On January 15 2015 11:09 sicklucker wrote: So like I told myself tonight if artanis didnt die hes no longer confirmed town.
So like I pretty much confirmed gb as mafia (unless you believe slam made two highway 89's or whatever) and artanis shrugged it off and made everyone ignore it.
Could you be owning the shit out of us right now in a vivax gb team? Is this possible?
Really, this is the exact reaction I expected from someone who shot Chezinu to throw town into WIFOM. I BET SL is in the mafia team.
Your reactions to the nightkill are too straight forward SL.
Your reaction to DP nightkill was already odd. You were saying that you don't know why you didn't die.
Now you quickly entered into WIFOM mode before even reacting to this odd nightkill. Artanis lynched palmar. He was never confirmed. Robik didn't like him at some point. Neither did I. The only true lynch Artanis took a hard stance to contribute was Palmar, and Palmar was town.
If Artanis were really scum, he would kill Vivax to confirm their theory and go ahead pushing mislynches until the game is over.
What I'm trying to say is From a guy who thought he would die instead of DP (who was very townie and green checked) and was amazed that wasn't dead, a huge change of feelings happened, huh? So Artanis was supposed to die this night, not you? This makes him scum, then?
Your play is too inconsistent to come from town.
I know you like this WIFOM thing. I've made the same shit on mission mini mafia and you've made this on MS Paint, when you killed the only person that wasn't soft confirmed in the game.
I'll lynch whoever makes a team of me and Artanis at this point.
##Vote: Sicklucker
By the way, a team of Kelsier, marv and SL makes perfect sense to me, if marv really is in the scumteam.
On January 15 2015 11:14 Artanis[Xp] wrote: If I died this night, no one would bat an eye and people would follow my list. Being still alive as pretty much the sole townread already creates doubt on both my alignment and my ideas.
It doesn't. Because it's LYLO
And if it's LYLO, you killing Vivax would be the correct play to push your mislynch list.
Unless you're scum with Vivax
But you see, KSC and SL didn't even considered that. They jumped to conclusions instantly without putting thoughts on what happened.
They were prepared to WIFOM the shit out of us.
On January 15 2015 18:57 sicklucker wrote: Like I refuse to believe this is gb's town play. were in mylo and hes goes for a player that is never getting lynched in a lynch or you lose situation. This is what mafia does they cause confusion so town cant consolidate on a vote. If we dont work together mafia will vote together and win.
Uh huh.
This WIFOM bullshit is so beautiful!!
From MS Paint (mafia SL):
+ Show Spoiler + On December 01 2014 07:29 sicklucker wrote: So FF coasted the whole game we can all agree on that. Why would he do that when town was getting completely raped. We didnt hit scum till it was lylo. He just roleblocked himself so he can coast while town killed themselves and is mafia team did all the work. I think this back fired because towns gonna win when we lynch him. On November 30 2014 10:02 sicklucker wrote: Everyone was hard town reading gb ff, your wrong he wins final 3 against me and you. Its in both of are best interest to make it between the two of us. On November 30 2014 08:22 sicklucker wrote: Ok so reading the last pages gave me a headache. Somehow you were convinced mafia was conceding. Chez is just trying to confuse you and get you off your game like he did with the night kills. FF is the last mafia. Theirs zero reason any of you should town read him this game.
Like im town their confusion tactics are working. FF is making a ballsy (probably coached) play. Anyone here On November 30 2014 08:22 sicklucker wrote: Ok so reading the last pages gave me a headache. Somehow you were convinced mafia was conceding. Chez is just trying to confuse you and get you off your game like he did with the night kills. FF is the last mafia. Theirs zero reason any of you should town read him this game.
Like im town their confusion tactics are working. FF is making a ballsy (probably coached) play. Anyone here
OH SO MUCH BEEAUTYFOOL BULLSHIT WIFOM! So much similar post style! Oh! Love me tender
I love how you skip all the things I wrote about sicklucker's forced reactions and how you skipped the huge post I've made on damdred, who keeps silent whenever he isn't the push
On January 15 2015 22:20 marvellosity wrote:Show nested quote +On January 15 2015 22:17 GlowingBear wrote: I love how you skip all the things I wrote about sicklucker's forced reactions and how you skipped the huge post I've made on damdred, who keeps silent whenever he isn't the push what you wrote on sl is just bullshit narrative
Uh huh.
And what about the whole thing I've wrote about Damdred?
You're burying yourself to the ground, marv.
On January 15 2015 22:29 marvellosity wrote: saying something doesn't make it so, GB. sry.
Yes it makes, because you're ignoring every town trait I have in this game just to try and make me scum.
You've done nothing since day1 marv. DP had suspicions on you. You kept saying that I am scum but never ever tried to get me lynched. Instead, YOLO voted for lazermonkey.
You have all the reasons to be scum. Your filter size argument is boring because every other aspect of your gameplay here makes you scum.
Since when you're reading LM as mafia? You voted him yesterday, but what are you reasons?
On January 15 2015 22:32 Artanis[Xp] wrote: So GB... In your world Mafia SL fakeclaims, then 2 mafia start second guessing his claim?
If it is for him to rescind in the middle of the night and get town read for his stupid thing, then yes.
On January 15 2015 22:36 Artanis[Xp] wrote:Show nested quote +On January 15 2015 22:35 GlowingBear wrote:On January 15 2015 22:32 Artanis[Xp] wrote: So GB... In your world Mafia SL fakeclaims, then 2 mafia start second guessing his claim? If it is for him to rescind in the middle of the night and get town read for his stupid thing, then yes. Did it look planned to you? Because if it was planned it'd have to be with Kelsier who originally triggered it.
And I'm okay with Kelsier being mafia, so... yes
Art, chez death fits SL mafia mindset PERFECTLY
Artanis, what are your reasons to scumread LM excluding PoE?
On January 16 2015 00:04 Damdred wrote: I ask one question and none can give me a straight answer, SL and GB are yelling about my activity levels. How are my activity levels different from the other town or mafia games i've played? The answer is honestly clear my activity level here is HIGHER than in any other game i've played before I think.
Anyway, I begged everyone to switch to super d2 to get off of a town geript. I mean begged, and now i wasn't the driving force trying to get him lynched? I really can't defend against a narrative though
Repeat the question, please.
Anyway, I'm not yelling about your activity level. It's not the problem. The problem is your approach to the game, which is different from your town approach.
On January 16 2015 02:53 Damdred wrote: In this situation a no lynch is a bad idea I think, 5-3 is a better position to be in than 4-3. Town has an easier time putting its eggs in one basket and during the night kills more than likely Vivax or artanis dies leaving us with still the same suspects the next day.
Honestly its better to figure this thing out today lynch mafia and go from there and use the towniest towns while we have them instead of letting them die without getting a scum in exchange
Hmm. To be honest, a no-lynch would help us clearing question marks from teams.
I think a no lynch would help town a lot.
Like, people alive are Damdred, GB, Vivax, marv, LM, Artanis, KSC and SL.
Anyone dying will do tremendous help to fit a scum team by PoE.