I am not confused.
World Heavyweight Championship mafia - Page 2
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Finland43267 Posts
I am not confused. | ||
Finland43267 Posts
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Finland43267 Posts
Everything else has been said pretty much so no need to repeat it. | ||
Finland43267 Posts
On October 03 2013 05:15 Blazinghand wrote: Is there something about my scumread on oats that you don't understand? I'd be glad to explain and expand. No there isn't. You use many words and your posts are for some reason hard to understand to me, so i need to read them over and over again. I am going to go through the interaction with you and Oats again to see what i think about it. | ||
Finland43267 Posts
On October 03 2013 05:17 marvellosity wrote: It's not like you for me to not understand where you're going and have to prod you, dear. what does this mean? | ||
Finland43267 Posts
I have now read the BH/Oats interaction for 2 times and i still don't know what to make out of it. Guess i know after one more time. | ||
Finland43267 Posts
My activity is not alignment indicative. I know i have not done much, because i have not had time to do stuff. That doesn't make me scum. BH's RNG bullshit (which i am going to go into next) has taken basically all my time in this game. I can't let go of something i don't understand, and everything else has been easily understandable in this game. Also BH saying i have been here is wrong. It's just wrong, because it is not true. I have been here when i have been posting, when i have not been posting i have not been here. Then the RNG bullshit: First of all, how this shit started. In his first posts BH proposes Oats RNG lynch. Guess what. After this it's not a random lynch any more. It's "lynch Oatsmaster who Blazinghand randomized". I can't believe that shit went on and on for pages and i can't believe BH really somehow got a scumread on Oats for it. Oats was being totally reasonable in my opinion, called out bad stuff (HF's post and BH's behaviour). There was nothing wrong with it. Yet Blazinghand kept going on and on with that. So what do we have here: Blazinghand: Proposing random lynch the way he did is bad. Could town!BH do it? Probably yes. Would town!BH go on with it and then call Oats scum for flimsy reasons? I have no fucking idea. I especially didn't like his response to Oats when Oats said "i do this all the time as town and never as scum". I even pointed out the post by BH earlier on in thread. That to me seems like "even if people come and say this is what Oats does as town i still have my reasons to lynch him". Being bad =/= being scum. Also Oats was not being bad, he was being reasonable. Oats: Comes out looking best from that shitfest. HolyFlare: That's not a randomlynch for him. It's not, there is no reason to vote for Oats because it's random. No. Risen: His comments were reasonable and his vote was perfectly fine. As for my reads (from towniest to scummiest): marv: This is the marv i like. He's taken the leader position in town and is doing a good job. Pointing out stuff that's bad and having clear stances on things. I would still love to hear his read on BH (i mean, a read with reasoning), because i have not seen much of content from BH. Risen: I liked his stance on the RNG thingy. I liked his vote on HolyFlare. I dunno why he unvoted HF, could you explain that Risen? I liked some things in his case on Clarity, and the case itself to me tells much more about Risen than it tells about Clarity. It mirrors the mindset Risen had in GoT, almost perfectly. There is a lot of stuff he looks form different angle than anyone else. Oatsmaster: Seems like towny!Oats to me. I found his posting during the RNG shitfest weird, as i pointed out before. But all in all he's having a clear thought process and putting his thoughts out there when pressured (marv -- Oats a while ago). If Oats was scum it would be easy to hide behind his playstyle (where he just calls people scum or town and never explains anything for real), this game he needs to be made explain his thoughts, and so far he has succeeded. Clarity: Clarity looked good early on in the game. I can see where he is coming from with his comment on BH being a cool guy (although i don't agree with it - gamewise :p). Clarity now that i have actually understood the early game could you tell me what was good in the RNG discussion? Yes it did produce content, but imo it did produce content that was based on false premises. After this Clarity asks a lot of questions and does not provide conclusions. I can somehow see what he concludes but still, he's not explaining it. I don't like his stance on BH, i like his case on Dirk. HolyFlare: I don't like his vote still being on Oats. Afaik i understand it's because of RNG, which is not in fact rng for him. Other than that he has made some good observations, then nothing. BlazingHand: