me shot soon. Well, some casualties cannot be prevented. [...] The lynch should happen in between FF/GB/ES/Shining. I think those guys have the highest chance to flip scum. Promised to answer his question, still haven't done so: On October 21 2015 19:52 boxerfred wrote: Fecal as of now I don't have the time to really look at the games you mentioned towards me. Hold me at it, I'll try to do so this evening. 3. FF never mentions BF again. He doesn't show concerns that BF promised to answer his question and didn't. He has too many townreads. He's agreeing with my SL / Moosy / Vonthin team. He's voting SL. To resume: he has dropped one of his two scumreads without explanation. On October 22 2015 10:09 Fecalfeast wrote: yeah es' thought process here is towny too. I just checked my pm to make sure I'm not scum in case I forgot, I have too many town reads On October 22 2015 18:13 Fecalfeast wrote: That's not a bad team tbh On October 22 2015 18:55 Fecalfeast wrote: ##unvote ##vote sicklucker | ||
France13467 Posts
On October 23 2015 02:31 GlowingBear wrote: Rels, listen. I'm not dismissing ANYTHING you have said here. Since you're confirmed town I am totally prone to listen to you. Let's bounce some ideas. Who are you townreading at the moment or at least you have seen town traits? You are probably town. ES is probably town. Don't really know why, she just seems to be always thinking about who could be scum. I had Fara as confirmed town for pushing his case like that as a newbie, something I have a veeeery hard time seeing a newbie scum doing. But Shining said something like "she knows how I play", implying she is not a newbie. I wanted to ask Shining, but the guy said he would be there in one hour; it's been 15. Shining is town for now because KSC townread him and he died. Plus he showed up and talked about his scumreads as the third person, which is something he didn't do as scum and got him scumread by Trfel. BF might be town, I had the impression that he was looking for scum in each of his posts. Maybe I'm underestimating him. I think that's it sadlY. | ||
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On October 23 2015 02:58 Fecalfeast wrote: Sadly, the honest answer is i forgot about him. This is a common phenomenon among those who partake. No. Townies do not forget their scumreads. He was one of your two scumreads. He answered directly to you, saying he would answer your question later and didn't. Find me a town game where you forgot about a scumread please. Quotes would be appreciated. | ||
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On October 23 2015 03:00 GlowingBear wrote: Rels is there any player thsr Moosy CAN'T be mafia outside the townreads you just gave? No the guy doubled bus in his first game. No assumption should be made about his interactions with anyone. I really disliked how he went about SL though. Him: "Rels / SL's situation is so bizarre and NAI, I'll just don't care about the two of them being scum for the moment and look for someone else." Me: "Well if it's NAI, what is your read on SL withtout the claim shit ?" Him: "He makes me think about a game where he was scum and I found him. I don't know though". | ||
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On October 23 2015 03:02 Rels wrote: No the guy doubled bus in his first game. No assumption should be made about his interactions with anyone. I really disliked how he went about SL though. Him: "Rels / SL's situation is so bizarre and NAI, I'll just don't care about the two of them being scum for the moment and look for someone else." Me: "Well if it's NAI, what is your read on SL withtout the claim shit ?" Him: "He makes me think about a game where he was scum and I found him. I don't know though". What I'm trying to say is that he has a supposedly scumlean on SL, but eliminate him from the lynch pool because he did something NAI afterwards. | ||
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On October 23 2015 03:04 Rels wrote: What I'm trying to say is that he has a supposedly scumlean on SL, but eliminate him from the lynch pool because he did something NAI afterwards. What I'm trying to say is that if he's scum, SL is a likely candidate. | ||
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On October 23 2015 03:08 Fecalfeast wrote: I'm confused as to exactly what you want me to look for. A time when I left someone off my scumlist because I forgot about them? That sounds easy enough Yes. | ||
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On October 23 2015 03:14 Vonthin wrote: Moosy has not posted anything that makes me believe he is town so I am jumping on the bandwagon ##vote MoosyDoosy Rels besides my inactivity is there any reasons why you think I am scum this game? No. | ||
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On October 23 2015 03:13 Fecalfeast wrote: Is that a joke? You want me to go through 20 games of me being town and scour my own filter to prove that I lack consistency? Fuck off Yes I would like that. And there is more than just forget a scumread. You had a meta town read on Vonthin. You asked BF to read about Vonthin to see that he is town. You challenged SL on a Vonthin's scumread, saying "hey prove that my meta read is false". Then you say "nice team" to a team with Vonthin. | ||
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On October 21 2015 11:48 Fecalfeast wrote: The game where you got lynched day 1 your posts were nothing like in this game. You didn't mkae a single list post in which honestly if I compare to this game you have been doing a lot better. but in this game you do. OK by meta reasons I change my read on vonthin On October 21 2015 11:48 Fecalfeast wrote: boxer: Look at vonthin's other games linked in this post and tell me what you think afterward. On October 21 2015 13:10 Fecalfeast wrote: because based on just this game you look scummy to me vonthin, when I put it with you past games you look much better. On October 22 2015 12:24 Fecalfeast wrote: Are you going for the 'too scummy to be scum' angle here? Can you atleast tell me why my meta read is wrong or is it just based off his lack of enthusiasm? On October 22 2015 16:53 Rels wrote: SL / Moosy / Vonthin ? It seems so easy though. On October 22 2015 18:13 Fecalfeast wrote: That's not a bad team tbh | ||
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The moment we're pushing for FF two lurkers comes out of the wood. | ||
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Doesn't explain your disappearing scumreads. Still thinking GB is scum BTW ? Why ? | ||
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Now I know my vote is in the right place (= (= | ||
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On October 23 2015 03:42 Rels wrote: I want to vote Shining. Maybe that's not reasonable. | ||
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On October 22 2015 11:40 The Shining wrote: Ohhhhh goodie I'm getting out of work a little early tonight. I'll be back in about an hr and a half, commute home from work and all. Bbs I really really really want to lynch that | ||
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Unless he's getting replaced. It's him or Fara | ||
