On September 16 2013 08:47 VayneAuthority wrote:Show nested quote +On September 16 2013 08:45 raynpelikoneet wrote: Hey, of course Grackaroni fakeclaimed under no pressure and they staged a full retard shoutfest with Koshi. I also went on with this fake thing. We totally had to do this under absolutely zero pressure. We are all scum, damn Vayne solved the game! the sad part is thats probably the scumteam. you guys are all trying to discredit me and it's hilarious xD still waiting on that case budd0 If you have correctly indentified the scumteam why is your vote on a survivor?
Koshi and Grackaroni are starting to see the light. Good job guys!
Blazinghand: You are getting lynched today because i gave you an option when N1 started; "Prove us that you are helping the town and we might not lynch you". What did you do? Instead of even looking like you are trying to help you told us why it's not beneficial for you to help us and you straight out said you won't do it. Even if you are a survivor, to me you are +1 mafia, because you don't give a fuck about the town. You count towards mafia win condition, and that makes you one more mafia. You need to die.
If mafia really shot WoS on N1 they are extremely stupid and don't know how to play this game. WoS was blue? Bullshit, everyone who knowsanything about this game would have seen WoS is not blue. There is a difference between how blue players operate in comparsion to anti-town players. In case blues do not want to stick their neck out, they still want to do everything to help the town without sticking their necks out. WoS was definitely doing nothing to help the town. Therefore he was obviously not blue, and not town.
Oh and there is no way that there are 2 survivors + SK. That would make 3 mafia, right?
9 - 3 (+2) - 1. Mislynch D1, Mafia NK + SK NK go through. Town cannot win anymore in case SK does not shoot mafia every night. Legit game, yeah?
Strongandbig, I would like you to talk about something that is not me, this doesn't help me developing a better read on you. It might be possible that i made a mistake on D1 and in my read on you based on your post, i understand that. There is a reason i backed off the case on you. After that i have given you time to do stuff, i have posted less so you don't call me out for "shitting up the thread" (which i think i have not done on D1 - i think my arguments have been reasonable).
If you still think that makes me mafia, fine. Then make a case. But now every post you make is the same thing about me over and over again and nothing ends in any other conclusion than "rayn might be scum or not". You seem to think Zealos is scum, i have no idea what you think about any other player than Zealos atm. It worries me.
One thing i would like you to answer SnB. On D1 you started the wagon on Zealos. Remember what i said then? I said "yeah i would be okay with Zealos lynch". Your top scumread (me) at that time agrees with your lynch target, didn't that worry you at all? Why? What happened then, i never voted for Zealos. I voted BH instead and said Zealos is town later on. Why do you never bring this up, at any point after that in the game? Your top scumread was unwilling to vote for your other scumread while he before that said he would be okay with lynching them. How can you miss that kinda stuff if you are town? And if you didn't miss it why did you think it was not worth bringing up?
On September 16 2013 20:18 Zealos wrote: I've changed my mind again. If we don't kill OP today, we will look back at the end of the game and be like "How did we let a potential SK or Squm survive when at best they are a survivor" Stop talking about OP. Who do you think is scum and why?
Another question to you SnB: How do you go from this:
On September 14 2013 06:10 strongandbig wrote: I just reread through old partners filter. I don't have a super food reason why he's town but I don't want to lunch him... It's just, like, I really don't see any good reason why he's scum either. It seems like lynching him would be a policy Lynne on his new attempted playstyle. I'd rather lynch zealos or Ryan whose play seems to me scum motivated / to match their scum meta better than their town meta.
On September 16 2013 05:59 strongandbig wrote:..to this: Show nested quote +On September 16 2013 05:47 raynpelikoneet wrote: So SnB what does Zealos do as scum and how is it different from his town games? not really sure how to answer this. his only scum games were over a year ago. in both town and scum games at that point he played completely differently than he has in his past three games this year (all town) and this game. I guess you have a point - I can argue "there's a difference in his play from his previous town games / recent town meta, and it's scummy" but I can't say " this is the same as his recent scum meta" because that doesnt exist. These are the things that make me think you are scum. You are just lying.
