![[image loading]](http://www.researchhistory.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/war-of-the-roses.jpg)
Day 4
As the last leaves of autumn were drifting to the ground, doves flew out from the Tower of London one day bearing messages and olive branches to the leaders of each noble house and the anarchists. The messages courteously requested their presence at a meeting in the town of Liquidville to discuss a cessation in the fighting because of the coming of winter, in the name of the King. The recipients of these messages frowned and scratched their heads, wondering what scheming could possibly lie behind the request. But on the appointed day of the meeting, the remaining lords of the noble houses and a group of anarchist representatives came to Liquidville to confer.
Eyeing each other nervously, despite the truce that had been called over the meeting, everyone took their seats. They sat and waited as the hours went by, the clock in the corner ticking slowly and steadily. Yet, the King did not appear. Everyone waited and waited, but nothing happened. No one showed up to arbitrate the meeting or discuss terms. Finally, someone stood up. "What's going on?" he demanded. "I demand to see the King! We were called here because of him, after all!"
As if in response, the doors to the meeting room flew open, and a large group of armed knights marched into the room. "The King will not be coming," the leader of the knights announced. "We will be…taking care of you instead."
With that, the knights all unsheathed their weapons and attacked the assembled lords and arnarchist representatives. Screams rang through the air, and blood fountained in all directions as men fought and died. Some of them managed to escape the attacking knights. But when the carnage had ended, the bodies of wherebugsgo the Anarchist, Scamp the Anarchist, prplhz the Earl of Warwick of the House of Tudor, Erandorr the Anarchist, and sandroba the Duke of Suffolk of the House of York lay among the dead and dying on the ground.
prplhz, the Tudor Vanilla is dead.
sandroba, the York Rock Star Bodyguard is dead.
Scamp, the Anarchist American is dead.
wherebugsgo, the Anarchist CPR Doctor is dead.
Erandorr , the Anarchist Vanilla is dead.
Day 4 ends in 48~ hours (03:00 GMT (+00:00)). Please post all your votes both in this thread and the voting thread.