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Ok let's kill Moosy, can't imagine a scumteam without him | ||
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On October 23 2015 04:38 sicklucker wrote: you dont know this and if you do its def mod killable to say it Deduction. | ||
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More like Shiningans | ||
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On October 23 2015 04:40 The Shining wrote: Moosy posted some BS about asking to be 3rd lurker out of the woods. Loving how you poped 25 minutes before deadline yet you read the thread perfectly. | ||
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On October 23 2015 04:43 The Shining wrote: Yes that's what I meant. SL said everyone else has posted, implying Moosy hadn't, but he did post Moosy is the only one to have not seriously post. I'm pretty sure he was the replacement. | ||
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On October 23 2015 04:48 FarahBlackwing wrote: I actually don't know about the lynch, if MD was town he would care more. But the scum game of his I read awhile ago seems he cares more as scum so there's that to. Maybe we should look elsewhere idk I kinda think that too. | ||
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Hope you're still there: Is it Fara's first game ? IRL / forum ? | ||
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On October 23 2015 04:58 sicklucker wrote: your all weinnies I tried ![]() LOL I wanna lynch you | ||
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On October 23 2015 03:37 MoosyDoosy wrote: Hi guys, can I be the third lurker coming out of the wood? why did he fucking post that. It's the reason everybody stayed on him | ||
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On October 23 2015 05:02 Rels wrote: Vonthin is scum then. At least that's one people. This means SL is probably town, he wanted to lynch Vonthin D1 and D2. | ||
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On October 23 2015 05:04 Vonthin wrote: Why am I scum then he was the best case and none of the other people I thought was scum had a chance of being lynched. Cause you showed up the moment it looked like people were switching from him to consolidate on him. | ||
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On October 23 2015 05:05 Rels wrote: Cause you showed up the moment it looked like people were switching from him to consolidate on him. And that's actually the second time you did that. | ||
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On October 23 2015 05:05 Eversince wrote: What makes Sick town Rels? Association if Vonthin is scum. D1: On October 19 2015 22:34 sicklucker wrote: how anyone can scum read scott off his 3 posts is mind blogging, Does he have a history of a history of not playing as scum? because I know he often never posts as town. I could very well lynch him because I have alot of other town reads but its a pretty random one. Vonthin on the other hand might be scum alot more of the time. He has more posts that are mostly filler except his weak list post. unlike scott He might have a history of making alot of posts as town (he only has 6) somoone should look into that. 6 posts and 4 of them are filler | ||
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KSC's scumreads were Moosy scott ES, Vonthin was not on the list but he attacked him afterwards. | ||
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Maybe I'll change when I reread. Doubt it. | ||
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On October 23 2015 11:23 The Shining wrote: Anyway just push me for a lynch after nights over, Sicklucker. ES and BF got your back, Rels will probably love finally being able to lynch me after constantly threatening it and if you're right about Vonthin, hell find a reason to flip his read on me and vote me, too. So start working on your case, you have almost 3 RL days to make it perfect. Git err doneee You're kidding me ? We're killing SL tomorrow. Then we see. I think SL is mad 'cause he's made a big case on his partner Vonthin and you're defending him. (= (= | ||
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1. Is not convinced by the main wagons On October 20 2015 04:35 sicklucker wrote: its the two people who always get lynched 2. Scumread a townie outside the main wagons 3. Softly call for a switch on his scumread On October 20 2015 02:29 sicklucker wrote: lone meow dies today On October 20 2015 04:39 sicklucker wrote: so no one wants to vote lone moew? if not ill just vote the person hes not 4. Vote outside the main wagons 5. Says to a townie he wants to lynch him On October 19 2015 23:57 sicklucker wrote: Hey lonemeow I want to hand you from a tree how do you feel about that 6. Says he's voting outside the main wagons to keep his stats alive On October 20 2015 04:53 sicklucker wrote: well if nothings changing im voting him for the stats sicklucker EOD1 his last mafia game (Drams mafia) 1. Is not convinced by the main wagons He was pretty apathitic towards the lynch. On October 01 2015 06:58 sicklucker wrote: i dont know who to vote 2. Scumread a townie outside the main wagons He was scumreading Trfel, who was town. 3. Softly call for a switch on his scumread On October 01 2015 06:26 sicklucker wrote: Hey guys since can we go back to lynching trefel? i think ls is pretty obv town here. the classic vt claim and that confidence On October 01 2015 06:28 sicklucker wrote: If trefel is town I will eat a bear 4. Vote outside the main wagons He voted Trfel until 1 minute before deadline. He switched 1 minute before deadline from Trfel to ensure we (the mafia) lynched the claimed 1 shot tracker. 5. Says to a townie he wants to lynch him On October 01 2015 05:36 sicklucker wrote: Hi scott people want to kill you and I might be one of them. what say you 6. Says he's voting outside the main wagons to keep his stats alive sicklucker EOD1 his last town game (Newbie XV) 1. Finds the main wagons town, but defend them On October 13 2015 08:05 sicklucker wrote: yep. moosy help me push one of vivax/OO w/e one is possible I wanna save you On October 13 2015 08:58 sicklucker wrote: thats just not true... ksc defended you. ff is defending you. everyone voting moosy is literally defending you On October 13 2015 08:59 sicklucker wrote: hell I AM DEFENDING YOU by thinking of other options to save moosy 2. Actively finds scummy people and call for their heads instead of the main town wagons On October 13 2015 09:41 sicklucker wrote: oh i forgot about him gogo? we need 3 or 4 votes On October 13 2015 09:42 sicklucker wrote: I think od is at best flipping mafia 3/13 times. which is not a great lynch. id rather go off the board here and get a lurker On October 13 2015 09:45 sicklucker wrote: I AGREE WITH YOU MARV IS SUPER SCUMMY. but if hes town he will be nked like 90% of the time. We want to keep him around at least 1 day. Like its math and very good for town in mana reasons. if hes mafia it will be aparently obvious as time passes and we will still lynch him. Stocism posted 6 paragraphs we will probably never get a great read on him and this is a plus on deciding who we lynch day 1. We really need your vote to move this 3. Doesn't do the shit above Doesn't softly call for a switch. Does not vote outside the main wagons for "stats", but rather tries to get people to vote scum. | ||
