I say several times my d1 is bad and spotty since I was super sick and hopped up on meds.
There's nothing to refute honestly, I had good interactions and I had bad interactions d1 past that as I got better my days got better.
And there is actually a decently strong argument for you being scum, heightened by the fact you really aren't doing work, you are just half adding it to make yourself look like you are.
And you are trying to convince me I'm scum rather than looking at anything else in the game
Ok, so I open the game up and instantly ping out my scum mate, which palmar picks up on. He pushes GB I push GB call GB out on his tone and how he's talking to palmar.
We lynch Dr l, which btw I hard push GB eod hard as possible.
N1 I get rb, Eden hints he rb me oneg/sl makes a play.
You hold that scum faked a rb, GB tells the thread that he doubts scum rb me. You make a case on Yamato at this point (which you seem to be discounting now since I'm the only thing you have even talked about at this point).
Rit votes Yamato afks, I go hey obi lets lynch GB. We switch to GB and get him lynched. To expond on this the only theory you have here is that instead of taking the mislynch here and put town at what effectively would of been mylo after d2 I instead tell people to lynch GB. We lynch GB and he flips scum
palmar plays with the idea I'm mega bussing but concludes if you read his filter that I am town no tinfoil towards me at all. He quotes some of my interactions as proof.
I make what I think is still the best post in the game where I call out according to you scum partner ritoky, where vig still has a bullet. I decide ritoky is scum during the night and begin to make associative reads.
The day starts, me and obi instantly vote ritoky palmar says wherever I move he moves. Koshi says its my choice who we lynch. And your connection is that instead of lynching town Yamato to put us in mylo the next day I decide to hard bus my partner and lynch him?
Tgis makes little sense to me you were hyper auspicious of Yamato throughout all of this and then you vote with him instead of against him on koshi and you blame me for not fighting against the koshi lynch.
You said that obi can't me mafia in this scenario and it had to be between me and Yamato in a terrible post. You aren't looking for mafia within me and Yamato you are just looking for the easiest part of whoevers filter to tunnel and try to convince Yamato to switch to me.
You are scum, the koshi vote you did looks horrid and switching to ritoky looks bad it always did.
I'm happy with my vote now.
Vivax ignores everything makes me scum
You didn't even look at Yamato all you did was take a fee of ny posts and post them.
You didn't look at ANY of the other parts of the day. Or talk about Yamato whatsoever. All you did since before Obi died was start the shadow on me.
That's untrue your bias actually swung the other way last cycle as you made sure to show enough doubt.
D1 isn't enough to make any decision on. Nor was my push on GB fake or weak.
My day 1 was weak I'll admit that But it's what it is
Good God I've had finals sick and at work. This has been one of my only chances to be here.
I really disagree that I haven't been trying to find mafia after ritoky. I pressured people, I thought it was vivax or a side of Obi. I voted for vivax People went to Koshi. Then no shot happened
Idk how to answer about being on the wrong side of,wagons or right side since I pushed GB d1, shenanied onto GB d2 off Yamato when I didn't have to and pushed ritoky during the night meh.
I mean I think,my analysis n2 was really good and nailed ritoky.
That would infer that I was sick at the start of the game instead of waking up covered in blood the day after, the day I disappeared for awhile- _-
Idk what's wrong with that post meh I usually give town points to people who go after hard targets early, and his end of day will wasn't bad.
Saddest thing is I've never won a Lylo as town and I probably never will.
I guess we are lynching,me just on d1 stuff which sucks but I'll keep the stuff why I wanted out of this game in till after game
Nah I'm expecting to get lynched its why I'm here.
My d1 was horrible night1-3 was great I feel. N4 it was ok, past that I've sucked the truth is vivax started this throwing,things my way then and eliminating Obi from conversation.
It sucks but it a true
I'm at work for another 3 hours, so can't do massive filtering. 16 hour shifts are fun.
I think vivax is mafia for a few reasons but give me a minute to,type,them up
I've been at work all ducking day if I'm talking it's because I am not busy IDK why you boldest you did because I do think you are Scum.
1) Read my post after the GB lynch there were only two possibilities for GB surviving maybe three. The first was if myself and Obi moved back to Yamato which we refused. The second way was if Sl hammered Obi over GB which he didn't do, the third was to not nice from vivax. GB directly pushed against having vivax lynched when he moved his vote from him. If you have the towny nailed why in the he'll do you move off of him to lynch another towny in Obi. 2) Vivax pushed against a ritoky lynch in favour of a Yamato lynch and gave a bs reason when there was still a chance of Yamato getting lynch rd. 3) when vivax was being lynched instead of Koshi he made the thread cancer, pushed Yamato and then soon as people started talking about lynching Koshi h e jumped on Koshi with his Scum read to lynch him. 4) he removed Obi from the lynch conversation and started putting me forward as a lynch prior to lylo setting up for this. 5) has seemingly forgotten about his Yamato Scum read of the past only focusing on me.
Also sorta pushed against GB but promised we could lynch who I wanted Tommorow after Yamato.
But vivax didn't you decide that Yamato was Scum for his d1 previously and it's only now that I have a hard stances announced you flipped that
Um no. No where in that is there a tone of talking to you like your town
I just asked you so whatever
Just got home give me a few minutes
I like the quotes you found. His actions especially around the ritoky lynch was pretty weird .
Its the right lynch here. I did post my reasonings for thinking he's scum did you take a look at them?