##Vote: Raynmaster
We've had a scumread on the guy for a while. I have no problem changing to him for consolidation (and I'm sure my partner doesn't either).
Forum Index > TL Mafia |
Vatican City State88 Posts
April 14 2013 21:29 GMT
##Vote: Raynmaster We've had a scumread on the guy for a while. I have no problem changing to him for consolidation (and I'm sure my partner doesn't either). | ||
Vatican City State88 Posts
April 14 2013 23:19 GMT
On April 15 2013 07:55 ShotgunBiceps wrote: Syllo's words on WoC don't mean anything. Scum give out legitimate town-reads all the time. My best guess is Mock. Spends a ton of time talking about Reyn on Day 1, and does nothing to follow it up or vote him. This is retarded. I was the first person putting the pressure onto Rayn. There are two reasons WoC came in the picture (1) Rayn disappeared for 24hrs; and dsicussing things with Oats is useless/goes no where (2) WoC interjected through my discussions with Rayn to bring up Hapa. That exchange led to me putting a vote onto WoC. And you are retarded if you think there was no follow up. I followed up with Rayn quite explicitly last night before going to bed. GK followed up with a vote. Whether you like it or not, JM is correct. We are essentially confirmed town. | ||
Vatican City State88 Posts
April 14 2013 23:22 GMT
On April 15 2013 08:02 ShotgunBiceps wrote: + Show Spoiler + On April 15 2013 07:59 John Matrix wrote: Show nested quote + On April 15 2013 07:56 ShotgunBiceps wrote: On April 15 2013 07:55 John Matrix wrote: WTF? Mock is like 90% town He was tunneled all day long by raynmaster. Oh lol forgot about that. Well anyway Tunneling itself doesn't matter. Only committal suspicion is allignment indicative. Rayn spent MOST of day one trying to sling shit at mock and you think that doesn't make him likely to be town.? You think oats and rayn would bus all day one? From like the start of the game onwards? 0_o I've seen that happen many times. I was in a scum-team with Jay and Xatalos, and they literally flung shit at each other for DAYS. The important thing was that they never actually committed to lynching each other. So yes I think it's very possible. If this is Hapa talking. Im pretty disappointed in your play this game. But go on continuing that mindset. You are tunneled like just early game. What, because you were in a team that bussed heavily in the past; now all scum teams bus heavily in the past? lol, anyone can pull up a random fact to support a theory. | ||
Vatican City State88 Posts
April 14 2013 23:39 GMT
On April 15 2013 08:22 InsertSmurfHere wrote: I'm not calling or treating you as confirmed town because you never reciprocated. Then you are stupid. My filter clearly states I am waiting for Rayn to come back. & 24hrs when he does. I rail him again over the same stuff. BTW, he lynched fucking red. My points were completely valid on him. Read my fucking issues with him again. Its right here. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=406683¤tpage=29#566 That nailed precisely why he was scum. Why no vote? Because I was waiting for a fucking reply. if i didnt give a shit about it, i wouldnt be saying to oats repeatedly im waiting for rayn Lets show it: + Show Spoiler + On April 14 2013 01:05 MockArmor wrote: ..... I admit you (Oats) gave half a response to question 2. But unfornately its still only half a response. And further, I didn't realise Raynpelikoneet needed a "patsy" to speak on his behalf. On April 14 2013 01:20 MockArmor wrote: Well I wasn't directing the question about Rayn behaviour to you Oats. It was clearly directed to Rayn. Further, his response has been far from satisfactory. He has dodged the core of the matter entirely. I expect this to clear up the differences. .... If you prefer Rayn to continue this discussion, than I suggest you do not reply to this. On April 14 2013 01:43 MockArmor wrote: .... I await Raynpelikoneets response to my outstanding questions. On April 14 2013 13:36 MockArmor wrote: Further, so it is CC who has a scum read on Rayn; no worries, I can wait for that. What is *your* opinion on Rayn. (moc) On April 14 2013 20:02 MockArmor wrote: CC; I still wait your feedback on Raynmaster. On April 14 2013 21:45 MockArmor wrote: P.S. Im still waiting for Raynpelikoneet to respond to my questions from last night. On April 14 2013 21:55 MockArmor wrote: Oats, Im saying this one last time. Your qualm is due to differing paradigms in how to play. I disagree with you; you disagree with me. Whatever, im not commenting on this anymore. If you want to continue to call me scum; man up and build a real case. On April 14 2013 22:08 raynmaster wrote: MA: Does that answer your question aswell? If not, could you repost the actual question so i can answer it? Maybe i'm blind but i can't find anything other that's directed to me in your filter. /rayn On April 14 2013 22:41 MockArmor wrote: The outstanding question is here: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=406683¤tpage=29#566 On April 14 2013 23:34 MockArmor wrote: raynpeli No I'm accusing you of trying to contribute in the thread without providing accountability. This is because