British Empire Mini Mafia - Page 75
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Mr. Cheesecake
United States3756 Posts
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United States1648 Posts
Couldn't you have waited a few hours? | ||
United States3921 Posts
On January 10 2013 17:19 yamato77 wrote: Let me ask you this, what before that point in time made you think he was town? It's really easy to point to that post and go "scum". Your read beforehand must have been pretty weak. After Dandel flipped I was kinda shocked and knew that I had to reevaluate my reads. I been thinking about the recent events and decided that Zentor could very possibly be scum given how hes been playing. It wasn't a great read on him. One that I think was wrong. Partly it was deference on Hapa's meta assertion. Part that he had a town read on me. And partly that our reads were similar. Also not gonna lie tho he's trolly sometimes I think hes a funny guy and I think that is possible a sub-conscience reason why i viewed him as town and why i was joking around with him a bit. Zentor I think that Zentor should be our next lynch. I have been going over his filter again and would like to show some posts that I think indicate that hes scum. First off hes been pushing for quick days this entire time as scum. On January 06 2013 08:42 MrZentor wrote: Can we kill somebody tomorrow? I want more information. Not even caring who we kill. On January 07 2013 04:49 MrZentor wrote: But we can kill somebody today, right? On January 07 2013 05:09 MrZentor wrote: Hapa, can we kill somebody today? Yamato is as good a lynch as any. On January 07 2013 05:13 MrZentor wrote: Then can we kill Xatalos today? This little gem On January 07 2013 08:08 MrZentor wrote: ##Unvote: ##Vote: Xatalos HAMMER HIM HAMMER HIM HAMMER HIM On January 09 2013 07:05 MrZentor wrote: Also, Hapa, there's really no point in drawing this day out. It's getting kind of obvious who the scum are. Pushing fast lynches again. Wants to lynch Yamato really badly or ShaioPi. I think Given this if Zentor flips scum then Yamato is in the clear. On January 09 2013 10:22 MrZentor wrote: Hapa, you're being FAR too cautious. Yamato is clearly scum, so is ShaioPi. Nobody was killed last night. We can take one risk. (If you consider lynching scum while his scum buddy is gone a risk) PLEEAAAAAASSSEEEEEE Here he gives reasoning why his action isnt scummy. To take suspicion off him self before hand. On January 05 2013 07:21 MrZentor wrote: I will use my hammer vote as soon as I possibly can. It's unlikely that scum will want to have the final vote on somebody, because it will put them under a lot of scrutiny. Again giving reasons him wanting to be the Hammer vote isn't scummy. Why would he be so self conscience of it unless he was scum. On January 05 2013 08:21 MrZentor wrote: I didn't say I would join a bandwagon with any good reason. I said I would be the final vote in the lynching of somebody. And scum wouldn't make a post like that. The easiest thing for them to do is recycle reasons while adding a few pointless one of their owns for joining a bandwagon. Also, mafia wouldn't want to have the hammer vote. Again he mentions do things scum would never do. Hes setting him self up to get away with scummy actions. Also he promises more content as time goes on but never really delivers. On January 05 2013 08:25 MrZentor wrote: 1. I make myself so easy to read by doing a lot of things mafia would be hesitant to do, things that are so obviously scummy that mafia have a lot of difficulty actually doing them. Look at the first day in Witchcraft Mafia for an example. 2. I get more active and generally create more content as time goes on and town gets more information. Again, I'd like to cite Witchcraft Mafia as an example. He makes this post 4 people confirmed town Keep in mind this was early in day 1. Why would he go and call people confirmed town. What would make him so confident in his reads to go so far as call someone confirmed town. Also note that he included him self in the list even tho he hasn't done any real scum hunting or much of anything townie for that matter. Also note his pushing to end the day faster. On January 06 2013 11:52 MrZentor wrote: We have four confirmed townies so far. MrZentor, Hapa, DP, and Jay So I'd be fine with killing any of the others really. I just want to get to the second day already. When someone questions him on his town reads. And why hes so confident in them. he comes back with that he is right. They were all confirmed town. How could he be so confident unless he knows more then the regular townie would. He would know if he was scum. On January 06 2013 12:40 MrZentor wrote: I am actually right. They are all confirmed town. And your definition of what's "scummy" is really messed up. He puts up a list of people of suspects. 