On October 04 2015 04:17 rsoultin wrote:
meh truffle...i really don't want to bash on something that obviously took a lot of work, but i'm not really sure how these things make him scum when he's had limited time. and he often has limited time. i don't really remember a game where he hasn't?
I meant to clarify that, but I forgot to...Show nested quote +
On October 04 2015 04:04 Trfel wrote:
The Shining
Please note:
The Shining only used filter diving analysis twice in the game (early Day 1 on MoosyDoosy, and mid Day 2 on Trfel). Along with his read progression, he seems to be playing more to get townread instead of to find mafia. He also shows that his mindset is not a town mindset on several occasions.
The Shining
Please note:
- This case got quite long as I was writing it. Due to the length of the case, all of the embedded quotes and TL code, and the time of day, I'm not going to go back through and remove the self-notes that I left in the case.
- The Shining did start looking into my (Trfel's) alignment mid Day 2, and that looks very good for him. However, I would have expected this to happen much sooner. Some of my later points referring to this should possibly be dismissed, though the earlier ones are still valid.
- The Shining did follow up with his "on the fence" read on MoosyDoosy, just far later than I would have expected.
- As town, The Shining generally addresses everyone in the thread when explaining his scumreads. As mafia, The Shining often addresses only his scumread when explaining his scumread. This game, there are several examples of The Shining addressing his scumread when explaining his scumread.
+ Show Spoiler +First, explaining your scumread to your scumread is simply bad. If your scumread is mafia, you shouldn't be explaining to them why they are mafia, or what it was that they did wrong. That feels more like "haha, I got you on this one, here's what you did wrong!!" rather than "Hey, I solved the game!"
I did find one example of The Shining doing this in a town game. However, that's the only example I found in three town games from him. The Shining only has one scum game in the database, but he still made many cases addressed to his scumreads in that game.
For a more detailed look at the games I looked at, with examples, see this post, or look at the database. - The Shining's early analysis post on MoosyDoosy is forced
+ Show Spoiler +On September 30 2015 11:57 The Shining wrote:This is a fairly long post. For the conclusion of "I'm on the fence". No questions for MoosyDoosy either. I'm not sure what the purpose is for town to post this.Show nested quote +On September 30 2015 10:55 MoosyDoosy wrote:On September 30 2015 10:54 The Shining wrote:On September 29 2015 08:43 MoosyDoosy wrote:
It's a sad day when the only person who turns out to be town is LS.
In your filter right now. What made you say this?
lol be prepared, my filter is an absolute disaster.On September 30 2015 09:02 MoosyDoosy wrote:
I actually think this game is fairly easy after reading through it a second time without the schizophrenic paranoid painkiller druggy glasses.
You have to traverse pages of my arguments with rsoul where things finally became more or less clear for me.
You weren't kidding. LoL. But I'm really on the fence about you, yuck. See posts like these read town to me at first glance because of clear reads and quotes to support what you're saying:Show nested quote +On September 29 2015 12:28 MoosyDoosy wrote:On September 29 2015 12:20 rsoultin wrote:On September 29 2015 12:14 MoosyDoosy wrote:
Well, no one has struck out to me as Mafia immediately, so I’m just waiting for a good case on someone to sheep. Not to mention, Shining and coolTLname haven’t posted yet, and the GB/rayn question remains up in the air. I don’t feel like going into sicklucker/J Roc today because I feel that’ll settle itself over time. dunno how I feel about marv.
you still only got one townread?
might want to get on that if you plan on being a sheeplermuffin, especially with the one townread you have
why is he town? something more concrete than your earlier read on me, please
and also
i want your vote
give it me
LS is town for attempting to do what I managed to accomplish (redirecting the thread seriously). Eh, tone reasons and blah.
Damdred looks town. Emotional Damdred over having his posts ignored although his reactions to his own shenanigans were strange at the start.
rsoul is very sadly, unfortunately, i may have been on the wrong track, town. Managed to glean her direction and she's drawing the conclusions that make her look like town! rsoul.
everyone else is kind of a null. I'm sure I can manage to stir something up to get more reads though.
It's worthy to note that the nulls should sort themselves out. Mainly GB/rayn and J Roc/sicklucker.
