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Iceland22631 Posts
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Iceland22631 Posts
1) read objectively 2) don't wifom night kills or mafia posts 3) don't suck I know it's hard, but you should do it. | ||
Canada16987 Posts
On April 13 2015 07:08 Palmar wrote: yeah I just read ritoky's filter. it's a steaming pile of null. Some of his shit sounds really genuine, but he also keeps asking other people to convince him instead of making his own stances, and his "dilemma" on day 1 was complete bullshit. The dilemma being that he liked my case on GB but didn't want to vote him due to filter length or some shit. Like if he's town I'd have expected him to make up his mind and then post. Meh, it's still not much. I'm not convinced one way or the other. I had this same read and tried to get him lynched | ||
Iceland22631 Posts
On April 08 2015 06:32 Eden1892 wrote: Oh and Damdred why should I comment on GB? I don't get the necessity of doing so while voting Vivax. (bear in mind I only skimmed the pages I wasn't around for and I glazed over a lot of GB's posts) On April 08 2015 07:07 Eden1892 wrote: 5. GlowingBear (GB): I guess at some point I'll read what he said. If 4 people wanted to vote him over it then it must be important. But nothing he said really caught my attention the first time, seemed like some pointless nitpicking at Palmar but idk. I didn't read closely. zzz On April 08 2015 13:09 Eden1892 wrote: I know this has been talked about already but: GB what was the point of this? HF and Obi looked like they were joking and then you suddenly seemed really seriously upset about it. You went on to say something about "deja vu" but I dunno what you're referencing. This post seemed a bit out of place so... what's goin on here? This is similarly weird because I didn't see how HF was trying to get information out of anyone or doing anything really but fucking around. And I don't see how GB turned the conversation back to joking around? In fact it was kinda the opposite, GB got serious in a way that felt a bit off tonally when HF was joking around with Obi. This is a pretty good sequence IMO by GB. Damdred never answers this from what I can see in his filter, there's this half-answer in Damdred's post when he returns but it's not really a direct response. I think that makes Damdred a little suspicious because his initial assessment about what GB was doing was wrong and it looks like he was just taking the chance to pile on GB when he could. Based on these posts GB is actually probably town and Damdred is slightly suspicious. I haven't gotten to the part where everyone decided GB is mafia but I already think it's wrong, so that could be fruitful. On April 09 2015 06:24 Eden1892 wrote: Meh Koshi I see what you're saying on GB, I don't want to talk about it anymore until GB comes back because I feel like if I keep defending my position and I'm wrong I end up covering for mafia and not making them work to be inno. I still believe in GB but I want to make him prove it himself since he suddenly disappeared. On April 09 2015 15:11 Eden1892 wrote: hmm maybe palmar should move up if gb goes down though On April 10 2015 05:27 Eden1892 wrote: meh i don't really care tho gb seems town for that reads list | ||
Iceland22631 Posts
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Iceland22631 Posts
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United States5866 Posts
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Belgium38797 Posts
inb4 I am lynched. | ||
Canada16987 Posts
On April 13 2015 07:32 Palmar wrote: I'm gonna sleep. If I die follow these rules. 1) read objectively 2) don't wifom night kills or mafia posts 3) don't suck I know it's hard, but you should do it. and the not blindly killing people part Ritoky is too likely mafia and too useless to let him live. Vivax seemed townie but you might have to kill him off of sheer logic. Koshi is my closest no lynch in the game except palmer. He seems town but ive never acualy seen his mafia game so dont take my word for it. Eden was trying to get the lynch off gb. He failed my test hes mafia im pretty sure. He didnt have those weird rsoutlin interaction he trys to have as town. Dandred coulda bussed but not lynching anytime soon. obi is town or the roleblocker Yes I will of course be targeting my mafia reads tonight in hopes to stop the kp or roleblock. This might open up a chance for are veg 2 shoot by forcing them to roleblock me. | ||
15669 Posts
Vivax (1) - DreadReturn GlowingBear (2) - Damdred, Palmar, Eden1892 (2) - Yamato77, Ritoky, Damdred (1) - GlowingBear, DreadReturn (7) - Vivax, Koshi, HolyFlare, Onegu, ObiWanShinobi, Eden1892, Rsoultin, Next blue claims and i'm coloring myself green because confirmed to myself and I think my GB push and lynching mafia is pretty good ^_-. Just a couple of thoughts before I go to the day 2 vote count to see some things. I don't believe that the DR wagon can be entirely town based, I think at least one mafia was on that way. Like really sure that mafia was either in a position to afk or jumped off at some point after the wagon gained enough votes for them to shenanigans onto someone else without much consequence I'll come back to that thought and go into a bit more detail near the end. Koshi (1) - Koshi Vivax (1) - Yamato77 GlowingBear (3) - Palmar, Damdred, ObiWanShinobi, Sicklurker Yamato77 (2) - Vivax, ritoky ObiWanShinobi (2) - Eden, GlowingBear Once again confirmed people colored in and I colored myself green. To start off my thoughts. Its interesting to me that Ritoky voted on