Kushmasta Grackaroni is town. Think about it for a moment..
You mean SnB? I know, i want him to explain his thought process.
Kush the thing is: You case does not prove debears as scum. It's however proven that BH is not trying to help the town. If he is SK we remove a KP from the game. If he is survivor, he is basically +1 mafia because he does not want to help the town. He counts towards mafia wincon.
Townies: Koshi - Trying to figure out the game. Has some very good arguments, some of which are not that good. In any case, everything points towards him wanting to figure out this game. If he was scum he would be the scum team leader, it's hard for me to believe that having played with him when he was scum. This is how i described Koshi's meta before this game: + Show Spoiler + As town: Koshi is really good at solving stuff if you give him the guidelines to do so (see me in this game, see Vivax & me in Sicilian). Koshi is really bad at solving stuff if nobody gives him the guidelines. If he is accused he will go into "i am so bad, damn i am so bad, i know my posts are bad" -mode.
As scum: Koshi panics when pressured. This will translate into "i will not post anything any more, as i can't get out of the situation". Usually he has no direction behind his posting, unless someone tells him how to do it (see me and Acro in GoT - Koshi was already willing to go into lurk-mode when Dandel & Xatalos "figured him out" on N0-D1, we told Koshi to look at the thread, make some theory about what has happened and stick with it no matter what happens). He did so and got an insta town read from Xatalos and a lot of other people.
Summary: If there is no direction in his play, accuse him of his bad logic, and see how he reacts. If lurk - prolly scum, if "i'm bad" - prolly town. If he has thoughts that make sense, read the thread. Where did he get those thoughts? If there is a strong town read of his who "crumbs" stuff, he is prolly town putting the pieces together, if not, maybe someone in scum QT gives him guidelines of what to do.
This was after the GoT game. This is not totally accurate any more, because after that Koshi has become far more confident in his town play. Look at Aperture, this is totally town!Koshi.
Grackaroni: Trying to move the game forward. His fakeclaim was useless, but there is no reason he should have done that as mafia. No way. If anyone seriously thinks (even as scum) debears is gonna get lynched today after how BH has acted, they are stupid. Grackaroni is town.
kushm4sta: Totally different from his scumgames. He is trying to push his reads and trying to make cases. scum!kush is lazy as fuck, there is no way he would have done the case on debears as scum.
Oatsmaster: I have a slight town read on Oats based on his posting style and his reads and the explanations (or rather "explanations") behind them. After N2 and BH flip i should have a better read on him.
Null dudes: Pandain: Some stuff is good, some stuff makes no sense to me. I hope he would contribute more.
Umasi/Zealos/Snodude: I think one of these guys is scum. Atm i am leaning on Snodude. He has done absolutely nothing. Zealos has some posts that point towards him being town. Umasi (GK) had a good start into the game. After that he has done very little. Everyone of those guys need to contribute more.
SnB: I am slightly leaning scum on him. The roleblock claim is something that we need to think about after more night actions, at this point that points into townie more than into scum. I wqould hope he would contribute something other than saying stuff about me and then calling me null..
Scum: VayneAuthority: Bad arguments, doesn't give a shit about the lynch, bad cases that are based on nothing. Inconsistancies in logic. I am making a case on N2.
debears: Didn't care about scumhunting on D1 and seems like he doesn't give a shit about it now. He has basically devoted the game to calling me & Koshi bad.. Makes no sense because as town (or even as 3p) debears is fucking good at this shit. I am not seeing it here atm. This is not as strong of a read than Vayne, and it could be that debears is town, but i need a lot more from him.
BlazingHand: Needs to die. Is not helping the town and it has been proven by himself. He is either (1) mafia, (2) Serial Killer, (3) Survivor who is basically +1 mafia, or (4) some other third faction, that's harmful to town.
We are lynching him today.
EBWOP: To elaborate more on Koshi's town meta. That was actually written after 4 Persona game. When we are both town, Koshi draws the same conclusions i do. I don't have to say what i think fully, Koshi does it instead of me. It's the exact same thing here that happened in 4 Persona. There is no way Koshi is mafia, unless he somehow knows this (i havn't talked about thi with him) and has adjusted accordingly and has suddenly become really really good as scum as is trying to gain a town leader status and putting himself out there. I don't think that's the case.
