United Kingdom30774 Posts
On July 14 2015 18:46 marvellosity wrote: HF if we shoot you and you flip town, do you think the information is worth it?
Not over the shitty lurker shots. If you're going to shoot me I'd prefer the bullet to be held till next cycle so i can go home and play first.
United Kingdom30774 Posts
I mean i understand you guys are mad jelly over my milo reading skills. It's understandable. Anyway I'm just gonna call rsoul town forever and if she's in lylo kill her makes poeing easier too
United Kingdom30774 Posts
Trfel your ruxxar reads are so whack. His damd/scott thing clearly looks like a joke, his posting is totally different to the END of himalayas and the only thing that had actual merit was the bit on me and clarity which i think he explained more than adequately. I dunno why you say scott you don't know about when i think your points on him earlier were stronger.
People don't listen to you about me because you have posted one case on me that i dismantled and you can't possibly believe.
United Kingdom30774 Posts
It's a good thing kelsier flipped mafia though that makes things easier
United Kingdom30774 Posts
I have a wild theory that only nk's can clarify. Also damdred did not carry kp so someone not talked about as being mafia is likely mafia (from day 1).
I said ows/oats because it was lazy poe but obi actually being serious is so out of character that he's probably mafia. Oats is probably town for not nking or rbing geript after the whole tmi shit and that whole argument was towny anyway for thinkint along those lines.
VA (and expert smurf hunter me says it's va) is probably mafia because he dislikes killing me, a jat shot is so shit in any game that it must be because jat was hinting at being blue and va likes hunting blues. Also VA keeps complaining about things that just aren't true anymore, i didn't shit fight with rsoultin but he returns to say that we were and afk's, his nk stuff that he does as town was far too focused on one player when i think he's usually much more logical. He's pretty off base.
Scott is mafia because when i did some shitty martyring he didn't conclude i was mafia even after i did the exact same thing to get out of a lynch as mafia last game and he was my shadow so knows. Also some of trfel's points if you twist them enough are good cases for scott being mafia. He's also posting in newbie game and not here and all his posts seem to be reactionary omgus' lately.
So so far it's probably scott/ebh/obi/+x (rsoul, kelsier, bf most likely).
United Kingdom30774 Posts
On July 15 2015 00:10 Clarity_nl wrote: Scum hasn't really gotten the opportunity to kill you if you're town, HF. Unless you're saying anyone else would have shot you n1?
Precisely n1
United Kingdom30774 Posts
I think it's terrible people are considering shooting ruxxar based on absolutely nothing. He has precisely one accusation against him and that was trfel and ruxxar perfectly explained it away.
United Kingdom30774 Posts
You should 100% just be shooting shitty lurkers who could be mafia and are wasting people's time with discussing them. If you think you should be shooting into me/rsoul/ruxx you're also just bad at the game. At least if you are thinking that you should save your shot since we get 3 flips anyway tonight.
United Kingdom30774 Posts
On July 15 2015 00:14 Clarity_nl wrote: I mean I think the palmar shot makes sense for scum, he's a strong town that wasn't trying at all d1 which makes it likely he's blue, if he's not blue he's still a good shot as there's no way anyone is protecting him and he can solve games, and apparently harkon tried to direct a shot on him by soft claiming a blue role?
From your perspective, is there anyone who as scum think they can keep you alive and then try to mislynch you/get you shot by town?
Maybe you're out of the loop but if palmar is playing like shit he's just shit. Yes, VA. He even gloated about it in the last game we played. I don't know about mislynching though.
United Kingdom30774 Posts
What a redundant question since i just gave you my list of mafia and explained that we should shoot shitty lurkers. Which one of those 3 is a shitty lurker? scott duh, the guy i voted yesterday
United Kingdom30774 Posts
Dat marv guy also possible mafia
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United Kingdom30774 Posts
Finallyyyy get to go home!
United Kingdom30774 Posts
On July 15 2015 00:51 Half the Sky wrote:Also still am curious - when you can - as to how you are seemingly quite confident in that OWS read (seemingly a tone read) based on his history from the database.
Nothing to do with his history i dunno i only ever remember him trying once as town and that was newbie game. Now he's acting all serious and making points but doesn't actually ever say anything. It's a little bit of poe with a little bit of him feeling off.
United Kingdom30774 Posts
On July 15 2015 01:47 XEliteBlueHunter69X wrote: I apologize that I'm being scumread by the majority of people, I've been pretty upfront with my thought process and reads. Oh well.
If you aren't mafia then you gotta point where people's town reads are wrong.
United Kingdom30774 Posts
Kelsier already flipped mafia though?
United Kingdom30774 Posts
I could see myself removing va from my list at some point. Maybe. Scott still best shot.
United Kingdom30774 Posts
lol @ obi criticism of VA not doing anything, that's just flat out hilarious and major ++++++ scum points
United Kingdom30774 Posts
On July 15 2015 01:16 ObiWanShinobi wrote:Show nested quote +On July 15 2015 01:15 Half the Sky wrote:On July 15 2015 01:14 ObiWanShinobi wrote: Stop calling me mafia guys. Like really. I'm not. Apparently Oats and HF think you are... Hf is mafia so who gives a shit what he thinks.
On July 15 2015 01:29 ObiWanShinobi wrote:Show nested quote +On July 15 2015 01:26 Half the Sky wrote: So OWS, are your top scumreads still EBH/Scott? Or someone else? I've seen absolutely nothing in the last hundred pages to make me change my mind. I love lynching low-impact players that don't post. Hf is also possibly mafia.
On July 15 2015 03:24 ObiWanShinobi wrote:Show nested quote +On July 15 2015 03:23 Holyflare wrote: lol @ obi criticism of VA not doing anything, that's just flat out hilarious and major ++++++ scum points
Nobody cares what you think, scum.
at least be consistent