your entire dialogue with your "scum read" is subject to change pending on discussion with oats. That's bullshit. Full stop. Further, the exchange with *your/raynpeli* scum read, five touch. Does not even read as if you are talking to someone you are suspicious of. Thirdly. Let's pretend you were genuinely suspicious of five touch. Why the need to consult with oats regarding your scum read. You should be engaging and probing fiveotuch as much as you can. Instead you are reaponding to questions he asking of you. In addition to hiding all accountability behind oats. This is scummy shit, and again the whole exchange does not read to me as if you are talking to a scum read. The other important take of this is WaveOfCheese This is how it went down. When I came back to the game; i gave GK my list of reads. He agreed with them. Rayn and Wave were our top 2. This is why I chased Rayn mid cycle. The reason I had no issues swapping gears to Wave is because *HE INTERJECTED* our dialogue with Rayn to throw shit on us. I took it as a chainsaw defense of his scum buddy. Because Raynpeli disappeared, i continued with Oats. And yes, as you know, town mocsta has no problem pressuring every fcuking person he thinks he scummy. Scum Mocsta stays on one fuckn person and tunnels. Hence, going back to the important take is WaveofShadow dropping that CC has a scum read on Rayn, and waiting for him to drop it. But WoC never does this. On April 14 2013 02:35 MockArmor wrote: Lastly, I am still waiting for Rayn to reply back. Dialogue onus is currently on him. What do you make of Rayn; since you seem to be carrying his torch. - I do believe he was the one that questioned me originally regarding Hapa, ironically telling me we had voted him; when in fact it was just an FoS. On April 14 2013 02:43 WaveOfCheesecake wrote: I am suggesting that scum tend to re-evaluate their 'reads' very quickly. Reading your filter it seemed like 'shit, Hapa totes suspicious", then a post or two later was 'nah, Hapa probs town". I think you've cleared it up nicely, however. In terms of Raynmaster, he seems to jump on things really quickly. In your discourse with him (fuck, did I just use the word discourse?) I believe he came off scummier. Will expound in time. On April 14 2013 13:36 MockArmor wrote: Further, so it is CC who has a scum read on Rayn; no worries, I can wait for that. What is *your* opinion on Rayn. (moc) On April 14 2013 20:02 MockArmor wrote: CC; I still wait your feedback on Raynmaster. We never get anything; yet, WoC has been in the thread throughout this time. With the votes, this is what we get: On April 15 2013 06:26 WaveOfCheesecake wrote: ##unvote vote: Raynmaster Because sheeping on phone at work. Approved by CC. Do it up. On April 15 2013 06:27 WaveOfCheesecake wrote: ##Unvote + Show Spoiler + Alright 30 min to go, cast only went 2 games. Read the thread, Geript, (because I'm assuming it's you who's going on about my meta from The Game etc) if you'd look at my meta from a more recent game than that, Ego Mini, you'll see that I will not be flailing around anymore when a town is looking to mislynch me. I was around for that in Ego and played it differently than I have and it worked out; in this game I'm barely even around and so don't even have the time to go crazy trying to prevent a mislynch onto us, even IF I wanted to. I believe CC will be back shortly after deadline so hopefully we can get some of the questions people have for us answered then and whatnot. Now as far as today's lynch goes, is it Rayn/Oats? Because I remember finding him somewhat towny during my last read of him; I don't know what CC thinks. On April 15 2013 06:35 WaveOfCheesecake wrote: Ugh CC phoneposting so terror. Didn't mean to undo CC's vote, that was supposed to be an unvote for FMB. ##Vote: RaynMaster Trying to coordinate this game has been hell so far, I'm going to have to trust him on this. I would have preferred it InsertSmurfNuke was launched right here folks. Anyone else have a nuke? ![]() | ||
Vatican City State88 Posts
April 14 2013 23:41 GMT
On April 15 2013 08:30 Hapahauli wrote: Oh don't give me that crap. You are far from confirmed town, since you never actually tried to get Rayn lynched. I have yet to read whatever fight with him in detail, so perhaps there's something townie in that, but don't trump up your contributions. pfft. Well if you havnt put the time in to read the interactoins of the game with the commitment they deserve; dont add your 2c. All you serve to do is potentially influence others; when you yourself have not formed an honest opinion. And yes, if you have yet to read in detail; it is not an honest opinion. | ||
Vatican City State88 Posts
April 14 2013 23:41 GMT
On April 15 2013 08:36 InsertSmurfHere wrote: Your friendly neighborhood confirmed town Geript would like to make a public announcement reminding plays that WoS had a mysterious scum read on rain the he never followed up on. Arent we in sync. | ||
Vatican City State88 Posts
April 14 2013 23:58 GMT
