On March 03 2012 09:23 wherebugsgo wrote: nah I'm just mad that kita can display total knowledge of a scum role and then actually manage to get away withit.
gg, town loses when I get lynched. sorry for my bad play. probably should've trolled harder, that was the only time people listened to me.
Where have I heard this before? Hmmmmmm......OH YEAH
On March 03 2012 06:52 RebirthOfLeGenD wrote: lol just turned laptop on form work. gg guys way to blow the game exactly as I predicted two days ago.
Clearly that tactic didn't work with RoL. Who knows though, maybe you'll get lucky Bugs?
At least we don't have to worry about Toad misfiring tonight, AMIRITE? 
I kid, I kid...you're still a bro Toad.
On March 03 2012 09:39 wherebugsgo wrote:sorry; I don't mean to be negative but I'm not ragequitting. Show nested quote +On March 03 2012 09:26 VisceraEyes wrote:On March 03 2012 09:23 wherebugsgo wrote: nah I'm just mad that kita can display total knowledge of a scum role and then actually manage to get away withit.
gg, town loses when I get lynched. sorry for my bad play. probably should've trolled harder, that was the only time people listened to me. Where have I heard this before? Hmmmmmm......OH YEAH On March 03 2012 06:52 RebirthOfLeGenD wrote: lol just turned laptop on form work. gg guys way to blow the game exactly as I predicted two days ago. Clearly that tactic didn't work with RoL. Who knows though, maybe you'll get lucky Bugs? I'm not ragequitting, I'm just leaving for the night because there's nothing more I can do right now. I can reread all I want but I'm not the one that needs convincing. it's nightphase and there's no point in me continuing to try to bash my head against a brick wall. The evidence is there if you're town and you want to look at it. Kita on day 1 hinted at the existence of a poisoner; lo and behold poisoner is the first mafia role to flip. Kita rolefishes for a protection role after basically claiming what I claimed to him in the QT, minus the doctor. In addition, just ask yourself: why would syllo consider me town, town enough to give me a potion? why would I consider kita near-confirmed? why would I bother explaining anything of what I said? Something to ponder: why have you not asked me why syllo would give me a potion if he knew I was weak doctor? (that's something I think a townie would want to know the answer to) Why would I hold back on the roleclaim on d3? I was in a position where I thought you were scum on d3. I thought I had you trapped in that you were pursuing the most easily confirmable town role in the game. And then I realized scum could read everything I was writing and went "oh shit I shouldn't claim now bc I'll just be rb'ed." Ofc it didn't matter, scum knew based on what I was saying that I had some sort of role. at any rate, I'm mostly mad at myself for basically committing XLV-level play all over again. This game has been exceedingly frustrating to deal with because the discussion has been poor and the results (up till today) have been unforgiving. syllo seemed very unmotivated to me when we were speaking and that did nothing to help because even the best townie didn't care about the outcome. This is also why I've been forgiving to players like BC and RoL, who have been completely absent. I disagree with you that BC is top-notch town, but I've agreed with everything he's said all game (what little of it, anyway.) When people are playing at this level, there's no motivation to post. The only motivation is the self-motivation to win. That's why I post. Maybe BC doesn't have that. I care about whether we win or not, and scum are doing really well even if RoL was completely useless. We are not doing as well, and we cannot afford to lynch another townie. However, there is an easy solution to tomorrow and if I'm right (for once) then tomorrow will be easy and there won't be anything to explain. We'll see after the nightpost, as I'm 100% sure I will live tonight.
So you think scum are doing well huh?
By your estimation, Kitaman has basically confirmed himself as scum right? RoL just died. Either layabout or Tyrran (presumably) are scum by way of counter-claim. It seems to me that scum are doing really poorly no? Why don't you explain that statement in a way that doesn't come off as fear-mongering? While it's true that town hasn't lynched scum until today, that is in no way due to 'scum doing really well' in my opinion.
In fact, based on RoL's flip - I'd venture to say that scum are playing extremely poorly. Like, VE in Hammer-level poorly.
Where are you at on BC bugs? BC was one of four people on the Toadesstern lynch. What do you think about that dude?
