World Heavyweight Championship Mafia II - Page 78
Forum Index > TL Mafia |
Denmark8045 Posts
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United Kingdom30774 Posts
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United Kingdom30774 Posts
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United Kingdom30774 Posts
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United Kingdom30774 Posts
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Denmark8045 Posts
1) "prplhz is not playing to his wincon" you don't believe this yourself or you would pm iamp about it. have you ever seen anyone with my activity get modkilled from any game? ever? no? i have played in a billion games on this forum and i have never been modkilled because my activity is perfectly acceptable, every single time. no host in no game ever would modkill anyone for this level of activity regardless of their alignment (and the whole idea that hosts would use different activity requirements for different alignments and you trying to deduce anything from that is completely senseless). so please stop saying i am not playing to my wincon, it's just a distraction to yourself. even if you think i'm not playing well. i'm not even going to argue with you that i'm not playing well, i'm distracting you who i think is town and that's strictly not good town play. partially distracting marv and rayn as well. i would stop it if i could but i can't. if you think i could play better then why on earth do you think i'm not doing it already? should be somewhat easy for me as sole surviving scum to produce bullshit content don't you think? 2) "prplhz has said nothing" i have a 4 page filter. that's not a lot. i don't say a lot. this game in particular has been hard for me, nothing struck me as particularly scummy especially not in a way i could in any grand fashion communicate to the thread. but i didn't say nothing, i have a 4 page filter. read it and make your conclusions. i voted (one of the first votes for palmar yesterday?) and i gave my opinion to the thread (though apparently not as much as you wanted but there's not much i could or can do about that). if you want something specific from me then i'm around all the fucking time. i just don't see the need to talk a lot because the thread has pretty much been going in a direction i liked all game long and i don't think i've had anything particularly useful to say. the reason i poked rayn about his early read on me was that said he was fairly certain that i was scum because i was shit and that was completely stupid. this is the third game in a row he plays with me and in the first two games he called me scummy for being shit but i was town in those games. why the fuck is he calling lynchbait prplhz scummy for something he knows i do in every single game? his latest case i can totally buy. "prplhz didn't really do anything notable this game so i haven't a fucking clue and it's pissing me off, but still, lets lynch the people who actually did something scummy this game before we lynch him". | ||
United Kingdom30774 Posts
you are in the unique advantage that you know your alignment, we are not, you are a distraction because you are not contributing when we NEED to be discussing and if you know that then you can be discussing with us, i don't see the problem here at all, why do you suddenly become incapable of typing anything?? i liked your post on me and rayn at the start of the game, i was looking forward to more like that but it never came! now, if you know you are town there are 3 options left: phagga, gumshoe and thrawn you raised points on phagga but he defended them and his defence made sense, what did you take away from that? did it make him seem more towny because he could explain himself? have you played with gumshoe before? did you read the game where rayn said he argued similarly to this game with his scum partner? do you think palmar/gumshoe would argue together like that as scum? have you liked thrawns posts? did they make him lean more towny to you? do you think his early game was scum thrawn and he had to flip it 180 because we already caught him? | ||
Denmark8045 Posts
i just didn't have anything to contribute to your discussion, none of your arguments convinced me that phagga isn't the guy we should be lynching. phagga: i liked his defense (pretty much a straight up refutation) but he's still my main lynch. pretty sure i already said that in the thread. gumshoe: yes i played with him before? one time i can remember, maybe more times that i don't remember. no i didn't read that other game. no i don't think it's likely that they could have done that as scum but maybe they could. thrawn: liked some of his posts but mostly i'm leaning town because of his role-pm-defense of palmar after palmar was already dead. i just have a really hard time imagining a scum doing that. | ||
Finland43267 Posts
##vote phagga | ||
Canada3602 Posts
