Eden had a point with delaying my lynch when LS was confirmed. Now I reiterate: lynch me now not later. Either find that your constructs are based largely on a falsehood, acknowledge that for the whole game, or claim scum.
The actions are lynching me early, not lynching me, or trying to lynch me late, respectively.
On March 25 2015 14:39 Trfel wrote: Sorry, can I get answers to these questions? Links to previous posts are fine. But I'd like fairly concise explanations.
Why is Alakaslam scum?
Why is Onegu town?
Why is ritoky town? (given how he crushed town as scum in Down Under 2)
slam is scum thru POE and not making even the slightest iota of effort to solve the game
onegu is town thru the sequence of mason claim + rsoultin jailing him + hf being shot. the most plausible explanation of this sequence, by far, is that scum believed they were masons together and tried to shoot both of them
ritoky is town thru... thru... well idk i have him in my POE. LOL but he's trying which is better than can be said for slam
So there is no case. It's as I thought, last time I came in here I diffused eden and then, I leave because I can't be much use to a thread I haven't read and we want to lynch slam last again.
I am getting strong mafia feels from it. Mafia really needs a late pocket lynch to win this.
On March 25 2015 14:31 sicklucker wrote: Theres also the fact rstoulins claim was weird and she coulda been vet. Either way I think its enough reason to not kill super today plus he seems to be trying now
slam is best lynch
Actually if this is being pushed for today, I am for it. I can't really help and confirming my slot will help Poe.
On March 26 2015 01:41 Trfel wrote: I looked at what Alakaslam said once he came back.
Unfortunately, I was gone by that point, so I couldn't interact with him.
But I actually put him at a town lead at this point. His play is just so markedly different from his scum play last game.
If Alakaslam is lynched, it should be due to interactions with flipped mafia.
Not just that. Alone the fact they RBd one of the vigs shows a dhttp://derstandard.at/egree of expectation that it could hit one of them. It's speculative but the other only reason I see is that they hoped it would get the RB claimant lynched, which wasn't really in question given that almost everyone TRd me based on the happenings of N1.
Anyway once Slam is out of the game we are left with a pool of people who are all readable and less controversial. It's good play trust me, might actually be one of the few times where I see a town managing to plynch a guy, which is underrated.
No offense to Slam but your unique style allows you to do whatever the hell you want as town AND as mafia, and hence you have to go today.
Again I would vote this guy too, but I remember him supposedly being confirmed. Someone speak up on that please?
On March 19 2015 09:45 Alakaslam wrote: well that leaves me with only SL to ask
SL is just wifom to me. He needs to die a few times as town and come around to knowledge of the game before I can really do much with him.
I had a policy of lynching him. If no one is going for HF (really hard d1 with good reason, but I reiterate he is 80% Mafia in my eyes) I am not agianst SL lynch.
On March 19 2015 10:02 Holyflare wrote: Like seriously....?
"I am not agianst SL lynch." "why are you not against an sl lynch" "because i want to lynch you!" "I'm not reading the thread because i'm so certain on hf!"
^ somehow you know you want to lynch sl (for unknown reasons still because you didn't even answer me) and you ignore the entire thread where you might be wrong on me even though i've found this guy lying twice AND QUOTED IT
and NOW you are trying to get people OFF of SL because I am pushing it WITHOUT EVEN READING THE QUOTES OR GAMES YOURSELF
wtfh slam
I did answer you. SL is a lynch I am not against, nor for. You keep saying I am for it, you obviously don't believe me.
Also, my reason for not being against SL lynch was a policy I held where I wanted him lynched all the time. But he has been in games since then, so I shouldn't stick with it.
On March 26 2015 00:01 Artanis[Xp] wrote: Also if anyone wants to convince me of a town or scum slam that'd be great because I have no idea. I'm sorta scumreading him through PoE, and the fact that Palmar derailed a Slam discussion onto Damdred early in his filter.
The fact he did this and nobody still is 100 % sure on him being scum simply cause he's slam is a good enough reason.
The only downside is that Trfel townreads him and I do respect his opinion. But Trfel also thinks policy lynching is shit, on which I disagree.