On April 15 2013 08:53 WaveOfCheesecake wrote: There's nothing to try. I'm just popping in to post a little because I have to study and I don't know when CC is coming back; I figured he'd be around by now to pick up the slack a little. Do I need to make the same post I made to Raynmaster? Which was specifically why I had a scum read on him... On April 14 2013 00:26 MockArmor wrote: If you are incapable of contributing to the thread, due to <redacted> needing to reference with your partner in general. Why post in the first place? Before trying to bullshit me: keep in mind, I was scum in the last Hydra game. Henceforth why I agreed in full with the Syllo quote, which I will post for you one more time. On April 13 2013 18:31 SamuelLJackson wrote: In a hydra format players should be more confident in sharing their thoughts and lacking the need to comment on irrelevant things as they can discuss things with their partner. Meanwhile mafia still feels the pressure of posting.. P.S. Im not quoting this post, because Syllo saying it makes it valid. The point is. You have nothing to add value with, and are incessatnly saying I have to study; and have to wait for CC.Im quoting it because he said it in better words than I. I get that a townie might be compelled to enter the thread and give a defense, but you arent doing that. You are coming in, and trying to buy time; dangling the carrot of CC. P.S. Hapa made an ironic statement prior. He said, if you guys were scum, wouldnt CC do the heavy lifting. Its ironic, because most of the meaningful convo this game from your filter is from CC. Most of your contributions are making joke posts; or trying to buy time. Both are heavily uncharacteristic of WoS town play. | ||
Vatican City State88 Posts
April 15 2013 00:12 GMT
On April 15 2013 09:03 InsertSmurfHere wrote: Moc, my problems with you is that I don't get that rabid dog foaming at the mouth feeling in you scumhunting. In the game, I could see and feel it such that once you latched onto me I knew I was fucked. I'm also not getting that Moclogic TM but that's less important. Care to explain? Yeah; already explained it. This is a hydra, typical meta doesnt apply. My counterpart is a completely opposite character to me; so we have a lot of synergy. For example; he gives me a lot more patience in my play, and also considers different heuristics. I have found our back n forth quite useful. But as for why I am not a rabid dog. It is because of the PYP game. I made a post in that game speaking of frustration; so trying to change a few things up. The game is live, so I can't really expand on anything. Regardless; rabid dog is attacking anything that moves that I don't like. Im still trying to approach scum with the same tenacity and fervor; just apply a more reserved targeting method. People can laugh as much as they want, that the dialogue with Rayn was useless. But it was far from it. That they completely tried to side step the argument each and every time, indicated that they were caught: hook, line and sinker. | ||
Vatican City State88 Posts
April 15 2013 00:21 GMT
On April 15 2013 09:04 WaveOfCheesecake wrote: You're making a big deal of nothing. It's not waiting to discuss with CC, it's waiting for CC to play the game because right now I can't. I'll try to pop in later. ? If you cant play right now.. why are you posting? As I said, I get a townie trying to save their skin. I have been there done that. By corollary I would also expect you to be making defenses and providing alternatives. Unfortunately, none of this is happening. Instead, you are saying repeatedly "please wait for CC, because I am busy". Yes, I believe that is true; I just can not wrap my head around why you need to state this. It is night cycle, and you can not be lynched or 72hours. It feels like premature insecurity - post scum lynch. ============= With the meta read on me, I am conflicted. On one hand: The meta read was obviously terrible (which is odd why Drazerk saw value in it). Geript points I think are substantial and valid. - WoS does not typically endorse meta cases / let alone create them. On the other hand: WoS has played a fair few games with me; and each and every game has called me scum ironically citing my behaviour as the crux. So even though he doesnt like meta cases (i.e. searching through back logs of post history) he does have a track record of calling me scum due to "meta" tendencies Hence, for me, that case creation itself is null.. ============= The problem then becomes, you created it *only* because you were requested to substantiate your scum read of MA. I think this combined, with your incessant desire to say "wait for CC" and things like throwing shit on MA when we were pressuring Rayn - are things I do not like in your play and make me still willing to vote you come Day2. | ||
Vatican City State88 Posts
April 15 2013 00:30 GMT
On April 15 2013 09:24 InsertSmurfHere wrote: I only remember 1 'meta' case he made on you, that was around D3 in LX and iirc moreso based on behavior with 'meta' thrown in. This was all out meta IMO. [fluff] Last I will speak of this. Every game I played with (town) him, he thinks Im scum. Including the newbies. This is the first I recall he actually made a case of it. Typically he just makes a couple dot points to justify why he is calling me out. But whatevers; even with the meta case as null; "he" specifically is still looking terrible. CC im not so sure of; hes not remnding me of Nomination; and I never read his most recent scum game ?Noir?. I really thought I was talking to Wave the other night, so Im still wrapping my head around that. | ||