On September 16 2013 22:26 Oatsmaster wrote: So if BH flips none-scum, am I scummier for being correct rayn?
I think Rayn is scum and debears is town.
No you are not. If BH flips scum you are confirmed town to me because you have been pushing him all game you have been here. If BH flips non-scum, you don't look worse than before (not that you look bad now). I might have worded my post poorly, what i am trying to say is that BH flip can only make you look better than now, not worse. That's what i am saying.
Do you have any other comments on my reads?
On September 16 2013 22:43 Oatsmaster wrote:Im confused. I dont want to kill BH anymore. Do I still get cred? If so, cool  Uh, I dont like your vayne read, and your townread on koshi means koshi is confirmed town. Nice job. I will elaborate my read on Vayne more before D3. It's pretty sure to me he is mafia. In short, he voted for blubbers for no reasoning given. After that he said blubbers looks better and some people (Grack/Koshi/BH) look worse. He never changed his vote. Then he got a scumread on kush. Then he was willing to lynch kush. He never did anything to convince anyone on any other of his scumreads and just left his vote on blubbers who in the end somehow again looked scummier?!?!? After PC he is trying to call people on blubbers scum, calls the wagon "started by him" (lol - he never gave any reason for blubb to be scum, ever), and is suspicious of people who jumped on HIS MISLYNCH WAGON HE NEVER RETRACTED FROM. After this, from his filter pages 4 -> 7 is shitting on me/Grack/Koshi. Now he has "indentified the scumteam as rayn/Grack/Koshi", yet his vote remains on a survivor?
In case BH in fact flips scum it's gonna be awesome regarding information. If that happens look at the start of the game when people wanted to kill Pandain over BH. Look at how i question people about why Pandain looks worse than BH.
Do you agree on my reads on kush/Grack?
On September 16 2013 22:52 Oatsmaster wrote: Everyone who voted for blubbers was bad/scummy.
Pandain is town. Grack is town, kush i dunno. I think hes town cause he hasnt really been bussing it seems. The reason why i am not sure about Pandain is because on D1 he changed his reads all over the place for no apparent reasoning. I mean, he called Koshi/Grack scum at some point, then on N1 they were suddenly town for "look at their filters". I think that can come from townie too, but why did he not realize that earlier?
The only read for him that remains "static" is kush, and i think he is wrong in that read. I like him realizing Vayne is probably scum.
Do you agree with me that at least one of Zealos/Snodude/Umasi is scum?
On September 16 2013 23:00 Papa_Smurf wrote:Show nested quote +On September 16 2013 22:56 raynpelikoneet wrote:On September 16 2013 22:52 Oatsmaster wrote: Everyone who voted for blubbers was bad/scummy.
Pandain is town. Grack is town, kush i dunno. I think hes town cause he hasnt really been bussing it seems. The reason why i am not sure about Pandain is because on D1 he changed his reads all over the place for no apparent reasoning. I mean, he called Koshi/Grack scum at some point, then on N1 they were suddenly town for "look at their filters". I think that can come from townie too, but why did he not realize that earlier? The only read for him that remains "static" is kush, and i think he is wrong in that read. I like him realizing Vayne is probably scum. Do you agree with me that at least one of Zealos/Snodude/Umasi is scum? Changing reads constantly on d1 is usually morr indicative of town. Its hard to figure out solid reads with so little information Yeah i know. It's the reasoning that bothers me (or rather, the lack of it). I'm not too bothered about Pandain atm, if he is town he'll probably get killed at some point.
What do you think of my other reads? You can ignore my read on you as it should get better when you contribute to other reads / make your own when you do so.
On September 16 2013 23:08 Papa_Smurf wrote:Show nested quote +On September 16 2013 23:02 raynpelikoneet wrote:On September 16 2013 23:00 Papa_Smurf wrote:On September 16 2013 22:56 raynpelikoneet wrote:On September 16 2013 22:52 Oatsmaster wrote: Everyone who voted for blubbers was bad/scummy.