On March 03 2012 11:21 wherebugsgo wrote: The only thing I don't like about BC is that he's been inactive as hell, but as he's explained that and as I see no reason for anyone to actually want to play this game, I think it's understandable he has no motivation to post.
Saying shit like "I see no reason for anyone to actually want to play this game" is scummy as fuck bugs. Like, why? Why do you think it's okay to sign up for a game only to lose interest when people herp and derp around? THAT'S A FUCKING GIVEN IN THIS GAME! The community is growing, meaning we have a lot of new players who don't know what is and isn't indicative of alignment, and saying something like this only serves to breed apathy among the newer players, MAKING THE PROBLEM EVEN WORSE, NOT BETTER.
Apathy is NOT OKAY guys! Scum are NOT just going to tell us who they are, we have to KEEP TRYING NO MATTER HOW HOPELESS. Or give up. Does anyone just want to GIVE the game to scum? I don't.
Thanks for your thoughts bugs. I'm sure they'll be further illuminating come dawn.
On March 03 2012 11:46 BloodyC0bbler wrote:Show nested quote +On March 03 2012 11:38 VisceraEyes wrote:On March 03 2012 11:21 wherebugsgo wrote: The only thing I don't like about BC is that he's been inactive as hell, but as he's explained that and as I see no reason for anyone to actually want to play this game, I think it's understandable he has no motivation to post. GOD QUIT SAYING SCUMMY THINGS Saying shit like "I see no reason for anyone to actually want to play this game" is scummy as fuck bugs. Like, why? Why do you think it's okay to sign up for a game only to lose interest when people herp and derp around? THAT'S A FUCKING GIVEN IN THIS GAME! The community is growing, meaning we have a lot of new players who don't know what is and isn't indicative of alignment, and saying something like this only serves to breed apathy among the newer players, MAKING THE PROBLEM EVEN WORSE, NOT BETTER. Apathy is NOT OKAY guys! Scum are NOT just going to tell us who they are, we have to KEEP TRYING NO MATTER HOW HOPELESS. Or give up. Does anyone just want to GIVE the game to scum? I don't. /rant Thanks for your thoughts bugs. I'm sure they'll be further illuminating come dawn. Why do players expect players to invest time into a game when everyone else is herp derping? There is no logical reason a person would put their personal time into a game where people don't give a shit at all and spend all their time either purposely or not purposely pissing people off and ruining the fun of the game. Why would anyone invest their time and effort and attempt to do something that no one gives a shit about? Near no one, its fighting an uphill battle that near no one would want to deal with it. This game also included invites to respected vet players as well as respected newbies. Everyone was expected to play well and I only joined as palmar said this would be different from near every game where people act like retards and make the game unenjoyable. It so far has not been and has had worse overall play than in AC where i facepalmed as a host at both town and mafia near consistently. Players opting to just not play a game that no one cares about anyway is clearly logical and even if you say it continues the problem you mention in a game that had heavy invites with very little people let to sign up means players should not be herp derping period as that continues apathy far more than players just opting to say fuck it and do other things.
Because you signed up to play BC. I'm sorry the standard of play hasn't been to your liking. Seriously, I'm sorry we've disappointed you on the whole. But that does NOT excuse apathy. Seriously, it doesn't. Get replaced if you can't take the idiocy. Even if it results in a ban, you sound like that doesn't even matter to you. I'd rather have someone in here actually trying than someone in here constantly bitching about how stupid everyone is and how they shouldn't have signed up in the first place.
Also, I'm not widely regarded as horrible am I? Dramatic I'd believe...but horrible?

Nah, I'm not worked up. Just wanted to get that out of my system before the game ended. In spite of hitting red, with scum KP being uncertain and the looming threat of a third party, we still might lose this before the night is over. Even if we've nailed the final scum.
Just venting, nothing to see here.
Can anyone give their thoughts on Tyrran/Layabout?
One of them is sure to be scum right? Is it possible we have 2 operators, 1 scum and 1 town? Any chance of them both being town?
Tyrran/Layabout: Please explain your actions this game. Give reasoning for your choices for masons. Layabout has a head start.
