![[image loading]](http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/8475/tltm2.png)
Thanks to Kavdragon for the banner
Annul will be helping me co host this game, questions can be directed towards either of us and night actions should be sent into both of us.
Team Melee Mini Mafia III Boot Camp Edition
*All questions are to be directed toward me or Annul.
Night 2
+ Show Spoiler [Important Posts] +
Mafia is an educated guessing game of epic proportions. The objective of the game is to lynch or kill all mafia members before they outnumber the rest of the town. It's much like a game of poker because mafia members are also part of the town during the day and may manipulate the vote to their liking.
This mafia game works slightly different than the normal one (read: Mafia), so I'll explain it a bit more. During the night mafia will collectively decide on and send in their hits to me, who they want dead (it's a good idea to discuss them during day so you know ahead of time). Any player with a special role that can act during the night must PM me their actions each and every night.
If the mafia at any time outnumber or equal the townspeople, they win the game. The goal for the townspeople is to lynch all the members of the mafia by whatever analysis, teamwork, or guile they have. The goal of the mafia, of course, is to kill the townspeople with murderous precision.
The game is typically very active and there are usually numerous walls of text to wade through. If you are not a person who likes reading then I highly suggest you don't play the game because it is essential to being informed within the game. I will not compensate for ignorance.
Rules: (subject to change)
Posting Etiquette:
In the past, many players have complained or quit because of the excessive badmouthing and pointless flaming. If you are posting aggressively and know you couldn't get away with it anywhere else on this site, it
Cheating includes (but is not limited to) the following and will get you banned from future games:
1. Posting after death. One polite goodbye post is acceptable but please do not post anything which could POSSIBLY affect the game.
2. Betraying your role and ruining the game for everyone by doing something like hand out your mafia's member list to the town.
3. Logging on to someone else's account / checking their PMs / looking over someone's shoulder to get their role.
4. Comparing role PM times to determine roles.
5. Posting screenshots of your inbox. This is not a photoshop competition.
6. Posting any PM you receive from a host.
7. Editing posts. Editing posts is not allowed for any reason. The mods can see your edits, and if you are caught, you will look suspicious. Editing will result in a warning. After that, you will be owned.
8. There are to be NO private messages this game for most roles. Roles that may PM will be told to them.
9. Private messaging, including IMs / IRC, is allowed between team members, and between Mafia.
Voting rules:
1. Voting is to be done in this thread.
2. Please vote in the following format, to make it easier for everyone to read: ##Vote: Qatol. Votes not done in the correct fashion will not be counted. I will update votes whenever I get the chance.
3. You cannot autochange your vote to the losing or winning bandwagon.
4. You may not vote for yourself, anyone dead, or outside the game.
5. In the event of a tie the person with the most votes first is lynched over the other person.
6. Voting is mandatory. You may NOT abstain.
You can sign up either in pairs or individually. This game will be starting December 21st.
If you sign up as a pair, both of you need to sign up and acknowledge your partner in the thread by posting: Sign up [Your Name] and [Partner Name]
If you sign up individually, you will be placed into a team. Players after 18 will be put into an already existing team of two.
I don't mind you playing other games at the same time. It's not my fault if you're not active though. Preference will be given to players who are not in other games.
There are no clues.
Time Cycle:
This game will follow a strict 24 hour night/48 hour day cycle. In case I am not around at the deadline, any votes after the 48 hour mark will not count and the game will be put on halt until the night post is up. The time deadline is 8PM EST
Most of this post was shamelessly stolen from Korrynne! Thanks <3
Relevant to this game:
1. You may PM your teammates, mafia can all PM each other.
2. Each team is given a role
3. Only the votes from the Juniors of the team count, if there is more than one junior each vote is worth .5.
4. Each team has one night action (Mafia only has 1KP, and Medics/Detectives only have 1 protect/check per night)
5. Only team members that do not vote and post will be modkilled. If that happens, you lose a fraction of your voting power permanently. All night powers remain the same.
6. Only members who have not posted and voted will be sent to the ban list. Roles are revealed only upon the death of all members of a team.
What makes this game different?
In this game what I am aiming to do is get 9 "senior" players to sign up and 9 "junior" players. The goal is so you can reflect ideas off each other and have someone to talk and hopefully learn how to play the game a little better. I thought this would be a great way to help players improve since I found the best way to improve for myself was having other players to talk to and learn from. That is why I am referring to this game as a boot camp because the goal is to allow players to learn from more experienced people. There most likely will not be any post game analysis since the goal is to learn as you are playing not learn when the game is finished.