This guy is pretty much impossible to read for me. Basically he does whatever he does and to me it feels like all the important stuff he tries to say is hidden in a big pile of words. I don't know where his head is at (besides him voting for me, but that's another thing). I don't know why he finds Risen/HF scummy, and his reasons for Oats being scummy are bad. As for now, he apparently doesn't like anyone besides marv... Sloosh: Scummy. I don't understand his townread on Dirk. Says he will get to Risen & HF when he has time. Never follows that up. Then votes for Clarity with his -- apparenly -- scumread Risen. Dirkzor: Horrible opening post. Horrible follow up. Then he says he wants to lynch me or Sloosh, i don't see any reasons from him. When the thread sentiment turns into "Sloosh looks bad" (Clarity voting for him etc.), THEN he places his vote on Sloosh. Best lynch. ##Vote: Dirkzor | ||
Finland43267 Posts
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Finland43267 Posts
On October 03 2013 21:10 Clarity_nl wrote: That super townread on risen though. rayn how do you feel about risen's defeatist attitude shortly after posting his case? It's weird, but coming from Risen, that's what he does. What do you find scummy in it? Like, is it more likely to come from scum "oh no, i made a bad case, when people do not comment on it i instantly go emo". Do you think Risen would do that as scum? | ||
Finland43267 Posts
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Finland43267 Posts
On October 03 2013 21:17 Oatsmaster wrote: BH's vote is still on me, which is a good thing for him And btw BH's vote is on me.. | ||
Finland43267 Posts
On October 03 2013 21:20 Clarity_nl wrote: I'm pretty sure he just did nothing at all at any point until he pushed OO (scum) hard when he decided to win with town. He was more of a survivor role though and he didn't have to do anything, scum was already winning. Don't think there's much of a comparison. Really? This is wrong. Have you even read his filter from that game? In Aperture Risen is actually really coherant and explains himself very well. I think this is something you should know as you were scum and you guys decided to even shoot him for some reason. Why did you shoot him in Aperture? | ||
Finland43267 Posts
Does anyone know from which game was that? | ||
Finland43267 Posts
On October 03 2013 21:32 marvellosity wrote: It's not a cheap shot, it's true. You're always a possible mislynch and mafia don't have to push you because you're scummy enough that town will push you on their behalf. That's just fact. rayn, my dear. I think we both know that a decent way of reading your alignment is how you go after your targets and how confrontational and aggressive you are. Even if I take your busyness claim at face value, how do you imagine I or other people in the game go about getting a townread on you, should you be town? I am not imagining anything. I am trying to contribute right here right now and it should help you guys figuring out my alignment and vice versa. I am not expecting anything other than you judging me by what i post rather than what/when i don't post. Simple. | ||
Finland43267 Posts
On October 03 2013 21:32 marvellosity wrote: You said it yourself rayn - in minis (and by gad this is a mini) you like to get your reads by getting in people's faces and interacting with people. Yet there's been very little of that this game. DoyouseewhatI'msaying? Yes i see that, and that's what i am trying to do. I was trying to do that with BH yesterday, but for some reason he is impossible to talk to. :D | ||
Finland43267 Posts
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Finland43267 Posts
Dirkzor, Risen, Sloosh, Rayn and Oats (clarity has been mentioned too) should be eliminated 1 by 1 in terms of rating of their overall posting to determine who is the optimal lynch for day 1 and ultimately who will be most useful in an endgame lylo scenario. Why would you say this? Also why did you hide your vote on Oats behind RNG as it was not RNG for you? | ||
Finland43267 Posts
On October 03 2013 21:43 Holyflare wrote: I did not hide it on Oats, I've explained this countless times. I do not know anyone here, so I would rather sit on an RNG determined vote, barring anything obviously striking. Which it turns out has happened and now I've switched my vote. Do you understand when Blazinghand says "RNG = Oats" it's no more a random lynch. It's a lynch on Oats that Blazinghand randomized? | ||
Finland43267 Posts
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Finland43267 Posts
On October 03 2013 21:45 Holyflare wrote: Also, as it progressed I kept it on oats because his play was tunneled and did not bother with questioning other people. So what did you expect Oats to do when people in thread were you, BH and him (and to some extent Risen)? How was his play tunneled? | ||
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