Kill annul. No other wagon should be going on at the moment, he's two votes away from being killed, don't fucking let him escape again.
Goddamnit Zephirdd.
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Iceland22632 Posts
Kill annul. No other wagon should be going on at the moment, he's two votes away from being killed, don't fucking let him escape again. Goddamnit Zephirdd. | ||
United States2841 Posts
On December 12 2011 08:02 Zephirdd wrote: [/b]I'm still uneasy on lynching him, but not less than I am on lynching annul. then why not revote off of me yourself? 8-5 looks a lot closer than 9-4 | ||
Iceland22632 Posts
On December 08 2011 22:00 Palmar wrote: It's time. You don't always catch scum in the same way. There is, for example, no traditional way of catching Kenpachi or Coagulation as scum, because they will not, regardless of their alignment, provide us with content that can be broken down and analyzed through post by post analysis. That is not to say you can't catch people who play unconventionally as scum. While annul doesn't write long, well explained posts, no matter his alignment, it's the content and direction, as well as the intention of these posts that give a player away. I think annul is a good player, he doesn't give himself away every single post. But it's rather the overall playstyle that reeks of scum. Let's look at why annul is scum: For convenience, here is his entire filter: Clicky There is not much to be had on annul's alignment from his initial posting. He is mostly correct in his thoughts, simply because arguing such mundane things as "should we use lists or not" is not something that can give away people's alignments. No matter their opinion on such things. The first post that stuck out to me was this: Show nested quote + On December 05 2011 06:04 annul wrote: im still waiting for purple haze to address his blue claim. if i saw it, mafia surely saw it too. and i saw it immediately. ;\ This is regarding prplhz's sentence: "Just want to sit around and wait for power roles to do our job" Here's the deal, this is in no way a blue claim, and as soon as prplhz denies it being one, the issue should be ignored, yet even quite a bit later annul is still wondering about a trivial issue. The sentence can easily be read from the point of view of prplhz being town and "our job" referring to finding mafia, not blues using their abilities. Why does annul want to stick with this? Because it gives him an excuse to contribute nothing, which has been a hallmark of his play this game. Show nested quote + On December 05 2011 06:10 annul wrote: people NEED to be aware that he blueslipped there. it changes everything. What the shit is a blueslip, there is no such thing. He denied it referring to him being blue, and that should be taken at facevalue. It changes exactly nothing, annul is just staying on his road of "If I tunnel this, I don't have to contribute". Just so I point it out, annul's vote on Drazerk, followed by his switch to Soap gives us no indication of his alignment. Let's talk some more about how to avoid contributing and draw bad conclusions: Show nested quote + On December 06 2011 03:02 annul wrote: im still waiting to see if soap actually flips from v7's shot or if this is a grand troll by everybody if soap actually flips anything nonred i'm instavoting palmar and not unvoting What has Soap's alignment to do with me? I called him my homeboy, so if I'm right I must be scum? Where's the logic here. I did not ask for Soap to be shot, the whole issue has nothing to do with me. I retracted my claim before the shot was fired, and confirmed it. The decision was a rash, bad decision from v7, against a person that I had no intention of getting shot. As syllogism so brilliantly put it: Show nested quote + On December 06 2011 03:05 syllogism wrote: So you are saying palmar is scum, vader is town and palmar used his psychic powers to determine that vader is a town day vig and would shoot Soap instead of, say, himself? Of course, this doesn't stop annul with following through with his completely illogical train of thought, because that's a favorite thing of mafia, to not use logic and just run with stuff. Show nested quote + On December 06 2011 06:10 annul wrote: wow. you have to be kidding me. ##vote palmar Now, please recheck annul's filter ( here ) and scroll down to where he votes me. Notice how sharply his contribution rate has fallen. Not only that, but there is also NO effort at scumhunting at all. He literally hasn't accused anyone of anything since he decided I was red. There is no substance. I think the closest thing was calling Jackal a moron. He hasn't even pushed a case against me today. The bottom line, is that in addition to the complete lack of scumhunting, the complete lack of contributions, annul claimed to have been saved by a medic, from a shot I am all but certain was fired by syllogism, makes me have a very strong feeling this guy is scum. Show nested quote + On December 08 2011 01:36 annul wrote: why the fuck is palmar of all people leading a wagon on ME of all people? did you all forget the shit he pulled yesterday? letting palmar run shit = outed jack and a dead green Notice, there is not logical reason for not listening to me, it's just the fact that because I'm aggressive and v7 panicked, I must by extension not be trusted. Annul is clinging onto the notion that disregarding me by referring to the misfired shot yesterday, he can discredit me enough so that I won't be listened to. I'm still waiting on anything that can count as contribution from annul today. I think it's also very bad for town to try and push the issue aside. If we allow the mafia do deflect the annul lynch onto a random townie (Radfield, I'm looking at you), we both eliminate the chance that we hit mafia today, and we cause town to be in exactly the same situation tomorrow. It's