Wheel of Fortune Mini Mafia - Page 4
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United States16096 Posts
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United States16096 Posts
##vote Bluelightz | ||
United States16096 Posts
On April 28 2012 23:18 Sbrubbles wrote: He didn't, because VE is dead. I'm saying that was their plan. If VE would have lived. Probable but why didn't he begin setting up VE during Night 2 or at the very end of Day 1? There was a lot of discussion going on and VEs name was off the radar. If he wanted to bus VE that would have been the perfect time to remind everyone "hey, VE is still a top suspect". | ||
United States16096 Posts
On April 29 2012 23:57 Bluelightz wrote: WHERE IS EVERYONE?!?!?!?!?! T_T btw I think Ace is deliberating with his scum mates on how to defend on the pressure (just a guess ><) actually I was out and about all day yesterday. Just woke up from partying but I did read your posts earlier in the morning. I think their rubbish and I'm feeling lazy. Do you want me to respond to them though? ![]() | ||
United States16096 Posts
A known Scum player. Trying to attach marv to some made up wifom is bs. | ||
United States16096 Posts
I don't think any real town player would have tried to shut down discussion in the way he has. His "focus on the lynch at hand" strategy translated to an attempt to get us not to talk about scumreads during all of day two. This seems to me very much like pushing a subtle mafia agenda, trying to get the town to not think about what it's doing. Even though we all knew Zentor was getting lynched barring something extraordinary happening, there was no good reason not to keep talking about who else might be scum. That is wrong. I always tell the Town to focus on the lynch at hand as we have a way of getting carried away by calling out a bunch of suspects before we secure a lynch. That's been general advice for years and if you want a most recent example you can read the endgame post of Death Factory Mafia 2 that I made. If I have tried to shut down discussion in any other way can you point out the relevant posts that show this? I'm pretty sure I didn't do this so I'd like to see evidence. Extraordinary like what? Someone diverting his wagon to move votes towards someone else? The very thing I kept saying not to happen? If by extraordinary you mean something else then be specific and tell us. If you're going to claim I'm pushing a mafia agenda then tell us what that agenda is and show the posts to back up your assertion. A town isn't just a lynch machine. The essential function of a town is to discuss; to get information out in the public and to get people to post things that can be analyzed. Regarding the town as something that just finds someone to lynch, then finds the next person to lynch, then the next, is an impoverished view that I wouldn't expect to come from a real veteran townie. Additionally, how does Ace expect the town to get information around which to build cases for later days, if he doesn't want us to discuss anything except the "lynch at hand", or the "easy lynch" as Radfield put it? Finally, there's the subjects that Ace actually has discussed. Note that he has never actually put out a read or even an opinion on any of the other veterans in the game; except for some soft accusations toward Radfield, when Radfield started to post his cases on VE. If you look at Ace's filter, he actually accuses Radfield of being scummy by "trying to divert the Zentor bandwagon" with his case on VE. However, Ace never has discussed his opinion on Forumite's play, despite people repeatedly accusing him. Unless I missed it, he's also never commented on whether he thinks I'm scum, or sbrubbles, or anyone at all except for Zentor, Radfield, and Bluelightz. To the first bolded: Where have I pushed that view? Can you show me the posts where I have done that? To the second bolded: That doesn't make me Scum. In just about every game I play I ALWAYS say secure our lynch first, then discuss other suspects. You see it as stifling discussion, I see it as keeping our focus on the task at hand. You can flip it anyway you want but show me the posts after the Zentor lynch was secured that I told the Town to stop talking about suspects. Third bolded: Why does this even matter? I not only keep my reads to myself until I feel the need to share them but I don't care about who is a vet. If there is any Mafia player on this forum that ignores "status" that would be me (except when it comes to me since I'm a GOD). But here I'll ask the simple question: If I ignore other "veteran" players how does this make me Scum? I'd really like to hear your theory on this one. This is from Ace's Mafia Manifesto: Deny information - never give the town a damn thing. Whatever you know keep it yourself unless it furthers your win condition. Don't volunteer it if you don't have to. Don't even talk about it. If you are about to be lynched and the town asks you for information evaluate if you REALLY think it'll save you. It won't? Die without saying a word. Don't talk about anything. Don't talk to anyone unless it's to taunt them and make them emotional. They can't find your allies if you don't give them a clue. Read that and think to yourself, does this or does it not sound like how Ace is playing right now? Sure, that is from my Scum guide. However if you've actually read any of my games as Town or my post game analysis, or even the Town guide written like 4 years ago you'll know I also say to keep the Town on a need to know basis. If you're going to attempt to use something I wrote against me at least make sure it applies to the situation. If this is your case then try harder. Instead of making assumptions and running wild - show the posts with this evidence of me committing these crimes. | ||
United States16096 Posts
