On August 05 2014 15:56 Eden1892 wrote: i'm not even gonna try to parse ~~Reasons~~ i'll prolly just lynch you d3 or something if i still don't like it
but like... artanis isn't even trying
gd says he is trying now and he unscumreads him for it.
On August 05 2014 13:12 gobbledydook wrote: Artanis finally showed up and did something useful. Poofter hasn't. All he really has done is scumread on the timing of marv's vote and then say he can't read him anyway. It's such a useless, trivial point that occupies lots of space.
##vote: tehpoofter
GD, what did artanis do that was useful, Eden and I are curious?
Also the fact that GD is misrepresenting poofter's attitude towards marv's post as a "scumread," when in actuality poofter just said it was weird.
anyone know if gd has had a town game?
so marry is strong townread and bang is weak townread?
kind of counterintuitive that marry is between bang and kill then.
bang marvellosity vivax goodkarma obiwanshinobi tehpoofter HaruRH justanothertownie
marry Eden1892 WaveofShadow
kill hf gd artanis
u disagree with anyone on that list obi?
eden baby, im not a polygamist. those are the people i would marry. if i was was married to you though, you'd be the only one i had eyes for <3
hf, thoughts on GD's return? lemme guess you are townreading GD. why?
do you know what game he was town in? I can't find it. Only game on the database is his last scum game.
About Wos, you say he "straight you reads you as town", but to me it looks like he's been very skeptical of you.
About GD, you say he has actual reasons behind his reads. Do you really think "no content" is a townie indicative reason to give? And his point of poofter "scumreading" marv for giving an early scumread was both an exaggeration of poofter's read and a rehash of what had already been jumped on by you and GK.
well done hf. you tricked obi.
hf, just because he is scumreading some of the same people you are scumreading, that doesn't mean he's not or shouldn't be skeptical of you. There's uncertainty and the possibility of buses that keep that from being a contradiction.
Any ideas about artanis? he is a major lynch candidate right now, and you have been silent about him.
wait eden you are choosing poofter over me? wtf poofter wants to fuck around on you but I will be true.
On August 05 2014 18:49 Holyflare wrote: You make me happy in my special place for mentioning vivax because i wanted to but didn't want him to go full retard for me doing it i see opportunism here
marv, can you honestly say hf is giving you the warm fuzzies?
Vivax had a very townie first half and a less townie second half.
I'm potentially open to the idea that he may be mafia though. HF, the other stuff could be described by irl business, but this:
Here he's made some pretty bogus read on posts about haru +1-1 post that didn't exist Are you talking about when he disagreed with you about it being mafaish?
k so the new marv heuristic is significance? Problem with that, and with Palmar's thing that whatshisname brought up about scum being the people you forget, is that often scummy people get noticed. Therefore activity centers around them, therefore they are memorable and significant.
literally like your sentences are hard to read