probably a better idea to lynch me, because at least that will validate everything I'm saying, not like mafia is gonna let me live after the night if annul dies. With 15 townies alive and 6 mafia, we need 11 townies to make the correct decision. The correct decision is to lynch annul today. I was useless on day 1, please accept this scum as a token of my regret. Annul is mafia ##Vote annul And this: On December 09 2011 20:09 Palmar wrote: Let me point this out very slowly, because seriously, that was the dumbest thing I've ever seen in a mafia game. Show nested quote + On December 09 2011 10:30 annul wrote: this is why i give the shot to the most town sensed person in the game. if i picked and missed i instadie. at least now you see im not bullshitting. get off of me; i have more useful things to do for future cycles. Annul gave his shot to a townie who had been very, very open about his read on Erandorr as scum. Annul probably counted on Toad being terrible enough to only aim the gun at Errandor, but because prplhz was town too, Annul ran with it. Does anyone with half a brain actually think that town annul would not pick his target himself? Notice he did not even consider prplhz's alignment. Annul hasn't accused prplhz all game, he was completely fine with killing prplhz at random. At this point, I asked annul why he didn't just shoot me? After all, he has been pushing for my death since day 1, if we can call his half-assed attempts pushing. He obviously doesn't give a shit who dies as long as it's not him. Show nested quote + On December 09 2011 10:32 Palmar wrote: No, that's retarded. If you were town, you'd have had the balls to call your shot yourself, the best way to prove yourself town is to shoot mafia, they should be glaringly obvious by now. Why didn't you shoot me? I'm your number one scumread am I not? And do you know what Annul replies with? Show nested quote + On December 09 2011 10:34 annul wrote: because if i shoot you that says nothing about me whatsoever? but if i give power to the most town person that has consensus, then theres a chance i kill one of your partners AND i survive the day What the fuck????????? The only way this sentence makes sense is if annul already knows I'll flip town. According to him I must be scum. But how does shooting scum not say anything about him? In non-crazy-world shooting scum is one of the best ways of clearing your name. In non-crazy-world you don't randomly shoot townies to save your own hide. Seriously, read annul's explanation of not shooting me over and over again until your useless brains understand what the fuck is going on here. Holy shit, now I don't just have a case he's scum, the guy fucking claimed scum in the thread and didn't get lynched. I can't express how fucking mad I am at this complete and utter incompetence. What the fuck. In other news. Feel free to randomly kill a few people on this list: TruthBringer, Risen, hyshes, redFF, sandroba, Zephirdd. | ||
Germany16350 Posts
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United States2841 Posts
On December 12 2011 08:04 Palmar wrote: Don't do it. Kill annul. No other wagon should be going on at the moment, he's two votes away from being killed, don't fucking let him escape again. Goddamnit Zephirdd. maybe because he sees what you are too blind to see? | ||
Iceland22632 Posts
On December 12 2011 08:05 annul wrote: Show nested quote + On December 12 2011 08:04 Palmar wrote: Don't do it. Kill annul. No other wagon should be going on at the moment, he's two votes away from being killed, don't fucking let him escape again. Goddamnit Zephirdd. maybe because he sees what you are too blind to see? You can thank your sorry ass this is the worst town ever to step foot on TL. | ||
United States2841 Posts
but where i give an answer to your second "case", you fail to respond. i already know your second "case." where is your response to my response? | ||
Iceland22632 Posts
Probably because you didn't have any. Fuck this I'm going to sleep, DON'T FUCKING NO-LYNCH | ||
Iceland22632 Posts
On December 12 2011 08:07 annul wrote: palmar: i already know what your cases are. many people have addressed them PBPA-style better than i did... but where i give an answer to your second "case", you fail to respond. i already know your second "case." where is your response to my response? I don't talk to scum | ||
United States2841 Posts
palmar counts for two, but its 7-7 in PEOPLE between the two of us. it is NOT necessary, despite what palmar says, to vote me because we have to get a lynch. it is now even. get off of me and onto red. | ||
United Kingdom1044 Posts
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United States2841 Posts
On December 12 2011 08:08 Palmar wrote: Show nested quote + On December 12 2011 08:07 annul wrote: palmar: i already know what your cases are. many people have addressed them PBPA-style better than i did... but where i give an answer to your second "case", you fail to respond. i already know your second "case." where is your response to my response? I don't talk to scum bahahahahahahahahah aka "i have no response because i know you are right." | ||
Brazil5259 Posts
On December 12 2011 08:06 Palmar wrote: Show nested quote + On December 12 2011 08:05 annul wrote: On December 12 2011 08:04 Palmar wrote: Don't do it. Kill annul. No other wagon should be going on at the moment, he's two votes away from being killed, don't fucking let him escape again. Goddamnit Zephirdd. maybe because he sees what you are too blind to see? You can thank your sorry ass this is the worst town ever to step foot on TL. *Ahem Steamship Liquidia Ahem* | ||
United States2841 Posts
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Canada1603 Posts
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Brazil5259 Posts