No way to read Shining/coolTLname/Rels. Don’t know how to read marv or Trfel. And no I refuse to give you my vote ma’am.Show nested quote +On September 29 2015 22:26 MoosyDoosy wrote:
I just went ahead and plucked out a few quotes:On September 29 2015 07:13 GlowingBear wrote:On September 29 2015 07:03 rsoultin wrote:On September 29 2015 07:02 LightningStrike wrote:On September 29 2015 07:00 Trfel wrote:
+ Show Spoiler +Welcome to the Wonderful World of Trfel!
(musical version)
As some of you may know, I really appreciate instrumental music. As with most things, my knowledge of classical music is very limited (I only know a few of the major symphonies, for example), but that doesn't stop me from enjoying music. My tastes in music are fairly strange and specific, which I suppose comes partly from my musical background.
I have no real music theory education, but I have been playing trumpet for a while, throughout grade school and continuing in college. I like to think that I'm quite good at it, but unfortunately musical instruments are very challenging for most people and it would take me far more effort than I feel comfortable giving to get my trumpet playing to the next level. So I'm stuck playing in one of the boring bands at the university, which just has a bunch of people who feel like playing their instrument once in a while but aren't terribly good at it. And I've found myself really losing my appreciation for playing and practicing trumpet, which is very sad because I've spent so much time working on my trumpet playing over the past five years or so, but I'm not sure if there is anything that I can do about it.
But I still enjoy music a ton. Not just listening to it, but being a part of it. So I'm trying to learn how to compose music. It's quite difficult because I have no formal theory training (just whatever I've picked up over my years with trumpet and coming from a fairly musical family), and my piano playing skills are next to zero (and piano playing is basically how everyone composes music). So it will definitely be a difficult learning period, but I hope that I can push through it.
I have a keyboard in my room now, full 88 keys. I've tried to play it several times, but I'm so bad that it's painful to listen to myself. If anyone has any tips for starting on the piano, I'm very interested XD
But the piano has proved useful for testing new chords and progressions for my songs. I don't have much yet, and the progress is slow, but I'm hoping that I can figure out how to compose proper music.
I generally enjoy music with heavier usage of brass instruments (I do play trumpet, after all). John Williams has done some incredible things with brass in many of his famous movie scores and other compositions. In particular, his french horn usage is amazing. I also found an old CD of some Miklos Rosza film music, and that's been really enjoyable as well. The style of music used in film scores seems very fun to compose, play, and listen to, as there is much more freedom in the music itself (though modern movies tend to utilize the musical score more for background only, and don't use a recurring melody that brings the music directly to people's attention, which I find a bit lacking).
Despite having basically no idea what I'm doing, I'm very excited about the possibilities and hope to create some good songs.
One great band piece to end the post (or at least, I think it's a great band piece):
TLDR please? Also guys I'm town this game let's get some scum lynched!
yada yada music yada
not posting cause music yada yada
Marry meOn September 29 2015 07:18 GlowingBear wrote:On September 29 2015 07:16 rsoultin wrote:On September 29 2015 07:14 Trfel wrote:On September 29 2015 07:12 rsoultin wrote:Please explain, I'm not entirely sure what you're getting at here?On September 29 2015 07:09 GlowingBear wrote:
By the way:
O hai!
I'm town
truffle took your position. next phase
I mean, yeah, I'd just like to have you explain this post please ^^
i see you bby
you know it
me and my third eye of amaze. or am i wrong and you're not being the gb acolyte, just trying to imitate the finer whiskies?
(is that how you spell they plural for whisky? o.0)
He is not my acolyte, he is my successorOn September 29 2015 07:21 GlowingBear wrote:On September 29 2015 07:20 LightningStrike wrote:On September 29 2015 07:19 Damdred wrote:
Ok I have a couple terrible town reads
Is this going to be the theme for early Day 1? This just going to a shitfest.....
Ok I have a couple of terrible town readsOn September 29 2015 07:17 GlowingBear wrote:On September 29 2015 07:13 raynpelikoneet wrote:On September 29 2015 07:07 Damdred wrote:
Damdred is looking for a professional sexy person to welcome into his loving towny arms. All applicants will be screened please apply below.
A good person to team up with
Has to not doubt my alignment once n1 hits or on weekends when I'm busy
Must not ignore my posts or talk over me
must have a good voice
and be funny
and like walks
Please apply for my townfriend
i have a good voice, maybe?
i might be funny.
i enjoy walks.
Rayn who is with you in your scum qt?