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Day 1 scott31337 (7): KelsierSC, Rels, boxerfred, MoosyDoosy, Eversince (5): FarahBlackwing, The Shining, scott31337, Vonthin, GlowingBear LoneMeow (1): sicklucker, KelsierSC (0): Vonthin (0): sicklucker (0): boxerfred (0): GlowingBear (0): Day 2 MoosyDoosy (7): GlowingBear, Eversince (1): MoosyDoosy, Vonthin (1): Fecalfeast (1): sicklucker (0): GlowingBear (0): The Shining (0): Rels (0): | ||
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Day 1 scott31337 (7): KelsierSC, Rels, boxerfred, MoosyDoosy, Eversince (5): FarahBlackwing, The Shining, scott31337, Vonthin, GlowingBear LoneMeow (1): sicklucker, KelsierSC (0): Vonthin (0): sicklucker (0): boxerfred (0): GlowingBear (0): Day 2 MoosyDoosy (7): GlowingBear, Eversince (1): MoosyDoosy, Vonthin (1): Fecalfeast (1): sicklucker (0): GlowingBear (0): The Shining (0): Rels (0): | ||
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Feeling good about SL / FF / Vonthin. | ||
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Don't see Shining being scum. Don't see Fara being scum (but maybe I'm underestimating). Don't see ES being scum. Don't see GB being scum. | ||
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On October 23 2015 18:57 boxerfred wrote: I didn't trick anyone. The most likely scenario is that scum Shining/Vonthin want to push me because they're running out of mislynch targets. Tbh I thought that I'd be the nightkill since I feel like I'm being town read a lot in general and also have decent reads. Thing is that since I started soft-pushing farah, I get pushed a lot, even Rels now says that "maybe I tricked" him - why? Can't save myself from the night kill. I can see scum pushing me so they can safely kill of the one confirmed town player in this game which would be Rels. What happened to FF being scum ? | ||
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On October 18 2015 05:33 The Shining wrote: I think this is your first, or one of, your first games here, right? Unfortunately that's how TL works sometimes. People like to start the game off silly and carefree until a good majority of the players show up and get down and dirty Are you kidding me. | ||
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On October 18 2015 05:33 The Shining wrote: I think this is your first, or one of, your first games here, right? Unfortunately that's how TL works sometimes. People like to start the game off silly and carefree until a good majority of the players show up and get down and dirty On October 23 2015 04:55 The Shining wrote: AFAIK yes but her husband plays with me and I'm sure he's taught her to not be a completely clueless newbie, as well as she's gone out of her way to look up Mafia terminology, which she linked here What the fuck is this shit | ||
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On October 22 2015 11:25 The Shining wrote: A gut read and a read on emotion iirc but it makes sense to me because like she pointed out, I'm a family friend and good friend of her husband's(also lol Rels thought I WAS her husband) and has pretty damn good knowledge on how to read me just off of my posting styles. "Fara knows how to read me based on my posting styles." So either: 1. Shining has played with Fara before 2. Shining knows for sure Fara's husband has coached her On October 23 2015 04:55 The Shining wrote: AFAIK yes but her husband plays with me and I'm sure he's taught her to not be a completely clueless newbie, as well as she's gone out of her way to look up Mafia terminology, which she linked here 1. is false, he never played with her. 2. is false, he is "sure he's taught her stuff", he doesn't know for sure. So this "Fara knows how to read me" is bullshit. | ||
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On October 23 2015 19:32 Rels wrote: "Fara knows how to read me based on my posting styles." So either: 1. Shining has played with Fara before 2. Shining knows for sure Fara's husband has coached her 1. is false, he never played with her. 2. is false, he is "sure he's taught her stuff", he doesn't know for sure. So this "Fara knows how to read me" is bullshit. @Anyone: fucking comment on that please. | ||
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On October 18 2015 20:48 Rels wrote: LOL "KSC I think you are scum. Confirm/deny ?" Man I forgot about that too. The old days. | ||
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On October 22 2015 11:25 The Shining wrote: A gut read and a read on emotion iirc but it makes sense to me because like she pointed out, I'm a family friend and good friend of her husband's(also lol Rels thought I WAS her husband) and has pretty damn good knowledge on how to read me just off of my posting styles. Do you agree that you should be able to read him just based off his posting style ? | ||
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On October 24 2015 02:14 Rels wrote: Fara. Shining said this: Do you agree that you should be able to read him just based off his posting style ? Did you ever play mafia, or a lying game similar, together ? If not, there is no explanation for that "Fara should read me based off my posting style". | ||
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On October 24 2015 02:21 Vonthin wrote: If "Fara should read me based off my posting style" is not a good explanation than isn't every meta read from older games not an explanation either then? Fara never played with Shining. Fara never played a single game before this one. What are you talking about | ||
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On October 24 2015 02:25 Vonthin wrote: She can still read Shinings old games and also knowing his personality, its considered a meta read. People have meta read me and I havn't played a single game with you guys Shining said this: On October 22 2015 11:25 The Shining wrote: A gut read and a read on emotion iirc but it makes sense to me because like she pointed out, I'm a family friend and good friend of her husband's(also lol Rels thought I WAS her husband) and has pretty damn good knowledge on how to read me just off of my posting styles. Why should Fara be able to read Shining based on her posting style, when she is a newbie and never played a game with him ??? And apparently they are not even that close | ||
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On October 24 2015 02:14 Rels wrote: Fara. Shining said this: Do you agree that you should be able to read him just based off his posting style ? Fara explain to me why you should be able to read Shining based off his posting style better than anyone else in this game. | ||