On another topic, rereading D1 I just realized how stretched Artanis scumread on Toad was (P69), and how Artanis got owned in the debate with him. The scumread literally was because of Toad switching between Palmar and SL and back. At that moment you clearly see Artanis getting into the trouble of forming scumreads. VE and Toad both start pushing him, and then Artanis counter votes VE (P77).
Meanwhile FF's wall of text on LS goes uncommented by Palmar on P67. Artanis comments this:
On March 20 2015 05:37 Artanis[Xp] wrote: Fecal how much have you played with LS before?
at least thrice.
And you still strongly feel that LS has been acting anomalous for his town game? I find it really hard to tell tbh because his playstyle is so weird. Also opinions on VE please.
On March 20 2015 05:56 Artanis[Xp] wrote: I just went through VE's filter and the only reason I'd want to call him town was his observation on Palmar and him seeming to play from an uninformed perspective. The suspicions on Trfel (rescinded quickly), Fecal (never substantiated beyond "Your shitposting isn't impressive to me", suspicion on ExO are all shallow, let alone his suspicion on me for him being a null on my list (which he actually quoted far earlier but never bothered to scumread me for it back then). I liked VE's argument for Palmar but that's all I liked of him so far.
tldr All of VE's points are shallow, scumreads me for something later that he already noted earlier. VE dear, I'm coming to prove your point. ##Vote VisceraEyes
Quoting for new page. Opinions pls.
I kinda liked how he looked at me TBH I wasn't doing anything. Other than that I can see your points I guess.. Make VE a null for me for now. I can't really make up my mind
Observation: FF doesn't even answer Artanis question on LS, he just gives a read on VE. Artanis doesn't get back to this, telling me that the LS thingy wasn't as important to these guys as their posts suggests, at the very least they tried to make it look improtant but Artanis made the mistake of not demanding more from FF, and FF did the same mistake.
I think this is scum-scum.
For comparison, here is what happened when I posted my read on LS, spoilered for length: + Show Spoiler +
On March 19 2015 22:52 LightningStrike wrote: I'm back and saw a answer from Toad on my question regarding him and Palmar in Hammertime when they both were town:
On March 19 2015 12:20 Toadesstern wrote:
On March 19 2015 12:10 LightningStrike wrote:
On March 19 2015 12:00 Toadesstern wrote:
On March 19 2015 11:52 LightningStrike wrote:
On March 19 2015 11:50 Toadesstern wrote: Like everyone's talking about how I'm playing different than I used to last games... no shit I got killed on first cycle like 4 times in a row and lost 4 games in a row now. Last game in particular I feel like I lost because I was trolling too much and didn't get enough out in time which ended in people not lynching Sandroba when he was 100% mafia on my sheet.
I needed to be a lot more serious in that game early on and we could have won
Ya you kinda got lynched because Palmars tunneling you that's the thing in Hammertime. Also I can understand a little bit on why you thought you need to be more serious after JOAT but still it just odd playing with a already serious you.
I mean if I get mafiaread for being different or more serious than I played in my last couple games there's nothing I can and will say about that other than my occasional banter about how that's not alignment indicative at all unless someone points out how different means scummy... because there's nothing I can say about it. I am playing differently (probably)
With that being said, if that's what it's like I'll just ignore everything in that direction from now on and just focus on getting my reads out a little bit earlier than last game and making sure I get them out properly explained. Got angry about Palmar pulling the same shit he did in Hammertime when he should know better and talked myself into a wolf... won't happen again and this is the last post about it.
Ya true about Palmar should know better on that but you seemed to taken it more personally o.o Are you still offended by Palmar's thing on you in Hammertime when you both were town?
from JoaT:
On March 03 2015 08:08 Toadesstern wrote: Fear not guyses for I have yet again rolled neither mafia nor Ninja. Thus I will proceed to kill all those mafias and not be mislynched d1 despite being called fucking confirmed town 24-36hours into the game.
Let me check real quick if Palmar is in the game
not really offended but annoyed. I thought he was town early on doing it on purpose to start some discussion or get some read from me based on how I'd react if he misreads me again like that, so yeah I got annoyed at the possible idea of having to deal with that again because he might make someone else agree with it... Right know I'm pretty sure he's mafia for keeping at it and knowing that it annoys me.
