United Kingdom30774 Posts
On February 08 2015 21:00 Holyflare wrote: Also i haven't really read the deadline but jat never joins a koshi wagon when eden pushes it in votes On February 08 2015 15:21 Holyflare wrote: If you want to talk about fucking mafia. Have a look at this gem.go to jats filter, press all so it's all on one page
Ctrl + f and type in koshi
Look how jat ignores all posts where koshi is poe'd and comments on stuff like damd only. He only talks casually about koshi and then mysteriously koshi ends up in his poe list of 3 over onegu/rsoul etc that were talked about all day??
Don't buy it in the slightest
United Kingdom30774 Posts
Look i don't care how dumb it is I'm trying to figure out the game
United Kingdom30774 Posts
Uncertainty is sure as shit more towny than "god I've solved the game now it's so obvious"
United Kingdom36156 Posts
I woke up and I never knew that Crtl+F did something o.o Thank You HF!
Omg i think i finally worked out what happend in the nightphase.
I mean what you think happened because I got a tinfoil hat theory I think might explain why you were never were shot or roleblocked.
HF are you the real town hero?
Since you weren't roleblocked and killed I think there is a doctor on the loose and there is no roleblocker for mafia because they got a Vig themselves. I think 1 of the KP was sent towards you but you were saved. Unless we get notified if we were saved because its vague I going to ask this question: Will we be notified if we were saved by a doctor?
United Kingdom36156 Posts
that's not that tinfoil-hatty
sounds more plausible than anything else so far
Idk if its town or scummy you came to the same conclusion as me considering how untouched with the game youve been. doc plus mafia vig plus town vig isnt the only other setup that would make sense aswell
United Kingdom36156 Posts
what else do you think breshke?
TLDR: Doctor for town with Vig and a Vig for Mafia too.
Mafia RB plus town RB plus town vig, idk with two roleblocks flying about it could be fairly balanced idk
United Kingdom36156 Posts
I think that's pretty unlikely, because mafia KP is factional and mafia would always use the factional KP on you, not palmar
Or town rb plus mafia vig and town vig
Ahh yeah so the doc world is probably it then
On February 08 2015 22:28 Breshke wrote: Idk if its town or scummy you came to the same conclusion as me considering how untouched with the game youve been. doc plus mafia vig plus town vig isnt the only other setup that would make sense aswell Sorry I been kind of untouched on the game a bit and last the last time I played in a high post count game it was hell for me to play too and that was in Carol of the Bell Mafia. But that the only thing I started to think when you said that you might know what happened and took a moment to realize the only good explanation for the lack of you dieing was the fact they had a vig and no roleblocker for their power role and just tried to shoot twice but the shot on you fail due to medic save. It's game mechanics unless we are notified that we were saved.