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On October 24 2015 02:35 FarahBlackwing wrote: Because I'm using a database of meta reads and applying what I've learned. Its really not that hard Are you fucking serious ???? The Shining specifically said: [Fara] has pretty damn good knowledge on how to read me just off of my posting styles. HE IS NOT SAYING YOU HAD BEEN READING DATABASE HE S SAYING YOU HAVE A GOOD READ OF HIM. THAT DOESNT MAKE SENSE BECAUSE YOU NEVER PLAYED WITH HIM So Fara: Why does Shining says you have a pretty damn good knowledge on how to read me just off of my posting styles ? | ||
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- Yes I can read Shining 'cause my husband told me how to Or: - No I cannot read Shining better than others who have played with him, it's fucking weird Shining is saying I should have a good read on him But she's saying: - Shining knows I'm using a database of metareads and applying them, that's why I can read him and that's why he knows I can read him. | ||
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On October 24 2015 02:47 FarahBlackwing wrote: Because the database I'm using was compiled by a very knowledgeable person who reads shining very well I understand it? What the fuck are you talking about Are you talking about this ? | ||
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On October 24 2015 02:51 FarahBlackwing wrote: No my husbands personalized player folders im stealing out of. Does Shining knows this ? | ||
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On October 24 2015 02:54 sicklucker wrote: Whata terrible idea? if i understand correctly he plays on another site right? if the only player he has reads on is shining do you understand how bad that can look? This story is kind of bogus I dont know any player that really keeps folders anyway WTF are you talking about | ||
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If Fara is mafia she will answer "yes" to that question so it's was a super bad question. I've decided I've believed this story. I'll go back to lynching SL | ||
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On October 24 2015 02:55 sicklucker wrote: oh ya well you have played here before now that I remember Yeah. You even read on of his fucking game D1. | ||
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On October 24 2015 02:56 FarahBlackwing wrote: He plays here and I'm sure he likes keeping notes on people. You'd have to ask shining if he knows or not as I haven't talked to shining as we sre in a game together. And it doesn't seem weird that he assumes you have access to this information ? | ||
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On October 24 2015 02:59 sicklucker wrote: this is all so silly I think ill just lynch shining over vonthin now. dandreds reads on shining suck anyway remember rels? Not true though. The first thing he posted on the obs QT he instant he was lynched was "I misread something, Shining is obvious scum". | ||
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Me: "OK I put some suspicions on Shinnig and Fara" Him: "Yeah true they may be scum" Me: "This story is bullshit" Him: "Yeah this story is bullshit" Me: "I believe this story" Him: "Mm maybe it's true" | ||
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On October 24 2015 03:07 sicklucker wrote: rels dude? did you not read my 9000 word post where i said shinning and fara and vonthin are the scum team like 14 hours ago you moron. your the one parrating me man lol Yeah and you attack this database story just after me, then drop it just after me. | ||
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On October 24 2015 03:10 sicklucker wrote: So its more like this sl- the scum team is fara/vonthin/shining rels- HUM I HAVE NOT READ THE THREAD SL IS SUCM OH WAIT ITS FARA/VONTHIN.SHINING sl=I TOLD YOU THAT ALREADY IDIOT rels- stop copying my reads you parrot sl= dude its obv farah is dandreds wife and there may be some truth to this rels- LOL YOUR RIGHT this is acualy what happened dude your something else heh LOL everything but the first line is sooo not what happened | ||
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OK Plz dont kill me | ||
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RIP SL. Will go over your posts tomorrow. | ||
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SL's team was basically Vonthin / Shining / Fara. KSC's scumread were ES / Vonthin / scott / LM. That's all until tomorrow. Feeling good about Vonthin / Fara / (Shining), not that sure about Shining 'cause I think I'm super tunneled. | ||
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On October 24 2015 07:00 sicklucker wrote: I love you all <3 | ||
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On October 24 2015 07:03 FarahBlackwing wrote: Explain why I'm scum rels. POE. I'll see tomorrow if I have other reasons. I hope I don't find you didn't answer some things like SL said or I might tunnel you. | ||
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On October 24 2015 16:58 Fecalfeast wrote: also the timer on the votecount is not real lol | ||
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On October 23 2015 04:50 sicklucker wrote: we need 4-5 votes minimum On October 23 2015 04:51 sicklucker wrote: ya i think we can kill shining On October 23 2015 04:51 GlowingBear wrote: I'm not changing my vote. On October 23 2015 04:51 GlowingBear wrote: AND YOU SHOULDN'T EITHER | ||
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- FF is town because he's playing his town meta. I know it's not strong, but it will be enough for today. - BF might be town because he immediately jumped on the FF wagon instead of staying on Moosy. Don't know why scum would do this. - Vonthin might be town because he's looking for the scumteam while being the main lynch target, not just for 1 person he could mislynch instead of him. Onto filters now. | ||
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On October 23 2015 11:44 sicklucker wrote: scum knows theres a veg. Her legacy post is like 90% telling the veg to shoot eversince.lone/me/mosse I know 3 of those are town and eversince is probably town because of so much factors. So I dont think this means anything its a pretty smart thing to write as scum to suggest a shot on 4 towns. My god. This is the best thing I've ever read this game. | ||
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On October 24 2015 03:10 sicklucker wrote: So its more like this sl- the scum team is fara/vonthin/shining rels- HUM I HAVE NOT READ THE THREAD SL IS SUCM OH WAIT ITS FARA/VONTHIN.SHINING sl=I TOLD YOU THAT ALREADY IDIOT rels- stop copying my reads you parrot sl= dude its obv farah is dandreds wife and there may be some truth to this rels- LOL YOUR RIGHT this is acualy what happened dude your something else heh hahahaha he was super right I dismissed his big post so hard sry buddy, glad you are dead so I'm out of my tunnel now | ||
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##Vote FarahBlackwing | ||