Can some of the guys who think my tone is so awful and completly different this game please go ahead and at least compare that post above with my first post in here instead of just believing all this about how my tone is completly different?
Props for nailing it on my seriousness though LS. Because yeah, that did change, just not the thing Palmar and HF mentioned.
I don't a see a big tone difference on your entrance to this game compared to JOAT regarding Palmar and I wouldn't blame on you on that because as a Cohost in Hammertime I kinda felt bad and I shoulda warned him on his Kill Toad spam and I didn't if I recalled. Also rsoultin not wanting to give her read on me this early to Eden but I don't blame her because I rolled Mafia in JOAT when she was town and called me Town by meta and will have to bleed green this game. So I saw Palmar and Rayn going at each other and saw Artanis trying to stop it but I remember Artanis so townie in Imperial yet when he lynched Town!Palmar he basically looked pure Mafia (Scum if you prefer to use that term) so I might need to wait on reading him esp because he just rolled Mafia in Student VI which I was coaching the Cop and the Vet and the Cop caught him with a Cop check so ya I going to be careful reading him. Also he got a decent point about a chance that Palmar or Rayn are Mafia and the other town due to their interactions esp Palmar stuff early on about Toad and I not going to make the same mistake I did in Titanic and give a easy townread on Palmar Day 1. I also have yet to play with Mafia!Rayn so I might be a bit bias on him being town compared to Palmar so meh. @Artanis who is more likely to be Mafia between Palmar and Rayn and Why? @ExO Where you at on reads considering our past history with each other?
Oh god this post is so mafia
On March 19 2015 22:56 Damdred wrote: Ls what are your current reads
On March 19 2015 22:52 LightningStrike wrote: I'm back and saw a answer from Toad on my question regarding him and Palmar in Hammertime when they both were town:
On March 19 2015 12:20 Toadesstern wrote:
On March 19 2015 12:10 LightningStrike wrote:
On March 19 2015 12:00 Toadesstern wrote:
On March 19 2015 11:52 LightningStrike wrote:
On March 19 2015 11:50 Toadesstern wrote: Like everyone's talking about how I'm playing different than I used to last games... no shit I got killed on first cycle like 4 times in a row and lost 4 games in a row now. Last game in particular I feel like I lost because I was trolling too much and didn't get enough out in time which ended in people not lynching Sandroba when he was 100% mafia on my sheet.
I needed to be a lot more serious in that game early on and we could have won
Ya you kinda got lynched because Palmars tunneling you that's the thing in Hammertime. Also I can understand a little bit on why you thought you need to be more serious after JOAT but still it just odd playing with a already serious you.
I mean if I get mafiaread for being different or more serious than I played in my last couple games there's nothing I can and will say about that other than my occasional banter about how that's not alignment indicative at all unless someone points out how different means scummy... because there's nothing I can say about it. I am playing differently (probably)
With that being said, if that's what it's like I'll just ignore everything in that direction from now on and just focus on getting my reads out a little bit earlier than last game and making sure I get them out properly explained. Got angry about Palmar pulling the same shit he did in Hammertime when he should know better and talked myself into a wolf... won't happen again and this is the last post about it.
Ya true about Palmar should know better on that but you seemed to taken it more personally o.o Are you still offended by Palmar's thing on you in Hammertime when you both were town?
from JoaT:
On March 03 2015 08:08 Toadesstern wrote: Fear not guyses for I have yet again rolled neither mafia nor Ninja. Thus I will proceed to kill all those mafias and not be mislynched d1 despite being called fucking confirmed town 24-36hours into the game.
Let me check real quick if Palmar is in the game
not really offended but annoyed. I thought he was town early on doing it on purpose to start some discussion or get some read from me based on how I'd react if he misreads me again like that, so yeah I got annoyed at the possible idea of having to deal with that again because he might make someone else agree with it... Right know I'm pretty sure he's mafia for keeping at it and knowing that it annoys me.
Can some of the guys who think my tone is so awful and completly different this game please go ahead and at least compare that post above with my first post in here instead of just believing all this about how my tone is completly different?
Props for nailing it on my seriousness though LS. Because yeah, that did change, just not the thing Palmar and HF mentioned.
