On June 18 2013 05:17 Slusher wrote: arcane shift going off after light binding hits... zzz All blinks work like this, snares just prevent casting them.
Fiora ult being stopped by snares is really stupid though
LoL I assume Candy expected and ult from Kevin there haha
also what the fuck is ocelote doing.
That was ballsy to note burn Stand United on Candypanda there. Too bad Ocelote and Kev1n miscommunicate (probably) and Oce decides to suicide some more. x)
Snoopeh getting kited to his death by Ezreal every teamfight.
froggen not playing well at all
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Painful to watch EG lose against such an Ocelote performance. Well, 0 damage team can't win when behind. Also, Thresh op.
On June 18 2013 05:21 Lysanias wrote: Haha that Ocelote ... It's 'k he's getting carried by Nyph.
I mean we shouldn't be suprised, even Chuuper won games on Khazix.
Candy/Nyph carrying haaaard. Those hooks man.
So every team in both NA and EU LCS has at least one win. Only one undefeated team in each league. So much more parity this season already.
rofl wickd had 5item ryze and i havent seen him do anything in team fights
On June 18 2013 05:24 Alaric wrote:It's 'k he's getting carried by Nyph.
For sure, no one ever should give him Tresh.
On June 18 2013 05:24 kongoline wrote: rofl wickd had 5item ryze and i havent seen him do anything in team fights
There's only one AP wickd has ever looked remotely ok on and that's rumble preprepre-nerf
On June 18 2013 05:24 kongoline wrote: rofl wickd had 5item ryze and i havent seen him do anything in team fights
I was going to say - yeah ocelote did bad, but wickd did even worse. Ryze just can't dive and suicide in as flashy a manner as Khazix.
Dat Spirit Visage against full AD team.
So for this weekend, the best EU mids IMO:
Forellenlord > Czaru >> Alex > xPeke > Froggen > Bjergsen > nukeduck > Ocelote
Rather bad game. You also should not do any better with the amount of preparation EG had. SK was probably not much different. I am looking forward to teams picking it up soon. Unfortunately there is Moscow next so still not much time for practicing.