All of these posts are very bland. Like they're supposed to be banter but it's almost a sea of gray as if GB is forcing(?)/faking(?) the banter.
Which just made me more suspicious when he started focusing on Trfel/Damdred straight away. I don't know GB's meta too well so I'm not sure if he's normally this focused or not. The thing is that he did bring two good points on Trfel and Damdred.
This combination of not being sure about GB's meta and how he's bringing up good things made me town lean him for a while.
But then you have posts like these that just rub me the wrong way because it doesn't make sense to me:Show nested quote +On September 29 2015 21:59 MoosyDoosy wrote:
GB, claiming I'm Mafia when I didn't even explain my reads is bad. Especially when I just entered the thread and didn't have much time to answer questions.
Because you claim you didn't explain your reads but you posted this post:Show nested quote +On September 29 2015 21:37 MoosyDoosy wrote:
The problem with this game isn't so much that there are no scum reads, it's that there are too many people I'm not townreading.
- marv is town
- Rels is town
- Damdred is town
- Lightningstrike is town
Only people I'm certain of at this point.
Oh yeah, GB is town lean. hm...rayn is scum lean.
AFTER this post:Show nested quote +On September 29 2015 12:28 MoosyDoosy wrote:On September 29 2015 12:20 rsoultin wrote:On September 29 2015 12:14 MoosyDoosy wrote:
Well, no one has struck out to me as Mafia immediately, so I’m just waiting for a good case on someone to sheep. Not to mention, Shining and coolTLname haven’t posted yet, and the GB/rayn question remains up in the air. I don’t feel like going into sicklucker/J Roc today because I feel that’ll settle itself over time. dunno how I feel about marv.
you still only got one townread?
might want to get on that if you plan on being a sheeplermuffin, especially with the one townread you have
why is he town? something more concrete than your earlier read on me, please
and also
i want your vote
give it me
LS is town for attempting to do what I managed to accomplish (redirecting the thread seriously). Eh, tone reasons and blah.
Damdred looks town. Emotional Damdred over having his posts ignored although his reactions to his own shenanigans were strange at the start.
rsoul is very sadly, unfortunately, i may have been on the wrong track, town. Managed to glean her direction and she's drawing the conclusions that make her look like town! rsoul.
everyone else is kind of a null. I'm sure I can manage to stir something up to get more reads though.
It's worthy to note that the nulls should sort themselves out. Mainly GB/rayn and J Roc/sicklucker.
No way to read Shining/coolTLname/Rels. Don’t know how to read marv or Trfel. And no I refuse to give you my vote ma’am.
TLDR You said GB was bad for calling you scum when you didn't even explain your reads but you explained your reads before making that list with no explanations. And you went from idk how to read Marv to Marv town. That's the only unexplained one att.
Furthermore, the point that The Shining gives about MoosyDoosy's post to GlowingBear shows a lack of thought. MoosyDoosy makes a reads post on several people in the thread and then leaves for 11 hours and 9 minutes. When he comes back, he makes a read post with four certain town reads, one scum lean, and one town lean, but he doesn't explain them. After this post, GlowingBear says that MoosyDoosy is mafia, and MoosyDoosy says it's bad that GlowingBear would call him mafia instead of waiting for his reasons for these reads.
The Shining's argument is that MoosyDoosy already explained his reads in the other post that he quoted.
Only two of the six people mentioned in MoosyDoosy's later post were people that MoosyDoosy had given a read on in his earlier post. This is something that The Shining should always see. The only explanation is that The Shining was rushed through this.
So back to the original question, why is The Shining making this post? A long analysis post with no conclusion and no questions isn't terribly useful, except as perhaps a point of discussion or to share thoughts to be followed up on later (except The Shining doesn't talk about MoosyDoosy or follow up on this at all, more on that later). But the analysis is rushed and therefore has a flaw.
The Shining entered the thread late. He apologized for his late entrance and being busy. This post feels like a post made to get townread, not a post made to find scum, as it doesn't really have much purpose (especially without the followup) and is rushed. - The Shining's followup to his early series of posts suggests that he's playing to get townread, not to find scum
+ Show Spoiler +On September 30 2015 09:57 The Shining wrote:This is why The Shining was filter diving MoosyDoosy. You would expect him to filter dive me next.
Moosy and Trfel are question marks for me that I won't give a read on until I'm done filter diving them.
He doesn't.