3 of whom are confirmed town. Given this lynch I think that it will help yamato alot if Zentor flips red. As i dont think that Zentor was pushing his scumbuddy. Also note that in his lynch chart both Xatalos and Shiaopi ended up being town. On January 07 2013 02:34 MrZentor wrote: The four main suspects are Mr. CC, Shiaopi, Yamato, and Xatalos. Mr. CC + Show Spoiler + He's probably town, and there are two main reasons for me to think that. 1. He's carefree and open, especially during the opening of the game. On January 04 2013 12:14 Mr. Cheesecake wrote: Mr.Z we're masoned you dummy. ShiaoPi obv scum right? On January 05 2013 10:19 Mr. Cheesecake wrote: Hey yeah yeah yeah Hey yeah, I said HEY! What's going on?! Home from my shift and such. Reading the shitfest that is DP-Hapa (kind of sounds like a porno) interaction atm and catching up. Questions, people, questions. Anyone? On January 05 2013 12:58 Mr. Cheesecake wrote: Oh hey Hapa whats up. I need someone to talk to. Wanna cuddle? What you think of Yamato going full retard right now? 2. Two of the other suspects targeted him early in the game. Although it is possible one of them was faking this aggression, it is unlikely, because of all the risks that come with it. If the scum faking aggression toward Mr.CC gets lynched and doesn't do a good job of faking it, then it will be obvious that Mr. CC is scum with him. On January 05 2013 12:37 yamato77 wrote: Do people really think it was that difficult to understand what I said? Anyway CC your case is bad and I think you're faking this read. I don't think Xatalos is that scummy, but he is an easy target. CC is scummy. ##Vote: Mr Cheesecake Mr. Cheesecake Who was he again? I only remembered him after rereading the thread a couple of times. He hasn't actually taken stances on anything that matters (not counting obvious stuff like "we should lynch the scummiest player"). What I'm most worried about is his complete lack of presence - he's basically casually lurking without being too obvious. I'm unwilling to judge him yet, but he isn't looking good so far. From Xatalos. It is possible that he is scum with ShiaoPi, but I find this unlikely considering his early game behavior. Yamato + Show Spoiler + His early game play seems a lot like an earnest, noobie townie. On January 04 2013 16:41 yamato77 wrote: I'm not sure how the logic is strange. You told me it was difficult to think in IRC because there was no time. You advocate making longer, more thought out decisions in this game because of the instant lynch mechanic. I don't know why you guys think this is a big deal. On January 04 2013 17:32 yamato77 wrote: What is disproportionate responsibility? I think there's plenty of reason to give the hammer more look than other votes. It is the act of making the decision to lynch someone, it makes the player into the executioner. The use of the hammer vote is perhaps the most important thing in this game. You said so yourself and now you seem to disagree with me? Why? On January 06 2013 00:06 yamato77 wrote: I will admit I'm not paying as much attention to this game as I should. Honestly my vote on CC was to get a better read on him. Up to that point I thought he was a bit scummy so I figured his reaction to me voting for him out of nowhere might reveal to me his alignment. It turns out it didn't, but some of the things he has said since then have swayed my opinion. I'm fairly confident in Hapa being town, so as far as active scum I don't think there are any. Jay is the only one I would question because his posts have a quality that makes them seem quiet, almost like his opinion isn't something to be valued. Is he scum trying to stay under the radar or just a weak townie? No I'm much more inclined to think a scum lies between Mr Zentor and Rise. Zentor hasn't contributed much besides a lot of setup talk and town reads. His filter is low content, low profile, very much like I think the scum are this game. Rise simply hasn't posted much since the beginning if the game and it is starting to make me question his motivations. Also, the way he pushes me makes me think he's a noob townie. I would expect newer players to think I'm scum, because of a lot of the things I do are obviously scummy. On January 06 2013 17:58 yamato77 wrote: Mr Zentor He's only given a lot of town reads and acted impatient about lynching people. His filter is full of one liners that provide little reasoning for what he wants to do this game aside from Lynch people. He seems more preoccupied with there being a lynch than who is going to be lynched. He hasn't helped town find who they