Only reason we shouldn't lynch Prom is if you think someone else has a higher chance of being 3p, and can prove it.
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Only reason we shouldn't lynch Prom is if you think someone else has a higher chance of being 3p, and can prove it. | ||
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On May 20 2013 15:01 kushm4sta wrote: @sloosh I don't disagree with you. There is probably a 3rd party. And yes I think there is a good chance it's prome. It may also be prpl but I think he is more likely scum. BUT here is the real question.. why are you making a huge case on SK and voting SK instead of giving any effort towards finding scum? On May 20 2013 14:50 slOosh wrote: Not sure what Ace rule you are referring to, but I'm almost positive he would agree with me. We lynch scum -> good. But scum still have 1KP (since OP suggests scum KP cannot be lowered). We lynch Prom -> great. Anti-town KP drops by 1. If I had more time I would discuss the wagons etc, but I don't. I'm taking out what I perceive as the greatest threat. | ||
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On May 20 2013 15:16 kushm4sta wrote: @sloosh So you have no scumreads? if so who are they. not asking for cases From a general reread I'm leaning prplhz and after that Oats. | ||
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The reason why I was able to figure out the NK resolution while everyone else couldn't is that I am a parity cop. I probably won't be around near deadline though and I'm scared you guys are gonna quick hammer me before I can post my checks so I'm gonna out them now. At least that way, scum have to really consider shooting me instead of trying to quick hammer me tomorrow. To help this, you guys should hold off discussion on my claim until night is over. That way, it makes the decision more difficult for scum to make - discussion about it now is playing to scum agenda. Night 0: I checked DarthPunk because of his miller claim, and likelyhood to die. No result obviously. Night 1: I checked ObviousOne because of his bad D1 play. It returned same, which is why I dropped my focus on him. Night 2: I checked Promethelax because On May 19 2013 09:18 slOosh wrote: Hey Prom, sick pre-flip association reads. You go AWOL last night, blame BH that he calls you out on it but then proceed to blame me for being late for day 1 lynch? You call me desperate scum that went for a gambit on mylo, even though as scum I would know the KP formula and be able to do basic math? You say I chainsaw defend BH even though the person pushing BH was VE and I didn't attack him, nor you in any way whatsoever? Q: If HiroPro was the wrong lynch, why didn't Prome say anything about it? A: He is scum that parked his vote somewhere else to avoid any responsibility, and now is trying to pin the blame of the flip based on the result, not on the analysis / justifications / reasoning. GG. Your desire for a perfect game was your downfall. It returned opposite. So ObviousOne was the same as DarthPunk, who is town, and Promethelax was opposite. No reason to doubt the checks, Prom's behavior matched up with the check, gotta lynch him. But wait, BH flipped scum - what's going on? KISS. Prom is scummy but not on scum team. Something funky happened with night 2 actions. => Prom is 3rd party SK. Wasn't too hard with the check to back me up. Now here's the problem. Somalian War Pirate (Serial Killer) - Now you appear as a passenger (Town) to everyone Town. Prom shows up as town. ObviousOne was checked as opposite with Prom. Framer died night 2 so there is little chance that someone framed Prom. It could be that scum have two framers because the one that flipped was a gimped version, but I doubt they would have framed Prom since it seemed like no one was backing me up. So the only explanation is that ObviousOne is scum that was framed to look town when I checked, which would make him same as DarthPunk, but come up opposite as Prom. Possible, since he escaped the noose barely day 1, and no doubt cops would want to look into him. I haven't been able to reread his filter though, so I'm not sure how much stock I would put in mechanics without behavioral backup. There is also a possibility of some type of busdriver role (probably scum because of balance), that maybe has relation with the votesteal that happened day 1. It might be that stealing the vote lets you bus with the player, but busdriver is pretty hard to use and that might be why we haven't seen a votesteal since that time (since if it was a straightforward votesteal, scum could have easily done so much more damage with it). That brings Oats to the table as suspect. Most of you guys don't trust me, so I'll refer you to Prom's last posts. He was SK, and he was trying to keep the numbers balanced. He was going after scum, and it was clear he was gunning for Oats. You can read his posts for analysis. So yea. Like I said before, please don't talk about this. Because if you do, scum will know if they have to shoot me because I won't be lynched, or keep me alive for the quick win. Also, they fear me getting another check off, so they will want to shoot me - if everyone comes in and says "yea we are lynching slOosh tomorrow" then scum will just shoot another townie and quick lynch me for the win. As for tonight's check, that will be hidden for obvious reasons. I'll post it up tomorrow if I'm still alive. Please don't quick hammer me before I can, in case there's some weird mechanics that will allow us to keep playing after I die. | ||