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On October 23 2015 08:52 sicklucker wrote: Farah refuses to see the game outside of eversince (possible third mafia in a vontis world) uses eversince to not engage in other things. On October 23 2015 09:28 sicklucker wrote: farah do you understand that vont and eversince are never on a team? theres so much evidence against it like vonti voting against eversince when the vote count was 4-4 putting eversince at 5. So how can you think both eversince and vont are scum? Fara never answered that question until super late: On October 24 2015 03:20 FarahBlackwing wrote: they aren't probably its you vont and someone else. So now I assume she dropped her ES' scumread. Replaced her by SL. Now she's voting Vonthin. Doesn't have any idea who could be his partners in her mind; ES was dropped and SL was killed. Finally, this little gem just after deadline: On October 24 2015 05:56 FarahBlackwing wrote: Here's what I think, the game is still hard but pretty win able if we go about this in a good fashion. Firstly rels is our confirmed town so already we have a good lead on this. (1) confirmed town at this juncture. Now we need to find 4 more to finish the game and win it. Or at least shorten the lynch pool for today. So "we need to find 4 townies to have scums by POE". On October 24 2015 07:11 FarahBlackwing wrote: I didn't answer plenty of what sl asked, also Poe is a horrible reasoning and it's something that nobody can defend against and as I understand it doesn't make anyone scum. So yes it's bad reasoning and bad play in this case with so many people not playing and you unable to answer anything about why I'm scum. "POE is bad" LOL | ||
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On October 24 2015 20:30 Rels wrote: hahahaha he was super right I dismissed his big post so hard sry buddy, glad you are dead so I'm out of my tunnel now Sry though you didn't beat me on the Damdred revelation. It was a glorified synchronized french union discovery. | ||
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On October 24 2015 23:32 FarahBlackwing wrote: ##unvote ##vote farahblackwing A few things before I die. 1) While I'm not the most experienced when it comes to poe to take a quote from damdred "While poe seems good its a trap that old players fall into and some newer players. Its built around the premise that we want to be lazy and not put work in past a point. Can't defend against it and ends up making you lose games lynching down a list". He laughs about it because he tries to poe games but yeah. 2) Next game you are in try not to tunnel people for such weak reasoning rels. You don't even try to answer the questions I posed of scum motivation in certain things I do. So as confirmed town you should feel bad. 3) It must be nice playing real newb games instead of this sham where we only have three newbies and people treat this like a normal and ignore them for the most part day one and onward until they want to lynch them. Good game and good bye 1 - well, is this quote from his database too ? 2 - I'm not attacking you because of POE. In fact that is what you yourself are doing, finding townreads to limit the lynch pool. 3 - What are your reads ? | ||
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On October 24 2015 23:59 FarahBlackwing wrote: And no I don't care to give my reads to you. Why ? | ||
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On October 25 2015 00:04 FarahBlackwing wrote: Because I don't want to work with you and if you've read my posts today and votes you should be able to mentally pit 2 and 2 together. No I really don't. Before deadline you dropped your ES scumread to say SL + Vonthin. After deadline you say "OK let's POE this shit, let's find 4 townreads". | ||
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On October 25 2015 00:09 FarahBlackwing wrote: I guess you can't understand simple postings or ignore what I wrote about GB. Oh well to sad. Good job rels So Vonthin / GB / XXX ? You agree with what BF just said about GB ? | ||
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On October 25 2015 00:19 FarahBlackwing wrote: Not all of it no What do you agree with ? | ||
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On October 25 2015 00:25 FarahBlackwing wrote: Stop trying to trap me when half the post is about the possibility in scum with GB. I'm not trying to trap you. You said you agreed with a part of it, what was it ? | ||
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On October 25 2015 00:32 FarahBlackwing wrote: Guess I think your attitude is one of a mafia being interrogated. Dismissive, "the guy attacking me is a dick", not cooperative, martyring. You've got it all. | ||
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On October 25 2015 00:44 FarahBlackwing wrote: Then lynch me and get it over with, you are just tunneled and throwing the game clearing people for things you should clear me for and ignoring any evidence that doesn't apply to your preconceived notion. You honestly think before game started damdred sat me down and taught me every single thing about mafia? Like terms etc lol No. That's why I don't understand why you are so wise about POE but have no idea what a bus is. | ||
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On October 25 2015 00:19 FarahBlackwing wrote: Not all of it no And when I ask what parts of it she liked she says: On October 25 2015 00:32 FarahBlackwing wrote: Guess And refuses to precise. ??? GB is presumably her potential second scum after Vonthin; she asks him questions: On October 24 2015 06:04 FarahBlackwing wrote: Glowingbear, talk to me. D1 eod you voted Scott to give him majority over eversince and then moved your vote in a wasted fashion and ignored my case and asking to go check iHowever you move your vote to ever when ff votes Scott. You explain it as fecalfeast might be scum, why did this cause this reaction when you gave Scott the vote lead to start with? And then you tell fecal later you don't have a scum read on him But just you might think he's scum trying to hammer Scott when you basically hammered him? It doesn't make sense with your handling of fecal in this situation. Can you explain. GB ignores her question: On October 24 2015 11:38 GlowingBear wrote: Hi. I'm back. And when he comes into the thread at a time she's talking: On October 25 2015 00:28 GlowingBear wrote: Calm down, folks. It's just a game where people that don't know aligbments will eventually call you mafia. She does not do anything ?? | ||
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Going out super soon, will not be there until tomorrow. See you later folks! | ||
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On October 25 2015 02:15 FarahBlackwing wrote: You don't even consider that you and your preconceived notions are the reason that you are alive. LOL. You were confirmed town to me until last night, where I considered a Shining + you, but more Shining than you; then went back to SL scumread. If you go that road (my townreads should be my scumreads), the team is Fara + BF + GB. | ||
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On October 25 2015 02:24 FarahBlackwing wrote: You are taking things that don't make me scum and painting me as scum though, and none of what you said makes me scum just like it doesn't make the others scum. Like you are totally dismissing BF as scum for reasons that you should dismiss me. "Im not scum another guy did the same thing I did" is a scummy defense | ||