Day 1 Day 1, I had a small suspicion on Ace because he spent roughly half of his day 1 filter with setup speculation which does NOT, help us achieve our win con of destroying all scum one way or the other. Ace, is trying to 'look' like he's contributing but he's not because he is as I quote from Ace's guide (thanks to s&b for referencing this) 'denying information' to town. On his Day 1 vote, in his vote Ace hedges, ALOT. He throws out random reads and spends half his vote post with '@phagga blabla' and then, his vote is only because of a frickin 1 liner. 2 Things: 1.) Radfield was the one who asked me about the setup and I answered his question 2.) It does. Setup speculation is awesome for the Town. See some of the games I've played on here. I speculate on the setup all of the time and find ways to get confirmed Town as quickly as possible. How is that no pro-Town? This day, Ace was being the most scummiest I've found of all the days that have past in this game. First, on this day Ace was 'trying'to shut down Town discussion, he kept on pushing MrZentor for derp reasons. Ace, kept on pushing the relatively easy targets today, and even said that no discussion of other candidates to the lynch was good. This is bad, because if there is no discussion (which scum would like) we would be very confused on who to lynch D3. Ace also, tries to setup for my lynch during the night, even calls me an 'easy target'. Lastly, Ace NEVER, tries to see on ANY possibilities if Zentor was town (Meta for example). Show me the posts where I shut down the Town's discussion. And yes I did go for your lynch ahead of time as I feel like you were #1 Scum as I outlined all of Day 2. How is that Scummy? Explain. To the Red: I did. And I shut it down. I already said his meta is irrelevant. What he did in another game has no bearing on this game if he does things that Scum generally do. These cases are downright pathetic. Put some effort into it. Go dig up some of my posts and get to work if you feel I'm scum. Really this is just fluff. You even admitted you couldn't find any quotes to back up your points. Lots of implying and jumping to conclusions. | ||
United States16096 Posts
On April 30 2012 02:42 Sbrubbles wrote: Think about this from a different perpective. VE had no idea he was going to die. Everything he said during the night was under the assumption that he was gonna be alive today. Tell me Ace, why did VE make a big case on Rad, who was playing strongly as town, 3 minutes before killing him and confirming him as town? And why add marvelosity to the case? Ace, you're known as a strong town player and I respect you opinion. But you're refusing to put any thought into case and it's starting to look scummy. Actually that is the perspective I'm using. VE has no idea he is going to die - why would he push his scum buddy during THE NIGHT? To the bolded: Look, I can't tell you why VE made a case on Radfield. But adding marvellosity could easily be Scum trying to act like he has a read and throws another player into it trying to make it look legit. I don't think you would find Scum players trying to throw dirt on their scumbuddies during the Night especially if they believe they will live. Why not just wait until the next day to do so? Lets keep it simple here: VE is a known Scum player that had a case on someone. Of all the information in the game that should be labeled unreliable WIFOM isn't this it? Ok lets look it another way if we really believe that VEs "case" on marvell implicates him: it's shaky. So for it to be evidence on marvellosity it should be used in conjunction with some other evidence against him. So besides this VE/marv (calling you this since I picture you as Marv Albert now) is there any other strong evidence against him? Thanks for respecting my opinion though! | ||
United States16096 Posts
On April 30 2012 02:54 Snarfs wrote: Hey Ace, You think marvel is probably town right? Do you think that this looks like scum jumping on a town wagon: No. You quoted 2 posts hours apart where the first one looks like Forumite responding to prp about marv and the second one agreeing with Sbrubbles about marv and dropping a vote. Looks like a Townie with suspicion hours before, being convinced by a post that confirms his suspicion and he follows it through. Did you read the original way this marv wagon got started with prp calling him out? | ||
United States16096 Posts
##unvote Blulightz ##vote phagga Come on. | ||
United States16096 Posts
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United States16096 Posts
United States16096 Posts
A few minutes before deadline he finally shows up and votes marv with some bs post a few minutes later. what? | ||
United States16096 Posts
On April 30 2012 06:59 Sbrubbles wrote: Quick, vote someone else, otherwise its a modkill. I dont think he'd be modkilled though since he's obviously here and actually intended to vote :D | ||
United States16096 Posts
On April 30 2012 06:59 phagga wrote: Ace, I'm always less active on weekends due to family stuff (you can read that up in any game I played), and I wrote twice that was not in reach of a comp for proper analysis and posting. Also, I did not hammer marv, s&b did. Doesn't matter. You were missing the ENTIRE TIME and just so happened to show up near deadline. | ||
United States16096 Posts
On April 30 2012 07:01 prplhz wrote: Dunno, I've been pretty active since 2.5 hours before deadline. Ace comes in 10 mins before deadline and yells at people who came in 15 mins before deadline. Hilarious/ridiculous. What can I say - I've got an epic flair for the dramatic. On April 30 2012 07:01 strongandbig wrote: Marv has stopped trying and told people to vote him. Where's the "EVERYONE VOTE ZENTOR HE'S NOT TRYING AND TOLD US TO VOTE HIM" "oh well more prize money for us" Ace of yesteryear? that was yesterday. Today is a new day ![]() http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWfbGGZE07M | ||
United States16096 Posts
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United States16096 Posts
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United States16096 Posts
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United States16096 Posts
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