should lynch, either. Hapa says he's a bored townie but he looks like a scum just waiting for an excuse to hammer a townie lynch. Xatalos + Show Spoiler + He is pretty uptight, but he makes some good points in his massive cases; he and ShiaoPi are equally likely to be scum. Well, for starters, I think you're most likely town. I can't believe a Mafia would outpost everyone in the thread and engage in every possible topic. Does that make DarthPunk Mafia in my eyes? Not really. I agree with many things he says, and his filter just reads fairly townish to me - this post for example: In any case, I'm pretty satisfied with your responses. Your counter-arguments to my (pretty weak) arguments for your scumminess are what I'd expect from a townie: calm, collected, reasonable. Combined with Hapahauli's recommendation to wait on you, I don't see you as a good lynch at the moment. Welcome, Z-Boson! I'm glad you're being very townish and contributive so far, which means we have one less player out of the lynching table (I didn't like lynching RiseAgain either, but this is a much easier judgement than that). ShiaoPi + Show Spoiler + Either he or Xatalos is scum, I'm not sure which. It's pretty unlikely that they're both scum, considering how they both made cases on why the other is scum. He parks his vote on a lurker. On January 05 2013 12:14 ShiaoPi wrote: Hmm looks like RiseAgain has still not responded.... Anyway moving onto the matters more at hand for now. I don't think that DP or Hapa are scum, it feels much more like townies at each others throats for minor things. While I can see where both are coming from during the exchange I does kind of worry me that DP does not follow up with a vote as Hapa does. Does not seem to fit when he calls him scum more than once earlier. @Mr.CC Xatalos is kind of a lynchbait in itself. He is not that easy to read (at least for me), but what I have seen so far from him does not really convince me on his scumminess. From time to time he does these 180-turns but usually it is because he lays his entire thoughtprocess out and therefore every nook and turn of his mind is in the thread. He is nullish right now. I want to see more from RiseAgain, so ##Vote: RiseAgain get in here and do something please! ![]() But he also waffles over Xatalos, which makes me think he could be town. On January 06 2013 17:15 ShiaoPi wrote: Okay finally got some time to give out some thoughts. First off welcome Z-Boson, good to have a active replacement! Moving on to some housekeeping: DP's reactions since I was gone seem to me pretty townie, by extension Hapa seems town as well with the entire thoughtprocess behind tunneling being revealed. So I am retracting my scum-leaning read that I had on DP earlier. I am interested currently in these people: yamato Xatalos MrZ yamato: There are many things which would probably be me reiterating stuff that was mentioned (discrepancy in behaviour as hapa said). Not being really present, throwing votes around with little reasoning. But that can be explained by his lack of time due to RL business. could really use more analysis and reasoning from him. Xatalos: I said earlier that Xatalos is a lynchbait. That is because he is hesitating a lot, laying out a lot of his thoughts in the thread and therefore opening himself up for harsh critique if he changes his mind and posts it. His lack of any stance is alarming though. While it is somewhat just his playstyle (IIRC) I still dislike it a lot, I mean day 1 has been going for quite a long time now already, while we did not get more information through lynching there is still a lot of content to search through and find something. MrZ: He is useless, which is stupidly just his meta with the lightheartedness he has shown. I don't like useless people but cannot condemn him based on this. Actually I started this post with wanting to lynch into Xata/yamato preferrably yamato but now that I am writing those reads feel just unsatisfying...There is nothing really much that distinguishes one option from the other. I am reluctant to lynch yamato since he seems legitimately busy, also relcutant to lynch Xata for just playing as he does (same goes for MrZ). Somehow this day 1 has not been really productive >_> Who we should lynch. + Show Spoiler + I don't know which one we should lynch, but I know what we should do if each one is lynched. .....................................Xatalos.................................................................................................Shiaopi............ ................................../.....................\........................................................................................./..........\............ ........................flips scum..........flips town..................................................................flips scum.....flips town........................... ...........................|............................|............................................................................./...............................\.................................. ......find scum partner..............lynch Shia.....................................................lynch MrCC..............lynch Xatalos-.flips.scum ..... ................................................../............\....................................................../..................\..............................|........................| .....................................flips town......flips scum.............................flips scum............flips town...........flips town.......find scum ....................................|.................................|.....................................|............................|........................../.......................partner ...start suspecting people......................lynch suspecting people.................... Hapa and Boson............................/...............\ Hapa and Boson ..........................................................flips scum.......flips town........................................................................................... ........................................................./............................|................................................................... suspecting people..................................... Hapa and Boson..................................... Not caring if we mislynched day 1 On January 07 2013 09:23 MrZentor wrote: Everybody's panicking because we didn't lynch scum first day. lolololololol He shows that he doesnt want to scum hunt at night. There is no town motive for this only a scum one. On January 08 2013 07:53 MrZentor wrote: The night is when you party. Day is for scumhunting. Here he gives off his town read on me with no reasoning. He knows I'm Town cause hes scum. On January 09 2013 06:03 MrZentor wrote: Also, guys, Jay is town. He again he puts him self as confirmed town when he hasn't done anything to prove it,.. On January 09 2013 06:12 MrZentor wrote: Confirmed town Hapahauli MrZentor Mr. CheeseCake Most Probably Town jaybrundage DarthPunk I Hate to Think He's Town, but He Probably Is Z-Boson Scum yamato77 ShiaoPi It's pretty simple. Im going to have a part two as for the things that tipped me off recently that make me think that hes scum. | ||
Mr. Cheesecake
United States3756 Posts
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Brazil2590 Posts
I don't know if you noticed, but I'm prodding around everywhere, and I'm not gonna post every single thing that comes to my head unless I find good reason for it. I agreed with DP quite a bit on his case on CC, but as the day dragged on, he seemed to be trying really hard, and there's no point for me to push him when there are at least two other people pushing him, and CC became quite active. With yamato, the post you cited was when you were asking him a bunch of questions and he was pushing CC, and again, I felt no need to comment on my own conclusions. ShiaoPi I was clear in why I thought he was townie earlier with comparisons to LVII, and if you had a problem with that I have no idea why you are bringing it up now. I'm rather disappointed, I must say. In a game where we are both townie, with you confirmed, I expected to be discussing the thread with you, but you didn't budge and said it was for "your approval", keeping your distance. And now, when you have little to no time, you decide it's time to actually question me and my actions, when you could have already been doing so all along. | ||
United States1648 Posts
As town our main priority is to hunt scum. Unfortunately, we have had some trouble doing this successfully, so I'm writing this to show how I'm going to hunt scum in this post and why it is more accurate than how we have been doing it by explaining the mindset of scum. Also, knowing how scum act enables us to find other townspeople. The way we've been scumhunting is exactly how we shouldn't be scumhunting. We've established a certain set of arbitrary rules and said that anybody who breaks these rules is pushing scum's objectives and is therefore scum. The problem with this is that scum can still easily push their objective(staying alive while lynching townies) by obeying these rules. Scum can easily win by simply waiting for a frustrated townie to break one of these arbitrary rules, lynching said townie, and waiting for another townie to do the same. So if we want to actually want to