If you have a way to survive the night(medic/bulletproof), you also receive info that you were hit but didn't die - you usually don't know the way you survived though. But I have limited experience on that. | ||
United Kingdom31255 Posts
On December 12 2011 08:13 kingjames01 wrote: Quick Question: Does a normal non-powered player know if he was visited or targetted for a roleblock? Yes I was visited last night and got the RB message | ||
United States2841 Posts
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Germany16350 Posts
On December 12 2011 08:13 kingjames01 wrote: Quick Question: Does a normal non-powered player know if he was visited or targetted for a roleblock? From what I know you get a message if you are role blocked no matter if you got a power or not. So if you do not have a message telling you you got roleblocked you never were roleblocked. This is however how it normally works and I'm like 99% sure it works this way but I can't tell 100% of course. I had to ask about medic-confirmation-pm's as well. | ||
United States7927 Posts
On December 05 2011 02:24 redFF wrote: Show nested quote + posts useless listOn December 04 2011 19:38 Palmar wrote: Sup. If we assume the hosts went with the most obvious way of balancing the game, two people out of this list are scum: Radfield Palmar Jackal sandroba syllogism redFF Show nested quote + the very next thing he says basically calls the list uselessHowever I would never agree with lynching based on how we perceive the hosts balance games. They could just as well have randomized it or used some other method to balance it. Show nested quote + I'm not sure what the point of this question is. Nobody (except maybe scum) knows for sure. It's pointless setup speculation to look like contributing with a hint of rolefishing.What I'm more interested in is that 6/25 seems like an oddly high number of mafia for a normal setup. Do you think this is offset by lower mafia KP or multiple town power roles? Show nested quote + I'm fairly sure this isn't going to happen, dumb idea. Besides we could never trust the person generating the number to not influence it themselves in some way.In addition, how would you feel about randomly lynching on day 1. I mean completely random, we just have some kinda rng generator choose our lynch for the day. Posts some semi-useful analysis day 1 of Palmar's play. Follows it up with this... On December 05 2011 02:57 redFF wrote: Show nested quote + On December 05 2011 02:51 Palmar wrote: I'm out for the night redFF's case is terrible. VisceraEyes's agreement is a proof it's terrible. I'll explain why tomorrow, don't have time now. hey at least its a case instead of pointless setup discussion and posts saying obvious things like Show nested quote + On December 04 2011 23:09 Palmar wrote: Establishing your innocence is the first priority over anything else. If you scumhunt, you might catch scum If you establish your innocence you won't be lynched. If all townies won't be lynched, then the game has been solved. So yes, that should be syllos and everyone else's main concern. this Ok. My question is why do all this useless analysis when it's pretty clear Palmar is just trolling the shit out of everyone? Once Palmar provides his little defense against the "weak" cases against him, redff proceeds to just drop off him. On December 05 2011 21:23 redFF wrote: ##Unvote meh palmar you're ok for now can't get over corrupt saying "so many suspicious people" and then only being able to list 1 and then ignoring my pushing of the issue. ##Vote Corrupt Changing your mind is ok. Changing it to someone who is stumbling around and made a "slip" like that? (He said he thought a lot of people were suspicious and only came up with 2 when grilled) Seems pretty stupid to me. There were other viable targets at the time, like Zeph. Thus begins the massive flood of useless posts starring your favorites... On December 06 2011 00:54 redFF wrote: i have 3k posts On December 06 2011 01:54 redFF wrote: that was fucking stupid. On December 06 2011 02:03 redFF wrote: Show nested quote + On December 06 2011 02:03 Palmar wrote: I think the only reasonable way to proceed is to lynch redFF. :derp: On December 06 2011 09:43 redFF wrote: anyone not on a large wagon is anti town On December 06 2011 10:13 redFF wrote: Show nested quote + On December 06 2011 10:07 Erandorr wrote: On December 06 2011 10:05 redFF wrote: @ERANDORR YOU POST YOUR FIRST CASE 4 HOURS FROM THE END OF DAY 1 BITCH PLEASE Yeah that was smart. Still read it tho and tell me what you think about it for the next day. NOPE To me, much of his posting just seems to be reactionary callouts on people who want to vote him because as he likes to point out... On December 11 2011 03:26 redFF wrote: my play is so different from my scum play it's unreal. I'm gonna pull a palmar and say the good players know im town. also if nobody claims a second roleblock then either eran was lying or rad was rb'd or we have a town rb. He gets back on his Palmar wagon, for no apparent reason at all (he certainly doesn't see the need to point out his reasons) and then instaswaps to Drazerk when it comes out that Draz has LIED. Of all the things to confirm someone as an easy lynch target, it's lying. Do I approve of Draz's lie? No. I think it's really, really, really stupid. I told him as much in our IRC game, but he doesn't seem to care what I think and is dead set on his strategy. What I disapprove of even less is redFF's willingness to all of a sudden jump on Draz because of one thing. This is why I have placed my vote on redFF. I don't think anyone has a more compelling case piled up against them. TL;too many quotes: redFF has been on pretty much just Palmar all game, easy case against Draz pops up and he's on him like white on rice. he posts a shitton of useless one-liners that just serve to keep him "active" | ||
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