e: Like...I can't get the coin I need to play arena without winning games in Constructed, right?
TL Mafia Community Thread - Page 40
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United States21170 Posts
e: Like...I can't get the coin I need to play arena without winning games in Constructed, right? | ||
United States6784 Posts
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Canada31494 Posts
On March 22 2014 09:30 VisceraEyes wrote: I'm talking about in general. I've played 2 arenas, went 3-3 in the first one and 0-3 in the second. And I'm losing nearly every match in constructed. e: Like...I can't get the coin I need to play arena without winning games in Constructed, right? Well and doing dailies. Eventually if you become good enough at arena you will have enough gold permanently. You need 7 wins for at least 150g from a reward, and when you do better you'll get even more. Personally I'm not that good so I just make sure I do dailies every day (or save them up from days I can't) and don't play arena often so I have a crapton of gold. | ||
Australia10849 Posts
![]() Game starts and I get a pretty good opening hand. I drop Ysera and Ancient of war for obvious reasons. Anytime I have a guaranteed early taunt is really good for me. Hopefully I can draw into a wild growth or an innervate. ![]() I draw Senjin and a Wrath. This is actually a really solid opening hand. There are certainly better hands for me, anything with some mana acceleration is usually amazing. But this is fine also. ![]() Ok so the plan is to go turn 3 senjin turn 4 keeper turn 5 Druid of the claw. The priest drops something I had never seen before and I either read or understand it's ability incorrectly. ![]() So I fuck up the play massively before this turn. I misunderstand the threat of that bastard thing and instead of doing the correct play (wrath it on turn 2) i try and save my wrath and ping him in the face with my hero power thinking that he gains stats when healing 'creatures'. It actually says 'characters' He heals up and hits me for 3. I coin out a Dingo. ![]() The following turn He shadow bolts my face. HEALS ME, buffing his dude and kills my dingo leaving him with a now 7-4 guy. at this point I am like, Panicking and make my second misplay.: Instead of using my keeper to silence the little dude I wrath+ hero power to kill it and take 7 more damage to the face. Dropping me to 18 on turn 4 with no board position. ![]() The next couple of turns play out in a pretty standard fashion. But I am on tilt at this point. He play's that 1/3 that draws cards. And I charge out my druid of the claw fearing more shenanigans. He plays that card draw thing priests get and heals and passes. I drop Sylvanas and start to establish board control. Next turn he drops a dingo and plays power word shield. Heals and passes. I silence it with the keeper and kill it with sylvanas and hit him for 4. My board position is really good at this point so I am feeling better. ![]() Then he clears my board. He drops soul priest pings his soul priest. to put it to 3 and wipes with circle of healing. Wiping my board and denying the sylvanas death rattle. He plays a Taunt guy and buffs it with inner fire. Luckily I draw into my second Keeper and silence it immediately. I ping him with my hero power and pass. The game progresses with a series of trades. I am ok with that though because I was coming out ahead in cards and some tress and a druid in case things got dicey. He healed. A LOT and I continued to take bits of damage repeatedly. I drop ancient of war praying that he has now Mind Control because he was so aggro focused. ![]() But he had run out of steam. I kept dropping my large efficient threats and he had run out of answers securing a very large lead. ![]() He is really desperate so he drops leeroy to trade with my damaged Ancient. and follows it up with a soul priest. ![]() But with the whelps and the savage roar in my hand that gave me lethal the very next turn. ![]() YAY! my first win over a legend ranked player. Not my first game though. I got rolled by another legend ranked player the day before ![]() EDIT: FIxed retarded Images | ||
Australia10849 Posts
On March 22 2014 09:32 Meapak_Ziphh wrote: guys I made a diplomacy account. Wat do now? We need one more player. | ||
Australia10849 Posts
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Australia10849 Posts
On March 16 2014 23:57 DarthPunk wrote: Currently /in Diplomacy Holyflare DarthPunk VisceraEyes Ranypelikoneet Meapak_ziphh Wave Umasi If you are /in you need to make an account on this site Send me a conformation PM taht you still want to play the game. And I will set it up! | ||