find scum, we should look back over the thread and try to find people who have been careful to not break any of these rules so that they would remain out of the spotlight. Some of the Arbitrary Rules Townies Created in This Game (And why they're stupid) + Show Spoiler + -A longer day is always better for townie than a shorter one. Anybody who says different is pushing mafia agenda and is probably scum. (It's a fact that townies will lose interest over time if we make the day too long. Would having a two year day be good? No, because all the townspeople will have forgotten about the game by then. This just proves that there is a point at which having more time in a day is detrimental to town.) Also, it is extremely easy for scum to say that they want a long day. -Having indecision over who to lynch or saying that they would be fine with lynching anybody in a certain pool of suspects is clearly scum behavior. (Scum can pretend to have as many or as few suspects as they want, but townies have much less control over who they want to lynch.) -Not having a lot of "content" in their posts is a sign that somebody is scum.(It's extremely easy for scum to ramble on about why person x is scum; townspeople, on the other hand, have to actually find somebody they believe to be scum, which can be difficult, especially during the first few days. I.E. It's easier for scum to create what you guys consider "content" than town.) -There are a lot more, but I think you get the point. The main job of a scum is to survive. A lot of people seem to think that scum have to actively push their objectives to win, but that isn't true. By staying alive, scum is hurting town. Scum stay alive by hiding in plain sight; each of their posts has to be written carefully, because if they accidentally break one of arbitrary rules or do anything to stand out, they're going to get lynched. They have to always be on guard. (We've been lynching people who have stood out, but the scum are in the group of players hiding in plain sight.) Scum do not want to associate with each other; they only do it when necessary. Any interaction between them has to be faked, and, if they do it poorly and one of them is lynched, then the other will soon be lynched also. Interaction is risky, and scum hate to take risks. If you see prolonged interaction between two people that seems genuine, they are either town or exceptionally good scum players. Because of this behavior, there are two important things you should look for when deciding whether somebody is scum or town. ..-Is this person trying to blend in with town?Yes=Scum, No=Town ....-Are they being careful to not break any of the arbitrary rules? ....-Are they always going after popular lynch targets, while never bringing up any controversial lynch target? ....-Are most of their posts them rambling on about why a certain person is mafia, while never bringing up new points? ..-Are their posts genuine?Yes=Town, No=Scum ....-Are they ever brutally honest to somebody or themselves? ....-Do they joke or always seem at ease? Now that we've learned how to differentiate town from scum, let's put it to use by determining the alignments of Jay, MrZ, Yamato, and DP. (Yaayyayay!!) Jay Jay is a (kind of nooby) townsperson who has a lot of genuine posts; he makes a few cases to try to get his point across, but he also spends a lot of time joking. Some of his genuine posts. On January 08 2013 15:11 jaybrundage wrote: Also I noticed something about my town play. This is bad btw. I almost feel ashamed to admit it. But when I dont have much suspicion on me I kinda die in activity. So Hapa just prod me if i start becoming inactive. On January 07 2013 10:48 jaybrundage wrote: Im most annoyed that Zentor didn't really care about who he was mislynching. Frustrating imo. We had unlimited amounts of time to get scum. But instead cause hes impatient he wants to push things along and lynch a townie. I almost wanna policy lynch him cause i hate his meta so much Some of his posts where he jokes, proving that he isn't afraid of town. (Like scum would be.) Zentor has given me second thoughts by posting a post that wasnt completely shitty :D Good job Zentor .On January 07 2013 06:01 jaybrundage wrote: UGUGGGHGH Your terrible at your job hammer man On January 07 2013 08:18 jaybrundage wrote: WOAHAHAHHAHH I Dont like this at all...... like da fuck.... It seems to be moving way to fast all of a sudden. Although he really isn't that useful to town, Jay is far too genuine and carefree to be scum. And I like him a lot. <3 MrZentor Here's my filter from my last scum game. In this game, I actually tried to emulate my town play, but I simply couldn't. I was always afraid to post and joke, and without