##Vote: wherebugsgo
I'm still playing, but you're confusing me bugs. I'm just trying to keep my resolve for lynching you.
Maybe you can explain this to me bugs - why would you protect me/scum shoot me?
On March 06 2012 04:44 Jitsu wrote:Also, I was never actually mason'd. @VE, I typed this up yesterday, but had qualms about posting it. If you are here, and still give any fucks, read it and give me an opinion. I kinda disregarded it as not logical, but I actually am not sure anymore. Read it and see if it makes sense. I read it over and revised it a bit, and i'm torn between this line of thinking (below) and sticking with my gut. + Show Spoiler +Thoughts on Layabout/Tyrran, and actually what the rest of the game looks like -
I'm actually convinced more to the fact that Tyrran is scum, but only by a small margin. I was thinking about it the last day and a half, and it's the only thing that I can come up with.
LayAbout claims Operator. He explains his reasoning as to who and why he mason'd. 5 minutes left in the day, and Tyrran joins the thread and claims "Phone Operator" and that LayAbout is scum. RoL changes his vote from Toad to LayAbout.
Before I continue, why would a mafia player do that? Why would a player, who is about to be lynched, vote for another player on their team to throw votes off of them? It doesn't make sense, because not only is a mafia player going to be lynched anyway (if the majority of town has second thoughts), but you just revealed who another mafia player is.
So Tyrran comes in and Counter-Claims, RoL votes for LayAbout, no one buys it, RoL is lynched and flips red.
Night occurs, Day comes and no one dies. Not going to bother commenting on that, since there could be so many possibilities, and it's all conjecture.
The real operator, who let's say is LayAbout, connects me and Cwave, but since he was outed in the thread, there is a large possibility he was role-blocked (this could have happened to either operator) which is why we didn't get connected. However, Tyrran came into the thread first, before LayAbout, to reveal who he connected. How would someone NOT the Operator know who was connected? It would mean that one of the two people connected was a mafia player.
Cwave and I were connected, however, I had no knowledge of this. I believe that I was roleblocked and not let into the Mason QT. However, Cwave was, and knew that we were supposed to be connected. Cwave told Tyrran, who reported his connection to the thread, before LayAbout.
But Cwave was confirmed as a Town player, by kita. So that would mean that, all of Tyrran, Cwave, and kita would be the last remaining Scum.
But that would make Cwave confirmed by scum - which doesn't mean anything. I don't know, I think WBG, BC and Layabout are the scums and we're just second guessing. Resolve.
WBG would be in here having a conniption fit if he were town - the fact that he's not here makes me think he's trying to set me up for a fall by 'confirming' me when he knows he's about to flip red.
And by your estimation, in a game this dead, where "no one is playing the game", the scumteam all hopped on a SCUM member rather than all hopping on a townie? That's what you're saying?
You're saying that there was a two-way scum lynch yesterday, and scum were all on one and town were all on the other - that's what you're suggesting?
On February 17 2012 06:29 VisceraEyes wrote: Guys I can't defend a case that doesn't exist. Everyone seems to agree that I can't possibly be town, so why is there no case against me? Points to defend? This wagon is fucking awful guys, vote for Kurumi! What the holy fuck?
On March 06 2012 06:33 wherebugsgo wrote: Why don't you and Toad come up with the "shitload of evidence" you keep spouting exists on me being scum?
I've asked a half dozen times now and not once have I been met with a case.
I had a similar problem in AC bugs...it's probably useless regardless of your alignment.
On March 06 2012 06:52 kitaman27 wrote:Show nested quote +On March 06 2012 06:48 Cwave wrote: @Kita: I have an issue with a post you did earlier. Explain your role to me please. Do you get a town/scum read or a green/blue/red one. If my target is scum, I die. If my target is town, I live. I don't get the color of my check back, but if you're talking about an instance where I called toad green, it just refers to the fact that he is town aligned, not vanilla townie. We already know he is blue due to his avenger claim.
His avenger claim is still untested though. Could he be scum that you checked while roleblocked?
Could it be something like Toad, bugs, layabout/Tyrran, RoL?
It's not like the Ancients even NEED defending if you think about it.
Well...that was easy. Who's next guys?