The Shining was townread by many people for his first series of posts.On September 30 2015 12:05 sicklucker wrote:
shining is so town it hurts. never seen him post before let alone a post that big when he bizzyOn September 30 2015 12:27 Damdred wrote:
Hi, shining is pretty towny good guy so far.On September 30 2015 12:27 rsoultin wrote:And after this, The Shining's effort level and analysis drops off.
recreating town circles
-gathers truffle, shining and damdy into the fold- ^^
brain trust! \o/
not lynching moosy, rayn or sl today...i think i'll add cool here...he smells of newbie newness
ye i'm being female...so sue me
i think i actually want to lynch into rels, marv and scott
on whims, magic, and gut feels
He's busy, he's phone posting, I get it. It's not a 100% argument, but it is still suspicious. There is a followup section to this argument later.
Note to self, did he ever filter dive me? Did he ever post an analysis post like the MoosyDoosy one again? - Push on coolTLname doesn't feel natural
+ Show Spoiler +This section has two parts. The second is much more important than the first.
I think that this point is an opinion, and it's hard to explain. To me, there were several points that people had to lynch coolTLname, and The Shining spent most of his time talking about his own reason that he was suspicious of coolTLname (that coolTLname said he would check marvellosity's past games and never did). I don't find this point terribly interesting, especially after it's been mentioned a few times, since then if coolTLname does go back and check marvellosity's past games there's the "he just did it to be townread!" argument. Basically, there's no point for The Shining to keep bringing this point up, not over all of the other points that have been brought up. And then when coolTLname says that marvellosity is irrelevant, which makes a fair amount of sense from his perspective if you are willing to actually try and understand what he's saying instead of just reading the words, The Shining seems to use that as a reason to be even more suspicious of coolTLname.
I don't see The Shining using critical thinking here, it seems like he's trying to invent his own reason to join the coolTLname wagon. However, this is an opinion, and I can understand how people disagree.
The more interesting thing here is what DOESN'T happen.
Here's the vote count at the time that The Shining returns to the thread.
rsoultin (4): Trfel, marvellosity, raynpelikoneet, scott31337
GlowingBear (3): rsoultin, Damdred, coolTLname
Trfel (2): LightningStrike, sicklucker
coolTLname (2): Rels, GlowingBear
raynpelikoneet (1): MoosyDoosy
If he had time, you would expect him to read my filter, which he hasn't done yet. But even that aside, he should be interested in the pushes on rsoultin and GlowingBear. In my summary of the thread sentiment/direction at the time, I cited those as the main wagons.
The Shining does say that he thinks that rsoultin is still town, just for different reasons. But he never seems to check the reasons that marvellosity and raynpelikoneet had for pushing rsoultin, which I could have expected him to do.
I don't think he looks at the reasons for the GlowingBear lynch at all either. He never gives a new read on GlowingBear.
When raynpelikoneet votes for LightningStrike, The Shining asks him why. However, The Shining doesn't seem very interested in actually lynching LightningStrike, despite being suspicious of him for the entire game. I don't see any drive from The Shining to investigate LightningStrike at all here. Since The Shining says here that coolTLname and LightningStrike can't be mafia together, one would expect him to be much more interested in LightningStrike's alignment, given that he's lynching coolTLname.
Furthermore, after the Day 1 lynch, The Shining spends several posts exlaining to coolTLname why he is 100% mafia. This doesn't make sense from a town standpoint at all. - After Day 1, The Shining seems content to follow the thread sentiment and I don't see him putting in the effort that I would expect from him as town
+ Show Spoiler +On October 02 2015 06:18 The Shining wrote:So he basically just agrees with raynpelikoneet's reads. And he admits that he never really investigated if raynpelikoneet's reasons for scumreading rsoultin were good or not, which he really should have given some attention to as town.Show nested quote +On October 02 2015 05:47 raynpelikoneet wrote:
My filter that contains the cases on who i think is scum;
starts from ~half of that page (N1).
coolnamedude is mafia.
rsoultin is mafia.
LighntningStrike is mafia
in that order of confidence.
MoosyDoosy could be mafia if one of them magically happens to flip town.
I literally do not believe there is any chance for anyone else in this game to be mafia.
I believe in cool. I need to revisit the RSo cases but your last summary post of her actions are starting to make me wonder, if its all true. This wouldn't be the first time I hard towned scum RSo =/ but her play that game was different. LS is questionable/bad town at best, scum at worst but I still live in a world where both him and cool can't be scum. =/ LS sheeped onto cool and idk if he's confident enough as scum to bus D1.
