On February 24 2012 10:57 Two_DoWn wrote: Just tuned in. Looks like TSM still trying to M5. To the same (lack of) success.
M5 = 3 tanky bruisers who are really farmed. TSM = 2 very farmed carries and 2 underfarmed bruisers with mostly tank items.
It just doesn't work like that.
Regi gets caught near baron, shurelia skarner ult, that's baron and probably game right after
mono played really well that game
On February 24 2012 11:03 daemir wrote: Regi gets caught near baron, shurelia skarner ult, that's baron and probably game right after the funniest thing is Regi was saying to TSM "don't get engaged on, don't fight... (skarner gets him) oh fuck im dead. gg im bad"
...doran-wriggle-PD shit... i mean im not a pro, but it feels like theres no fucking damage
Udyr top always put down as a strong lane only yet consistently doing well in teamfights sup bros.
How did regi lose lane with Ziggs vs Ryze..........
TSM really need to stop running M5, it's clear that they don't reallly know how to use it effectively and is costing them way too many games. Also, GL trying to play Protect the Kog without any hard CC
On February 24 2012 11:08 dooraven wrote: TSM really need to stop running M5, it's clear that they don't reallly know how to use it effectively and is costing them way too many games. Also, GL trying to play Protect the Kog without any hard CC
...i mean they weren't behind in CS, and the game was about even in kills for such a long time... idk they fucked up teamfights and they weren't confident
On February 24 2012 11:08 dooraven wrote: TSM really need to stop running M5, it's clear that they don't reallly know how to use it effectively and is costing them way too many games. Also, GL trying to play Protect the Kog without any hard CC Offensive protect the kog works, you just need a jungle ant top lane that know how to build tanky dps effectively. TRM and TOO dont know how to do that.
The goal of offensive protect the kog (from which M5 is modified) involves getting your tanky dps really farmed so that they become threats on their own before the kog scales into the game. For example, if you get shyv and gp really freakin farmed and unkillable, then they dive on the enemy and present them with the "oh crap what do we do now? If we dont kill shyv and gp they gonna kill us, but theres a kog too, so WTF."
Some constructive criticism about the cast: RedBaron needs a new haircut!
Seriously though :D
rainman getting raped on tsm stream
lol TSM defaulting to their favorites: sona, sivir, maokai...
sigh TRM sounds so sad... and missed pick... getting yelled at
this is my first time watching IPL KS, thought id tune in because i saw it was featured. tell me whats going on :x
Wow, Reainmain fucking up. Whole team hating on him. Well, mainly Regi, but still.
Bans: TSM: Udyr Ryze Ahri Mono: Shen Rammus Cassiopeia
Picks: TSM: Sona Sivir Maokai Gragas Vlad Mono: Shyvanna Graves Janna Irelia Xerath
On February 24 2012 11:24 johnnywup wrote: this is my first time watching IPL KS, thought id tune in because i saw it was featured. tell me whats going on :x bascially rainman is like sad and not paying attention and in general derping, accidnetally auto locked, and so they had to quit
TSM123. Reginald knows how to keep good password secrets.
On February 24 2012 11:25 Shiv. wrote: Wow, Reainmain fucking up. Whole team hating on him. Well, mainly Regi, but still. Went for BAYLIFE
well they did wait until the last second to decide the pick. sometimes takes a while to find a champ =/
On February 24 2012 11:28 De4ngus wrote: well they did wait until the last second to decide the pick. sometimes takes a while to find a champ =/ according to TRM he thought he was picking Gragas for Regi