even realizing it, I followed the arbitrary rules that town made up in that game. Here's my filter from my last town game. Here's my filter from this game. Which two are the most similar? Yamato There are two main reasons for why Yamato is scum. 1) He is far too serious. He never jokes; he doesn't have any genuine posts. He plays exactly like a scum surrounded by a group of people who could kill him at any moment, extremely cautiously. Unfortunately, I can't quote his lack of genuine or non-serious posts, so here's his filter. I dare you to try to find any genuine or non-serious post. 2) His reasons for attacking me and Xatalos's lynch. Look at these post from Yamato. On January 06 2013 17:58 yamato77 wrote: Mr Zentor He's only given a lot of town reads and acted impatient about lynching people. His filter is full of one liners that provide little reasoning for what he wants to do this game aside from Lynch people. He seems more preoccupied with there being a lynch than who is going to be lynched. He hasn't helped town find who they should lynch, either. Hapa says he's a bored townie but he looks like a scum just waiting for an excuse to hammer a townie lynch. On January 06 2013 18:06 yamato77 wrote: Apathy about who is lynched, less scum hunting than Xatalos, less reasoning posted than Xatalos, more trollish nature to his posting. Plus he's advocated the idea that we should limit our discussions in favor of making a decision on a lynch which is a scum favored idea. This is textbook scum behavior. He says that I am scum because I broke the following arbitrary rules created by town: 1) Making the day as long as possible is good for town, anybody who says otherwise is scum. 2) Not posting content means you're scum. 3) If you don't know who to lynch (which will come across as being apathetic), you're scum. But Yamato, like the good little scum he is, was cautious and didn't break any of these rules. Then he kills Xatalos. On January 07 2013 08:11 yamato77 wrote: It seems like other people are seeing what I saw in Xatalos with his case in Shiao and vote on CC. The dude doesn't really care where he votes, he gives weak justifications and has continually changed his reads over the course of the game on a moment's notice to fit his agenda. It's enough for me to see him hang. ##Vote: Xatalos That's fine and all, I had a scum read on Xatalos myself, but look at how he responds to the pressure on him cause by Xatalos's mislynch. On January 08 2013 06:00 yamato77 wrote: I think I made it abundantly clear why I wanted to lynch Xatalos. Contrary to DP's idea of him not changing his play to suit town's opinion being a town tell, I found it frustrating and ultimately scummy. Perhaps I was overly emotional in my decision to hammer him but I was fairly convinced he was scum. I voted after Zentor even though I have been suspicious of him because he wasn't the hammer vote like he said he would be. Everyone else seems to find him fitting his town meta so I thought he might actually have thought Xatalos was scum for the reasons I did. Apparently this as not the case because his reaction to the lynch was to downplay the fact that it was a mislynch. Obviously I was correct in my read of Zentor not caring about who he lynches. I thought that because he wasn't the hammer that it meant he actually had a scum read on him but apparently he just wanted to see a lynch happen. I'll be on for the next seven hours or so sporadically. First he says that not caring about what town thinks of you is scummy. *facepalm* Then he says "Well, I thought MrZ was town, so I sheeped him, but Xatalos ended up being town, so I guess that means MrZ is scum and he doesn't care who he lynches." He says I don't care who I lynch, even though I didn't even lynch anybody. HE DID -.- Also, Z-Bo is scum, but I guess I can prove that after we kill Yamato. I was going to also contrast how Jay and I interact, and how Yama and Z-Boson interact, but I'm lazy. | ||
United States1648 Posts
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United States1648 Posts
I'm pushing for Yamato's lynch. So the only way I'm scum is if I'm being bussed or bussing somebody. And there's really no reason for scum to bus in a game in which there are 2 scum. Can I join the confirmed town club now? :p Or at least the "ProbablytownbutIguessthere'sasmallchancehe'sactuallyscumsoIwillputhiminhisownspecialcategory" club. | ||
Mr. Cheesecake
United States3756 Posts
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United States1648 Posts
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United States3921 Posts