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Why is watcher a town role? If you can't watch for scum KP, then what else are you watching for other than blue roles? How does town watcher make more sense than scum watcher? Where is his other checks? Why bother checking DP, if not to bluesnipe? So dumb. You guys call me try hard and scum for it even though many of you acknowledge that my scum meta is lurky / quiet (lol at the fail pushes from Prom and OO on this point). Whatever. If trying hard makes you guys want to lynch me, I'll just shut up and hope someone can take a step back and think for themselves. | ||
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On May 22 2013 12:39 ObviousOne wrote: Because I wanted to check if he was shot protected or copped? Parity cop is the only cop check that makes sense on a claimed miller but no detective actions were taken. None. You lied despite your lie being half believable. Except for the part where Prome shows up town to a parity cop. And that all your checks were amazing despite your lack of attention to the game. You would have received Same Same of I was mafia. You claim Same Different. So you didn't consider maybe because I'm a parity cop that my first check doesn't count? You don't consider the possibility of a framer, given that we definitely flipped one in BH? And what's the point of checking for protect / cop other than to bluehunt? It's clear ObviousOne hasn't evaluated my claim thoroughly, which a blue role in this point of the game would absolutely do. And you guys are all too lazy and sheep him without thinking for yourselves. If you want to lynch me for being right, then whatever, I can't argue against that. | ||
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I'm still confused about a couple of things. Was going after Prom the wrong move? I thought I was in danger given that I BH flipped, showing that I was pushing a town Hiro lynch over scum BH. Did I panic here? I knew when I pushed the Hiro lynch the reasoning was sound. Was I in a good position to defend any attacks against me? So I thought I was screwed, and given that SK shot BH, I thought SK would thus continue to keep shooting scum. So I saw it as a "I'm done anyway, might as well do a 1 for 1 trade", which is what happened. Was SK not that big a threat to scum team? | ||
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Now, does that mean the goal was good but the process was poorly executed? Or was the goal of eliminating SK not the best thing to do? If if was a matter of execution, would something like this be better? "hey these NKs are weird what is going on?" "maybe there could be SK?" "Prom is suspicious because [quote my post right before the mega case], right guys?" "SKs tend to look like [insert whatever heuristics I want to conjure up], and Prom and [add another players name] look like this" .... So as I write this ... it's hard to think, why I as town, would push SK over scum. Would this be where I make bs and try to pass it off? I don't know how to do point 2) without bringing up this point. | ||
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.... ohhh okok, so you have to lay down the premise of an SK first right, and establish that they are trying to balance numbers. So how do you push an SK lynch over a scum one? Or was this theoretically possible only because of town's poor condition, and wouldn't fly if they were a in better state? | ||
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So a couple concerns. How can you selectively point out Prom as the pusher of the BH wagon? I thought he dropped a vote on him, and VE decided to push him hard (I could very well be wrong, I only skimmed the WoS / BH mess). On May 26 2013 09:06 Ace wrote: "SK was trying to balance numbers because he knows the Scum team was going to runaway with the victory. Look how hard Prom was pushing to get BH lynched." I'm not sure how I would argue this. Also, how does Prom being 100% sure BH is scum be indicative of him being SK? It makes him suspect, but if anything it would point him to be more likely scum than SK no? | ||
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