I don't a see a big tone difference on your entrance to this game compared to JOAT regarding Palmar and I wouldn't blame on you on that because as a Cohost in Hammertime I kinda felt bad and I shoulda warned him on his Kill Toad spam and I didn't if I recalled. Also rsoultin not wanting to give her read on me this early to Eden but I don't blame her because I rolled Mafia in JOAT when she was town and called me Town by meta and will have to bleed green this game. So I saw Palmar and Rayn going at each other and saw Artanis trying to stop it but I remember Artanis so townie in Imperial yet when he lynched Town!Palmar he basically looked pure Mafia (Scum if you prefer to use that term) so I might need to wait on reading him esp because he just rolled Mafia in Student VI which I was coaching the Cop and the Vet and the Cop caught him with a Cop check so ya I going to be careful reading him. Also he got a decent point about a chance that Palmar or Rayn are Mafia and the other town due to their interactions esp Palmar stuff early on about Toad and I not going to make the same mistake I did in Titanic and give a easy townread on Palmar Day 1. I also have yet to play with Mafia!Rayn so I might be a bit bias on him being town compared to Palmar so meh. @Artanis who is more likely to be Mafia between Palmar and Rayn and Why? @ExO Where you at on reads considering our past history with each other?
Oh god this post is so mafia
Have you played with LS before? This is how LS plays.
On March 19 2015 22:52 LightningStrike wrote: I'm back and saw a answer from Toad on my question regarding him and Palmar in Hammertime when they both were town:
On March 19 2015 12:20 Toadesstern wrote:
On March 19 2015 12:10 LightningStrike wrote:
On March 19 2015 12:00 Toadesstern wrote:
On March 19 2015 11:52 LightningStrike wrote:
On March 19 2015 11:50 Toadesstern wrote: Like everyone's talking about how I'm playing different than I used to last games... no shit I got killed on first cycle like 4 times in a row and lost 4 games in a row now. Last game in particular I feel like I lost because I was trolling too much and didn't get enough out in time which ended in people not lynching Sandroba when he was 100% mafia on my sheet.
I needed to be a lot more serious in that game early on and we could have won
Ya you kinda got lynched because Palmars tunneling you that's the thing in Hammertime. Also I can understand a little bit on why you thought you need to be more serious after JOAT but still it just odd playing with a already serious you.
I mean if I get mafiaread for being different or more serious than I played in my last couple games there's nothing I can and will say about that other than my occasional banter about how that's not alignment indicative at all unless someone points out how different means scummy... because there's nothing I can say about it. I am playing differently (probably)
With that being said, if that's what it's like I'll just ignore everything in that direction from now on and just focus on getting my reads out a little bit earlier than last game and making sure I get them out properly explained. Got angry about Palmar pulling the same shit he did in Hammertime when he should know better and talked myself into a wolf... won't happen again and this is the last post about it.
Ya true about Palmar should know better on that but you seemed to taken it more personally o.o Are you still offended by Palmar's thing on you in Hammertime when you both were town?
from JoaT:
On March 03 2015 08:08 Toadesstern wrote: Fear not guyses for I have yet again rolled neither mafia nor Ninja. Thus I will proceed to kill all those mafias and not be mislynched d1 despite being called fucking confirmed town 24-36hours into the game.
Let me check real quick if Palmar is in the game
not really offended but annoyed. I thought he was town early on doing it on purpose to start some discussion or get some read from me based on how I'd react if he misreads me again like that, so yeah I got annoyed at the possible idea of having to deal with that again because he might make someone else agree with it... Right know I'm pretty sure he's mafia for keeping at it and knowing that it annoys me.
Can some of the guys who think my tone is so awful and completly different this game please go ahead and at least compare that post above with my first post in here instead of just believing all this about how my tone is completly different?
Props for nailing it on my seriousness though LS. Because yeah, that did change, just not the thing Palmar and HF mentioned.