And yeah Moosy is/should be on that list, too, if LS or cool were to flip town.
He also doesn't seem very interested in looking into LightningStrike's alignment, which as previously explained, is very important since he is scumreading coolTLname and he says that they can't be scum together.
It also feels like The Shining follows the thread sentiment with regards to MoosyDoosy. He's apparently on the fence on MoosyDoosy for all of Day 1 and Night 1, but never bothers to engage other people in discussing MoosyDoosy (despite at one point listing this as his third strongest suspicion). When thread sentiment shifts clearly to suspecting MoosyDoosy, The Shining shifts with it. As Day 2 starts, The Shining's push on MoosyDoosy looks much better, but the original shift of suspicion with the thread sentiment feels mafia motivated.
Furthermore, this progression doesn't make sense. First he says that he's voting for coolTLname and coolTLname should have been lynched on Day 1. Then he says that he doesn't like auto lynches and Day 2 shouldn't be an auto lynch day (I don't see him doing anything at all to help with this, note to self, does he ever look into actually lynching anyone other than coolTLname?). Finally, he says this to coolTLname.On October 02 2015 11:51 The Shining wrote:CoolTLname has been The Shining's top scum read for the entire game. It's the thing he's most consistent on throughout his filter. His scumread on coolTLname has been strong enough for The Shining to not want to lynch LightningStrike, his other consistent scumread throughout his filter. But here, he's talking to coolTLname as if coolTLname is town (I admit that I generally don't like this argument, but here it seems stronger). He's telling coolTLname how to play a better town game while calling him scum twice. And getting frustrated at his strongest scumread for being scummy. I could understand this if The Shining seemed to doubt coolTLname's alignment, but he doesn't. I don't think he really looks into anyone else after this (note to self, check this), in which case this post has no place in a town mindset.
OK srsly please stop this. This is your 2nd give up post, and we still have 40+ hours left in this day phase. Instead of asking if anyone remembers who asked about you too hunting, why not use your time to find it yourself? How many times are you going to declare your innocence but then do jack shit about it? This reads like a scum post just trying to get people to waste time on shit we dont need to waste time on.
And it wasn't me that said you were role hunting but thanks for trying to pin that on me. -1On October 03 2015 04:40 The Shining wrote:This is a very strange post, but there isn't that much mafia motivation for The Shining to post this (some, but not a significant amount). I'll leave this here as a note for anyone who wants to try and investigate more.Show nested quote +On October 02 2015 11:59 MoosyDoosy wrote:
did anyone notice he literally revokes everything he said and did in that post of his...
Actually yeah wow this. Bah Moosy can be town, there's no way we keep having mind melds like this.On October 03 2015 05:05 The Shining wrote:Okay, so he's a bit suspicious of me (Trfel) as well. He does eventually look into my alignment, which is good for him, but he never finishes with this.Show nested quote +On October 02 2015 14:04 raynpelikoneet wrote:
Trfel which one of us do you believe is right?
Did Trfel ever answer this? All I saw was him saying he thought cool was town and that their talk was getting nowhere. After saying he'd lynch cool because even if he's town because he's not helpful to town. That's a weird progression and considering I think rayn is town and cool is scum, it seems pretty weird to not take a side here or even analyze what the arguments they had against each other were.
Also, note that he doesn't seem to look at LightningStrike at all, despite noticing that raynpelikoneet argued that LightningStrike and coolTLname can be mafia together. He just says that he's interested in raynpelikoneet's argument, but doesn't follow up on the argument itself or on LightningStrike.
The Shining only used filter diving analysis twice in the game (early Day 1 on MoosyDoosy, and mid Day 2 on Trfel). Along with his read progression, he seems to be playing more to get townread instead of to find mafia. He also shows that his mindset is not a town mindset on several occasions.
meh truffle...i really don't want to bash on something that obviously took a lot of work, but i'm not really sure how these things make him scum when he's had limited time. and he often has limited time. i don't really remember a game where he hasn't?
When I say a lack of effort, I don't mean time. I'm not saying that from a town standpoint he should be doing more, just that he should be doing different things. It's not that he isn't spending enough time on the game, or isn't making enough posts, it's that he's not doing the things that would be natural for him to do as town.
Town with limited time is still going to do towny things with that limited time.