Pandain is town. Grack is town, kush i dunno. I think hes town cause he hasnt really been bussing it seems. The reason why i am not sure about Pandain is because on D1 he changed his reads all over the place for no apparent reasoning. I mean, he called Koshi/Grack scum at some point, then on N1 they were suddenly town for "look at their filters". I think that can come from townie too, but why did he not realize that earlier? The only read for him that remains "static" is kush, and i think he is wrong in that read. I like him realizing Vayne is probably scum. Do you agree with me that at least one of Zealos/Snodude/Umasi is scum? Changing reads constantly on d1 is usually morr indicative of town. Its hard to figure out solid reads with so little information Yeah i know. It's the reasoning that bothers me (or rather, the lack of it). I'm not too bothered about Pandain atm, if he is town he'll probably get killed at some point. What do you think of my other reads? You can ignore my read on you as it should get better when you contribute to other reads / make your own when you do so. The main thing I need to address is vayne. did you look ay the string of posts early game rigbt after he found out as debears? The posts screamed town to me. Thats the reason for the slight town read. anyways everyone else is same old. Lack of activity going around. nothing new to really say. It looked townie to me too. But vayne is pretty good as scum, and is not even afraid of bussing. What do you think? Was he right on what he said about you?
debears, about what we talked about vayne. This is what i mean; When he found out you are debears, he got at least a slight scum read on you right? What happens after this. He does never, after that, address you in any way in any of his posts. He does not try to find out if you in fact are scum or not although he thought your meta-read on him was bad. Does that not ring any alarm bells to you? Actually, if you look at the game after that argument with you, vayne does not try to find out whho is mafia, at all. He just picks some comments and says some people are scum because of them. He is not trying to figure out the game, he is posting stuff based on what happens in thread. His conclusions arn't even good.
On September 16 2013 23:59 Papa_Smurf wrote:Show nested quote +On September 16 2013 23:37 raynpelikoneet wrote: debears, about what we talked about vayne. This is what i mean; When he found out you are debears, he got at least a slight scum read on you right? What happens after this. He does never, after that, address you in any way in any of his posts. He does not try to find out if you in fact are scum or not although he thought your meta-read on him was bad. Does that not ring any alarm bells to you? Actually, if you look at the game after that argument with you, vayne does not try to find out whho is mafia, at all. He just picks some comments and says some people are scum because of them. He is not trying to figure out the game, he is posting stuff based on what happens in thread. His conclusions arn't even good. While I cant deny vayne has not looked t9wn recrntly. Why should I lynch him (in whom I see something screaming town) over the lurkers (im whom I see absolutely nothing screaming town. also, do you think kush is town still? I believe you said his case on me wasnt great. Does that case on me reflect his play in persona? Does kush having only one actual read, and a bad case on that read, reflect his play in persona at this point in the game? It does reflect his play in the manner that he is trying to do something. In Persona he started playing on D2, while his reads were not good at that point he had reads and tried push them in his own way. His was consistent and while his posts were not that "good" his train of thought could be easily followed. I can see the same traits in his play here. While i dot think his case proves you are scum that's a big town tell for kush that he even came up with the case. He actually did look into your past games and made a case on his scumread.
I would like him to prove what you asked him to prove. Actually, if you are kind enough could you find some quote from some of your towngames where you actually do get mad as town? The closest i can come up with is your stance on me in Desert D3 start, and there you didn't get mad. You called me scum.
You could shut down kush's case if you do so.
I also think kush has more scumreads than one, you are just his strongest one.
EBWOP: debears, i mean you are the one who remembers your games the best. Maybe kushmasta is right and you don't get mad as town. Maybe he is wrong, but i actually think it's kinda ridiculous to ask him to quote all your town games ever and say "see, there is nowhere to be found you get mad as town". You can easily do that, you just have to find one thing, and if you are town you should do so, because that makes kushmasta to look elsewhere. In case he is scum he might fuck up or continue the tunnel on you for no reason. In case he is town he will try to prove that in other ways (attacking other people).
At this point his tunnel feels justified to me.