On December 15 2012 05:19 xes wrote: "The most entertaining game today" is apparently because players suddenly forgot how to play smart and just chase kills ;_;
I saw Wickd with a beer in the background, can't imagine you want to drink on game day. Nvm group A only today. Slow tourney taking 3 days for only two 4 team BO1s and then a single elim tourney
It's just beer lol.He'd have to drink a few for it to have any effect at all lol.
I didn't have fun watching it, but I liked that replay analysis at the end.
Haha they changed the camera angle mid Snoopeh stare, it's getting so old.
United States23745 Posts
I hate when they troll with the Fizz pick for Tabzz zz
United States37500 Posts
T1 vs. Mill
Bans: Vayne Shen Jax Diana Lee Blitz
Picks: Zyra Kat / Lulu Cho / Eve Khazix / Ez Karth / MF Kayle
United States37500 Posts
That's not a very tanky team M has there... Double reset is cute, but I'm putting my money on SKT.
On December 15 2012 05:51 sylverfyre wrote: That's not a very tanky team M has there... Double reset is cute, but I'm putting my money on SKT. You think SKT is tankier? I mean they have cho but beyond that? They also don't have a tanky top laner. No idea though how tanky jungle kayle gets...
United Kingdom50293 Posts
That was a sick invade from SKT.
SKT is certainly tankier than M, literally no one on M gets tanky no matter how they build. At least Cho can get super fat.
Plus it's game over already, SKT won with that sneaky invade 
Edit: pretty funny game, battle of the 2 teams that got bought over after they qualified lol
Kayle doesnt kno how to gank for Kat. Kat blew all cooldowns, backed off and Kayle went right in. Nothing Kat can do. :/
Cho vs Kayle is a huge difference in tankiness. Kayle's carry levels of squishiness.
Also, Kat burnt her teleport to pick up the farm top after Eve and Khazix died?
Kinda surprised kayle's not further behind though.
That was a persistant Lulu.
And I try to switch the resolutions and now every single one's lagging, from 720+ to 240. >.>
Casters didn't seem to notice that the karthus ulti + Eve also netted a kill on Khazix in the top lane... And karthus pushed down mid turret - even though it was a 2 for 2 trade, definitely in favor of SKT.
The fuck was kayle even DOING there? Kat again picks up a kill bot but kayle gets caught for no reason mid.
Edit: sorry for doublepost.
Millennium turning it around with a good dragon fight when SKT is split up awkwardly. Khazix gets a good jump on Karthus and forces him out of the fight and splits the team at the same time.
engage 10 seconds before kayle ult is up - Kat dies to karth ult even though she'd be in range
Patience is a virtue
Fight at dragon goes 3-2 in favour of Millenium after Kha'Zix jumps in to chunk Karthus out of the fight; Ezreal cleans up and Millenium takes dragon.
Wow cant believe SKT is not able to snowball from that lvl 1. They are definitely not as strong as I thought. Especially that bot lane is disappointing.
Ugh, this mid from SKT T1 is weak. That solo kill by Kat was worse than 1300 elo.