Dig does absolutely nothing to shut down Yasuo, even gifting him free farm against Mundo, after they let Curse get a massive AoE displacement comp. What's happening now doesn't matter at all. Dig automatically lose in the late game just because their scaling is so shit against Yasuo (then you can add in Draven with so much AoE cc to let him auto, and Gragas, when they have Scarra's Akali, and Lucian).
Why the fuck do you counterpick with Akali, out of your comfort zone, to drop the plan entirely as soon as Curse just swap lanes?
And now the full streak of luck to put Dig in even deeper. Well, that game's been over for 10 minutes but still.
United Kingdom50293 Posts
United States7639 Posts
daaaaayum quas lived
and cop 3-shotting qtpie now
United States7639 Posts
Netherlands4682 Posts
That bronze headbutt... Report!
Saint headbutting Kiwikid as an act of mercy
Okay, so one bad play by Saint. It happens. Obviously it's a mercy headbutt to make him feel better.
you get a warning this time
Saint probably needs to learn how you play support champions, before going into the LCS as a support player LOL.
LOL he said being drunk is good when ur driving....uh oh
I give Riv a lot of crap in this thread, but I have to say, I've enjoyed him today. He's been silly, but he's let the colour commentator dictate more of the conversation.
His anecdotes today have been amusing as well
crumbzz bopping people left and right
On February 09 2014 08:51 Sponkz wrote: Saint probably needs to learn how you play support champions, before going into the LCS as a support player LOL.
Cmon sponkz this guy could teach you Alistar after 2 weeks of support