I don't a see a big tone difference on your entrance to this game compared to JOAT regarding Palmar and I wouldn't blame on you on that because as a Cohost in Hammertime I kinda felt bad and I shoulda warned him on his Kill Toad spam and I didn't if I recalled. Also rsoultin not wanting to give her read on me this early to Eden but I don't blame her because I rolled Mafia in JOAT when she was town and called me Town by meta and will have to bleed green this game. So I saw Palmar and Rayn going at each other and saw Artanis trying to stop it but I remember Artanis so townie in Imperial yet when he lynched Town!Palmar he basically looked pure Mafia (Scum if you prefer to use that term) so I might need to wait on reading him esp because he just rolled Mafia in Student VI which I was coaching the Cop and the Vet and the Cop caught him with a Cop check so ya I going to be careful reading him. Also he got a decent point about a chance that Palmar or Rayn are Mafia and the other town due to their interactions esp Palmar stuff early on about Toad and I not going to make the same mistake I did in Titanic and give a easy townread on Palmar Day 1. I also have yet to play with Mafia!Rayn so I might be a bit bias on him being town compared to Palmar so meh. @Artanis who is more likely to be Mafia between Palmar and Rayn and Why? @ExO Where you at on reads considering our past history with each other?
Oh god this post is so mafia
How is that post so mafia yet I'm Town?
On March 19 2015 22:58 Palmar wrote: LS are you blue?
On March 19 2015 22:52 LightningStrike wrote: I'm back and saw a answer from Toad on my question regarding him and Palmar in Hammertime when they both were town:
On March 19 2015 12:20 Toadesstern wrote:
On March 19 2015 12:10 LightningStrike wrote:
On March 19 2015 12:00 Toadesstern wrote:
On March 19 2015 11:52 LightningStrike wrote:
On March 19 2015 11:50 Toadesstern wrote: Like everyone's talking about how I'm playing different than I used to last games... no shit I got killed on first cycle like 4 times in a row and lost 4 games in a row now. Last game in particular I feel like I lost because I was trolling too much and didn't get enough out in time which ended in people not lynching Sandroba when he was 100% mafia on my sheet.
I needed to be a lot more serious in that game early on and we could have won
Ya you kinda got lynched because Palmars tunneling you that's the thing in Hammertime. Also I can understand a little bit on why you thought you need to be more serious after JOAT but still it just odd playing with a already serious you.
I mean if I get mafiaread for being different or more serious than I played in my last couple games there's nothing I can and will say about that other than my occasional banter about how that's not alignment indicative at all unless someone points out how different means scummy... because there's nothing I can say about it. I am playing differently (probably)
With that being said, if that's what it's like I'll just ignore everything in that direction from now on and just focus on getting my reads out a little bit earlier than last game and making sure I get them out properly explained. Got angry about Palmar pulling the same shit he did in Hammertime when he should know better and talked myself into a wolf... won't happen again and this is the last post about it.
Ya true about Palmar should know better on that but you seemed to taken it more personally o.o Are you still offended by Palmar's thing on you in Hammertime when you both were town?
from JoaT:
On March 03 2015 08:08 Toadesstern wrote: Fear not guyses for I have yet again rolled neither mafia nor Ninja. Thus I will proceed to kill all those mafias and not be mislynched d1 despite being called fucking confirmed town 24-36hours into the game.
Let me check real quick if Palmar is in the game
not really offended but annoyed. I thought he was town early on doing it on purpose to start some discussion or get some read from me based on how I'd react if he misreads me again like that, so yeah I got annoyed at the possible idea of having to deal with that again because he might make someone else agree with it... Right know I'm pretty sure he's mafia for keeping at it and knowing that it annoys me.
Can some of the guys who think my tone is so awful and completly different this game please go ahead and at least compare that post above with my first post in here instead of just believing all this about how my tone is completly different?
Props for nailing it on my seriousness though LS. Because yeah, that did change, just not the thing Palmar and HF mentioned.