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On October 25 2015 00:56 Rels wrote: If you're town, stop being defensive and find scum. What did you like about BF's case again ? | ||
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On October 25 2015 02:25 Rels wrote: What do you think of GB refusing to answer your questions ? On October 25 2015 02:26 Rels wrote: Vonthin put some time in the game early in the day and his main scumread is GB, your second scumread. Why vote Vonthin instead of GB ? Then stop defending yourself and find scum. | ||
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On October 25 2015 02:34 boxerfred wrote: Guys. Seriously. Read my fucking case on GB which GB didn't even bother responding to. In a LYLO situation, as scum, when you see Rels vs. Farah fighting and three wagons being started without even reconsidering anything, what the hell do you do? You laugh your fucking ass off. This is dumb. Read my GB case. It is good. I thought you were considering a GB + Fara scumteam ? | ||
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On October 25 2015 02:52 boxerfred wrote: I mean you were "99% sure" on scott and he was town, you were sure on SL (or didnt care?) and he was town, you were even sure on leonmeow when you shot him. Please consider being wrong. We should all take a step back from the paths we've taken so far and reread if we want to win this. I actually am. Fara was my top town until recently. But I was wrong, and sl got shot. Sl strongly suspected fara. All my reasons for scumreading her are from him. | ||
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But there are also a lot of people that cannot be scum together. SO. You. Yes you, reading this right now. If you are vet / doc, claim in your next post. Them we evaluate from there. | ||
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Sneaky guy. (= | ||
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On October 25 2015 09:21 Fecalfeast wrote: So rels does that help you much? IIRC you had me town already so I hope I didn't do a bad No that doesn't help me for my read on you. But several people had you on their mafia team so let's see what happens with them. | ||
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On October 25 2015 04:27 FarahBlackwing wrote: I read FecalFeast filter and I generally believe that he is town in this situation. Rels is town I really feel like Shining is town still but still shouldn't be the lynch today. GB I feel like would jump on last mislynch like eversince is doing in this situation ..... I'm a bad person for poe and going against advice but its how I feel... Wait. What is your team then ? Vonthin / BF / ES ? | ||
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##Unvote ##Vote GlowingBear Good night folks (= | ||
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On October 25 2015 09:46 Fecalfeast wrote: Fuck shining just said things that my brain was thinking Take shining off my side orders until further notice ++ | ||
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##Vote boxerfred Who did you save ? | ||
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Why would he claim now though if es is town ............. | ||
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On October 25 2015 19:28 Rels wrote: ##Unvote ##Vote boxerfred Who did you save ? | ||
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On October 26 2015 00:02 FarahBlackwing wrote: It makes 0 sense for scum boxer to bus scum glowing bear if they have a mislynch in myself early and the proposed team by boxer ever now. I'm pre try sure gb is town. Ever is the rb and boxer is goon, ff will die tonight and rels will tunnel myself or gb. And scum will consolidate with him and end game. Was thinking you were town but this changed my mind. | ||
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Fara, vote bf. We do not care about rb, the only thing that change is that they will be able to kill confirmed town ff instead of me if he is alive. There is no cop, we don't care about that. | ||
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On October 26 2015 04:58 sicklucker wrote: remember dont post past 2 minutes from now Shut up scum | ||
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Sry sry plz don't kill me | ||
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On October 26 2015 05:09 Fecalfeast wrote: You tried really hard and I respect that. I seriously didn't read a single word of your posts after the claim tho ++ I'll read your big walls later cause it seems you put a lot of work into it. I just skimmed it | ||
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On October 26 2015 05:24 FarahBlackwing wrote: I'm slightly disappointed but not to much ever tommorow and we will see then. Doesn't change anything IMO. Tomorrow the lynch is between ES and you, so they would have killed me probably to keep you alive for the suspicions. Then when ES flips scum, they would have killed you. Now what's probably going to happen is that they're going to kill FF, then either me or you when ES flips scum, as you will be as good as confirmed town when it happens. | ||
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On October 26 2015 01:33 FarahBlackwing wrote: And I'm probably to harsh on rels, which I apologize for. But you do have a tunnel problem that the slightest thing make you initiate and ignores everything else. No prob mate. But you're wrong about it being a problem. I'm actually never sure of anything, I just appear super certain to provoke reactions. Like when I called you out for your relation to Shining, I was not sure of anything, I just yelled at the both of you to see what people would think about it. | ||
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On October 26 2015 01:54 FarahBlackwing wrote: And I won't play another game of mafia trust me on that. Why not ? | ||
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On October 26 2015 04:54 GlowingBear wrote: FF claimed veteran But later he considered SL to be a medic dodge Man A lie 6 minutes before deadline so we don't have time to fact check Pretty nice try | ||
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Day 1 scott31337 (7): KelsierSC, Rels, boxerfred, MoosyDoosy, Eversince (5): FarahBlackwing, The Shining, scott31337, Vonthin, GlowingBear LoneMeow (1): sicklucker, KelsierSC (0): Vonthin (0): sicklucker (0): boxerfred (0): GlowingBear (0): Day 2 MoosyDoosy (7): GlowingBear, Eversince (1): MoosyDoosy, Vonthin (1): FecalFeast (1): sicklucker (0): GlowingBear (0): The Shining (0): Rels (0): Day 3 boxerfred (4): FecalFeast, Rels, Vonthin, Eversince (2): FarahBlackwing (1): FecalFeast (1): boxerfred, GlowingBear (0): Vonthin (0): | ||
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They still could have switched to ES. And ES not voting for one of the claims but tunneling Fara to death is super scum indicative too. | ||
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Yeah if it's BF / Shining / Fara then I suppose it's possible ES is town. I don't believe it though. ES not taking part in anything yesterday is a scumtell. | ||