Rayn, in regard to my accusation against you bieng what I think gumshoe would do(like in the last pyp we played), let me point out just how different this scenario is. In that game I had a clear agenda, people were attacking my scum buddy and I needed to do something drastic to look productive and save him. Scum shoe only does what gumshoe would do if what gumshoe would do lines up with what scumshoe wants to do / : this game, at the time of my read on you, virtually no one thought I was scum and I had no one to protect. I could take my pick of phagga, thrawn or prplz, and then take it from there. Theres was just no reason at the time to build up towns expectations of me with a big accusation. The only reason I accused you was because I had genuine doubts, doubts that mostly stem from my growing suspicion that the easy mark is almost never scum T_T(Perhaps thats merely a personal issue). At the moment, despite my paranoia I dont think the reasons mentioned at the start of this post are fair grounds to go after you when there are players clearly not doing as much for town / : if your town (as is likely) I apologize for an ill advised accusation, if your actually scum, I guess I'll have words with you again when the situation is more dire : P | ||
Finland43267 Posts
that's just bs gumshoe. | ||
Canada3602 Posts
On March 30 2014 07:24 raynpelikoneet wrote: screw you even if i go afk for 24h i am more helpful to the town than 80% of the players. that's just bs gumshoe. I said as much 0_0 | ||
Finland43267 Posts
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Canada3602 Posts
On March 30 2014 07:27 raynpelikoneet wrote: Can you show me one post where i have defended Palmar? I dont think your scum, but I am telling the truth, you really wanna walk down this road? | ||
Finland43267 Posts
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Switzerland2194 Posts
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Canada3602 Posts
On March 30 2014 07:30 raynpelikoneet wrote: No i am curious because i have never ever defended Palmar in this game. So, my question to you is: I don't understand why do you assume Palmar should assume what i am thinking and why i ask what i do. How do you suggest town!Palmar should read me if he is not "allowed" to figure out my motives behind my posts? Or do you think it's reasonable to assume Palmar should have realized what i was after? Did you know what i expected town!gumshoe to answer when i asked you my question? Like the same thing as my question to you: "A variety of answers are null, but there is a possibility of scummy one." Why did you figure that out from my question but not from Palmar's? Do you think gumshoe is mafia? Also why don't you understand Palmar's post, it's pretty clear? Let me make myself Palmar for a second: "I don't get why you are asking gumshoe that shit. I can't think of a reason but maybe there is one. Let's see if there is a reason or not. Otherwise rayn is probably mafia. Okay he told me the reason, hmm.. seems reasonable, no need to pursue this further." Everything after that is explaining the motivation behind the original question. Now why is this not an acceptable scenario given the posts i quoted? I mean of course it's possible Palmar was just lazy scum who was not thinking at all and asked useless shit but is it more likely? I can't tell based on these relevant posts so i consider this a null-tell. So if you have some awesome evidence i have missed which proves Palmar was just making shit up for no reason please elaborate. Your case on Palmar is reaching, your case on me is pure shit. You are either insane or mafia and discussing it with you does not help. Is there anything else? (robik didn't lie, your case on me was bad and invalid, case on Palmar was bad). That's not scummy. I simply refused to contribute more until i could gain more info on the events that were going on, which i think i clearly expressed. You then turn on him (around when marv jumps on palm), but always include a bit of doubt in your read of him. I think game is kinda easy because i don't really see anyone being mafia except for thrawn/Palmar/prplhz. Inclusion of other scum reads to buffer the one on palmer. gumshoe - obviously town for the Palmar argument robik - pretty obviously town Holyflare - insane but most likely town marvellosity - likely town, a lot depends on his play later on but nothing seems scummy to me phagga - not sticking his neck out but atm i ahve no problem with him because he is on the right case Palmar - i don't know what he is doing. could be mafia prplhz - i have absolutely no idea what he is doing. likely mafia thrawn2112 - mafia as per my case Again, a doubtful scum read on him, supplemented by preferred lynches (thrawn prp) Thats generally how scum like to handle thier sinking buddies, they present themselves as willing to lynch them from a reasonable point in the day, but are always prepared to vote for an actual townie. And of course then the prp vote, which conveniently removed you from the proceedings / : There, you made me make the case I didnt want to make / : happy? | ||
Finland43267 Posts
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Switzerland2194 Posts
On March 30 2014 07:18 gumshoe wrote: Yeah, I'll vote phagga, [/quote[] And why do you think I'm scum? | ||
Finland43267 Posts
noone is like "wow gumshoe you are most likely town because you made a good case on Palmar which we all followed" noone is like "wow rayn you are so scum because you argued against gumshoe's really good case on Palmar at the start of D1". | ||
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