I don't a see a big tone difference on your entrance to this game compared to JOAT regarding Palmar and I wouldn't blame on you on that because as a Cohost in Hammertime I kinda felt bad and I shoulda warned him on his Kill Toad spam and I didn't if I recalled. Also rsoultin not wanting to give her read on me this early to Eden but I don't blame her because I rolled Mafia in JOAT when she was town and called me Town by meta and will have to bleed green this game. So I saw Palmar and Rayn going at each other and saw Artanis trying to stop it but I remember Artanis so townie in Imperial yet when he lynched Town!Palmar he basically looked pure Mafia (Scum if you prefer to use that term) so I might need to wait on reading him esp because he just rolled Mafia in Student VI which I was coaching the Cop and the Vet and the Cop caught him with a Cop check so ya I going to be careful reading him. Also he got a decent point about a chance that Palmar or Rayn are Mafia and the other town due to their interactions esp Palmar stuff early on about Toad and I not going to make the same mistake I did in Titanic and give a easy townread on Palmar Day 1. I also have yet to play with Mafia!Rayn so I might be a bit bias on him being town compared to Palmar so meh. @Artanis who is more likely to be Mafia between Palmar and Rayn and Why? @ExO Where you at on reads considering our past history with each other?
Oh god this post is so mafia
Have you played with LS before? This is how LS plays.
And he's not straight to the point and logorrhoic as town as well? There's so many parts in that post that make me wonder "why would you post this as town".
On March 19 2015 22:52 LightningStrike wrote: I'm back and saw a answer from Toad on my question regarding him and Palmar in Hammertime when they both were town:
On March 19 2015 12:20 Toadesstern wrote:
On March 19 2015 12:10 LightningStrike wrote:
On March 19 2015 12:00 Toadesstern wrote:
On March 19 2015 11:52 LightningStrike wrote:
On March 19 2015 11:50 Toadesstern wrote: Like everyone's talking about how I'm playing different than I used to last games... no shit I got killed on first cycle like 4 times in a row and lost 4 games in a row now. Last game in particular I feel like I lost because I was trolling too much and didn't get enough out in time which ended in people not lynching Sandroba when he was 100% mafia on my sheet.
I needed to be a lot more serious in that game early on and we could have won
Ya you kinda got lynched because Palmars tunneling you that's the thing in Hammertime. Also I can understand a little bit on why you thought you need to be more serious after JOAT but still it just odd playing with a already serious you.
I mean if I get mafiaread for being different or more serious than I played in my last couple games there's nothing I can and will say about that other than my occasional banter about how that's not alignment indicative at all unless someone points out how different means scummy... because there's nothing I can say about it. I am playing differently (probably)
With that being said, if that's what it's like I'll just ignore everything in that direction from now on and just focus on getting my reads out a little bit earlier than last game and making sure I get them out properly explained. Got angry about Palmar pulling the same shit he did in Hammertime when he should know better and talked myself into a wolf... won't happen again and this is the last post about it.
Ya true about Palmar should know better on that but you seemed to taken it more personally o.o Are you still offended by Palmar's thing on you in Hammertime when you both were town?
from JoaT:
On March 03 2015 08:08 Toadesstern wrote: Fear not guyses for I have yet again rolled neither mafia nor Ninja. Thus I will proceed to kill all those mafias and not be mislynched d1 despite being called fucking confirmed town 24-36hours into the game.
Let me check real quick if Palmar is in the game
not really offended but annoyed. I thought he was town early on doing it on purpose to start some discussion or get some read from me based on how I'd react if he misreads me again like that, so yeah I got annoyed at the possible idea of having to deal with that again because he might make someone else agree with it... Right know I'm pretty sure he's mafia for keeping at it and knowing that it annoys me.
Can some of the guys who think my tone is so awful and completly different this game please go ahead and at least compare that post above with my first post in here instead of just believing all this about how my tone is completly different?
Props for nailing it on my seriousness though LS. Because yeah, that did change, just not the thing Palmar and HF mentioned.
I don't a see a big tone difference on your entrance to this game compared to JOAT regarding Palmar and I wouldn't blame on you on that because as a Cohost in Hammertime I kinda felt bad and I shoulda warned him on his Kill Toad spam and I didn't if I recalled. Also rsoultin not wanting to give her read on me this early to Eden but I don't blame her because I rolled Mafia in JOAT when she was town and called me Town by meta and will have to bleed green this game. So I saw Palmar and Rayn going at each other and saw Artanis trying to stop it but I remember Artanis so townie in Imperial yet when he lynched Town!Palmar he basically looked pure Mafia (Scum if you prefer to use that term) so I might need to wait on reading him esp because he just rolled Mafia in Student VI which I was coaching the Cop and the Vet and the Cop caught him with a Cop check so ya I going to be careful reading him. Also he got a decent point about a chance that Palmar or Rayn are Mafia and the other town due to their interactions esp Palmar stuff early on about Toad and I not going to make the same mistake I did in Titanic and give a easy townread on Palmar Day 1. I also have yet to play with Mafia!Rayn so I might be a bit bias on him being town compared to Palmar so meh. @Artanis who is more likely to be Mafia between Palmar and Rayn and Why? @ExO Where you at on reads considering our past history with each other?
