syllo is still confirmed town, no nightkill circumstances required anymore: meapak is the lynchtarget today!
me defending palmar means nothing! i cozied pslmar around several times! read L. i was buddying him, attacking him and at last i was defending him. he was town. this game i pushed his lynch. i almost shot him n2. i had the killmove alteady typed in. i wrote up the case. the turning point really was his larger post at the middle of d2 when kurumi was about to get lynched and palmar suddenly posted a lot. however his syllo attack was suspicious! if you keep attacking me you basically attacked the guy that killed 2 scumplayers.
w t f cracking like an egg? do you want to get me modkilled because of rage???
On July 27 2012 02:49 syllogism wrote: Supersoft you seem to be panicking in a manner that suggest you are indeed mafia. Meapak wanted to lynch sloosh today, while gonzaw didn't, don't you think nuking gonzaw makes more sense?
sloosh is maybe gonzaws minion and not MZs. my read on MZ is a lot stronger though!
Oh God, touting your achievements.
You realize there are SEVERAL players alive who "killed 2 scumplayers" right?
I think we should still lynch gonzaw today and consider supersoft later. I think gonzaw is beyond redemption now that sloosh turned out to be "mafia".
did you even read my filter LOL! look at the insane evidence. i am a confirmed towndreamflower everyone who doubts this is basically claiming scum or retard
On July 27 2012 02:59 supersoft wrote: who? you? hillarious.
Yes me! I lynched one singlehandedly and through direct action (giving lynch to Probulous) led to the death of another.
What's the point of this post? Are you saying you're more "protown" than me because of your actions? Really?
No, I want to lynch supersoft now. Fuck killing gonzaw, supersoft has been in here talking about how "confirmed town" he is and freaks the fuck out when there's even DOUBT cast on him.
##Unvote ##Vote: supersoft
Knock it off Supersoft. You are not confirmed town. Nor are you confirmed scum.
I would still rather lynch MZ. He starts the game off speaking negatively towards throwing suspicion around everywhere, wants to only vote folks he wants to die and will push his cases hard. D2 he wants everyone to post their various cases while Kurumi is getting lynched, again, here it is:On July 20 2012 03:55 Meapak_Ziphh wrote: Everyone should be taking this time to post their various cases that they have. Since we already have our lynch for today, let's not waste it by voting and chilling. Let's still try and garner some use out of the day. After saying that, MZ proceeds to not post any cases (has been on rastaban for a while, but doesn't post anything new here), despite being around and doing some minor questioning and answering.
The messages that Sloosh received point towards scum wanting to clog up the thread and create chaos. Everyone posting "their various cases" does that to a tee.
lol youre such a bad player VE :D you never ever found scum by analysis. you're just getting lucky from time to time. giving power to proboulus who lynches someone you dont agree with, is hardly "killing scum" pfffff
I get lucky a lot bro. You're being unnecessarily personal in your attacks. If you're not scum I'll eat my hat. Literally.
still waiting for your explanation syllo
It still makes sense for there to be a town dreamflower and supersoft's reactions feel genuine to me. Supersoft you have to understand the necessity to reconsider based on those executive PMs sloosh posted. Also, if you are town and you think meapak is mafia, why do you think meapak wants to lynch sloosh today? I suppose he could have figured out that sloosh is traitor, but otherwise wouldn't it make more sense for him to push gonzaw lynch, assuming gonzaw is town?
We should lynch gonzaw today
i am not at all assuming that gonzaw is town. + i reconsidered you, too. you weren't named, too in this PM. however i came to the conclusion that you're still town
i was not at all afraid of getting lynchet but i was afraid of getting nuked after your stupid free pass to nuke me. WTF! + i was afraid i couldnt trust you snymore and thus my reads are wrong.
If someone wants to be useful, go through the thread looking combing for these
The CEO and I are in the process of figuring who has what - if you have the passive role make a passing accusation of one of the quiet players. If not ask a question / speculate about the setup and possible roles.
Keep votes on gonzaw. It's not a good idea to start switching votes right now unless we want another mislynch. Sloosh needs to die and so does Meapak. There will be prlenty of time to talk about others like syllo and supersoft after we find out what gonzaw flips and night hits. For right now it's not a good idea to get all excited and start throwing votes everywhere.
sloosh you went from claiming to have shot Foolishness to claiming mole?
Katina are you even reading? Have you read foolishness' flip and the PMs sloosh posted?
That is a real claim Katina, a scum claim. You need to read before posting...