On February 03 2014 06:57 Fusilero wrote: Quas has his roa and ult, cop has so many freaking draven passive stacks. Why isn't voyadominar trying anything at bot with vi ult to pop those stacks. Alistar+Gragas is scary.
Cops Draven is really nice to watch. Juggling so fun!
throwbelter is back bebby
Man, if he'd let Cop have that he'd have made so much money.
United Kingdom50293 Posts
Tiamat > GA renekton. Innox, pls
Holy shit that flash dodge.
playing draven vs eg comb is actually quite nice they dont have that great dive, ali is a bit annoying but besides that its great
On February 03 2014 07:01 Fusilero wrote: Tiamat > GA renekton. Innox, pls
innox dont play no tanks
On February 03 2014 07:01 Fusilero wrote: Tiamat > GA renekton. Innox, pls
I'm not convinced he understands how tanks are supposed to work.
Cayman Islands24199 Posts
eg feeling the burden of not having a jungler
That GA on Renekton is legit, sorta.
United Kingdom50293 Posts
On February 03 2014 07:02 Lord Tolkien wrote: That GA on Renekton is legit, sorta. Second item after tiamat though?
On February 03 2014 07:02 oneofthem wrote: eg feeling the burden of not having a jungler he hasn't done anything besides the failed gank at top.
On February 03 2014 07:02 Swords wrote:I'm not convinced he understands how tanks are supposed to work. It's fine, GA gives tons of resists/armor, and Renekton has tons of health due to his lifesteal/Q/ and ulti.
On February 03 2014 07:02 Lord Tolkien wrote: That GA on Renekton is legit, sorta.
Rivington agrees with you, I think that's a bad sign.
all teams that get turn apart are doing worse then before. Aliance /EG, lemondogs/nip. It is like the synergy is more important then the players.
On February 03 2014 07:02 Swords wrote:I'm not convinced he understands how tanks are supposed to work.
I'm genuinely curious if innox never playing tanks works for them in scrims or if he just wants to build things like its soloq and no one tells him what the fuck he needs to do
On February 03 2014 07:03 TitusVI wrote: all teams that get turn apart are doing worse then before. Aliance /EG, lemondogs/nip. It is like the synergy is more important then the players.
Hell, even roleswaps hurt teams - look at XDG and every season CLG plays.
going dps vs a Khazix/Karthus/Draven? no that is not legit :D