Oh god this post is so mafia
Have you played with LS before? This is how LS plays.
And he's not straight to the point and logorrhoic as town as well? There's so many parts in that post that make me wonder "why would you post this as town".
LS reasons almost purely from meta, patterns and all that. I've observed him play mafia in JOAT and he had massive problems posting there. The fact that he posted a lot in a row yesterday night almost confirms him as town alone.
As you see the tone and the intention between me and FF' provoked replies is entirely different. Artanis goes against me with a strong opinion about LS, LS himself
every time i take a myers briggs with a decent amount of time between them I get a different result and therefore conclude that the test is bullshit
I think LightningStrike is scum. His filter reads, to me, like this: LS is having a hard time entering the game but sees someone (superbia) take notice. Lightningstrike posts some replies and simple questions on page 39 to get his activity up before going to bed. His first post after returning is this mess:
On March 19 2015 22:52 LightningStrike wrote: I'm back and saw a answer from Toad on my question regarding him and Palmar in Hammertime when they both were town:
On March 19 2015 12:20 Toadesstern wrote:
On March 19 2015 12:10 LightningStrike wrote:
On March 19 2015 12:00 Toadesstern wrote:
On March 19 2015 11:52 LightningStrike wrote:
On March 19 2015 11:50 Toadesstern wrote: Like everyone's talking about how I'm playing different than I used to last games... no shit I got killed on first cycle like 4 times in a row and lost 4 games in a row now. Last game in particular I feel like I lost because I was trolling too much and didn't get enough out in time which ended in people not lynching Sandroba when he was 100% mafia on my sheet.
I needed to be a lot more serious in that game early on and we could have won
Ya you kinda got lynched because Palmars tunneling you that's the thing in Hammertime. Also I can understand a little bit on why you thought you need to be more serious after JOAT but still it just odd playing with a already serious you.
I mean if I get mafiaread for being different or more serious than I played in my last couple games there's nothing I can and will say about that other than my occasional banter about how that's not alignment indicative at all unless someone points out how different means scummy... because there's nothing I can say about it. I am playing differently (probably)
With that being said, if that's what it's like I'll just ignore everything in that direction from now on and just focus on getting my reads out a little bit earlier than last game and making sure I get them out properly explained. Got angry about Palmar pulling the same shit he did in Hammertime when he should know better and talked myself into a wolf... won't happen again and this is the last post about it.
Ya true about Palmar should know better on that but you seemed to taken it more personally o.o Are you still offended by Palmar's thing on you in Hammertime when you both were town?
from JoaT:
On March 03 2015 08:08 Toadesstern wrote: Fear not guyses for I have yet again rolled neither mafia nor Ninja. Thus I will proceed to kill all those mafias and not be mislynched d1 despite being called fucking confirmed town 24-36hours into the game.
Let me check real quick if Palmar is in the game
not really offended but annoyed. I thought he was town early on doing it on purpose to start some discussion or get some read from me based on how I'd react if he misreads me again like that, so yeah I got annoyed at the possible idea of having to deal with that again because he might make someone else agree with it... Right know I'm pretty sure he's mafia for keeping at it and knowing that it annoys me.
Can some of the guys who think my tone is so awful and completly different this game please go ahead and at least compare that post above with my first post in here instead of just believing all this about how my tone is completly different?
Props for nailing it on my seriousness though LS. Because yeah, that did change, just not the thing Palmar and HF mentioned.
I don't a see a big tone difference on your entrance to this game compared to JOAT regarding Palmar and I wouldn't blame on you on that because as a Cohost in Hammertime I kinda felt bad and I shoulda warned him on his Kill Toad spam and I didn't if I recalled.