Australia10849 Posts
I learnt the basics by watching this guys videos. Check it out! | ||
Canada31494 Posts
I don't have a lot of time for things I'd have to devote a whole lot of time into, at least not until next month. If it doesn't start for a while I'll /in again. | ||
Australia10849 Posts
On March 22 2014 10:53 WaveofShadow wrote: DP can I /out for now? I don't have a lot of time for things I'd have to devote a whole lot of time into, at least not until next month. If it doesn't start for a while I'll /in again. Of course wave. 1 more slot open! | ||
United States525 Posts
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Canada31494 Posts
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United States25550 Posts
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Australia10849 Posts
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United Kingdom30774 Posts
On March 22 2014 09:32 Meapak_Ziphh wrote: guys I made a diplomacy account. Wat do now? sign up in new thread | ||
Australia10849 Posts
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United States25550 Posts
TLMCT Hearthstone League Update Status: We are still waiting for decklists from the following players: iamperfection - Team Crocodile Battleship Cephiro - Team 3 Please PM me your decklists. Next Deadline: Teams have until Monday, Mar 24 11:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00) to get me the following info:
Once all this info is in, I'll email or PM all the contact persons you will have 1 week to play the match. You don't have to do it all at once, so if for example, the #1 slot game can only be played on thursday, play it then and have the #2 slot game play on tuesday or whatever works best. Clarification, from match rules, bear in mind: "Each player must run 3 distinct classes." so you can't just run like 3 pally decks League Roster TL USER----------BNET ID------------SELF RANK--LEGEND SCORE---Team-------Individual Score Team Rosters Team 3 DarthPunk Kitaman27 Chezinu Oatsmaster Cephiro Team Crocodile Battleship Sandwhale Dandel Ion Umasi JacobStrangeLove Iamperfection TEAM MEGA-LIGHTNING TORNADO SHARKS GreyMist Crosfire99 Waveofshadow Hopeless1der Toadesstern Tournament Rules Match Format: + Show Spoiler + Each match contains 5 sets. Each set is played between 1 player on each team using 3 decks. A set is played pokemon style until someone is out of decks. Whichever team wins the most sets, wins the match. Record the score (4-1, 3-2, 5-0) for league scoring purposes. All sets should be played, even if the first 3 go to one team, since 5-0 is different from 3-2 in terms of league scoring purposes.
These rules are actually pretty simple on the ground, even if they're complicated from the high level. Here's what, you, as a player, will do: 1) Before the match, submit your three decklists and slot # to blazinghand before the match. (or your captain does this!) At the start of the match, tell your three classes and slot # to the other team. (or your captain does this!) 2) The other team tells you who you are playing and what their classes are. Now your set against this player begins. 3) You select your first deck and begin playing against your opponent. When you win, you play again using the same deck. When you lose, you select a new deck. When either all three of your decks or all three of your opponent's decks are eliminated, the set is over. 4) Tell your captain who won the set. League Format: Round 1, each team will play each other. Whichever 2 teams have the highest overall set score will continue to the finals. The finals are a normal match played between the two teams, and whoever wins that match wins the tournament. + Show Spoiler [Example 1] + Team A vs Team B : 5-0 Team A vs Team C : 5-0 Team B vs Team C : 3-2 League standings: Team A: 10-0 Team B: 3-7 Team C: 2-8 Teams A and B advance to the finals + Show Spoiler [Example 2] + Team A vs Team B : 5-0 Team A vs Team C : 3-2 Team B vs Team C : 3-2 League standings: Team A: 8-2 Team B: 3-7 Team C: 4-6 Team A and Team C will advance to the finals, even though Team C didn't win any matches. No-shows: If someone doesn't show at their designated time, contact me to resolve the dispute. If you commit to showing up at a certain time to play the game, and you fail to show up, you will generally be considered to have forfeited that set unless there are extenuating circumstance. | ||
United States9639 Posts
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United States25550 Posts
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