Vatican City State88 Posts
April 15 2013 04:07 GMT
On April 15 2013 12:53 WaveOfCheesecake wrote: well i think hes town. confirmed in my brain. i actually have zero justification for this gutread other than gut. love, cc Gutreads are normally based off something. Otherwise just be honest with us and tell us it's something you pulled out of your arse. If you're going to pop in here, give us some actual reasoning for your reads. ~GK | ||
Vatican City State88 Posts
April 15 2013 04:20 GMT
The two ppl that pushed Rayn hard were MockArmor via pressure + JohnMatrix via case. We are both confirmed town. The only thing making you confirmed anything is the nuke. But if that hits town, we are going to have start considering the option of goon/nuke/nuke. As for SB, they are likely town; but far from confirmed. FT; i dont understand the read at all. In my opinion Marv has shown much restraint this game; a trait I am not used to seeing in his play. Its got nothing to do with not being a town leader. Its got to do with being lazy with references etc. | ||
Vatican City State88 Posts
April 15 2013 04:26 GMT
On April 15 2013 13:22 WaveOfCheesecake wrote: goon nuke nuke... mock420... Is this cc or WoS are you calling me and vivax420 scum? | ||
Vatican City State88 Posts
April 15 2013 04:57 GMT
On April 15 2013 13:51 John Matrix wrote: Show nested quote + On April 15 2013 06:40 FiveTouch wrote: I don't feel strongly enough about raynmaster being town to actually protect him. So we'll see how it goes. ~marv Thats the best quote hahahah. If Marv is scum; thats such a hillarious truth. I think its a valid slip anyways. Town are concerned about mislynching town, but certainly not about "protecting" town.. Scum on the other hand, are trying to protect the "brotherhood". | ||
Vatican City State88 Posts
April 15 2013 07:47 GMT
On April 15 2013 16:33 SamuelLJackson wrote: [/red]Well in fairness, we would firstly need content to judge.No it does not, unless you think I'm lying about being asleep and about Sandro's dinner (I can assure you I am not). So just to keep record, so far the reasons for suspecting me have amounted to not understanding timezones, reading comprehension issues and me being slightly less active than usual. []redNot a single content based reason has been suggested by anyone. But keep pretending as if any of you had a reason for nuking me day 1 | ||
Vatican City State88 Posts
April 15 2013 07:48 GMT
On April 15 2013 16:33 SamuelLJackson wrote: Well in fairness, we would firstly need content to judge.No it does not, unless you think I'm lying about being asleep and about Sandro's dinner (I can assure you I am not). So just to keep record, so far the reasons for suspecting me have amounted to not understanding timezones, reading comprehension issues and me being slightly less active than usual. Not a single content based reason has been suggested by anyone. But keep pretending as if any of you had a reason for nuking me day 1 EBWOP | ||
Vatican City State88 Posts
April 15 2013 07:59 GMT
On April 15 2013 16:56 SamuelLJackson wrote: False, I presented content based reasons for the lynch and someone even had noticed the same things (mockarmor). Perhaps that was your reason for finding him suspicious, but it was not mine. Palmar hasn't accused me of anything, just said that I'm "scum". How do you propose I respond to that? Yes, though you would have been aware we were deeply entrenched with other scum pursuits; you still decided to throw that back at MA as suspicious. | ||
Vatican City State88 Posts
April 16 2013 00:28 GMT
Question. If kush is renowned for early hard bussing. Why are we giving them credit for pushing Ryan early on? I didn't have a scum read on Rayn until he was too scared to post thoughts on Marv without talking to oats... Whereas vivax seemed to know very early on in the piece and didn't lock down... Also I'm not sure why so much weight is give. On the qt comment. Is it not something all of us can do? Or are we meant to be treating them as so stupid it was a town slip? I'm pretty sure vivax is better than that. And kush whilst a troll seems to be better than that too. | ||
Vatican City State88 Posts
April 16 2013 01:03 GMT
They've had their chance to cooperate, and they haven't. They're scummy as fuck, and it's time for them to go. Now let's please focus on people that are actually playing this game. | ||
Vatican City State88 Posts
April 16 2013 01:14 GMT
And that's why there was no ued For the smart ones out there. I suggested possibility of second town nuke yesterday. Snb wanted to die, and we had the means to ensure town would keep scum hunting on the chance that they are town martyring. I would like opinions on vivax and the comments I made a few posts up. | ||
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