Also rsoultin not wanting to give her read on me this early to Eden but I don't blame her because I rolled Mafia in JOAT when she was town and called me Town by meta and will have to bleed green this game.
So I saw Palmar and Rayn going at each other and saw Artanis trying to stop it but I remember Artanis so townie in Imperial yet when he lynched Town!Palmar he basically looked pure Mafia (Scum if you prefer to use that term) so I might need to wait on reading him esp because he just rolled Mafia in Student VI which I was coaching the Cop and the Vet and the Cop caught him with a Cop check so ya I going to be careful reading him. Also he got a decent point about a chance that Palmar or Rayn are Mafia and the other town due to their interactions esp Palmar stuff early on about Toad and I not going to make the same mistake I did in Titanic and give a easy townread on Palmar Day 1. I also have yet to play with Mafia!Rayn so I might be a bit bias on him being town compared to Palmar so meh. @Artanis who is more likely to be Mafia between Palmar and Rayn and Why? @ExO Where you at on reads considering our past history with each other?
FIRST, I bolded the parts of the post that could have any relevance to the game. He answered the open question in the post he quoted and then near the end of the post saying artanis made a good point that if one of palmar/rayn is mafia the other is town. NEXT, I put strikethroughs on the parts of the post that are completely irrelevant. The first part is just "rsoultin did something that I don't read one way or the other" which is fluff. The next part is "Palmar and rayn are fighting and artanis is trying to stop them. Artanis looked townie in a game one time but then he looked scummy. Also he rolled scum in a game I was coaching." Completely useless and just there to pad the length of the post.
The questions are also a little weird here. The first question asks artanis about palmar and rayn but he just said in his post that he has to be careful reading artanis because of a similar situation where artanis lynched town. The question to ExO is just asking for reads, so why add "considering our past history with eachother" to it? I think it's because he is trying to gauge how well he is fitting his town meta without asking directly.
On March 19 2015 22:53 LightningStrike wrote: Okay so Artanis just answered the question while I was making my big post and saying Rayn but HF is backing him up so here my new question directed at both of you: Had both of you played with Mafia!Rayn before and if Yes can you give me a few example posts he makes as Mafia and compared them to some of his posts here?
This post. LS is usually the one to find previous games and link them to other people. He is giving HF and artanis menial work to do when they are already talking about rayn's meta and why he is scummy. This does not look like a town LS post at all. his list post gives my cornea damage and I will therefore be skipping it. I will say that I get the impression that he ordered the list first and gave reasons for why later.I also agree wtih this sentiment:
On March 19 2015 23:41 Vivax wrote: How is that list town. It's void of scumreads, it's like a big "DONT HURT ME PLS".
On March 19 2015 23:47 LightningStrike wrote: I not Mafia I swear Vivax check all my games out if you need proof bro O_o
Confident that he is mimicking his town meta, he tries to get people to only read him using meta
LS just doesn't seem like his normal town self. He hasn't given a town/scum read based on meta from a game he wasn't in. He hasn't found previous games of people and linked them to others. In fact the only person he has linked games for is himself. His posts read like he's trying to force a stream of consciousness when he doesn't have anything to say.
Other than that I think there is scum between SL and slam but not both of them.
Ugh I been told by Palmar and others to not use meta on people on games I didn't play in (or involved) and trying to do that less tbh. I also been told by others to not just link people games as most people wont click on the links tbh (HTS and Breshke told me that after Horns) and trying to be better on that T_T. I also had asked for HF to give me example posts for comparison from Rayn's past games as Mafia and compared them to this game but he failed to deliver that part but I still waiting on that but I still had listed my reasons for potentially scumreading Rayn this game in my filter.
replies to me with "ugh but I'm town" whereas to FF the reply is way more FF-case-Oriented. So, I read these guys as being way less defensive towards each other than they were towards my case. It's more like they feel compelled to talk to each other about something to create some interactions for D1 which is a task for scum.
If you think that's why people are townreading me, you are a lazy ass son of a bitch or mafia. For my paly this game, you need only my filter because except for early on, I don't do anything but troll or self defend or advocate how to lynch me, which you didn't follow so you may not have it anymore. If you lynch me as town, it will have to be out of not listening to me and refusing to engage me which will be your own failure.