Yamato like he did. The choices were (obi and myself were on Yamato at the time) help Palmar push GB when he wasn't in the thread, vote Vivax with Yamato (who ritoky was previously town reading) or vote Yamato with Vivax, Obi and Damdred. He says he really likes Palmars case the best out of all of this but decides to push Yamato ahead, as I mentioned before Ritoky had a hard hard town read on Yamato previously in D1 but decides to vote him d2 even though he has little to no interaction with him and even though he loves the GB case presented by Palmar and knows his town read Damdred would jump on a GB lynch he doesn't go that way onto confirmed mafia and instead he jumps onto Yamato pushing him ahead of Vivax 4-3 or 4-3-1 ahead of Vivax and GB at this point. He then goes back to afk land. I think this heavily implies that Ritoky who would normally go against the grain in this situation and vote his favorite case instead of one that he thinks just isn't bad is scum in this scenario. I don't see any other way after re-reading how the voting went down. I know its been pointed out before but the way Ritoky went about the vote D1 is strange as well, (and feeds into my above point) he was so strongly town reading yamato at that point he was following him wherever he went even if it meant not jumping onto GB who he admittedly wanted to at that point in time. Has to be Ritoky here I think based on association and his weird progression on voting Yamato. I also think if Ritoky is mafia it clears Yamato a bit since Ritoky hammered him basically and there was little to no push to move the vote off Yamato. This is a bit weaker at this point especially since he keeps fading in and out of afk land but I think it makes me not want to lynch him if Ritoky flips scum. Koshi (1) - Koshi Vivax (1) - Yamato77 GlowingBear (3) - Palmar, Damdred, ObiWanShinobi, Sicklurker Yamato77 (2) - Vivax, ritoky ObiWanShinobi (2) - Eden, GlowingBear Now we get to the bit of a logical leap about what happened with the votes. There are only three partners that I think Ritoky/GB can potentially have with how the vote went down. The most likely due to how the votes spontaneously moved about would be Vivax. When myself and Obi moved from Yamato to GB at that point in time we effectively hammered Vivax with that move, even though votes are tied it switches from 4-3-1 (Yamato, Vivax, GB) to 3-3-2 (Vivax, GB, Yamato) if we hadn't of had GB start pushing obi at that point Eden wouldn't of moved to obi more than likely and Vivax would of been lynched. What is the motivation though to flip a lynch from town Vivax to town Obi if you lynch yourself? I don't think that there is motivation in doing this if you can't guarantee your own survival if both are town, I just don't see it. The only scenario that makes sense to me is that Vivax is a more powerful/important scum team member and GB was trying to save the RB at that junction of the game. It makes the most sense with how the vote went. The second partner that makes sense is Eden with the ferocity that he tried to hit the votes off of GB and onto Obi. It could very well be Eden was doing that, but I have a hard time that scum Eden would hard align himself with partner GB like that. The third scenario is that Obi bussed GB into the ground and GB was trying to give him as much cred as possible to take into the end game for the hard carry. This is slightly more likely than 2 especially with how fake the push from GB felt and how contrived it felt also. But I also don't want to give this much thought until we see what Ritoky/Vivax flip at this point without new information. Koshi (1) - Koshi Vivax (1) - Yamato77 GlowingBear (3) - Palmar, Damdred, ObiWanShinobi, Sicklurker Yamato77 (2) - Vivax, ritoky ObiWanShinobi (2) - Eden, GlowingBear the green on Eden probably is the lightest and obi is probably the most tinfoil at this moment as a last resort that I don't really believe when he could of hammered Yamato over scum partner GB. | ||
United States6851 Posts
i am town still. fuck you SL is the first thing i want to say. i sat there and asked if there was going to be a switch to GB since he was my primary lynch target, 3 people told me no. i leave and you lynch him and blame me. fuck you first and foremost. also GB spewed me town like no other, so i am basically confirmed now. damdred switching his read on me based on thread sentiment and activity vs what he actually reads me on above is suspect; but w/e i would probably scum read me for basically not playing for 72 hours. anywayz, next phase the mafia is going to push a low hanging fruit ML on me, and when it comes to that i will shit town rainbows like i have been doing all game and we will lynch mafia instead of me. back to life getting in the way of everything. ciao | ||
Canada16987 Posts
Second you should be mod killed | ||
Canada16987 Posts
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United States5866 Posts
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United States5866 Posts
Never lynch anyone who killed gb Never lynch SL Lynch ritoky and Vivax | ||
15669 Posts
You seem to want to scum read me in your post but don't reach a conclussiok just throw dirt towards me. | ||
United States8089 Posts
Do you remember New Years? That's pretty much exactly what happened. | ||
Canada16987 Posts
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United States8089 Posts
iirc he was uppity about me not doing anything and, despite the fact that I came into the thread and did things, he still voted me. | ||
Canada16987 Posts
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