Zentorpt2 This was the beginning of my scum read on Zentor. How would he know im town.. We already have two claimed blues. No parity cop. How is he so confident in his read. He would only "know" that I'm town if he was scum. On January 10 2013 09:53 MrZentor wrote: He just likes me because I know he's town. Also looking at this im surprised that no one else find this to be scummy. When asked by Dandel Ion how many mislynchs Zentor thinks he can get away with. Zentor responds with two or three. HE KNEW IT WAS A MISLYNCH. HE DIDN'T EVEN ACT LIKE HE THOUGHT DANDEL WAS SCUM. Also he states THAT WHEN HAPA CATCHES ON THAT HES PLAYING DIFFERENTLY THIS GAME THEN LAST GAME. HE WILL GET CAUGHT..... HE IS PRACTICALLY CLAIMING SCUM HERE. On January 10 2013 10:30 MrZentor wrote: Ermm...two? Maybe? Or three? I don't know; there are too many variables. Like when Hapa catches on to the fact that I'm playing differently than last game. :/ Here again he hard defends me with out knowing my role.. On January 10 2013 11:13 MrZentor wrote: Mr. CC, Jay isn't scum. Then he makes this little post which makes no damn sense. If someone is pushing a mafia objective then they are likly mafia how can he even get away with saying this. Then he makes this claim about not posting and "trusting the town" but drops it when Hapa says he will policy lynch him if he does that. There would be no town motive for proposing what he did. I think that he got the vibe of the thread of not lynching people for doing stuff that scum would never do. He has been running with this idea all game. So he decided to make a risky play that would lead to a second mislynch. But he drops when Hapa shoots it down. This is the part that gets me "something a scum would never do" He has been trying to pull of the too scummy to be scum crap all game and hes been getting away with it too. On January 10 2013 11:33 MrZentor wrote: Killing people for pushing mafia objective might be the worst way to scum hunt. On January 10 2013 11:56 MrZentor wrote: Just because it is WIFOM doesn't mean it isn't useful for proving I'm not scum. I would explain why, but you can just read through my Witchcraft Mafia filter for an explanation. c: And, if I were scum, that's exactly what I would do. I would pretend to scumhunt. But I'm going to do something much, much more difficult. I'm going to not post, at all. I'm going to resist that temptation. Because a scum would, before getting lynched, spam the thread with their "scumhunting" in a desperate attempt at not getting lynched. I'm going to prove I'm town by trusting your choice of a lynch, something a scum would never be able to do. I think you (deep down) know I'm town, so I would suggest you lynch Yamato. I hope you make the right decision, Hapa. Thats my case on Zentor he just made a big post but im wiped out atm. I stand by the assertation that hes scum. And I wouldn't want to lynch anyone else tmw. I think that i have done a good job of proving it and I believe that Z-Boson is his partner but we will cross that bridge when we get to it. For Tmw we have to lynch Zentor. Thoughts? | ||
United States1648 Posts
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United States1648 Posts
Also looking at this im surprised that no one else find this to be scummy. When asked by Dandel Ion how many mislynchs Zentor thinks he can get away with. Zentor responds with two or three. HE KNEW IT WAS A MISLYNCH. HE DIDN'T EVEN ACT LIKE HE THOUGHT DANDEL WAS SCUM. Also he states THAT WHEN HAPA CATCHES ON THAT HES PLAYING DIFFERENTLY THIS GAME THEN LAST GAME. HE WILL GET CAUGHT..... HE IS PRACTICALLY CLAIMING SCUM HERE. I hope you know that that post was sarcastic. XD | ||
United States9305 Posts
I didn't read any of Jay's case, but something's really strange about his ability to bomb such a giant case with such conviction given how unsure he was yesterday. | ||
United States3921 Posts
On January 11 2013 08:37 Hapahauli wrote: From 'da phone =O I didn't read any of Jay's case, but something's really strange about his ability to bomb such a giant case with such conviction given how unsure he was yesterday. FU Hapa read my gawd damn case | ||
United States1648 Posts
![]() It might explain to you why I know you're town. | ||
Brazil2590 Posts
Are you gonna answer what I said? Cause you are misrepresenting me like a bauss. | ||
Brazil2590 Posts
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Brazil2590 Posts
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United States9305 Posts
Didn't have time 2 play today. Also, the whole reason we're in this mess is because the town has been too dependent on me for discussion rather than generating discussion themselves. If you're town, you have the opportunity to prove me wrong in the next few hours and tomorrow. | ||
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