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On October 26 2015 18:54 Fecalfeast wrote: agreed lol I forgot to add a pic of a tinfoil hat in that post How does it feel to be confirmed ? (= | ||
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On October 20 2015 02:40 Blazinghand wrote: Day 1 Vote Count Eversince (4): FarahBlackwing, The Shining, scott31337, Vonthin scott31337 (3): KelsierSC, Rels, boxerfred KelsierSC (2): GlowingBear, LoneMeow (1): sicklucker, boxerfred (1): MoosyDoosy Vonthin (1): Fecalfeast GlowingBear (0): Not voted (1):LoneMeow Currently, Eversince is set to be lynched. Day ends at Monday, Oct 19 8:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00) in . Voting is mandatory! Voting is done here in this thread. PM the hosts if the vote count is not correct. Here is the vote situation D1 after Vonthin's last post of the day, in which he voted Eversince. This vote puts Eversince in the lead, even in case of a 4-4 tie. I don't see Vonthin being scum with ES. | ||
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On October 24 2015 09:45 Vonthin wrote: Yeah I think GB/Boxer and then either ES or Farah is a good scum team. After looking over GB's filter I agree with all the points about him in your posts. Only thing that bothers me about this team is GB has called out Boxer a couple times like he was the first one last time to call TMI on the Boxer dropping the Moosy vote and then defending him poorly by leaving his vote on FF for shit reasons On October 25 2015 04:34 Vonthin wrote: GB/Boxer are scum mates. I feel at this point Boxer is trying to separate himself from GB who has an excellent chance of getting lynched today. His case adding onto the points FF have made are the first case he has made this game that I don't see any scum motivation behind. GB thinks BF is town because he is trying hard to lynch him but not FF whose case and points on him are just as good as BF's. Before BF made this case on GB, GB thought he could be scum with the TMI on the MD lynch but now he is town for making a case against GB. Boxer also seems to be tunneling GB pretty hard when at this point you need to keep everyone in mind or else we lose. Third scummate is either ES or Farah. Still learning towards ES as Farah is finally starting to scumhunt and not just defending herself and ES still really hasn't done anything worthwhile besides coming in and piling onto the Farah suspicions and just quoting a GB post saying she doesn't like it. Lynch Boxer/GB today and tomorrow, get more reads from Farah and ES to determine which one of them is scum. Win game. On October 25 2015 05:12 Vonthin wrote: Farah who do you think are ES's scummates? What are your thoughts on a GB/Boxer being scummates with ES Right now rereading ES filter again I am getting more inclined to think she is scum over you. Now that you are done defending yourself/arguing with Rels and others and are scum hunting is good but you are back to tunneling ES. If you can make some good cases for other people it will help me being sure on this as you could very well be possibly scum for tunneling all game on 1 towny trying to win the game with a push on her today. These posts at the start of D3 before any claim situation are super good. I really don't see any other possibilities than ES / GB. | ||
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Your bad push of FF yesterday says otherwise. | ||
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On October 27 2015 00:49 GlowingBear wrote: It's not bad, it's actually pretty logical. And it's clear BF was bussed. Wouldn't it be better for scum to just bus BF instead trying somethig else? I mean, imagine I'm scum with Eversince like you guys are pretty certain is scum. He kills FF this night. He is now useless. If I am mafia and I bus both him and bf, I gain enough towncred to survive at LYLO. That is the false part. Everybody attacked BF for its claim, so you bussing him would get you 0 towncred. And you and ES were the main wagons before the claim situation, so it's normal to me that you tried to finish the game right there. | ||
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On October 27 2015 01:28 FarahBlackwing wrote: Glowing bear is right in that it doesn't make a lot of sense in that situation with scum mate afk to push the other lynch when confirmed rels was staying put with the others. If ES is scum, we don't know if she was AFK or not. She could simple wait for the last moment to switch if an opportunity was available. | ||
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On October 27 2015 01:43 GlowingBear wrote: Yes, but if she was AFK I would know it in my QT. Basically you're fitting the possible situations to scum read me instead of just analysing facts and getting an unbiased conclusion from them Not true. Shining was scumreading voting ES super early on D1 and D3. Vonthin thought BF and ES were scum before the claim situation and immediately voted BF after the claims. I'm not saying you're slam dunk mafia, I'm saying you pushing FF is scum indicative, especially compared to Shining's and Vonthin's reactions, which are the other two options. | ||
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On October 27 2015 01:46 GlowingBear wrote: I mean, even if you believe ES is town, you're ignoring that I had no backup on changing the votes and that I would voluntarily put myself in the eye of the tornado + Show Spoiler + I Love saying "in the eye of the tornado" Even if it's actually the quietest place ? p: | ||
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On October 27 2015 06:59 FarahBlackwing wrote: Ty for the game Sry to have been hard on you =X playing with you was fun | ||
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On October 27 2015 13:42 Fecalfeast wrote: It has to be the obvious team if they're doing shit to confuse us with nks though, right? ++ It's the same argument for why BF claimed. Why BF claimed if GB is town and set up for a mislynch ? Why doesn't mafia kill people the "normal" way if GB is town and set up for a mislynch ? | ||
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On October 27 2015 23:31 GlowingBear wrote: I'll help you with this. If the night kill was made for you to wifom And if you can't know why would boxerfred claim like that Simply do not use these information to scumread anyone Do you think ES is mafia ? If yes who is the last one ? If not who are the two mafias ? | ||
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The fact that you don't see that ES is scum by VCA is another suspicious thing. If ES is not scum, scum team could have hammered her for instant win. | ||
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On October 28 2015 02:31 GlowingBear wrote: Well, I am town and I was leading the votes. So this argument is invalid. Unless they were afraid that ES could get killed instead. OR boxerfred simply wanted to use his breadcrumbs and went for the gr8 plays. Again, I think we have to evaluate overall gameplay instead of residing in VCA and NKA. No no no. The team you're saying is bf shining vonthin. Both vonthin and bf were here at eod so they could have hammered es for the win. But not only they didn't, but vonthin explicitly said to fara he wouldn't switch a few minutes before deadline when fara called for a es switch. | ||
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On October 26 2015 18:25 Rels wrote: Day 3 boxerfred (4): FecalFeast, Rels, Vonthin, Eversince (1): FarahBlackwing (1): FecalFeast (1): boxerfred, GlowingBear (0): Vonthin (0): At deadline. On October 26 2015 18:25 Rels wrote: Day 3 boxerfred (4): FecalFeast, Rels, Vonthin, Eversince (2): FarahBlackwing (1): FecalFeast (2): boxerfred, GlowingBear GlowingBear (0): Vonthin (0): A few minutes before deadline, when vonthin refused to switch (I think, did it from memory). | ||
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On October 26 2015 18:25 Rels wrote: Day 3 boxerfred (4): FecalFeast, Rels, Vonthin, Eversince (2): FarahBlackwing (1): FecalFeast (1): boxerfred, GlowingBear (0): Vonthin (0): At deadline. On October 26 2015 18:25 Rels wrote: Day 3 boxerfred (4): FecalFeast, Rels, Vonthin, Eversince (1): FarahBlackwing (1): FecalFeast (2): boxerfred, GlowingBear GlowingBear (0): Vonthin (0): A few minutes before deadline, when vonthin refused to switch (I think, did it from memory). | ||
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You finally have accepted the fact that ES is 99% mafia (yeah, like scott). I think you are the last mafia. Maybe I'm wrong, that wouldn't be the first time this game. You promised to read Shining's and Vonthin's filter to find mafia. There has to be at least one if you're town, maybe two if ES is town. When will you do it ? | ||
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On October 27 2015 23:42 GlowingBear wrote: I have no reasons to town read shining or Vonthin. I really think Vonthin is our best shot as mafia. But I've been wrong all game (on mafia, not on townies). I will read their filters later. I promise. Then I'll give my opinion. Still waiting for this. Leaving work. Tempted to switch to GB. See you later folks. | ||
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![]() Cant see anyone but GB being the last one. | ||
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Shining voted ES super early D1 and D3 and never moved. It's weird he didn't really react to the claims D3 and just stayed on his target. He was AFK most of the game. There is a chance he's scum that decided to buddy Fara and bus ES from the beginning of the game. But I don't think that's likely. | ||
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1. GB never had strong opinions about who to kill D1 and D3. He only did on EOD2 about Moosy, when several townies expressed the will to switch at deadline. 2. boxerfred claimed at a time when the next two lynches were 99% likely to be GB and Eversince. If GB is town, then BF could have just not say anything and win D3 or D4. This is NOT WIFOM but something above: BF made a objectively losing move if GB is town, and an attempt to win if GB is mafia. 3. GB's read of Eversince is scum indicative. Voting scott D1, saying he didn't read the Fara's case or her posts. Voting ES D1 when she's out of danger (2 votes separates her from scott + SL said he would switch to scott if needed, making it 3). Then saying close wagons like that indicates the second wagon is scum indicative. Then dropping the subject entirely until D3 (when he said ES was town when he tried to push for FF's lynch) and D4 (when he didn't look at vote analysis and said maybe Vonthin and Shining were scum instead). Interesting posts: On October 20 2015 21:10 GlowingBear wrote: Hello My (slightly) hangover senses points out to rels being mafia. That makes a combo of rels and sicklucker And if you consider Moosy doosy voted with his main scum read, I would put him in the team. But sicklucker makes more sense if he is with Eversince. I don't know. I have a tendency to believe that wagons so close to each other always means one is mafia. Which isn't always true, but yeah, I have this tendency. But really, rels insistence in sheeping/RNG looks so forced, I can't possibly believe he is town. On October 20 2015 23:25 GlowingBear wrote: Sicklucker scumreading lone meow and wasting his vote on him without trying to convince people to vote with him was scummy. He coming back to the thread and voting scott instead of Eversince may imply he was saving his scum partner by hammering town scott. Or he simply saw me criticising him for wasting his vote and voted one of the main wagons to look good. My point on sicklucker is: if he really thought lone meow was mafia to the point of keeping his vote on him until the very end, he should've be trying to convince people to vote lone meow. If his scum read on lone meow wasn't that strong, he should've used his time to evaluate the main wagons instead of not caring for the lynch the major part of the day. The posts above is N1. Here he's calling ES maybe scum because of close wagons, then putting me ahead of her in scuminess as reason to push me instead of her. After I claimed unCC vig at the start of D2, erasing his suspicions on me, he never goes back to this theory of "mmm maybe ES is scum because of wagons". 4. GB's attempt to make people kill FF during the last hours of D3 is super scummy. There were a ton of things wrong with BF's claim (the timing - hours after FF's claims -, the over-explaining, the fact that he spent half of his claim post talking about of Fara was scum). In addition, BF's breadcrumbs were the worst breadcrumbs that ever existed, and town!GB gives attention to that: in the last game I was scum in (see my profile for source), I fakeclaimed using a breadcrumb that was neither strong nor weak, and GB immediately commented how my breadcrumb was super bad. I don't have time to quote stuff explaining how GB's FF push at EOD3 was super bad, read it again if you need proof. Not that anyone is not scumreading GB apparently anyway. 5. GB not scumreading ES D3 when vote analysis proves she's scum, promising analysis on Vonthin and Shining, and not giving it is scum indicative. | ||
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FecalFeast. If I die and you vote someone else than GB, I will hate you soooo much. Except if you win the game of course. p: | ||
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On October 30 2015 05:00 Fecalfeast wrote: ![]() | ||
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On October 13 2015 18:07 Blazinghand wrote: You may have one polite goodbye post, but it may not contain any potentially game-changing information. | ||
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On November 01 2015 06:15 boxerfred wrote: Rels was a bad kill choice cause he'd tunneled on GB I guess :/ YEEEEEES :D Actually no, I would have sheep shining s case given vonthin attitude of not re evaluating shining But without shining alive I don't think I would have voted Vonthin :D | ||
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On November 01 2015 08:42 sicklucker wrote: like one of my last scum games. I would just nitpick something in the thread I disagreed with and spamed about that. no lies needed No I almost shot vonthin :D Ironic given how I townread him for the rest of the game :p | ||
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